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*** OFFICIAL *** COVID-19 CoronaVirus Thread. Fresh epidemic fears as child pneumonia cases surge in Europe after China outbreak. NOW in USA (7 Viewers)

What is the next step if china says they done ****ed up and released it? The US and other orgs funded research there too. We send them a flaming poop bag? What?

Clearly some safety went in the weeds. Tighten that up and move on.
Admitting mistakes is not China's style even though they demand apologies from others. IF China admitted fault would other countries seek restitution?
What is the next step if china says they done ****ed up and released it? The US and other orgs funded research there too. We send them a flaming poop bag? What?

Clearly some safety went in the weeds. Tighten that up and move on.
Admitting mistakes is not China's style even though they demand apologies from others. IF China admitted fault would other countries seek restitution?
They are welcome to have at it.
So who's still wearing masks?
At this point, only when visiting a medical facility that still requires it. Never anymore for retail or groceries. No public transportation, so there's no crowded subway, bus, or train to worry about. Haven't needed a mask at the movies or during the once-in-a-while public events. Our first indoor concert in years will be in October, and we won't be masking then unless something changes really suddenly.

Airports and airplanes for me, probably forever. Also, public transportation if I ever take it again. Don't really wear it anywhere else anymore.

Also, it's not about COVID anymore. I haven't had so much as a cold in 3-4 years now. Makes you realize how much it sucks to get sick with anything, Looking back, I think most of the colds/flus I've gotten over the years have been from either an airplane or the bus/subway. That's worth wearing one in those extreme situations.
What is the next step if china says they done ****ed up and released it? The US and other orgs funded research there too. We send them a flaming poop bag? What?

Clearly some safety went in the weeds. Tighten that up and move on.
AFAICT, this is the important part. The fact that this accident happened to occur in China isn't exactly a coincidence -- we have reports from before the pandemic that cite sloppy safety procedures at WIV, so their researchers bear some responsibility here, obviously. But the US has more than just one or two BSL-4 labs too, and knowing what we know now, it was probably just a matter of time before something escaped containment from one of those. We know lab leaks have occurred before, and we've always just gotten lucky in the past. This time we failed our saving throw and we got covid-19. In alternate universe, Colorado State University is the source of a hoof-and-mouth outbreak that eradicates world livestock populations and leads to mass famine and economic collapse, and the entire international community is pointing their collective finger at us. That could have happened about as easily as the actual pandemic did, except there would have been some accountability because the US is better about this sort of thing than China.

I mean, China's already a pariah nation to some degree. We're not going to war with them over this, we're not imposing an economic embargoes on them, and we've already called their leader a poopy-pants because of the whole genocide thing. I don't know what we would do if China leveled with everyone. There's not much for us to do that we haven't already done.

But the implications for the NIH and similar organizations would be severe if they publicly acknowledged the high likelihood of a lab accident. If WIV did accidentally spark this, there is something very close to a 100% chance that the NIH either directly or indirectly funded the research involved. We know the names that are going to show up on grant applications, and many of those people work at US institutions. Forget about the loss of professional status and not being invited to the right cocktail parties anymore. Some of those people would never be able to travel outside the US ever again without risking arrest. Congressional oversight of funding agencies like NIH, USDA, and NSF is borderline non-existent right now, but that would change overnight in the hypothetical that you describe. That money would (a) dry up and (b) come with many more strings attached. It would be an extinction-level event for certain types of researchers. We're talking about a very small number of people here, but they are well-connected, they have excellent representation in government, and they are super-invested in this topic. Hence all the wagon-circling.
In particular, I used to employ a heuristic that said "People won't publicly lie about things today if they know that their lies will be exposed tomorrow." We've had a few strong counter-examples now that should cause people to remove that heuristic from their firmware.

James Clapper of the NSA lied while testifying before Congress (according to the AP and others) about collecting people's telephone records and didn't even get a slap on the wrist. That's how seriously department agencies take Congress. There's a real "**** you clown show" attitude towards your average representative (and therefore of representative government) that dwells within these people and those walls.

Not wearing masks. Don't see it anywhere where I live. Everything is back to normal. Always supported masking and privately- and even publicly-enforced mask mandates in case anybody is wondering. But nobody is even remotely close to doing that. A little more social distancing in line. (I don't think that's going away. We Americans like our space.)
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I still see masks in public daily, though the numbers are decreasing. But it include occasional solitary masked motorists, and just today, a lady playing tennis outdoors.
James Clapper of the NSA lied while testifying before Congress (according to the AP and others) about collecting people's telephone records and didn't even get a slap on the wrist. That's how seriously department agencies take Congress. There's a real "**** you clown show" attitude towards your average representative (and therefore of representative government) that dwells within these people and those walls.
And he's got a nice job at a think tank and is a talking head "expert" on TV out of the deal. If anyone in real life just flat out lied to your face, you probably wouldn't believe anything they said for a really long time. But you get people who go to a public hearing and just say whatever makes them or their organization look good, truth be damned, and somehow we're just supposed to memory hole it.

On masks, I still see a stray mask or two around here, but nothing like even 4 months ago. I did see one at a rock concert on Friday night, which always has struck me as very strange. Surely if you think you are sick or in danger of getting sick from others, the prudent move is to not jam yourself in a room with thousands of other people for hours?
A couple of weeks ago I went to the infusion center for cancer patients where I work. Mask compliance was 100%, patients and staff.
Has anyone been following Taibbi and The Public about the lab leak hypothesis, the scientists who wrote the Nature article positing that it was zoonotic, and their off-the-record comments about the zoonotic nature of COVID? They're asserting some pretty serious things about the scientists in question, namely that their public pronouncements did not match their private communications. That's to say the least.
Has anyone been following Taibbi and The Public about the lab leak hypothesis, the scientists who wrote the Nature article positing that it was zoonotic, and their off-the-record comments about the zoonotic nature of COVID? They're asserting some pretty serious things about the scientists in question, namely that their public pronouncements did not match their private communications. That's to say the least.
I may have mentioned it upthread a bit.
I may have mentioned it upthread a bit.

