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***** Official Monday Night Football BUCS @ CAR***** (2 Viewers)

If they are the 2 and 3 best teams in the NFC the Gmen have a bye to the superbowl.
I think the Giants' loss of Plax may just reshuffle the deck in the NFC. Might be the winner of this game, or even a team like Philly.
Giants fans are as delusional as Dallas fans were 4 months ago.
Not sure what you mean there. If you're counting out the Giants already, you may be a bit delusional yourself.ETA: I wouldn't exactly count out Dallas, either.
:no: just trying to :pokey: the NYG fans a little :D
LOL how does Dallas become the topic in the Bucs at Carolina Monday night thread?ANYWAYS go Carolina!!! I need them too win and keep the total score less the 50 and I get $200 :shrug:
I think that is a safe wager. Looking forward to these two pedestrian teams with over-inflated records getting exposed on national TV. CAR probably wins 17-13 or something. People will cite a "great defensive game" but in reality it will be two bad offenses flailing away.Delhomme-Garcia Fever! Catch it!
Steve Smith and the 2 RBs are not exactly chopped liver...I don't think Carolina has as bad an offense...and the Bucs problems certainly are not the OL...they simply need a QB, RB, and a couple of WR, plus a TE and they might have something there.
The RBs are servicable, but unfortunately for Carolina, Delhomme is the straw that stirs the drink in that offense, and this season he has been downright deplorable against any & every decent defense he has faced. But I will agree, their offense if better than the Bucs, who are one of the worst red zone offenses in the NFL. At least CAR is decent in that area.
I don't want to give away paid content, but in the week 14 game recaps it currently says: Tampa Bay Buccaneers 10, Carolina Panthers 24.

What do they know that we don't? :no:

Great run by Garcia. I haven't watched Tampa Bay all year, but I can see how this offense, while not conducive to FF, is productive. One little play after another going wide to get 4 yards here, 6 yards there. Pretty effective.

Great run by Garcia. I haven't watched Tampa Bay all year, but I can see how this offense, while not conducive to FF, is productive. One little play after another going wide to get 4 yards here, 6 yards there. Pretty effective.
:thumbup: It's week 14...1st down on about the 45 of the Panthers, and what do the Bucs do??? That's right, call TIMEOUT!!! I hate when any team does it, but the Bucs need to save those for when they are plodding down the field with 2:00 left in the half.
Looked like a helmet to helmet there on Bryant to me. And that Penn tripping was a little questionable. I guess he kicked his legs up a little high when Peppers plowed through him. Pretty uncharacteristic of Bryant to miss an easy FG like that.

Great run by Garcia. I haven't watched Tampa Bay all year, but I can see how this offense, while not conducive to FF, is productive. One little play after another going wide to get 4 yards here, 6 yards there. Pretty effective.
Garcia can make those plays...but too often breaks to that play instead of hanging in and throwing. He's been absolutely horrendous in the red zone...when he can't scramble. He's scared to throw the ball.Garcia needs to step it up.
He got two feet down. Wasted challenge, but Carolina hurrying to the line forced Gruden's hand, so kudos to Delhomme on that one. Nothing drives me nuts more than offenses that get a close play like that, and then **** around getting to the line for the next play, giving the other team plenty of time to look at the play and think about challenging.

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Ronde was getting toasted all 1st half of the season, then turned into the old Ronde the last month. Not sure what happened.

Just got home. Why does Stewart have more carries? (stewart owner here so not complaining, just wondering after DWilliams has looked so good?

2 wasted challenges in 30 seconds. I didn't know other coaches were as bad as Andy Reid.

Just got home. Why does Stewart have more carries? (stewart owner here so not complaining, just wondering after DWilliams has looked so good?
DeAngalo carried the ball on the first drive. Stewart carried it on the second drive. Carolina's second drive had more plays, so...do the math. :goodposting:
Love Ronde great player

Not sure...but he is the only DB in NFL history with 20 INTs and 20 sacks I believe.Definitely found the perfect system for him.
The inventor of the Lambeau Leap had a career sack total of 20.5, and a career INT total of 38... Ronde's got a long way to go...
I guess he wasn't a DB...since ESPN just confirmed what I said?
Safety isn't a DB anymore?Upon further review, ESPN also confirms what I said:


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Terrible quick whistle robs the Panthers of a turnover, and the Bucs burn them for a long pass on the next play. Such is life in the NFL.

Love Ronde great playerHOFer?
Not sure...but he is the only DB in NFL history with 20 INTs and 20 sacks I believe.Definitely found the perfect system for him.
The inventor of the Lambeau Leap had a career sack total of 20.5, and a career INT total of 38... Ronde's got a long way to go...
I guess he wasn't a DB...since ESPN just confirmed what I said?
Safety isn't a DB anymore?
Record must be "first CB"...

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