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***official wnba thread*** (1 Viewer)

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I’ve been a basketball junkie my entire life. I’ve watched more women’s basketbal in the past two years than I did in probably my previous 45 years of life combined. Part of that is the talent level in women’s basketball is off the charts good right now, all the way down through high school. Part of that is Caitlyn Clark. Her impact on the visibility for women’s basketball was immeasurable. A Pistol Pete like impact on the college game.

All that said, the petty jealousy (and that’s putting it kindly) of Clark from other WNBA players is off putting. It’s actually made me watch very little, and care less with each passing day, about the WNBA than I otherwise would have since every other headline is some nonsense about ___________ (insert player name *cough* Angel Reese *cough*) feeling disrespected that Clark has received so much attention when they deserve attention too. They need to all get over it already.
lol at saying "petty jealousy" put you off of the WNBA

do you watch literally any other sports at all?
Sure, plenty. I guess the roar of, yes “petty jealousy,” that’s being verbalized towards Clark by her (now) peers seems volumes more than any crying I’ve ever seen/heard from NBA/NFL/NHL/MLB veterans. And for the record I could give two ****s about players getting physical with her and “welcoming” her to the League. Cheap shots are another matter.

But surely, based upon your response, you’ve got some great recent examples of similar reactions to #1 overall picks being hated on by the entirety of the league they are entering. Wemby? Connor Bedard? Others?

any individual that enters a new arena touted as "this person is far & away the best/most important to ever do this" is going to get tested. people are going to hate them. people are going to doubt their skills. as a Packers fan i very vividly recall Terrell Buckley, drafted #5, was so brash that even Packers fans hated him. maybe more than any other fanbase. i know people that wouldn't watch Packers games because Buckley trash talked too much (or whatever they're rationale was).

whether sports or business. the new kid in HS with the good hair. doesn't matter. people don't want to be told that some rookie/newbie is better than they are and they're going to try to prove it.

Caitlin Clark isn't the first, nor last, to ever experience being tested.

the coverage of her prior to the WNBA was "this woman is the best to ever touch a basketball. she is going to absolutely torch the WNBA and vault it to heights unseen before."
and when .... Taurasi?? pushed back a little and said "she's in for a surprise" people went berserk that someone would dare challenge Clark's obvious basketball supremacy. just the mere idea that Caitlin Clark might run in to difficulty in a professional league sent people, who don't watch, in to a tizzy of upset.

now imagine the women who play in that league having to hear for 2 years "there's a woman coming in here that will dominate all of you so get ready to look like ****". you expect them to bow down and just let her run free? they aren't going to try proving everyone else wrong? they're just going to lay down?

Clark gets cheapshotted (a hip check) and, i believe it was, a Chicago paper said that the woman who checked her should be arrested for assault? i mean, come on. Angel Reese got roped down by her neck and slammed to the court but that didn't make any splash.

Clark is getting the treatment rookies get in every sport but because there are a million cameras following her every move people think every little micro-action that occurs is the first time anything like it has ever occurred to any athlete ever. it's ridiculous. she's big girl, she'll figure out the physicality, speed and chess of the WNBA and be just fine. everyone can stop trying to protect her from afar. she's gonna do just fine.

eta: and i forgot to add, since it's a dead period for sports and every sports media outlet is frantically covering Clark all day... every outlet i've heard talking about her has said Clark is a legendary, Larry Bird-level, non-stop, **** talker who gives more than she takes. so, decent chance she's stirring the pot and inviting some of this "petty jealousy" that you're concerned about.
I remember when you first appeared in the 10K thread many years ago and we all started testing you as the new guy.

But then we realized you weren't quite an all-star talent yet, so we just kind of let you be. 😬
All that said, the petty jealousy (and that’s putting it kindly) of Clark from other WNBA players is off putting. It’s actually made me watch very little, and care less with each passing day, about the WNBA than I otherwise would have since every other headline is some nonsense about ___________ (insert player name *cough* Angel Reese *cough*) feeling disrespected that Clark has received so much attention when they deserve attention too. They need to all get over it already.
Yep. The idea that rookies need to be hazed and that this is normal and should be accepted is part of the problem. Sorry to the frat guys here who thought hazing was awesome when they were in college, but it's stupid.

You have to give Clark and her teammates props, though. 11 games in 20 days is a rough stretch, and unlike the current soft NBA players, we didn't hear about any load management. Imagine if the Clippers ever had to play 11 games in 20 days. Kawhi Leonard might play in four of them. :lol:
I’ve been a basketball junkie my entire life. I’ve watched more women’s basketbal in the past two years than I did in probably my previous 45 years of life combined. Part of that is the talent level in women’s basketball is off the charts good right now, all the way down through high school. Part of that is Caitlyn Clark. Her impact on the visibility for women’s basketball was immeasurable. A Pistol Pete like impact on the college game.

All that said, the petty jealousy (and that’s putting it kindly) of Clark from other WNBA players is off putting. It’s actually made me watch very little, and care less with each passing day, about the WNBA than I otherwise would have since every other headline is some nonsense about ___________ (insert player name *cough* Angel Reese *cough*) feeling disrespected that Clark has received so much attention when they deserve attention too. They need to all get over it already.
lol at saying "petty jealousy" put you off of the WNBA

do you watch literally any other sports at all?
Sure, plenty. I guess the roar of, yes “petty jealousy,” that’s being verbalized towards Clark by her (now) peers seems volumes more than any crying I’ve ever seen/heard from NBA/NFL/NHL/MLB veterans. And for the record I could give two ****s about players getting physical with her and “welcoming” her to the League. Cheap shots are another matter.

But surely, based upon your response, you’ve got some great recent examples of similar reactions to #1 overall picks being hated on by the entirety of the league they are entering. Wemby? Connor Bedard? Others?

any individual that enters a new arena touted as "this person is far & away the best/most important to ever do this" is going to get tested. people are going to hate them. people are going to doubt their skills. as a Packers fan i very vividly recall Terrell Buckley, drafted #5, was so brash that even Packers fans hated him. maybe more than any other fanbase. i know people that wouldn't watch Packers games because Buckley trash talked too much (or whatever they're rationale was).

whether sports or business. the new kid in HS with the good hair. doesn't matter. people don't want to be told that some rookie/newbie is better than they are and they're going to try to prove it.

