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***Official Pro Wrestling Thread*** (2 Viewers)

Luke Harper knee surgery. Likely looking at lengthy absence.


WWE may be looking at Eric Young to join Wyatts. I could see that working quite well
I guess there's the answer who will be last match. HHH-Reigns. Cole seemed to drive that point into the ground 75 times during the last segment. :lol:  They're trying so hard to get people to care. They just don't. I'm looking forward to Raw after Mania (hoping they change something up with Reigns) than the match itself.

Shane-Taker was solid. Better than what they've been doing. Even if it's just flat lazy writing. You're "Vince's #####" has been the only thing they've said week after week. Shane came up short on the elbow but unbelievable athletic ability for a 46 year old man that has no need to be doing spots like that at this stage of his life. Particularly as a non-wrestler who hasn't taken bumps in many years.

I really didn't have a great desire to watch this show so only caught beginning and end. I give credit to anyone that's able to watch this product for 3+ straight hours.
Oh boy.  I thought with the nice preview of Shane o'Mac and Taker was to hype the match. Still trying to figure out why UT is doing VKM's bidding other than...reasons? I geeked out when Shane hit that spot even though he missed. Later, when your heel champion is getting cheered and his face challenger is getting booed for beating down said heel champion...oof.

:lol:  Just thinking how they'd legitimately come up with a way for Ambrose to beat Lesnar (even in this gimmick match) is funny. Ambrose, who just lost clean, to soon to be 47 year old exec HHH. Common response will be "Well let's hope they make Ambrose look good in a loss". Didn't they just have that same opportunity at Roadblock with him?

Reading some results from tonight. And the 5th member of babyface diva team at Mania........Eva Marie :lmao:  I'm convinced Vince has no clue of absolutely anything (or anyone) going on with NXT.

It's not Rock. It's not Austin. It's not HBK I'm hoping to see. It is.....

its amazing to get older and live through stuff.... and you see as an older fan, what used to be a backhanded laugh at the preposterous nature of HHH positioning himself as:

-an equal to now virtual superior to Rock and Austin

-above taker and HBK

-well above Foley

And you think who would or could buy this, that the least over member of the four man DX sees himself this way.

But if you push the big lie long enough and hard enough, I've seen younger posters and fans on reddit and other forums that have accepted this narrative finally and you have this guy... the biggest mark for himself this side of Bret Hart, with a wholesale belief in his delusions.  That promo to close wasnt workin it was shootin brother. 

Tells you everything you need to know about present day Vince that he wants his top two performers to be Roman Reigns and Eva Marie. 

Oh boy.  I thought with the nice preview of Shane o'Mac and Taker was to hype the match. Still trying to figure out why UT is doing VKM's bidding other than...reasons? I geeked out when Shane hit that spot even though he missed. Later, when your heel champion is getting cheered and his face challenger is getting booed for beating down said heel champion...oof.
Vince has told the Undertaker if he doesn't win it will be the last match he ever wrestles.  Additionally Shane has kind of disrespected his legacy, so it's personal now I guess. 

It'll be interesting to see what they do with Reigns.  They seem to have finally shelved the smiling, joking Reigns and returned to the silent killer - bad ### Reigns that got over briefly after destroying HHH a few months back, but it's probably too late.  At some point they have to turn him.  It would be so easy to have him turn on the fans.  I mean, you couldn't blame him.  He's busted his ### only to be rejected time and again. He should become a lone wolf, 'I don't need any of you' heel. 

As far as Eva Marie goes, there's no face turn happening here. Even the WWE isn't that stupid.  She has nuclear heat.  I've never heard booing like I did when I went to an NXT show a couple months ago.  The fans HATE her.  So this is just a swerve. 

its amazing to get older and live through stuff.... and you see as an older fan, what used to be a backhanded laugh at the preposterous nature of HHH positioning himself as:

-an equal to now virtual superior to Rock and Austin

-above taker and HBK

-well above Foley

And you think who would or could buy this, that the least over member of the four man DX sees himself this way.