I think that was the Twitter feed you linked to, but I didn't see you specifically mention Taibbi and those guys' revelations or accusations. I'm just wondering if you'd read the actual claims they're making about the scientists. They're pretty serious accusations.
Was watching a Law and Order rerun and there’s an episode about a Coronavirus outbreak. It was odd watching it in light of everything that’s happened the last 3 years.
Has anyone been following Taibbi and The Public about the lab leak hypothesis, the scientists who wrote the Nature article positing that it was zoonotic, and their off-the-record comments about the zoonotic nature of COVID?

Yes, toward the bottom of the previous page of this thread, though neither Taibbi's name nor the specific name of the substack were cited in the post. A few posts later (still on previous page), is a link where a writer for The Atlantic addressed the same issue in a manner somewhat -- but not completely -- charitable towards the 'Proximal Origin' scientists.
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So Shaka Hislop collapsed yesterday on air prior to a soccer game at the Rose Bowl. Same day across the city at USC's basketball stadium Bronny James suffered cardiac arrest. Ees normal. Now.
Here is a much better summation of my view...

"We cannot ascribe everything to the vaccine, but, by the same token, we cannot ascribe nothing.

"Myocarditis is a known side-effect. The only question is whether it is rare or common."
Why is anyone collapsing being brought up in a Covid thread?
Because myocarditis seems to be associated with vaccination in young men. I haven't followed that particular issue very closely, so I don't know if that's actually been established as an actual honest-to-goodness rare side effect or if it's just a meme, but I'd be willing to guess that that's why it was brought up in this thread. Hope that helps.

Edit: When I say that I haven't followed that issue, I mean it. I'm vaccinated, and my kids are both vaccinated. For us, the vaccine is whatever it is. If it was made from alien DNA harvested from UAP crash sites and me and my family are now destined to evolve into human-alien hybrids, there is not a single thing I can do about it so it's not rational for me to waste time worrying. I am not on the fence about vaccination. I am not asking for citations about vaccine-induced myocarditis. I do not care, and I will not follow any links you provide. The fact that you undoubtedly view this as a political issue is one reason why I applaud the destruction of the PSF, and I wish you wouldn't start that **** here.
Why is anyone collapsing being brought up in a Covid thread?
Because myocarditis seems to be associated with vaccination in young men. I haven't followed that particular issue very closely, so I don't know if that's actually been established as an actual honest-to-goodness rare side effect or if it's just a meme, but I'd be willing to guess that that's why it was brought up in this thread. Hope that helps.

A guy passing out from heat stroke has nothing to do with myocarditis. Hope that helps.
This as well has been my stance all along, particularly the last part about the need for and lack of proper investigation... FTR...

"if the cases of myocarditis or the excess death are because of covid or the vaccines or smth else- it's clearly something that must be investigated. but it seems to me it isn't 🧐"
Why is anyone collapsing being brought up in a Covid thread?
Because myocarditis seems to be associated with vaccination in young men. I haven't followed that particular issue very closely, so I don't know if that's actually been established as an actual honest-to-goodness rare side effect or if it's just a meme, but I'd be willing to guess that that's why it was brought up in this thread. Hope that helps.

A guy passing out from heat stroke has nothing to do with myocarditis. Hope that helps.
See the bolded part. I know it got buried in my long, three-sentence post, but I want to emphasize that I do not claim to know one way or the other how big a deal this issue is or if it is even an issue.
Why is anyone collapsing being brought up in a Covid thread?
Because myocarditis seems to be associated with vaccination in young men. I haven't followed that particular issue very closely, so I don't know if that's actually been established as an actual honest-to-goodness rare side effect or if it's just a meme, but I'd be willing to guess that that's why it was brought up in this thread. Hope that helps.

A guy passing out from heat stroke has nothing to do with myocarditis. Hope that helps.
See the bolded part. I know it got buried in my long, three-sentence post, but I want to emphasize that I do not claim to know one way or the other how big a deal this issue is or if it is even an issue.

That’s fine and I definitely believe you but you should know that your post comes across as supporting the ridiculous conspiracy theory post about a guy who fainted almost assuredly due to heat. The fact that the moderators allow that total ******** while policing anything remotely political is crazy.
Why is anyone collapsing being brought up in a Covid thread?
Because myocarditis seems to be associated with vaccination in young men. I haven't followed that particular issue very closely, so I don't know if that's actually been established as an actual honest-to-goodness rare side effect or if it's just a meme, but I'd be willing to guess that that's why it was brought up in this thread. Hope that helps.

Edit: When I say that I haven't followed that issue, I mean it. I'm vaccinated, and my kids are both vaccinated. For us, the vaccine is whatever it is. If it was made from alien DNA harvested from UAP crash sites and me and my family are now destined to evolve into human-alien hybrids, there is not a single thing I can do about it so it's not rational for me to waste time worrying. I am not on the fence about vaccination. I am not asking for citations about vaccine-induced myocarditis. I do not care, and I will not follow any links you provide. The fact that you undoubtedly view this as a political issue is one reason why I applaud the destruction of the PSF, and I wish you wouldn't start that **** here.
I researched the myocarditis issue throughly. I have a young son and wanted very much to do the right thing for him. It was an extremely emotional issue for me. In the end I concluded that the vaccine doesn't increase the probability of myocarditis. Getting the vaccine increased the rate of detection.
I researched the myocarditis issue thoroughly. I have a young son and wanted very much to do the right thing for him. It was an extremely emotional issue for me. In the end I concluded that the vaccine doesn't increase the probability of myocarditis. Getting the vaccine increased the rate of detection.