Caitlin Clark isn't the first, nor last, to ever experience being tested.

the coverage of her prior to the WNBA was "this woman is the best to ever touch a basketball. she is going to absolutely torch the WNBA and vault it to heights unseen before."
and when .... Taurasi?? pushed back a little and said "she's in for a surprise" people went berserk that someone would dare challenge Clark's obvious basketball supremacy. just the mere idea that Caitlin Clark might run in to difficulty in a professional league sent people, who don't watch, in to a tizzy of upset.

now imagine the women who play in that league having to hear for 2 years "there's a woman coming in here that will dominate all of you so get ready to look like ****". you expect them to bow down and just let her run free? they aren't going to try proving everyone else wrong? they're just going to lay down?

Clark gets cheapshotted (a hip check) and, i believe it was, a Chicago paper said that the woman who checked her should be arrested for assault? i mean, come on. Angel Reese got roped down by her neck and slammed to the court but that didn't make any splash.

Clark is getting the treatment rookies get in every sport but because there are a million cameras following her every move people think every little micro-action that occurs is the first time anything like it has ever occurred to any athlete ever. it's ridiculous. she's big girl, she'll figure out the physicality, speed and chess of the WNBA and be just fine. everyone can stop trying to protect her from afar. she's gonna do just fine.

eta: and i forgot to add, since it's a dead period for sports and every sports media outlet is frantically covering Clark all day... every outlet i've heard talking about her has said Clark is a legendary, Larry Bird-level, non-stop, **** talker who gives more than she takes. so, decent chance she's stirring the pot and inviting some of this "petty jealousy" that you're concerned about.
I remember when you first appeared in the 10K thread many years ago and we all started testing you as the new guy.

But then we realized you weren't quite an all-star talent yet, so we just kind of let you be. 😬
i'll have you know that the number of pre-teens out-running me to the finish line these days is much smaller... smaller... the same.... more :(
All that said, the petty jealousy (and that’s putting it kindly) of Clark from other WNBA players is off putting. It’s actually made me watch very little, and care less with each passing day, about the WNBA than I otherwise would have since every other headline is some nonsense about ___________ (insert player name *cough* Angel Reese *cough*) feeling disrespected that Clark has received so much attention when they deserve attention too. They need to all get over it already.
Yep. The idea that rookies need to be hazed and that this is normal and should be accepted is part of the problem. Sorry to the frat guys here who thought hazing was awesome when they were in college, but it's stupid.

You have to give Clark and her teammates props, though. 11 games in 20 days is a rough stretch, and unlike the current soft NBA players, we didn't hear about any load management. Imagine if the Clippers ever had to play 11 games in 20 days. Kawhi Leonard might play in four of them. :lol:
lol @ hazing

they aren't being taped to the stanchion and flogged with socks filled with batteries

a little physicality and some trash talk is sports. but since it's happening to Caitlin Clark, in a sport that you don't watch, it's a national crisis. foh.
Robert Horry was just on the DP show. DP asked what he thought of how Clark was being treated and his response was "everyone goes through it".

he pointed out specifically Glenn Robinson and Allen Iverson as guys that took beatings their rookie year. commence pearl clutching!
*Rodman excluded
Lot's of good potential for a "Bad Girls" narrative on the Sky ala those Pistons teams he was on. Got Carter and Reese. Just need Cardoso to start shoving some folks

There's been some talk in here about how aggressive play and cheap fouls are horrible basketball and off-putting to watch, but the Bad Boy Pistons were one of my favorite teams. They make documentaries about them. They are legends in Detroit. I like a little roughneck with my sports, but I'm a high-T alpha dog of a man, so I can't relate to the snowflakery and wispy share your feelings guy who don't want poor Clark to get pushed.
I remember when Sidney Crosby was a rookie and the abuse he took. It was a bad look for the league, as a Penguins fan I was pretty pissed and thought it was symbolic of the NHL being a "garage league", but I had been a fan for more than a decade and wasn't going anywhere. The NHL has changed since then like a lot of other leagues in terms of being more player protective, it still happens to a lesser extent.

For the WNBA, there are parallels with Crosby and Clark, but with racial undertones. Except now the enormous wave of new fans don't really have any attachment to the league or the teams yet, they have attachment to Clark, who drew them to watch. If it looks like the WNBA is a garage league in terms of protecting its stars, particularly THE star that everyone came to watch, and there's an undercurrent of racial divisiveness that everyone wants to escape from to boot...then I think they run the risk of disillusioning those fans quickly and not having enough traction to keep them. For a sport that we've been saying forever nobody cares about, that would be bad.
I’ve been a basketball junkie my entire life. I’ve watched more women’s basketbal in the past two years than I did in probably my previous 45 years of life combined. Part of that is the talent level in women’s basketball is off the charts good right now, all the way down through high school. Part of that is Caitlyn Clark. Her impact on the visibility for women’s basketball was immeasurable. A Pistol Pete like impact on the college game.

All that said, the petty jealousy (and that’s putting it kindly) of Clark from other WNBA players is off putting. It’s actually made me watch very little, and care less with each passing day, about the WNBA than I otherwise would have since every other headline is some nonsense about ___________ (insert player name *cough* Angel Reese *cough*) feeling disrespected that Clark has received so much attention when they deserve attention too. They need to all get over it already.
lol at saying "petty jealousy" put you off of the WNBA

do you watch literally any other sports at all?
Sure, plenty. I guess the roar of, yes “petty jealousy,” that’s being verbalized towards Clark by her (now) peers seems volumes more than any crying I’ve ever seen/heard from NBA/NFL/NHL/MLB veterans. And for the record I could give two ****s about players getting physical with her and “welcoming” her to the League. Cheap shots are another matter.

But surely, based upon your response, you’ve got some great recent examples of similar reactions to #1 overall picks being hated on by the entirety of the league they are entering. Wemby? Connor Bedard? Others?

any individual that enters a new arena touted as "this person is far & away the best/most important to ever do this" is going to get tested. people are going to hate them. people are going to doubt their skills. as a Packers fan i very vividly recall Terrell Buckley, drafted #5, was so brash that even Packers fans hated him. maybe more than any other fanbase. i know people that wouldn't watch Packers games because Buckley trash talked too much (or whatever they're rationale was).

whether sports or business. the new kid in HS with the good hair. doesn't matter. people don't want to be told that some rookie/newbie is better than they are and they're going to try to prove it.