But if you push the big lie long enough and hard enough, I've seen younger posters and fans on reddit and other forums that have accepted this narrative finally and you have this guy... the biggest mark for himself this side of Bret Hart, with a wholesale belief in his delusions.  That promo to close wasnt workin it was shootin brother. 
When HHH was going on that rant last night, I was half expecting The Rock to come out and trash him. Does anyone but HHH really believe he is the best ever?

I may be in the minority, but I think HHH is among the elite in wrestling history.  He isn't quite Austin or the Rock, but he's in that next tier.  His matches are always excellent and he cuts a great promo.  He's understands every part of the business and has worked tirelessly to perfect his craft.  He's been accused of burying guys and other things.  Maybe that's true, but as a performer it doesn't get much better than him, IMO. 

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coyote5 said:
Anyone have a direct link to this, or is it not on Podcast One yet?  I'm searching the website and can't find it.
Russo starts on Podcast One next Tues April 5.

He's got a video interview with Stone Cold on his website russosbrand.com ($2.95/mo) starting April 1. There's actually a #### load of free shoot type interviews in archives thru his website or youtube channel (AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, etc...). Well worth the $$ for the amount of stuff he gives.(6 days/week of video podcasts). Unless they have a great guest, I don't even bother with Austin/Jericho/Jim Ross anymore. I don't believe the audio version of Russo's Austin interview will be available on Podcast One (I'm sure it will be in time but I believe to date he's indicated will be vid interview exclusive to his website)

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Trey said:
They are absolute fools if they put HHH v Reigns on last.
Though it certainly appears that way, I will believe it when I see it. 

This same exact thing happened a few years back at Mania when they put title match Orton/HHH after HBK/Taker. People absolutely gave two ####s about Orton/HHH after watching an all time Mania match between HBK/Taker. It really don't even matter if Shane/Taker is anywhere close to HBK/Taker (which it'd be silly to think it will be).......the thing is PEOPLE ACTUALLY CARE about the Shane/Taker match. Ask most people and they'll tell you they're more interested in the Raw after Mania with Reigns (and pray they actually do make the change with him). The obvious built in story is there already with fans ####ting on him.

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I just think story wise it makes more sense to have Shane/Taker close the show. If HIAC is first, and taker wins, nobody is gonna give a s*** about the title match cause The Authority will just continue to roll on. At least by having the title match first, you have fans thinking about the consequences of each side, either Shane or Taker winning, and the effect that will have on whoever the champion is.

I just think story wise it makes more sense to have Shane/Taker close the show. If HIAC is first, and taker wins, nobody is gonna give a s*** about the title match cause The Authority will just continue to roll on. At least by having the title match first, you have fans thinking about the consequences of each side, either Shane or Taker winning, and the effect that will have on whoever the champion is.
If they run Taker v. Shane first, and Shane wins.....couldn't they then run some swerve for the Main Event that sets the upcoming years title situation into motion? 

If they do Shane/Taker first, and Shane wins, then you have a champion HHH who has lost power, and now desperately needs to retain the title to keep some type of power. Good drama there. If Taker wins, then the title match doesn't mean ####, HHH wins, everything stays the same, Reigns wins, HHH just starts ####### with him on Monday.

If they do HHH/Reigns first, and Reigns wins, then same situation. Now a defeated HHH is doing everything he can at ringside to help Taker and keep power. Probably better drama. An HHH win before HIAC leads more likely to a Shane win, I guess.

I think the title match ends up last, if for the only reason, that's the match where the Rock makes his appearance. If they are smart, Reigns wins and turns on the Rock, making him the Heel champion against Shane's new leadership. But I don't count on anyone being smart at this point. I'm so disappointed this is the WM in my home city.

Jeremy said:
I may be in the minority, but I think HHH is among the elite in wrestling history.  He isn't quite Austin or the Rock, but he's in that next tier.  His matches are always excellent and he cuts a great promo.  He's understands every part of the business and has worked tirelessly to perfect his craft.  He's been accused of burying guys and other things.  Maybe that's true, but as a performer it doesn't get much better than him, IMO. 
To each their own but we've watched two different guys.  