Same. I consider the "myocarditis!!!" thing about 99.9% fiction with a scintilla of "kind of sort of" truth. Plus -- it's a scary word for an ailment that is almost never noticed by the person who has it. And an ailment that clears up without the person missing a beat.
Why is anyone collapsing being brought up in a Covid thread?
Because myocarditis seems to be associated with vaccination in young men. I haven't followed that particular issue very closely, so I don't know if that's actually been established as an actual honest-to-goodness rare side effect or if it's just a meme, but I'd be willing to guess that that's why it was brought up in this thread. Hope that helps.

A guy passing out from heat stroke has nothing to do with myocarditis. Hope that helps.
See the bolded part. I know it got buried in my long, three-sentence post, but I want to emphasize that I do not claim to know one way or the other how big a deal this issue is or if it is even an issue.

That’s fine and I definitely believe you but you should know that your post comes across as supporting the ridiculous conspiracy theory post about a guy who fainted almost assuredly due to heat. The fact that the moderators allow that total ******** while policing anything remotely political is crazy.
I explicitly disavowed that position in the post you quoted. Knock it off.
Hey Elon....the answer is, it is rare. It's found in just over 1 per 100K people....compare that to it occurring in over 2 per 100K when getting the flu shot....should tell you something Elon.
Why is anyone collapsing being brought up in a Covid thread?
Because myocarditis seems to be associated with vaccination in young men. I haven't followed that particular issue very closely, so I don't know if that's actually been established as an actual honest-to-goodness rare side effect or if it's just a meme, but I'd be willing to guess that that's why it was brought up in this thread. Hope that helps.

A guy passing out from heat stroke has nothing to do with myocarditis. Hope that helps.
See the bolded part. I know it got buried in my long, three-sentence post, but I want to emphasize that I do not claim to know one way or the other how big a deal this issue is or if it is even an issue.

That’s fine and I definitely believe you but you should know that your post comes across as supporting the ridiculous conspiracy theory post about a guy who fainted almost assuredly due to heat. The fact that the moderators allow that total ******** while policing anything remotely political is crazy.
I explicitly disavowed that position in the post you quoted. Knock it off.

It really doesn’t matter but I don’t see that you addressed it at all. But I’m happy to drop it.

ETA - In case it’s not clear - I’m not (and never was) talking about Myocarditis - save it not having anything to do with what stroke. I think it was and is a valid thing for people to evaluate
Here's some information from the CDC on myocarditis and covid vaccination:


Cases of myocarditis and pericarditis have rarely been observed following receipt of COVID-19 vaccines used in the United States. Evidence from multiple monitoring systems in the United States and around the globe support a causal association between mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (i.e., Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech) and myocarditis and pericarditis.

Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis is inflammation of the lining outside the heart; myopericarditis is present when both myocarditis and pericarditis occur at the same time. In these conditions, inflammation occurs in response to an infection or some other trigger. CDC has published case definitions for myocarditis and pericarditis. The severity of cases of myocarditis and pericarditis can vary. CDC has published studies with clinical information about myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination.

Cases of myocarditis and pericarditis have occurred most frequently in adolescent and young adult males within 7 days after receiving the second dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine; however, cases have also been observed after dose 1 and booster doses.

Data from the clinical trials of the Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine and global vaccine safety monitoring systems suggest an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following Novavax vaccination. Data from post-authorization monitoring of Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine (Johnson & Johnson) suggest a possible increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following Janssen vaccination.

Information on the clinical trials for the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine can be found here: U.S. clinical trial results show Novavax vaccine is safe and prevents COVID-19 | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Information on the safety monitoring of the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine can be found here: Safety Monitoring of the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 Vaccine — United States, March–April 2021 | MMWR (cdc.gov)

So it sounds like yes, this happens and yes, there is some reason to think that there is possibly a causal link here. It does not sound like the causal connection is firmly established, but (a) it's really hard to show that X causes Y when we know the link is very weak and Y happens naturally in the absence of X anyway, and (b) I don't even know how you would design a study to test this since there is no way to remove the existence of covid-19 from the equation (probably a lack of imagination on my part). Regardless, it does not sound like the CDC is dismissing this out of hand. If anything, they seem to be taking it more seriously than the people who are jumping down my throat about not having a strong opinion on the topic.

On the topic of heat stroke, there is no mystery here. People with underlying heart problems (like myocarditis?) are more susceptible.
Individuals with impaired cardiovascular function have a limited ability to increase stroke volume, cardiac output, and blood flow to the skin, increasing the risk of heat stroke. In turn, these patients, whose cardiac condition is already compromised, are susceptible to cardiovascular complications of heat stroke, including arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia, heart failure, shock, and sudden death.

So no, "It's hot and he had heat stroke" doesn't tell you anything about any one particular athlete who collapses. Corey Stringer's death obviously had nothing to do with mRNA vaccination, but we can't possibly know that about LeBron's son, or whoever.

Finally, we know that vaccines kill people from time to time. I get a flu vaccine every year, and every year I have to sit there for 15 minutes just to make sure that I don't burst into flames. I take that to imply that some people do develop life-threatening complications from the flu vaccine. While we always want to keep serious side effects to a minimum, the bottom line is really "Is this vaccine +EV or not?" I think the covid vaccine is very clearly +EV, and it wouldn't change my mind to learn that it killed a few otherwise-healthy 18 year-olds. I know this comes across as hard-headed and callous, but sometimes your pocket aces get cracked, and that's a cost of doing business. If you told me in March of 2021 that the Moderna vaccine would definitely kill 100 young adults selected at random from the US population, I would have accepted that tradeoff. So would the FDA* and CDC, and so would most people in this thread. So if you're pro-vaccination, as I am, you shouldn't feel especially threatened by this sort of thing. Nobody gets all sensitive about the flu vaccine just because a few random people have an allergic reaction. It's a risk that we all knowingly accept. No reason to be in denial about it.