Caitlin Clark isn't the first, nor last, to ever experience being tested.

the coverage of her prior to the WNBA was "this woman is the best to ever touch a basketball. she is going to absolutely torch the WNBA and vault it to heights unseen before."
and when .... Taurasi?? pushed back a little and said "she's in for a surprise" people went berserk that someone would dare challenge Clark's obvious basketball supremacy. just the mere idea that Caitlin Clark might run in to difficulty in a professional league sent people, who don't watch, in to a tizzy of upset.

now imagine the women who play in that league having to hear for 2 years "there's a woman coming in here that will dominate all of you so get ready to look like ****". you expect them to bow down and just let her run free? they aren't going to try proving everyone else wrong? they're just going to lay down?

Clark gets cheapshotted (a hip check) and, i believe it was, a Chicago paper said that the woman who checked her should be arrested for assault? i mean, come on. Angel Reese got roped down by her neck and slammed to the court but that didn't make any splash.

Clark is getting the treatment rookies get in every sport but because there are a million cameras following her every move people think every little micro-action that occurs is the first time anything like it has ever occurred to any athlete ever. it's ridiculous. she's big girl, she'll figure out the physicality, speed and chess of the WNBA and be just fine. everyone can stop trying to protect her from afar. she's gonna do just fine.

eta: and i forgot to add, since it's a dead period for sports and every sports media outlet is frantically covering Clark all day... every outlet i've heard talking about her has said Clark is a legendary, Larry Bird-level, non-stop, **** talker who gives more than she takes. so, decent chance she's stirring the pot and inviting some of this "petty jealousy" that you're concerned about.
RIP Furley's Strawmen - we barely knew thee.

Do you get paid every time you use the word "strawman" here or something? You sure like to throw that word around....
*Rodman excluded
Lot's of good potential for a "Bad Girls" narrative on the Sky ala those Pistons teams he was on. Got Carter and Reese. Just need Cardoso to start shoving some folks

There's been some talk in here about how aggressive play and cheap fouls are horrible basketball and off-putting to watch, but the Bad Boy Pistons were one of my favorite teams. They make documentaries about them. They are legends in Detroit. I like a little roughneck with my sports, but I'm a high-T alpha dog of a man, so I can't relate to the snowflakery and wispy share your feelings guy who don't want poor Clark to get pushed.
I have zero problem with a hard foul going to the hoop....or running over her going through a screen or something....going out of your way and delivering a blindside cheap shot 90 feet from the basket out in the middle of nowhere is a totally different story....especially when it is celebrated like she did something great...and especially when you run away like little cowards afterwards....little b!tch move from start to finish....
*Rodman excluded
Lot's of good potential for a "Bad Girls" narrative on the Sky ala those Pistons teams he was on. Got Carter and Reese. Just need Cardoso to start shoving some folks

There's been some talk in here about how aggressive play and cheap fouls are horrible basketball and off-putting to watch, but the Bad Boy Pistons were one of my favorite teams. They make documentaries about them. They are legends in Detroit. I like a little roughneck with my sports, but I'm a high-T alpha dog of a man, so I can't relate to the snowflakery and wispy share your feelings guy who don't want poor Clark to get pushed.
I have zero problem with a hard foul going to the hoop....or running over her going through a screen or something....going out of your way and delivering a blindside cheap shot 90 feet from the basket out in the middle of nowhere is a totally different story....especially when it is celebrated like she did something great...and especially when you run away like little cowards afterwards....little b!tch move from start to finish....

Man, this isolated event in sports that we've never seen anywhere else in the history of athletics really has you triggered. I think it's great you're in here talking about this how this traumatic event has impacted you as that's the first step in getting the help you need to heal and move on.
*Rodman excluded
Lot's of good potential for a "Bad Girls" narrative on the Sky ala those Pistons teams he was on. Got Carter and Reese. Just need Cardoso to start shoving some folks

There's been some talk in here about how aggressive play and cheap fouls are horrible basketball and off-putting to watch, but the Bad Boy Pistons were one of my favorite teams. They make documentaries about them. They are legends in Detroit. I like a little roughneck with my sports, but I'm a high-T alpha dog of a man, so I can't relate to the snowflakery and wispy share your feelings guy who don't want poor Clark to get pushed.
I have zero problem with a hard foul going to the hoop....or running over her going through a screen or something....going out of your way and delivering a blindside cheap shot 90 feet from the basket out in the middle of nowhere is a totally different story....especially when it is celebrated like she did something great...and especially when you run away like little cowards afterwards....little b!tch move from start to finish....

Man, this isolated event in sports that we've never seen anywhere else in the history of athletics really has you triggered. I think it's great you're in here talking about this how this traumatic event has impacted you as that's the first step in getting the help you need to heal and move on.
kinda weird .....I would have thought with all that alpha stuff you would have preferred they just squared up like manly men and got it over with....but you prefer the cheap shot and run away from it style here.... which doesn't seem very manly....lol

I'm not triggered....just not a fan of blatant cheap shots in any sport, celebrating it, then not owning it and running away from it like a coward......
*Rodman excluded
Lot's of good potential for a "Bad Girls" narrative on the Sky ala those Pistons teams he was on. Got Carter and Reese. Just need Cardoso to start shoving some folks

There's been some talk in here about how aggressive play and cheap fouls are horrible basketball and off-putting to watch, but the Bad Boy Pistons were one of my favorite teams. They make documentaries about them. They are legends in Detroit. I like a little roughneck with my sports, but I'm a high-T alpha dog of a man, so I can't relate to the snowflakery and wispy share your feelings guy who don't want poor Clark to get pushed.
I have zero problem with a hard foul going to the hoop....or running over her going through a screen or something....going out of your way and delivering a blindside cheap shot 90 feet from the basket out in the middle of nowhere is a totally different story....especially when it is celebrated like she did something great...and especially when you run away like little cowards afterwards....little b!tch move from start to finish....

Man, this isolated event in sports that we've never seen anywhere else in the history of athletics really has you triggered. I think it's great you're in here talking about this how this traumatic event has impacted you as that's the first step in getting the help you need to heal and move on.
kinda weird .....I would have thought with all that alpha stuff you would have preferred they just squared up like manly men and got it over with....but you prefer the cheap shot and run away from it style here.... which doesn't seem very manly....lol

I'm not triggered....just not a fan of blatant cheap shots in any sport, celebrating it, then not owning it and running away from it like a coward......