His matches are like taker matches to me. He can hold his own with and against good to great wrestlers but someone who was mediocre or bad, he couldn't get much out of them.  Contrast that with every other top guy in history. 

He probably has more cumulative mic time than any other guy in wwf/e history. But it's not really an indicator of talent but power and the lack of an editor. How many times did he open a show and drone on for 20 minutes, saying nothing at all. 

Now in fairness I will admit that I've popped for his dx smark stuff but that's using stuff the other boys don't get to do to get over. Calling out kofi's jamaican status, or doing shock master stuff, as a geek, I'll admit, I did pop for. But it's cheap heat that doesn't draw a dime. Well maybe it did but no other talent had the option of doing a wink nod about selling merch. 

Worst of all, his positioning in booking. It's so odd that this student of  wrestling, and a flair disciple, would book himself like 80's hulk hogan while being a heel. Was flair a "badass"? Far from it. Made his opponents look great and would steal a win.  And put the guys over at the right time. 

99-01 Jericho was more over the  trips would ever be and he politiced him out of a spot.  There are many more but a simple question for him is, did he ever get anyone over?  He PUT OVER Benoit but the spotlight was back on him the next night and for the next month.  

I could go on, but for a laugh, check out this video they put out last week, the opening of nitro if wcw would have won.  Full of shots of hhh and the video closes on him.  This is a video with rock and Austin   

does anyone still throw frisbees out in the crowd that was pretty cool when leapin lenny poffel did that because no one gives out sooveneers any more like that take that to the bank bromigos 

does anyone still throw frisbees out in the crowd that was pretty cool when leapin lenny poffel did that because no one gives out sooveneers any more like that take that to the bank bromigos 
Jon Cena and Bayley will share some merch with the crowd, but nothing as cool as those frisbees. 

I give credit where credit is due. HHH did helluva lot for Orton & Batista and Evolution was great. I just don't think he's done #### since then :2cents:  

HHH had CM Punk (who at the time was IMO hotter than anyone since Austin/Rock) and Lesnar job to him (the couple times a year wrestling exec). And Daniel Bryan's victory over HHH did absolutely nothing additional for Bryan. Bryan was already over as ####. Just like Reigns victory over HHH won't do anything for Reigns either. The days of a victory by a company top guy over HHH meaning something are over. Does nothing but hurt top in their prime stars to be losing to a mid 40s guy in a suit that works a couple times a year.

These current guys aren't getting over or attracting main stream attention due to booking. You can tell they're booking #### on the fly every week. There's no continuity with anything. Go watch the Attitude Era, each episode for every single program on those Raws were pieces of puzzle being put together each week. Nowadays, they've got 500 writers, guys are reading straight off scripts, more afraid to say a wrong word than anything else, and they come off as unbelievable with no emotion. There's not even a need to go back to the Attitude Era schtick......just book some ####### interesting storylines that continue to build week after week with some consistency in them.

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does anyone still throw frisbees out in the crowd that was pretty cool when leapin lenny poffel did that because no one gives out sooveneers any more like that take that to the bank bromigos 
Oh I bet you're a big leapin lanny fan. Probably even showed you his special trick

does anyone still throw frisbees out in the crowd that was pretty cool when leapin lenny poffel did that because no one gives out sooveneers any more like that take that to the bank bromigos 
Oh I bet you're a big leapin lanny fan. Probably even showed you his special trick
yeah i thought he was a pretty good character but hey keep going and show us how bigoted you can get i am sure you can turn around wherever you were going and make it funny bromigo take that to the bank 

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I give credit where credit is due. HHH did helluva lot for Orton & Batista and Evolution was great. I just don't think he's done #### since then :2cents:  

HHH had CM Punk (who at the time was IMO hotter than anyone since Austin/Rock) and Lesnar job to him (the couple times a year wrestling exec). And Daniel Bryan's victory over HHH did absolutely nothing additional for Bryan. Bryan was already over as ####. Just like Reigns victory over HHH won't do anything for Reigns either. The days of a victory by a company top guy over HHH meaning something are over. Does nothing but hurt top in their prime stars to be losing to a mid 40s guy in a suit that works a couple times a year.