* The FDA is charged with making exactly this sort of calculation as part of its institutional mission. If anything, I think the FDA is much too conservative when it conducts cost-benefit analysis. I would like it to err on the side of approving more drugs instead of fewer, which means accepting more side effects. I am fine with that, and I will own that tradeoff. "The FDA approved this drug even though they knew that it caused myocarditis in young men" is not a conspiracy theory -- the FDA approves drugs like that all the time and is very open about it.
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Because myocarditis seems to be associated with vaccination in young men. I haven't followed that particular issue very closely, so I don't know if that's actually been established as an actual honest-to-goodness rare side effect or if it's just a meme,
Myocarditis is inflammation as a result of your body identifying foreign proteins in the body and trying to eliminate them. Vaccines are but one way to introduce the body to foreign proteins. So yes, it's actually a good "honest-to-goodness rare side effect" as it is with hundreds of other vaccines. Quantity of proteins can be a driver of intensity, though MOST of that driver is the individual's immune system. It is a possibility every time you get a vaccine or a virus or some bacteria. So far, it's approx twice as prevalent in flu vaccine recipients as covid vaccine recipients.
Here's some information from the CDC on myocarditis and covid vaccination:


Cases of myocarditis and pericarditis have rarely been observed following receipt of COVID-19 vaccines used in the United States. Evidence from multiple monitoring systems in the United States and around the globe support a causal association between mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (i.e., Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech) and myocarditis and pericarditis.

Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis is inflammation of the lining outside the heart; myopericarditis is present when both myocarditis and pericarditis occur at the same time. In these conditions, inflammation occurs in response to an infection or some other trigger. CDC has published case definitions for myocarditis and pericarditis. The severity of cases of myocarditis and pericarditis can vary. CDC has published studies with clinical information about myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination.

Cases of myocarditis and pericarditis have occurred most frequently in adolescent and young adult males within 7 days after receiving the second dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine; however, cases have also been observed after dose 1 and booster doses.

Data from the clinical trials of the Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine and global vaccine safety monitoring systems suggest an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following Novavax vaccination. Data from post-authorization monitoring of Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine (Johnson & Johnson) suggest a possible increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following Janssen vaccination.

Information on the clinical trials for the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine can be found here: U.S. clinical trial results show Novavax vaccine is safe and prevents COVID-19 | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Information on the safety monitoring of the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine can be found here: Safety Monitoring of the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 Vaccine — United States, March–April 2021 | MMWR (cdc.gov)

So it sounds like yes, this happens and yes, there is some reason to think that there is possibly a causal link here. It does not sound like the causal connection is firmly established, but (a) it's really hard to show that X causes Y when we know the link is very weak and Y happens naturally in the absence of X anyway, and (b) I don't even know how you would design a study to test this since there is no way to remove the existence of covid-19 from the equation (probably a lack of imagination on my part). Regardless, it does not sound like the CDC is dismissing this out of hand. If anything, they seem to be taking it more seriously than the people who are jumping down my throat about not having a strong opinion on the topic.

On the topic of heat stroke, there is no mystery here. People with underlying heart problems (like myocarditis?) are more susceptible.
Individuals with impaired cardiovascular function have a limited ability to increase stroke volume, cardiac output, and blood flow to the skin, increasing the risk of heat stroke. In turn, these patients, whose cardiac condition is already compromised, are susceptible to cardiovascular complications of heat stroke, including arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia, heart failure, shock, and sudden death.

So no, "It's hot and he had heat stroke" doesn't tell you anything about any one particular athlete who collapses. Corey Stringer's death obviously had nothing to do with mRNA vaccination, but we can't possibly know that about LeBron's son, or whoever.

Finally, we know that vaccines kill people from time to time. I get a flu vaccine every year, and every year I have to sit there for 15 minutes just to make sure that I don't burst into flames. I take that to imply that some people do develop life-threatening complications from the flu vaccine. While we always want to keep serious side effects to a minimum, the bottom line is really "Is this vaccine +EV or not?" I think the covid vaccine is very clearly +EV, and it wouldn't change my mind to learn that it killed a few otherwise-healthy 18 year-olds. I know this comes across as hard-headed and callous, but sometimes your pocket aces get cracked, and that's a cost of doing business. If you told me in March of 2021 that the Moderna vaccine would definitely kill 100 young adults selected at random from the US population, I would have accepted that tradeoff. So would the FDA* and CDC, and so would most people in this thread. So if you're pro-vaccination, as I am, you shouldn't feel especially threatened by this sort of thing. Nobody gets all sensitive about the flu vaccine just because a few random people have an allergic reaction. It's a risk that we all knowingly accept. No reason to be in denial about it.

* The FDA is charged with making exactly this sort of calculation as part of its institutional mission. If anything, I think the FDA is much too conservative when it conducts cost-benefit analysis. I would like it to err on the side of approving more drugs instead of fewer, which means accepting more side effects. I am fine with that, and I will own that tradeoff. "The FDA approved this drug even though they knew that it caused myocarditis in young men" is not a conspiracy theory -- the FDA approves drugs like that all the time and is very open about it.

Now I'm confused - so you disavow the position, or you don't? Speculating about a guy fainting in a suit in serious heat without knowing his vaccination status (I assume) or his medical background is beyond ridiculous. I understand you are making an argument about the possibility of it but it used to be we were not allowed to make crazy speculations without any evidence at all.

ETA - @IvanKaramazov - I think with the weird formatting of your post I read it wrong. You are saying you can't speculate on heat stroke incidents (if that's what it was) - we agree if so.
^^^ Telling this guy is so convinced Shaka dropped from heat stroke. Or is it more likely he dropped from the same thing SO many TV personalities have dropped from since 2021? Prior to 2021 how many on air personalities did we see drop like sacks of potatoes?

And to be fair, maybe he did have heat stroke. But let's not pretend like it absolutely couldn't have been the same elephant.
^^^ Telling this guy is so convinced Shaka dropped from heat stroke. Or is it more likely he dropped from the same thing SO many TV personalities have dropped from since 2021? Prior to 2021 how many on air personalities did we see drop like sacks of potatoes?

