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***OFFICIAL Sweet 16 games thread*** (1 Viewer)

What a horrible call there. How do you take LSU's best player out of the game like that? In fact, all 3 of his fouls have been extremely questionable.

What a horrible call there. How do you take LSU's best player out of the game like that? In fact, all 3 of his fouls have been extremely questionable.
Paulus swatted Davis across the arms at the 18:35 mark of the 2nd half. No call. :shrug:

I really can't stand Paulus.  He flops on every other possession.  And the guy is a spaz.
He was a top football recruit? :confused:
I don't know if he was a top recruit like Enberg claims, but I did hear before that he was a high school QB and probably could have played college football.
I really can't stand Paulus.  He flops on every other possession.  And the guy is a spaz.
He was a top football recruit? :confused:
I don't know if he was a top recruit like Enberg claims, but I did hear before that he was a high school QB and probably could have played college football.
He could've gone to Notre Dame to play QB. I have to imagine he was pretty decent. :shrug:
Sheldon should be pleased he's only been called for 2 of his 13 travels tonight.

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I should never pick dook to go far in the bracket. Every time I see them it makes me want to vomit in my lap.

I really can't stand Paulus.  He flops on every other possession.  And the guy is a spaz.
He was a top football recruit? :confused:
I'm still a bit confused as to why he chose basketball. I don't know anything about how good he was at football, but he's not NBA material.
:confused: A freshman point guard starting for the best school in the country has no chance to go pro?

Steve Blake made it...I think Paulus has a legit shot.


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