These current guys aren't getting over or attracting main stream attention due to booking. You can tell they're booking #### on the fly every week. There's no continuity with anything. Go watch the Attitude Era, each episode for every single program on those Raws were pieces of puzzle being put together each week. Nowadays, they've got 500 writers, guys are reading straight off scripts, more afraid to say a wrong word than anything else, and they come off as unbelievable with no emotion. There's not even a need to go back to the Attitude Era schtick......just book some ####### interesting storylines that continue to build week after week with some consistency in them.
I doubt you'll get that kind of writing again as long as Vince and Kevin Dunn are in charge.  Even when Vince gets an idea of where he wants to go, he loses interest and kills it within a few weeks.  

Here are the betting lines for WM32. I have 88 whole dollars in my account. Help me pick some winners.

Odds in white since I can find the stupid spoiler tag.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship – Roman Reigns vs Triple H
Roman Reigns: -700 (1/7)
Triple H: +400 (4/1)

Hell in a Cell Match – The Undertaker vs Shane McMahon
The Undertaker: -130 (10/13)
Shane McMahon: EVEN (1/1)

No Holds Barred Match – Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar: -150 (2/3)
Dean Ambrose: +110 (11/10)

WWE Intercontinental Championship
Kevin Owens: 1/2
Sami Zayn: 9/4
Dolph Ziggler: 9/1
The Miz: 20/1
Sin Cara: 25/1
Stardust: 33/1
Zack Ryder: 33/1

Battle for Tag Team Supremacy
New Day: -160 (5/8)
League of Nations: +120 (6/5)

WWE United States Championship – Kalisto vs Ryback
Kalisto: -150 (2/3)
Ryback: +110 (11/10)

WWE Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royale
Braun Strowman: 5/4
Bray Wyatt: 5/1
Mark Henry: 6/1
Randy Orton: 8/1
Kane: 10/1
Samoa Joe: 10/1
Erick Rowan: 12/1
Jack Swagger: 12/1
Big Show: 15/1
Damien Sandow: 20/1
Heath Slater: 20/1
Curtis Axel: 25/1
Adam Rose: 25/1
Bo Dallas: 30/1
Darren Young: 30/1
Fandango: 33/1
Goldust: 33/1
Tyler Breeze: 40/1
R-Truth: 45/1

WWE Divas Championship – Triple Threat Match
Sasha Banks: 1/3
Charlotte: 7/5
Becky Lynch: 5/1

Melissa Santos - ring announcer on Lucha Underground - was sent a junk picture by some guy. So she did what any upstanding girl would do in such a situation - she put him on blast and announced to the twitterverse that he'd done it. When he claimed he was hacked/done accidentally, he asked her why she blasted him.  Her response? "I wanted to show by BF how small your penis is." :lmao:   :lmao:  

And since it's Wednesday, a little something for @mr fancypants

Melissa Santos - ring announcer on Lucha Underground - was sent a junk picture by some guy. So she did what any upstanding girl would do in such a situation - she put him on blast and announced to the twitterverse that he'd done it. When he claimed he was hacked/done accidentally, he asked her why she blasted him.  Her response? "I wanted to show by BF how small your penis is." :lmao:   :lmao:  

And since it's Wednesday, a little something for @mr fancypants
Yeah, that lot's full alright.

Watched all the storyline stuff on Raw last night.  I'm still absolutely perplexed at a few things:

1.  Going back a month, W(hy)TF didn't they just make the whole "for control of the company thing" b/w HHH/Shane.  Would make infinite more sense and make everyone more invested in the storyline b/c there's an element of truth to it.  You could literally run that angle for ever.

2.  Given the above, you could still have the entire Ambrose/Lesner deal....have Ambrose beat Lesner...and you can have Lesner built up as a monster who hasn't actually been pinned in years...this creates all sorts of heat over who has a legit shot at the title b/w Ambrose, Lesner, Rollins (when he returns), Cena (when he returns) over who is really the #1 contender

3.  Given they fabricated the whole Taker/Shane match, you could've done the same with Reigns/Taker......Taker would've been super over, and Reigns would have been booed out of every arena.  Give Taker the win, and turn Reigns heel.