And to be fair, maybe he did have heat stroke. But let's not pretend like it absolutely couldn't have been the same elephant.
Sorry..i've been out of the loop. What is this list??
Here's some information from the CDC on myocarditis and covid vaccination:


Cases of myocarditis and pericarditis have rarely been observed following receipt of COVID-19 vaccines used in the United States. Evidence from multiple monitoring systems in the United States and around the globe support a causal association between mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (i.e., Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech) and myocarditis and pericarditis.

Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis is inflammation of the lining outside the heart; myopericarditis is present when both myocarditis and pericarditis occur at the same time. In these conditions, inflammation occurs in response to an infection or some other trigger. CDC has published case definitions for myocarditis and pericarditis. The severity of cases of myocarditis and pericarditis can vary. CDC has published studies with clinical information about myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination.

Cases of myocarditis and pericarditis have occurred most frequently in adolescent and young adult males within 7 days after receiving the second dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine; however, cases have also been observed after dose 1 and booster doses.

Data from the clinical trials of the Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine and global vaccine safety monitoring systems suggest an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following Novavax vaccination. Data from post-authorization monitoring of Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine (Johnson & Johnson) suggest a possible increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following Janssen vaccination.

Information on the clinical trials for the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine can be found here: U.S. clinical trial results show Novavax vaccine is safe and prevents COVID-19 | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Information on the safety monitoring of the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine can be found here: Safety Monitoring of the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 Vaccine — United States, March–April 2021 | MMWR (cdc.gov)

So it sounds like yes, this happens and yes, there is some reason to think that there is possibly a causal link here. It does not sound like the causal connection is firmly established, but (a) it's really hard to show that X causes Y when we know the link is very weak and Y happens naturally in the absence of X anyway, and (b) I don't even know how you would design a study to test this since there is no way to remove the existence of covid-19 from the equation (probably a lack of imagination on my part). Regardless, it does not sound like the CDC is dismissing this out of hand. If anything, they seem to be taking it more seriously than the people who are jumping down my throat about not having a strong opinion on the topic.

On the topic of heat stroke, there is no mystery here. People with underlying heart problems (like myocarditis?) are more susceptible.
Individuals with impaired cardiovascular function have a limited ability to increase stroke volume, cardiac output, and blood flow to the skin, increasing the risk of heat stroke. In turn, these patients, whose cardiac condition is already compromised, are susceptible to cardiovascular complications of heat stroke, including arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia, heart failure, shock, and sudden death.

So no, "It's hot and he had heat stroke" doesn't tell you anything about any one particular athlete who collapses. Corey Stringer's death obviously had nothing to do with mRNA vaccination, but we can't possibly know that about LeBron's son, or whoever.

Finally, we know that vaccines kill people from time to time. I get a flu vaccine every year, and every year I have to sit there for 15 minutes just to make sure that I don't burst into flames. I take that to imply that some people do develop life-threatening complications from the flu vaccine. While we always want to keep serious side effects to a minimum, the bottom line is really "Is this vaccine +EV or not?" I think the covid vaccine is very clearly +EV, and it wouldn't change my mind to learn that it killed a few otherwise-healthy 18 year-olds. I know this comes across as hard-headed and callous, but sometimes your pocket aces get cracked, and that's a cost of doing business. If you told me in March of 2021 that the Moderna vaccine would definitely kill 100 young adults selected at random from the US population, I would have accepted that tradeoff. So would the FDA* and CDC, and so would most people in this thread. So if you're pro-vaccination, as I am, you shouldn't feel especially threatened by this sort of thing. Nobody gets all sensitive about the flu vaccine just because a few random people have an allergic reaction. It's a risk that we all knowingly accept. No reason to be in denial about it.

* The FDA is charged with making exactly this sort of calculation as part of its institutional mission. If anything, I think the FDA is much too conservative when it conducts cost-benefit analysis. I would like it to err on the side of approving more drugs instead of fewer, which means accepting more side effects. I am fine with that, and I will own that tradeoff. "The FDA approved this drug even though they knew that it caused myocarditis in young men" is not a conspiracy theory -- the FDA approves drugs like that all the time and is very open about it.

Now I'm confused - so you disavow the position, or you don't? Speculating about a guy fainting in a suit in serious heat without knowing his vaccination status (I assume) or his medical background is beyond ridiculous. I understand you are making an argument about the possibility of it but it used to be we were not allowed to make crazy speculations without any evidence at all.

ETA - @IvanKaramazov - I think with the weird formatting of your post I read it wrong. You are saying you can't speculate on heat stroke incidents (if that's what it was) - we agree if so.
I think you and I agree. Obviously neither of us know either way, but I assume that LeBron's kid probably just had heat stroke like lots of other people have had. In the very unlikely event that it was vaccine-related, that sucks but it's a tradeoff I accepted for my own kids.
Here's some information from the CDC on myocarditis and covid vaccination:


Cases of myocarditis and pericarditis have rarely been observed following receipt of COVID-19 vaccines used in the United States. Evidence from multiple monitoring systems in the United States and around the globe support a causal association between mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (i.e., Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech) and myocarditis and pericarditis.

Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis is inflammation of the lining outside the heart; myopericarditis is present when both myocarditis and pericarditis occur at the same time. In these conditions, inflammation occurs in response to an infection or some other trigger. CDC has published case definitions for myocarditis and pericarditis. The severity of cases of myocarditis and pericarditis can vary. CDC has published studies with clinical information about myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination.

Cases of myocarditis and pericarditis have occurred most frequently in adolescent and young adult males within 7 days after receiving the second dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine; however, cases have also been observed after dose 1 and booster doses.

Data from the clinical trials of the Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine and global vaccine safety monitoring systems suggest an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following Novavax vaccination. Data from post-authorization monitoring of Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine (Johnson & Johnson) suggest a possible increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following Janssen vaccination.

