Dr. Parrothead
With a number of us using QBBC this year, I thought it might be helpful to have a thread in which we track who are committee is; are reasoning for choosing a starter from the group (prior to each weeks games); and then post how we did, and discuss why we believe we chose the right/wrong qb from the committee. Please only play along if you are in a true QBBC (i.e., if you have a true starter don't post). I'd like people to go back and edit their proposed starter & reasons, to include their results, and why they think they chose correctly/incorrectly, after the weeks' games are completed. This is not a WSIS thread = DO NOT ASK FOR ADVICE ON WHO FROM YOUR COMMITTEE SHOULD START. Instead, post your thought process, as you weed through the decison. I'll go ahead and start.My Committee =Jeff Garcia - BaltimoreRich Gannon - @ PittsburchCarson Palmer - @ NY JetsMy thoughts:Being the first week, I have zero idea how these three will play. Garcia is on a new team with plenty of question marks (i.e., will a WR emerge, will Winslow live up to the hype, will Suggs or Green be w/ a lick); Gannon is coming off a horrendous year, which was preceded by an MVP year and has Colllins lurking in the wings; Palmer has been annointed the starter; he has plenty of weapons, but playing is very different than carrying the clip board. Opponents:1) Only Garcia is at home = Advantage Garcia, but it is Baltimore?!2) Ultimate S.O.S. has their schedules virtually deadlocked (all three 15.2 to 15.8, with 16.2 being the league average). A very slight advantage to Palmer (15.8) vs. Gannon (15.2) and Garcia (15.4). My Gut tells me:Gannon has the experience, and is the best starter for week 1. While I may change my mind 3 or 4 times between now and Sunday morning, this is what I am thinking now. I also believe that Palmer could light up the Jets, as it could be a shootout. Garcia seems to be the safest play (to not royally blow), but I don't like him even though he is at home.Final Decision:Even though FBG's has him ranked #29 , I am going with Gannon. I believe Gannon has a lot to prove, and his technical skills are too good to not be able to pick apart a very young Pittsburgh secondary. Palmer was my second choice, Garcia #3. I just don't want to start the inexperienced over the veteran this early in the seaon. Results:I'll post on Monday.
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