Boom...simple rebooking of the top 3 matches would've made a lot more sense in my mind.

What's the point of New Day vs LON?  We've seen it twice for the titles with the same outcome. We've seen singles matches, tag matches, six man tags on Raw and Smackdown. This isn't for the tag straps so there is no point. 

New Day's transformation from awesome heel group, with Big E/Kofi looking like potential all time great champs into this pink unicorn, ### shaking, booty garbage might be the biggest WTF I've seen in years. They are cringe worthy at this point. 
Meltzer is saying there's going to be some big spot at the end to put them completely over as babyfaces and the titles would (somehow) get in the way.

Also, you guys are cute thinking HHH doesn't go on last as champ.

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Meltzer is saying there's going to be some big spot at the end to put them completely over as babyfaces and the titles would (somehow) get in the way.

Also, you guys are cute thinking HHH doesn't go on last as champ.
Agreed, as it's now blatantly obvious ND doesn't need the belts to help get over - they ARE over. Plus, it makes LON credible as tag champs.

I give credit where credit is due. HHH did helluva lot for Orton & Batista and Evolution was great. I just don't think he's done #### since then :2cents:  

HHH had CM Punk (who at the time was IMO hotter than anyone since Austin/Rock) and Lesnar job to him (the couple times a year wrestling exec). And Daniel Bryan's victory over HHH did absolutely nothing additional for Bryan. Bryan was already over as ####. Just like Reigns victory over HHH won't do anything for Reigns either. The days of a victory by a company top guy over HHH meaning something are over. Does nothing but hurt top in their prime stars to be losing to a mid 40s guy in a suit that works a couple times a year.

These current guys aren't getting over or attracting main stream attention due to booking. You can tell they're booking #### on the fly every week. There's no continuity with anything. Go watch the Attitude Era, each episode for every single program on those Raws were pieces of puzzle being put together each week. Nowadays, they've got 500 writers, guys are reading straight off scripts, more afraid to say a wrong word than anything else, and they come off as unbelievable with no emotion. There's not even a need to go back to the Attitude Era schtick......just book some ####### interesting storylines that continue to build week after week with some consistency in them.

To be fair, there's noone Reigns can beat  to improve his situation with a good percentage of the viewing public.  

To be fair, there's noone Reigns can beat  to improve his situation with a good percentage of the viewing public.  
Agreed. And that's the job of a booking team to build up the roster. That's why no one is over. There's no reason to get emotionally attached to these wrestlers. (Deliberately calling wrestlers....as opposed to characters)

The only thing that'll improve Reigns's situation right now is something (A heel turn) as opposed to someone. And if he's booked reasonably at all, big if, he'll wind up being a damn good heel if they let him more freedom with his promos. He just looks like he's reading straight from a script 99% of the time & scared to death of saying a wrong word. I actually really like Reigns. They've just blundered him -- like everyone else on the roster -- by booking. The best booking/promos are those rooted in reality. And theyve got a golden situation with Reigns. 

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Agreed. And that's the job of a booking team to build up the roster. That's why no one is over. There's no reason to get emotionally attached to these wrestlers. (Deliberately calling wrestlers....as opposed to characters)

The only thing that'll improve Reigns's situation right now is something (A heel turn) as opposed to someone. And if he's booked reasonably at all, big if, he'll wind up being a damn good heel if they let him more freedom with his promos. He just looks like he's reading straight from a script 99% of the time & scared to death of saying a wrong word. I actually really like Reigns. They've just blundered him -- like everyone else on the roster -- by booking. The best booking/promos are those rooted in reality. And theyve got a golden situation with Reigns. 
Becoming Corporate Champion really helped The Rock out, and that would be the best way to get Reigns over because everyone knows Reigns is the one the corporate-types at WWE want to succeed!