Information on the clinical trials for the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine can be found here: U.S. clinical trial results show Novavax vaccine is safe and prevents COVID-19 | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Information on the safety monitoring of the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine can be found here: Safety Monitoring of the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 Vaccine — United States, March–April 2021 | MMWR (cdc.gov)

So it sounds like yes, this happens and yes, there is some reason to think that there is possibly a causal link here. It does not sound like the causal connection is firmly established, but (a) it's really hard to show that X causes Y when we know the link is very weak and Y happens naturally in the absence of X anyway, and (b) I don't even know how you would design a study to test this since there is no way to remove the existence of covid-19 from the equation (probably a lack of imagination on my part). Regardless, it does not sound like the CDC is dismissing this out of hand. If anything, they seem to be taking it more seriously than the people who are jumping down my throat about not having a strong opinion on the topic.

On the topic of heat stroke, there is no mystery here. People with underlying heart problems (like myocarditis?) are more susceptible.
Individuals with impaired cardiovascular function have a limited ability to increase stroke volume, cardiac output, and blood flow to the skin, increasing the risk of heat stroke. In turn, these patients, whose cardiac condition is already compromised, are susceptible to cardiovascular complications of heat stroke, including arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia, heart failure, shock, and sudden death.

So no, "It's hot and he had heat stroke" doesn't tell you anything about any one particular athlete who collapses. Corey Stringer's death obviously had nothing to do with mRNA vaccination, but we can't possibly know that about LeBron's son, or whoever.

Finally, we know that vaccines kill people from time to time. I get a flu vaccine every year, and every year I have to sit there for 15 minutes just to make sure that I don't burst into flames. I take that to imply that some people do develop life-threatening complications from the flu vaccine. While we always want to keep serious side effects to a minimum, the bottom line is really "Is this vaccine +EV or not?" I think the covid vaccine is very clearly +EV, and it wouldn't change my mind to learn that it killed a few otherwise-healthy 18 year-olds. I know this comes across as hard-headed and callous, but sometimes your pocket aces get cracked, and that's a cost of doing business. If you told me in March of 2021 that the Moderna vaccine would definitely kill 100 young adults selected at random from the US population, I would have accepted that tradeoff. So would the FDA* and CDC, and so would most people in this thread. So if you're pro-vaccination, as I am, you shouldn't feel especially threatened by this sort of thing. Nobody gets all sensitive about the flu vaccine just because a few random people have an allergic reaction. It's a risk that we all knowingly accept. No reason to be in denial about it.

* The FDA is charged with making exactly this sort of calculation as part of its institutional mission. If anything, I think the FDA is much too conservative when it conducts cost-benefit analysis. I would like it to err on the side of approving more drugs instead of fewer, which means accepting more side effects. I am fine with that, and I will own that tradeoff. "The FDA approved this drug even though they knew that it caused myocarditis in young men" is not a conspiracy theory -- the FDA approves drugs like that all the time and is very open about it.

Now I'm confused - so you disavow the position, or you don't? Speculating about a guy fainting in a suit in serious heat without knowing his vaccination status (I assume) or his medical background is beyond ridiculous. I understand you are making an argument about the possibility of it but it used to be we were not allowed to make crazy speculations without any evidence at all.

ETA - @IvanKaramazov - I think with the weird formatting of your post I read it wrong. You are saying you can't speculate on heat stroke incidents (if that's what it was) - we agree if so.
I think you and I agree. Obviously neither of us know either way, but I assume that LeBron's kid probably just had heat stroke like lots of other people have had. In the very unlikely event that it was vaccine-related, that sucks but it's a tradeoff I accepted for my own kids.

I also think we agree but just to be clear, I have no clue on Brony - the heat stroke discussion was around Shaka Hislop (and that’s also unknown but seems highly likely) - neither should be speculated on without more details.
Did these two people just get a booster or their first COVID shots or have they been vaccinated for a long time? If it's the latter, this assertion is flat-out disinformation. Myocarditis isn't something one "catches"....it's a reaction to something in the body. A vaccine isn't going to "give" you myocarditis that will just "show up" one day. There has to be a recent stimulus to start the process.
If I had a long history of posting conspiracy theories about something (let’s say people being overweight due to COVID, or gay due to COVID, or having green hair due to COVID etc etc) and then just random dropped in here pointing out seeing more overweight/gay/green haired people on TV since COVID I wonder if it would be tolerated by the mods here the way it is for a unnamed other. 🤔
Did these two people just get a booster or their first COVID shots or have they been vaccinated for a long time? If it's the latter, this assertion is flat-out disinformation. Myocarditis isn't something one "catches"....it's a reaction to something in the body. A vaccine isn't going to "give" you myocarditis that will just "show up" one day. There has to be a recent stimulus to start the process.
One year ago, I nearly died from a pulmonary embolism despite having none of the obvious risk factors (sedentary lifestyle, smoking, recent long-haul flight). I suppose if someone wanted they could try to argue “A-HA! He’s vaccinated and then had unexplained blood clots!” Except that by the time I had my PE, it had been nine months since my last shot (I’ve since gotten another booster). Even if a vaccine could cause clots, the idea that it could cause them nine months later is about as likely as my clots being caused by the trans-Atlantic flight I took three months before I was hospitalized
If I had a long history of posting conspiracy theories

LOL at the continued attempts to discredit with lazy labeling. Conspiracy Theorist! Anti-vaxxer!!

FACT: I posted the following "conspiracy facts" in July of 2021 when so many posters here were eager for people to lose their livelihoods or even their freedom, over not getting vaxxed. Like the vast majority of my posts regarding Covid since that time, this OG post has aged quite well... Time and Space have been on my side, and continue to be. Heat stroke, lol. Lots and lots and lots of heat stroke going on since 2021.