Oh, we know. You've definitely shared with the room in here how you feel about it.
*Rodman excluded
Lot's of good potential for a "Bad Girls" narrative on the Sky ala those Pistons teams he was on. Got Carter and Reese. Just need Cardoso to start shoving some folks

There's been some talk in here about how aggressive play and cheap fouls are horrible basketball and off-putting to watch, but the Bad Boy Pistons were one of my favorite teams. They make documentaries about them. They are legends in Detroit. I like a little roughneck with my sports, but I'm a high-T alpha dog of a man, so I can't relate to the snowflakery and wispy share your feelings guy who don't want poor Clark to get pushed.
I have zero problem with a hard foul going to the hoop....or running over her going through a screen or something....going out of your way and delivering a blindside cheap shot 90 feet from the basket out in the middle of nowhere is a totally different story....especially when it is celebrated like she did something great...and especially when you run away like little cowards afterwards....little b!tch move from start to finish....

Man, this isolated event in sports that we've never seen anywhere else in the history of athletics really has you triggered. I think it's great you're in here talking about this how this traumatic event has impacted you as that's the first step in getting the help you need to heal and move on.
kinda weird .....I would have thought with all that alpha stuff you would have preferred they just squared up like manly men and got it over with....but you prefer the cheap shot and run away from it style here.... which doesn't seem very manly....lol

I'm not triggered....just not a fan of blatant cheap shots in any sport, celebrating it, then not owning it and running away from it like a coward......

Oh, we know. You've definitely shared with the room in here how you feel about it.
Record amounts of people are buying tickets to games and tunning in to watch Clark put up big numbers ...
I don't think these WNBA ladies giving her "the business" realize that they are about to have their bank accounts filled the next several years if Clark is allowed to shine.
I’ve been a basketball junkie my entire life. I’ve watched more women’s basketbal in the past two years than I did in probably my previous 45 years of life combined. Part of that is the talent level in women’s basketball is off the charts good right now, all the way down through high school. Part of that is Caitlyn Clark. Her impact on the visibility for women’s basketball was immeasurable. A Pistol Pete like impact on the college game.

All that said, the petty jealousy (and that’s putting it kindly) of Clark from other WNBA players is off putting. It’s actually made me watch very little, and care less with each passing day, about the WNBA than I otherwise would have since every other headline is some nonsense about ___________ (insert player name *cough* Angel Reese *cough*) feeling disrespected that Clark has received so much attention when they deserve attention too. They need to all get over it already.
lol at saying "petty jealousy" put you off of the WNBA

do you watch literally any other sports at all?
Sure, plenty. I guess the roar of, yes “petty jealousy,” that’s being verbalized towards Clark by her (now) peers seems volumes more than any crying I’ve ever seen/heard from NBA/NFL/NHL/MLB veterans. And for the record I could give two ****s about players getting physical with her and “welcoming” her to the League. Cheap shots are another matter.

But surely, based upon your response, you’ve got some great recent examples of similar reactions to #1 overall picks being hated on by the entirety of the league they are entering. Wemby? Connor Bedard? Others?

any individual that enters a new arena touted as "this person is far & away the best/most important to ever do this" is going to get tested. people are going to hate them. people are going to doubt their skills. as a Packers fan i very vividly recall Terrell Buckley, drafted #5, was so brash that even Packers fans hated him. maybe more than any other fanbase. i know people that wouldn't watch Packers games because Buckley trash talked too much (or whatever they're rationale was).

whether sports or business. the new kid in HS with the good hair. doesn't matter. people don't want to be told that some rookie/newbie is better than they are and they're going to try to prove it.

Caitlin Clark isn't the first, nor last, to ever experience being tested.

the coverage of her prior to the WNBA was "this woman is the best to ever touch a basketball. she is going to absolutely torch the WNBA and vault it to heights unseen before."
and when .... Taurasi?? pushed back a little and said "she's in for a surprise" people went berserk that someone would dare challenge Clark's obvious basketball supremacy. just the mere idea that Caitlin Clark might run in to difficulty in a professional league sent people, who don't watch, in to a tizzy of upset.

now imagine the women who play in that league having to hear for 2 years "there's a woman coming in here that will dominate all of you so get ready to look like ****". you expect them to bow down and just let her run free? they aren't going to try proving everyone else wrong? they're just going to lay down?

Clark gets cheapshotted (a hip check) and, i believe it was, a Chicago paper said that the woman who checked her should be arrested for assault? i mean, come on. Angel Reese got roped down by her neck and slammed to the court but that didn't make any splash.

Clark is getting the treatment rookies get in every sport but because there are a million cameras following her every move people think every little micro-action that occurs is the first time anything like it has ever occurred to any athlete ever. it's ridiculous. she's big girl, she'll figure out the physicality, speed and chess of the WNBA and be just fine. everyone can stop trying to protect her from afar. she's gonna do just fine.

eta: and i forgot to add, since it's a dead period for sports and every sports media outlet is frantically covering Clark all day... every outlet i've heard talking about her has said Clark is a legendary, Larry Bird-level, non-stop, **** talker who gives more than she takes. so, decent chance she's stirring the pot and inviting some of this "petty jealousy" that you're concerned about.
agree with most of this.....but obvious cheap shots are 100% little b!tch moves .....if you want to send a message.....man up and do it right....don't deliver a cheap shot and then have your bench explode like you just hit the game winning buzzer beater.....and then man up and answer the questions after the game....don't pull another little b!tch move by declining to answer questions....and also don't pull another little b!tch move like Reese did and not make yourself available after the game and get fined for it....if you are going to pull that cheap crap and celebrate it....man up and own it afterwards....I would have had more respect for them if they would have come out and said, "yeah we don't like her and we wanted to send a message"....I still would have questioned the need for it to be through a cheap shot, but at least then they would have owned it instead running away like little cowards....
Did you just discover the word "b!tch", my dawg?

Cause yo, my man, they were complaining about it to the ref, and that ain't cool.

*Rodman excluded
Lot's of good potential for a "Bad Girls" narrative on the Sky ala those Pistons teams he was on. Got Carter and Reese. Just need Cardoso to start shoving some folks

There's been some talk in here about how aggressive play and cheap fouls are horrible basketball and off-putting to watch, but the Bad Boy Pistons were one of my favorite teams. They make documentaries about them. They are legends in Detroit. I like a little roughneck with my sports, but I'm a high-T alpha dog of a man, so I can't relate to the snowflakery and wispy share your feelings guy who don't want poor Clark to get pushed.
I have zero problem with a hard foul going to the hoop....or running over her going through a screen or something....going out of your way and delivering a blindside cheap shot 90 feet from the basket out in the middle of nowhere is a totally different story....especially when it is celebrated like she did something great...and especially when you run away like little cowards afterwards....little b!tch move from start to finish....