These current guys aren't getting over or attracting main stream attention due to booking. You can tell they're booking #### on the fly every week. There's no continuity with anything. Go watch the Attitude Era, each episode for every single program on those Raws were pieces of puzzle being put together each week. Nowadays, they've got 500 writers, guys are reading straight off scripts, more afraid to say a wrong word than anything else, and they come off as unbelievable with no emotion. There's not even a need to go back to the Attitude Era schtick......just book some ####### interesting storylines that continue to build week after week with some consistency in them.
I've been watching a lot of that over the last year or so, and while the talent and storylines were much better, there was still plenty that today's smarks would have complained about.  Today's wrestling is much better.  People complain about Cena or Reigns' limited moveset.  Steve Austin topped the card for years with little more than kicks and punches with a Thesz press and Stone Cold Stunner.  Would today's fans have started booing that after a while?  I don't know.  How long would it take for today's fans to get tired of Al Snow and Bob Holly hitting each other with trash cans all over the building week after week? 

They also had only 2 hours of Raw and Smackdown didn't come around until late summer of 1999 when they were already dominating in the ratings vs WCW.  So they had the advantage of not having an oversaturated product. 

Don't get me wrong.  It was a better product than what we have now, but everything looks better through the lens of nostalgia. 

Agreed. And that's the job of a booking team to build up the roster. That's why no one is over. There's no reason to get emotionally attached to these wrestlers. (Deliberately calling wrestlers....as opposed to characters)

The only thing that'll improve Reigns's situation right now is something (A heel turn) as opposed to someone. And if he's booked reasonably at all, big if, he'll wind up being a damn good heel if they let him more freedom with his promos. He just looks like he's reading straight from a script 99% of the time & scared to death of saying a wrong word. I actually really like Reigns. They've just blundered him -- like everyone else on the roster -- by booking. The best booking/promos are those rooted in reality. And theyve got a golden situation with Reigns. 
I think they're finally starting to book him the way he should have been booked all along.  Instead of coming through the crowd, he's coming down the ramp where he looks imposing.  Instead of smiling and cracking jokes, he's a pissed off badass.  Instead of 10 minute promos they're a minute or 2 at most. 

But it's all too late.  He's too deep in the fans' doghouse to make it as a babyface anymore.  So I agree, they need to steer into the skid and make him a heel officially.  It's what the fans want, so give it to them. 

I think they're finally starting to book him the way he should have been booked all along.  Instead of coming through the crowd, he's coming down the ramp where he looks imposing.  Instead of smiling and cracking jokes, he's a pissed off badass.  Instead of 10 minute promos they're a minute or 2 at most. 

But it's all too late.  He's too deep in the fans' doghouse to make it as a babyface anymore.  So I agree, they need to steer into the skid and make him a heel officially.  It's what the fans want, so give it to them. 
:yes:  I actually can't stand the character as a face. If he were a heel, I'd be more inclined to like him.

Here is how to turn Reigns.  HHH is getting beat.  Ref gets Bumped.  Stephanie gets HHH's sledge hammer from under the ring.  Swing and misses Reigns and knocks out HHH.  Ref wakes up and counts 1-2-3 RR is the new champ.  Stephanie goes in to slap RR but he grabs her arm.  RR puts Stephanie in position for a pile driver.  HHH wakes up and saves the day.  Shane comes out to help.  Stephanie then from behind crotches HHH.  Stephanie walks over to RR and jumps on him and plants a sloppy kiss.  They both start laughing.  Shane looks like he is pissed and picks up the sledge hammer and walks past HHH and looks at Stephanie and RR and then winks turns around and destroys HHH.  

Becoming Corporate Champion really helped The Rock out, and that would be the best way to get Reigns over because everyone knows Reigns is the one the corporate-types at WWE want to succeed!
People seem to forget that The Rock got over first in the Nation of Domination.  He didn't just go from "Die Rocky Die" to your Corporate Champion overnight.

No, but Corporate Champion took him to a new level.
Baby steps.  