Fact: statistically, the odds of a severe Covid outcome are microscopic in my demographic - 43 yr old, blood O+ with no known underlying health issues.

Fact: there are many prophylactic measures that significantly reduce any person's risk of a severe Covid outcome, namely adequate vitamin D, C and Zinc levels pre-infection, and/or decades-proven safe generic medications such as hydroxy-chloroquine (taken with zinc) and ivermectin during the early infection phase.

Fact: mRNA vaccines are still experimental biotechnologies. Their long-term safety among humans is still very much TBD. They have been researched for 2+ decades among lab animals and have yet to be proven safe in long-term studies, or released to the public until now, despite having huge swathes of potentially game-changing medical applications, should they be proven safe. Why not? Studies of mRNA vaxxes have actually proven quite harmful in long-term effects on animals, with initial efficacy against targeted viruses, but later displaying extremely adverse immune system responses to variant viruses down the line in innoculated groups.

Fact: Covid vaxxes still don't have true FDA approval and were only released on emergency exemption. These emergency-use, experimental vaxxes are now being pushed on everyone despite the suspect longer-term animal studies, even upon those populations with near-zero risk of severe Covid outcomes. This despite mounting evidence that vaxxes individuals can still carry and submit the disease, albeit at some fully-TBD smaller rate of transmissivity.

Fact: in half a year of tracking, there have been more reported adverse outcomes on the VAERS system relating to Covid vaxxes than for all other vaccines combined over the 30+ yrs of data on that platform.

Fact: the last 18 mos has witnessed nearly all aspects of the pandemic becoming highly red-blue political, including legitimate and extremely concerning questions over mRNA vaccine development, history, efficacy and safety being routinely silenced by liberal media and social media titans.
Here's 83 straight minutes of heat-stroke accounts that have occurred since 2021 among athletes. Extrapolate accordingly.

I'll say it for the 100th time, even though many of you will dismiss this part of what I've said all along... This trend *might* be due to Long Covid. It might be due to the vax. It might be both. I highly doubt it's neither.
Here's 83 straight minutes of heat-stroke accounts that have occurred since 2021 among athletes. Extrapolate accordingly.

I'll say it for the 100th time, even though many of you will dismiss this part of what I've said all along... This trend *might* be due to Long Covid. It might be due to the vax. It might be both. I highly doubt it's neither.
There was a mountain biker in

A 24-year-old biker died while trying to help stranded hikers amid this summer's record-breaking heat.

Kai Torres Bronson was biking with three friends in the Carrizo Gorge of San Diego's Jacumba Mountains on July 15 when his group encountered four hikers who had run out of food and water and were suffering from heat exhaustion and dehydration, Fox 5 San Diego reported. Torres Bronson and one friend stayed with the hikers while the other two bikers went to get help.

Torres Bronson had plenty of experience mountain biking and knew to bring the necessities with him on rides, according to his family. He was carrying water in his backpack, and his family believes he gave it to the stranded hikers.

Three of the hikers were eventually airlifted from the trail by, NBC San Diego reported. Around the same time, first responders found Torres Bronson and his friend struggling with heat exhaustion. He'd complained of being tired and needing water, and collapsed more than once on the way to meet up with the rest of his group.

He became unresponsive and was transported by pickup truck to an ambulance and then an air ambulance. Paramedics tried to save him, but he was pronounced dead before getting to the hospital.

“This was a good Samaritan just trying to help out,” San Diego County fire captain Brent Pascua said. “Unfortunately, bad things happen to people out there when it’s this hot.”

The highest temperature in Jacumba that day was 106 degrees Fahrenheit.

Since his death, Torres Bronson's loved ones have shared how kindness was a big part of his personality, recalling his "huge heart."

“Kai was the son, brother, cousin, friend that provided a shoulder to lean on, a hand to hold and a smile that would brighten your day,” Jenn Rico, a longtime friend of Torres Bronson’s family, read from a statement.

“This past week has been extremely difficult. However, it brings the family some comfort knowing that our Kai Kai died the way that he lived, going out of his way to help others."

“The Alvarez family would like Kai to be remembered for his kind heart and his mission to spread positivity and compassion,” Rico continued. “Kai believed that you should live to treat others the way you want to be treated and just be a good person.”

Extreme heat can be fatal, no matter your age
Torres Bronson's death comes amid a sweltering July with extreme heat that has left at least seven dead in national parks since June. These deaths include people in their 50s, 60s and 70s, as well as a 14-year-old boy and his 31-year-old stepfather, who died getting help.

TODAY reported on Monday that 30 million people in the U.S. were living under heat advisories, which include parts of California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Nebraska, Nevada, North and South Dakota, Texas, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming, NBC News reported. Meanwhile, people in Arizona have had to be hospitalized with third-degree burns due to contact with the pavement.

Torres Bronson's family told NBC San Diego that they hope others will learn from the tragedy and take precautionary measures in the extreme heat.

“When it’s this hot, maybe it’s a good idea to plan the hike another day, or at least really early in the morning so it’s not in the heat of the day. And when you do, take lots of water — take more water than you think you’re going to need,” Pascua said.

“Know your limitations and try and get help as soon as possible, that way we can get out there and help you,” he added.
Here's 83 straight minutes of heat-stroke accounts that have occurred since 2021 among athletes. Extrapolate accordingly.

I'll say it for the 100th time, even though many of you will dismiss this part of what I've said all along... This trend *might* be due to Long Covid. It might be due to the vax. It might be both. I highly doubt it's neither.
There was a mountain biker in

A 24-year-old biker died while trying to help stranded hikers amid this summer's record-breaking heat.

Kai Torres Bronson was biking with three friends in the Carrizo Gorge of San Diego's Jacumba Mountains on July 15 when his group encountered four hikers who had run out of food and water and were suffering from heat exhaustion and dehydration, Fox 5 San Diego reported. Torres Bronson and one friend stayed with the hikers while the other two bikers went to get help.