Man, this isolated event in sports that we've never seen anywhere else in the history of athletics really has you triggered. I think it's great you're in here talking about this how this traumatic event has impacted you as that's the first step in getting the help you need to heal and move on.
Yo dawg, why you being all b!tchy about this?

Everyone knows it was a b!tch move, but the thing is, someone complains this much, all I can say is, sn!tches get st!ches, you hear? Everyone in the street knows this, yo
I’ve been a basketball junkie my entire life. I’ve watched more women’s basketbal in the past two years than I did in probably my previous 45 years of life combined. Part of that is the talent level in women’s basketball is off the charts good right now, all the way down through high school. Part of that is Caitlyn Clark. Her impact on the visibility for women’s basketball was immeasurable. A Pistol Pete like impact on the college game.

All that said, the petty jealousy (and that’s putting it kindly) of Clark from other WNBA players is off putting. It’s actually made me watch very little, and care less with each passing day, about the WNBA than I otherwise would have since every other headline is some nonsense about ___________ (insert player name *cough* Angel Reese *cough*) feeling disrespected that Clark has received so much attention when they deserve attention too. They need to all get over it already.
lol at saying "petty jealousy" put you off of the WNBA

do you watch literally any other sports at all?
Sure, plenty. I guess the roar of, yes “petty jealousy,” that’s being verbalized towards Clark by her (now) peers seems volumes more than any crying I’ve ever seen/heard from NBA/NFL/NHL/MLB veterans. And for the record I could give two ****s about players getting physical with her and “welcoming” her to the League. Cheap shots are another matter.

But surely, based upon your response, you’ve got some great recent examples of similar reactions to #1 overall picks being hated on by the entirety of the league they are entering. Wemby? Connor Bedard? Others?

any individual that enters a new arena touted as "this person is far & away the best/most important to ever do this" is going to get tested. people are going to hate them. people are going to doubt their skills. as a Packers fan i very vividly recall Terrell Buckley, drafted #5, was so brash that even Packers fans hated him. maybe more than any other fanbase. i know people that wouldn't watch Packers games because Buckley trash talked too much (or whatever they're rationale was).

whether sports or business. the new kid in HS with the good hair. doesn't matter. people don't want to be told that some rookie/newbie is better than they are and they're going to try to prove it.

Caitlin Clark isn't the first, nor last, to ever experience being tested.

the coverage of her prior to the WNBA was "this woman is the best to ever touch a basketball. she is going to absolutely torch the WNBA and vault it to heights unseen before."
and when .... Taurasi?? pushed back a little and said "she's in for a surprise" people went berserk that someone would dare challenge Clark's obvious basketball supremacy. just the mere idea that Caitlin Clark might run in to difficulty in a professional league sent people, who don't watch, in to a tizzy of upset.

now imagine the women who play in that league having to hear for 2 years "there's a woman coming in here that will dominate all of you so get ready to look like ****". you expect them to bow down and just let her run free? they aren't going to try proving everyone else wrong? they're just going to lay down?

Clark gets cheapshotted (a hip check) and, i believe it was, a Chicago paper said that the woman who checked her should be arrested for assault? i mean, come on. Angel Reese got roped down by her neck and slammed to the court but that didn't make any splash.

Clark is getting the treatment rookies get in every sport but because there are a million cameras following her every move people think every little micro-action that occurs is the first time anything like it has ever occurred to any athlete ever. it's ridiculous. she's big girl, she'll figure out the physicality, speed and chess of the WNBA and be just fine. everyone can stop trying to protect her from afar. she's gonna do just fine.

eta: and i forgot to add, since it's a dead period for sports and every sports media outlet is frantically covering Clark all day... every outlet i've heard talking about her has said Clark is a legendary, Larry Bird-level, non-stop, **** talker who gives more than she takes. so, decent chance she's stirring the pot and inviting some of this "petty jealousy" that you're concerned about.
Everything you referenced is the on the court stuff, and I specifically said I could give two ****s about that because that’s absolutely to be expected. Any player with half an ounce of competitiveness is going to challenge Clark, as they should. And yes, that does happen in every sport.

What doesn’t happen in every sport is the off the court nonsense surrounding Clark that just doesn’t cease. The examples are endless. Off the top of my head:
- Swoopes falsely claiming Clark’s scoring record is bunk because she had an extra COVID year, which she didn’t.
- Old timer scoring record holder (don’t even know her name) claiming that Clark hadn’t broken her record because she played with a different ball and no 3 point shot “back in her day”.
- Angel Reese with an ongoing fixation on Clark is the obvious go-to…”we don’t need a charter plane to win games…our team is more than one player…people are watching the WNBA for more than one player, they’re watching it for me too…yada yada.”
- Idiot UConn alumni saying that Clark isn’t one of the all-time college greats because she didn’t win a ring, because ya know, apparently you need to join a program that collected 3 of the top 5 recruits in the nation every single year and bulldozed your way to a 30-1 record year-after-year to be an all-time great.

I’m sure there are plenty more, these were just off the top of my head.

And no, I don’t particularly care about Clark. I’m not defending her, as her on court demeanor has certainly contributed to this a fair bit. I’m simply pointing out that all of this comes across as current/former players being incredibly jealous of a female who is getting more attention than anyone ever has in the history of women’s basketball. And as I said, for me it’s off putting. If you enjoy that type of continued nonsense, then I’m sure you’re loving it. 🤷🏼‍♂️
I’ve been a basketball junkie my entire life. I’ve watched more women’s basketbal in the past two years than I did in probably my previous 45 years of life combined. Part of that is the talent level in women’s basketball is off the charts good right now, all the way down through high school. Part of that is Caitlyn Clark. Her impact on the visibility for women’s basketball was immeasurable. A Pistol Pete like impact on the college game.

All that said, the petty jealousy (and that’s putting it kindly) of Clark from other WNBA players is off putting. It’s actually made me watch very little, and care less with each passing day, about the WNBA than I otherwise would have since every other headline is some nonsense about ___________ (insert player name *cough* Angel Reese *cough*) feeling disrespected that Clark has received so much attention when they deserve attention too. They need to all get over it already.
lol at saying "petty jealousy" put you off of the WNBA

do you watch literally any other sports at all?
Sure, plenty. I guess the roar of, yes “petty jealousy,” that’s being verbalized towards Clark by her (now) peers seems volumes more than any crying I’ve ever seen/heard from NBA/NFL/NHL/MLB veterans. And for the record I could give two ****s about players getting physical with her and “welcoming” her to the League. Cheap shots are another matter.