Today's equivalent should have been this:  Roman Reigns joins New Day (back when they were hated).  "New Day Sucks! New Day Sucks!"   Allow Reigns to build into a character.   And I stress the word character because as of right now, he has none.  He is bland and boring and the WWUniverse doesn't care about him.  Turning him heel isn't going to change that, because then all he will be is a heel with no character.  ... Build him up with New Day and let him find himself, allow the crowd to organically care about him.  And just when he's starting to get over... BOOM!  Roman Reigns destroys New Day and becomes the Authority's Champion.  

They could've done all this while he was still in The Shield, but Roman never found himself.  The only way he gets over right now as a heel is with a mouthpiece - enter Paul Heyman.  But is that enough?  Paul Heyman couldn't get Curtis Axel over.  Remember when he managed Curtis?   I don't think that running Reigns as an ###-kicking robot is enough to get him over, but that's what they're doing - well, he playing a robot would probably be an improvement.

Tom Servo said:
Agreed, as it's now blatantly obvious ND doesn't need the belts to help get over - they ARE over. Plus, it makes LON credible as tag champs.
Legit as champs? Sure. Legit as heels? No. People are still booing out of boredom instead of legit heel heat.

I've been watching a lot of that over the last year or so, and while the talent and storylines were much better, there was still plenty that today's smarks would have complained about.  Today's wrestling is much better.  People complain about Cena or Reigns' limited moveset.  Steve Austin topped the card for years with little more than kicks and punches with a Thesz press and Stone Cold Stunner.  Would today's fans have started booing that after a while?  I don't know.  How long would it take for today's fans to get tired of Al Snow and Bob Holly hitting each other with trash cans all over the building week after week? 

They also had only 2 hours of Raw and Smackdown didn't come around until late summer of 1999 when they were already dominating in the ratings vs WCW.  So they had the advantage of not having an oversaturated product. 

Don't get me wrong.  It was a better product than what we have now, but everything looks better through the lens of nostalgia. 
The reason why Austin was able to get so insanely over with a limited move set was cause he understood ring psychology as good as anyone ever. Sure the writing helped, but he would be cheered in any era because the guy can just put on an emotionally engaging match. I don't see anybody on the roster today (outside of old school guys like H/Cena/Taker/etc who understands ring psychology. It is a long forgotten part of the profession.

The reason why Austin was able to get so insanely over with a limited move set was cause he understood ring psychology as good as anyone ever. Sure the writing helped, but he would be cheered in any era because the guy can just put on an emotionally engaging match. I don't see anybody on the roster today (outside of old school guys like H/Cena/Taker/etc who understands ring psychology. It is a long forgotten part of the profession.
Austin was a great wrestler with a wide move set prior to Owen driving him into the mat.  After that, he had to change his wrestling style and that's where everyone gets his "limited move set".  The company as a whole got on a 2 (or so) year run there where they really weren't lighting the world on fire when it comes to work rate.  Austin was leading the whole company with a brawling style.  It worked, because it was getting over in ECW too.   But you're absolutely right about Austin's ring psychology.  He was better than pretty much anyone else on the roster, aside from maybe Taker, once Bret went to WCW and Shawn took off to heal his back.

The reason why Austin was able to get so insanely over with a limited move set was cause he understood ring psychology as good as anyone ever. Sure the writing helped, but he would be cheered in any era because the guy can just put on an emotionally engaging match. I don't see anybody on the roster today (outside of old school guys like H/Cena/Taker/etc who understands ring psychology. It is a long forgotten part of the profession.

All the workers GOT TO GET THEIR #### IN!!! And we need 75 false finishes each match. No exceptions!

 You've got guys laying out matches (Noble & Mercury) that didn't draw a dime in their lives and wouldn't know what ring psychology was if you slapped them in the face with it.

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Balor Club spoilers below.

Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows - The Bullet Club - are scheduled to be at this week's WWE TV Tapings, PWInsider.com has confirmed with multiple sources.  It''s expected they will be at Wrestlemania, at least backstage at the event, as well. 

As we had reported previously, the pair were expected to debut on the main WWE roster, bypassing NXT, in late March/early April.  It appears their debut is imminent.

The belief is that the team will be using The Balor Club name.

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