Torres Bronson had plenty of experience mountain biking and knew to bring the necessities with him on rides, according to his family. He was carrying water in his backpack, and his family believes he gave it to the stranded hikers.

Three of the hikers were eventually airlifted from the trail by, NBC San Diego reported. Around the same time, first responders found Torres Bronson and his friend struggling with heat exhaustion. He'd complained of being tired and needing water, and collapsed more than once on the way to meet up with the rest of his group.

He became unresponsive and was transported by pickup truck to an ambulance and then an air ambulance. Paramedics tried to save him, but he was pronounced dead before getting to the hospital.

“This was a good Samaritan just trying to help out,” San Diego County fire captain Brent Pascua said. “Unfortunately, bad things happen to people out there when it’s this hot.”

The highest temperature in Jacumba that day was 106 degrees Fahrenheit.

Since his death, Torres Bronson's loved ones have shared how kindness was a big part of his personality, recalling his "huge heart."

“Kai was the son, brother, cousin, friend that provided a shoulder to lean on, a hand to hold and a smile that would brighten your day,” Jenn Rico, a longtime friend of Torres Bronson’s family, read from a statement.

“This past week has been extremely difficult. However, it brings the family some comfort knowing that our Kai Kai died the way that he lived, going out of his way to help others."

“The Alvarez family would like Kai to be remembered for his kind heart and his mission to spread positivity and compassion,” Rico continued. “Kai believed that you should live to treat others the way you want to be treated and just be a good person.”

Extreme heat can be fatal, no matter your age
Torres Bronson's death comes amid a sweltering July with extreme heat that has left at least seven dead in national parks since June. These deaths include people in their 50s, 60s and 70s, as well as a 14-year-old boy and his 31-year-old stepfather, who died getting help.

TODAY reported on Monday that 30 million people in the U.S. were living under heat advisories, which include parts of California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Nebraska, Nevada, North and South Dakota, Texas, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming, NBC News reported. Meanwhile, people in Arizona have had to be hospitalized with third-degree burns due to contact with the pavement.

Torres Bronson's family told NBC San Diego that they hope others will learn from the tragedy and take precautionary measures in the extreme heat.

“When it’s this hot, maybe it’s a good idea to plan the hike another day, or at least really early in the morning so it’s not in the heat of the day. And when you do, take lots of water — take more water than you think you’re going to need,” Pascua said.

“Know your limitations and try and get help as soon as possible, that way we can get out there and help you,” he added.

The above was a legit case of heat stroke.

Shaka Hislop's situation... It was mid-80s at the Rose Bowl that day. Analysts have been covering games there with temps well above 100, in suits, for decades. Maybe he did suffer from heat stroke despite the much more mild conditions. More likely it was some other underlying condition.
The issue is even bringing up the covid vaccine in the first place. We don't even know if he is vaccinated, and if he was, it was likely 2+ years ago, and from all I can read heart issues would pop up pretty soon after the shot. Ugh, ****ing political forum creeping in - sorry
Even if a vaccine could cause clots, the idea that it could cause them nine months later is about as likely as my clots being caused by the trans-Atlantic flight I took three months before I was hospitalized

Don't be so sure. Today's "conspiracy theories" which may prove to be the next in a long series of Covid "consipracy facts" include the idea that the vaxxes (for some people) cause a slow but steady thickening of the blood, resulting in cardiac issues months later.

Good luck with your health issues. I truly wish you full recovery, and if I may, suggest you look into some of the treatment protocols available for the vax injured. Maybe they won't help. Maybe they will. I hope you do and they do.
My take on the sad story above is if you pass out, faint, whatever stay in place. If you don't feel right, stay still. It's ok to use emergency services for yourself.

Regardless of what the vaccine does or doesn't do it's too late for us/society. We have all either taken several doses or we haven't and probably never will. The covid vaccine drive is over, it's being treated like the flu vaccine, people's choice. I don't think we're changing any minds here.
Also, FYI heart cells do not regenerate once they are damaged. Myocarditis and pericarditis vary in severity, but don't just go away. They are in fact damage that lingers and perhaps more readily presents itself when athletes are hyper-stressing their cardio-vascular systems during intense activity. The former is medical fact. The latter is a reasonable related hypothesis about why these athletes may be suddenly collapsing in greater numbers than before the Covid era.
LOL at the continued attempts to discredit with lazy labeling. Conspiracy Theorist!
Linking an adult man who passes out on TV to an 18yr having a heart attack while playing basketball while knowing absolutely nothing about either person is literally a conspiracy. Add that to the fact that every single person here knows exactly what you were insinuating and it all does nothing but support my point.

Have a good night, I’m not playing this game with you.
it's too late for us/society

Respectfully disagree. A lot could be done for percolating vax injuries, IF that is indeed a root cause. E.g., the vaxxed could go get tested for myo/pericarditis and also get a d-dimer test to check for micro-clotting. Same for anyone concerned about Long-Covid. If such testing results in positive indications, there are treatments and precautions to explore, including a reduction or elimination of high-cardio activity. And if it is in some part the vax and not just Long-Covid, it would be pretty important to inform people more fully before they decide on further boosters. Additionally, if the vaxxes did indeed harm people more than admitted, it's important we uncover that truth before the next public health scare and inevitable calls for new mandates.

Plenty of reasons why we should all still care very much about the actual underlying causation of this rather disturbing trend. Putting our hands over our ears and shouting dissenting voices down out of fear and anxiety proved completely ineffective among so many other Covid topics (e.g. lab leak, lockdowns, masks, etc.) and may be doing exactly the same here.
Linking an adult man who passes out on TV to an 18yr having a heart attack while playing basketball while knowing absolutely nothing about either person is literally a conspiracy

Literally, it is not. You should perhaps look up the meaning of words before you use them in such an antagonizing manner - you seem confused about either literally or conspiracy or both. Either way, thanks for the LOL, and good night to you as well.

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