But surely, based upon your response, you’ve got some great recent examples of similar reactions to #1 overall picks being hated on by the entirety of the league they are entering. Wemby? Connor Bedard? Others?

any individual that enters a new arena touted as "this person is far & away the best/most important to ever do this" is going to get tested. people are going to hate them. people are going to doubt their skills. as a Packers fan i very vividly recall Terrell Buckley, drafted #5, was so brash that even Packers fans hated him. maybe more than any other fanbase. i know people that wouldn't watch Packers games because Buckley trash talked too much (or whatever they're rationale was).

whether sports or business. the new kid in HS with the good hair. doesn't matter. people don't want to be told that some rookie/newbie is better than they are and they're going to try to prove it.

Caitlin Clark isn't the first, nor last, to ever experience being tested.

the coverage of her prior to the WNBA was "this woman is the best to ever touch a basketball. she is going to absolutely torch the WNBA and vault it to heights unseen before."
and when .... Taurasi?? pushed back a little and said "she's in for a surprise" people went berserk that someone would dare challenge Clark's obvious basketball supremacy. just the mere idea that Caitlin Clark might run in to difficulty in a professional league sent people, who don't watch, in to a tizzy of upset.

now imagine the women who play in that league having to hear for 2 years "there's a woman coming in here that will dominate all of you so get ready to look like ****". you expect them to bow down and just let her run free? they aren't going to try proving everyone else wrong? they're just going to lay down?

Clark gets cheapshotted (a hip check) and, i believe it was, a Chicago paper said that the woman who checked her should be arrested for assault? i mean, come on. Angel Reese got roped down by her neck and slammed to the court but that didn't make any splash.

Clark is getting the treatment rookies get in every sport but because there are a million cameras following her every move people think every little micro-action that occurs is the first time anything like it has ever occurred to any athlete ever. it's ridiculous. she's big girl, she'll figure out the physicality, speed and chess of the WNBA and be just fine. everyone can stop trying to protect her from afar. she's gonna do just fine.

eta: and i forgot to add, since it's a dead period for sports and every sports media outlet is frantically covering Clark all day... every outlet i've heard talking about her has said Clark is a legendary, Larry Bird-level, non-stop, **** talker who gives more than she takes. so, decent chance she's stirring the pot and inviting some of this "petty jealousy" that you're concerned about.
agree with most of this.....but obvious cheap shots are 100% little b!tch moves .....if you want to send a message.....man up and do it right....don't deliver a cheap shot and then have your bench explode like you just hit the game winning buzzer beater.....and then man up and answer the questions after the game....don't pull another little b!tch move by declining to answer questions....and also don't pull another little b!tch move like Reese did and not make yourself available after the game and get fined for it....if you are going to pull that cheap crap and celebrate it....man up and own it afterwards....I would have had more respect for them if they would have come out and said, "yeah we don't like her and we wanted to send a message"....I still would have questioned the need for it to be through a cheap shot, but at least then they would have owned it instead running away like little cowards....
Did you just discover the word "b!tch", my dawg?

Cause yo, my man, they were complaining about it to the ref, and that ain't cool.

*Rodman excluded
Lot's of good potential for a "Bad Girls" narrative on the Sky ala those Pistons teams he was on. Got Carter and Reese. Just need Cardoso to start shoving some folks

There's been some talk in here about how aggressive play and cheap fouls are horrible basketball and off-putting to watch, but the Bad Boy Pistons were one of my favorite teams. They make documentaries about them. They are legends in Detroit. I like a little roughneck with my sports, but I'm a high-T alpha dog of a man, so I can't relate to the snowflakery and wispy share your feelings guy who don't want poor Clark to get pushed.
I have zero problem with a hard foul going to the hoop....or running over her going through a screen or something....going out of your way and delivering a blindside cheap shot 90 feet from the basket out in the middle of nowhere is a totally different story....especially when it is celebrated like she did something great...and especially when you run away like little cowards afterwards....little b!tch move from start to finish....

Man, this isolated event in sports that we've never seen anywhere else in the history of athletics really has you triggered. I think it's great you're in here talking about this how this traumatic event has impacted you as that's the first step in getting the help you need to heal and move on.
Yo dawg, why you being all b!tchy about this?

Everyone knows it was a b!tch move, but the thing is, someone complains this much, all I can say is, sn!tches get st!ches, you hear? Everyone in the street knows this, yo
call it what you want....that is how I see it
I’ve been a basketball junkie my entire life. I’ve watched more women’s basketbal in the past two years than I did in probably my previous 45 years of life combined. Part of that is the talent level in women’s basketball is off the charts good right now, all the way down through high school. Part of that is Caitlyn Clark. Her impact on the visibility for women’s basketball was immeasurable. A Pistol Pete like impact on the college game.

All that said, the petty jealousy (and that’s putting it kindly) of Clark from other WNBA players is off putting. It’s actually made me watch very little, and care less with each passing day, about the WNBA than I otherwise would have since every other headline is some nonsense about ___________ (insert player name *cough* Angel Reese *cough*) feeling disrespected that Clark has received so much attention when they deserve attention too. They need to all get over it already.
lol at saying "petty jealousy" put you off of the WNBA

do you watch literally any other sports at all?
Sure, plenty. I guess the roar of, yes “petty jealousy,” that’s being verbalized towards Clark by her (now) peers seems volumes more than any crying I’ve ever seen/heard from NBA/NFL/NHL/MLB veterans. And for the record I could give two ****s about players getting physical with her and “welcoming” her to the League. Cheap shots are another matter.

But surely, based upon your response, you’ve got some great recent examples of similar reactions to #1 overall picks being hated on by the entirety of the league they are entering. Wemby? Connor Bedard? Others?

any individual that enters a new arena touted as "this person is far & away the best/most important to ever do this" is going to get tested. people are going to hate them. people are going to doubt their skills. as a Packers fan i very vividly recall Terrell Buckley, drafted #5, was so brash that even Packers fans hated him. maybe more than any other fanbase. i know people that wouldn't watch Packers games because Buckley trash talked too much (or whatever they're rationale was).

whether sports or business. the new kid in HS with the good hair. doesn't matter. people don't want to be told that some rookie/newbie is better than they are and they're going to try to prove it.

