Sunday league has so much fun to it...
So this past weekend we were supposed to play a semi-final in our Sunday League playoffs. The other team did not show.
1) They split the league into 2 brackets. Good teams in their bracket, less good teams in their own. We were top of the less good teams.
2) We thought there were no more games after the loss before Thanksgiving (quarterfinals), as most teams who lost thought.
3) Coach happens to check the schedule, sees we have a game and lets everyone know. Losers Losers bracket??
4) Show up, no other team shows. Call commish. He's confused.
5) Turns out he didn't tell anyone, our manager happened to look, the other didnt.
6) Also, the other manager called to see if there were any friendlies, commish tells them no since this isn't really a "friendly" and he thought they were asking about next week since there was a game scheduled this week.
7) Commish plays on the o55s and his team plays after ours. The refs and other team were told 1025 game time. He tells his team 1045.
He caused a complete mess.