Caitlin Clark isn't the first, nor last, to ever experience being tested.

the coverage of her prior to the WNBA was "this woman is the best to ever touch a basketball. she is going to absolutely torch the WNBA and vault it to heights unseen before."
and when .... Taurasi?? pushed back a little and said "she's in for a surprise" people went berserk that someone would dare challenge Clark's obvious basketball supremacy. just the mere idea that Caitlin Clark might run in to difficulty in a professional league sent people, who don't watch, in to a tizzy of upset.

now imagine the women who play in that league having to hear for 2 years "there's a woman coming in here that will dominate all of you so get ready to look like ****". you expect them to bow down and just let her run free? they aren't going to try proving everyone else wrong? they're just going to lay down?

Clark gets cheapshotted (a hip check) and, i believe it was, a Chicago paper said that the woman who checked her should be arrested for assault? i mean, come on. Angel Reese got roped down by her neck and slammed to the court but that didn't make any splash.

Clark is getting the treatment rookies get in every sport but because there are a million cameras following her every move people think every little micro-action that occurs is the first time anything like it has ever occurred to any athlete ever. it's ridiculous. she's big girl, she'll figure out the physicality, speed and chess of the WNBA and be just fine. everyone can stop trying to protect her from afar. she's gonna do just fine.

eta: and i forgot to add, since it's a dead period for sports and every sports media outlet is frantically covering Clark all day... every outlet i've heard talking about her has said Clark is a legendary, Larry Bird-level, non-stop, **** talker who gives more than she takes. so, decent chance she's stirring the pot and inviting some of this "petty jealousy" that you're concerned about.
agree with most of this.....but obvious cheap shots are 100% little b!tch moves .....if you want to send a message.....man up and do it right....don't deliver a cheap shot and then have your bench explode like you just hit the game winning buzzer beater.....and then man up and answer the questions after the game....don't pull another little b!tch move by declining to answer questions....and also don't pull another little b!tch move like Reese did and not make yourself available after the game and get fined for it....if you are going to pull that cheap crap and celebrate it....man up and own it afterwards....I would have had more respect for them if they would have come out and said, "yeah we don't like her and we wanted to send a message"....I still would have questioned the need for it to be through a cheap shot, but at least then they would have owned it instead running away like little cowards....
Did you just discover the word "b!tch", my dawg?

Cause yo, my man, they were complaining about it to the ref, and that ain't cool.

*Rodman excluded
Lot's of good potential for a "Bad Girls" narrative on the Sky ala those Pistons teams he was on. Got Carter and Reese. Just need Cardoso to start shoving some folks

There's been some talk in here about how aggressive play and cheap fouls are horrible basketball and off-putting to watch, but the Bad Boy Pistons were one of my favorite teams. They make documentaries about them. They are legends in Detroit. I like a little roughneck with my sports, but I'm a high-T alpha dog of a man, so I can't relate to the snowflakery and wispy share your feelings guy who don't want poor Clark to get pushed.
I have zero problem with a hard foul going to the hoop....or running over her going through a screen or something....going out of your way and delivering a blindside cheap shot 90 feet from the basket out in the middle of nowhere is a totally different story....especially when it is celebrated like she did something great...and especially when you run away like little cowards afterwards....little b!tch move from start to finish....

Man, this isolated event in sports that we've never seen anywhere else in the history of athletics really has you triggered. I think it's great you're in here talking about this how this traumatic event has impacted you as that's the first step in getting the help you need to heal and move on.
Yo dawg, why you being all b!tchy about this?

Everyone knows it was a b!tch move, but the thing is, someone complains this much, all I can say is, sn!tches get st!ches, you hear? Everyone in the street knows this, yo

I see Prison Mike has entered the chat.....
Does anyone want away from the ball fouls, against any player, in any sport, ever? No. Imagine if this was done to MJ or Gretzky or TB12? Unacceptable

The current players need to STFU about the rookie and act all 🙀 that Clark-mania is happening. As mentioned above, they should be embracing it. They aren't. Instead they are coming across as whiny asses. Stop it.

The hazing? It isnt hazing. If it was hazing it would be happening to every rookie, all the time, in all the years. It isnt. This is pure retaliation for her publicity. Its petty and doesnt serve the sport. As mentioned above, want a hard foul? Want some hack-a-shaq-clark? Fine by me! Just make it about the game and not personal.

White Sox's Tommy Pham says he's always prepared to 'f*** somebody up' after confrontation with Brewers' William Contreras​


White Sox's Tommy Pham says he's always prepared to 'f*** somebody up' after confrontation with Brewers' William Contreras​


It was pretty funny when he ***** slapped Joc. But he's no Caitlin :shrug:
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White Sox's Tommy Pham says he's always prepared to 'f*** somebody up' after confrontation with Brewers' William Contreras​

Wanted to use his Muay Thai training.
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  • Laughing
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*Rodman excluded
Lot's of good potential for a "Bad Girls" narrative on the Sky ala those Pistons teams he was on. Got Carter and Reese. Just need Cardoso to start shoving some folks

There's been some talk in here about how aggressive play and cheap fouls are horrible basketball and off-putting to watch, but the Bad Boy Pistons were one of my favorite teams. They make documentaries about them. They are legends in Detroit. I like a little roughneck with my sports, but I'm a high-T alpha dog of a man, so I can't relate to the snowflakery and wispy share your feelings guy who don't want poor Clark to get pushed.
They make documentaries about Dean Smith playing 4 corners. Is that good basketball too because there is a documentary on it?
  • Laughing
Reactions: JAA
I’ve been a basketball junkie my entire life. I’ve watched more women’s basketbal in the past two years than I did in probably my previous 45 years of life combined. Part of that is the talent level in women’s basketball is off the charts good right now, all the way down through high school. Part of that is Caitlyn Clark. Her impact on the visibility for women’s basketball was immeasurable. A Pistol Pete like impact on the college game.

All that said, the petty jealousy (and that’s putting it kindly) of Clark from other WNBA players is off putting. It’s actually made me watch very little, and care less with each passing day, about the WNBA than I otherwise would have since every other headline is some nonsense about ___________ (insert player name *cough* Angel Reese *cough*) feeling disrespected that Clark has received so much attention when they deserve attention too. They need to all get over it already.
lol at saying "petty jealousy" put you off of the WNBA

do you watch literally any other sports at all?
Sure, plenty. I guess the roar of, yes “petty jealousy,” that’s being verbalized towards Clark by her (now) peers seems volumes more than any crying I’ve ever seen/heard from NBA/NFL/NHL/MLB veterans. And for the record I could give two ****s about players getting physical with her and “welcoming” her to the League. Cheap shots are another matter.

But surely, based upon your response, you’ve got some great recent examples of similar reactions to #1 overall picks being hated on by the entirety of the league they are entering. Wemby? Connor Bedard? Others?

any individual that enters a new arena touted as "this person is far & away the best/most important to ever do this" is going to get tested. people are going to hate them. people are going to doubt their skills. as a Packers fan i very vividly recall Terrell Buckley, drafted #5, was so brash that even Packers fans hated him. maybe more than any other fanbase. i know people that wouldn't watch Packers games because Buckley trash talked too much (or whatever they're rationale was).

whether sports or business. the new kid in HS with the good hair. doesn't matter. people don't want to be told that some rookie/newbie is better than they are and they're going to try to prove it.

Caitlin Clark isn't the first, nor last, to ever experience being tested.

the coverage of her prior to the WNBA was "this woman is the best to ever touch a basketball. she is going to absolutely torch the WNBA and vault it to heights unseen before."
and when .... Taurasi?? pushed back a little and said "she's in for a surprise" people went berserk that someone would dare challenge Clark's obvious basketball supremacy. just the mere idea that Caitlin Clark might run in to difficulty in a professional league sent people, who don't watch, in to a tizzy of upset.

now imagine the women who play in that league having to hear for 2 years "there's a woman coming in here that will dominate all of you so get ready to look like ****". you expect them to bow down and just let her run free? they aren't going to try proving everyone else wrong? they're just going to lay down?

Clark gets cheapshotted (a hip check) and, i believe it was, a Chicago paper said that the woman who checked her should be arrested for assault? i mean, come on. Angel Reese got roped down by her neck and slammed to the court but that didn't make any splash.

Clark is getting the treatment rookies get in every sport but because there are a million cameras following her every move people think every little micro-action that occurs is the first time anything like it has ever occurred to any athlete ever. it's ridiculous. she's big girl, she'll figure out the physicality, speed and chess of the WNBA and be just fine. everyone can stop trying to protect her from afar. she's gonna do just fine.

eta: and i forgot to add, since it's a dead period for sports and every sports media outlet is frantically covering Clark all day... every outlet i've heard talking about her has said Clark is a legendary, Larry Bird-level, non-stop, **** talker who gives more than she takes. so, decent chance she's stirring the pot and inviting some of this "petty jealousy" that you're concerned about.
RIP Furley's Strawmen - we barely knew thee.

Do you get paid every time you use the word "strawman" here or something? You sure like to throw that word around....
I think I've used it twice now? Three times at most.

And I keep doing it because you guys keep attacking someone who doesn't exist and then pound your chest like a gorilla.
*Rodman excluded
Lot's of good potential for a "Bad Girls" narrative on the Sky ala those Pistons teams he was on. Got Carter and Reese. Just need Cardoso to start shoving some folks

There's been some talk in here about how aggressive play and cheap fouls are horrible basketball and off-putting to watch, but the Bad Boy Pistons were one of my favorite teams. They make documentaries about them. They are legends in Detroit. I like a little roughneck with my sports, but I'm a high-T alpha dog of a man, so I can't relate to the snowflakery and wispy share your feelings guy who don't want poor Clark to get pushed.
They make documentaries about Dean Smith playing 4 corners. Is that good basketball too because there is a documentary on it?

I enjoyed some of Dean Smith's teams when he was coaching. Sure. :shrug:
I’ve been a basketball junkie my entire life. I’ve watched more women’s basketbal in the past two years than I did in probably my previous 45 years of life combined. Part of that is the talent level in women’s basketball is off the charts good right now, all the way down through high school. Part of that is Caitlyn Clark. Her impact on the visibility for women’s basketball was immeasurable. A Pistol Pete like impact on the college game.

All that said, the petty jealousy (and that’s putting it kindly) of Clark from other WNBA players is off putting. It’s actually made me watch very little, and care less with each passing day, about the WNBA than I otherwise would have since every other headline is some nonsense about ___________ (insert player name *cough* Angel Reese *cough*) feeling disrespected that Clark has received so much attention when they deserve attention too. They need to all get over it already.
lol at saying "petty jealousy" put you off of the WNBA

do you watch literally any other sports at all?
Sure, plenty. I guess the roar of, yes “petty jealousy,” that’s being verbalized towards Clark by her (now) peers seems volumes more than any crying I’ve ever seen/heard from NBA/NFL/NHL/MLB veterans. And for the record I could give two ****s about players getting physical with her and “welcoming” her to the League. Cheap shots are another matter.

But surely, based upon your response, you’ve got some great recent examples of similar reactions to #1 overall picks being hated on by the entirety of the league they are entering. Wemby? Connor Bedard? Others?

any individual that enters a new arena touted as "this person is far & away the best/most important to ever do this" is going to get tested. people are going to hate them. people are going to doubt their skills. as a Packers fan i very vividly recall Terrell Buckley, drafted #5, was so brash that even Packers fans hated him. maybe more than any other fanbase. i know people that wouldn't watch Packers games because Buckley trash talked too much (or whatever they're rationale was).

whether sports or business. the new kid in HS with the good hair. doesn't matter. people don't want to be told that some rookie/newbie is better than they are and they're going to try to prove it.

Caitlin Clark isn't the first, nor last, to ever experience being tested.

the coverage of her prior to the WNBA was "this woman is the best to ever touch a basketball. she is going to absolutely torch the WNBA and vault it to heights unseen before."
and when .... Taurasi?? pushed back a little and said "she's in for a surprise" people went berserk that someone would dare challenge Clark's obvious basketball supremacy. just the mere idea that Caitlin Clark might run in to difficulty in a professional league sent people, who don't watch, in to a tizzy of upset.

now imagine the women who play in that league having to hear for 2 years "there's a woman coming in here that will dominate all of you so get ready to look like ****". you expect them to bow down and just let her run free? they aren't going to try proving everyone else wrong? they're just going to lay down?

Clark gets cheapshotted (a hip check) and, i believe it was, a Chicago paper said that the woman who checked her should be arrested for assault? i mean, come on. Angel Reese got roped down by her neck and slammed to the court but that didn't make any splash.

Clark is getting the treatment rookies get in every sport but because there are a million cameras following her every move people think every little micro-action that occurs is the first time anything like it has ever occurred to any athlete ever. it's ridiculous. she's big girl, she'll figure out the physicality, speed and chess of the WNBA and be just fine. everyone can stop trying to protect her from afar. she's gonna do just fine.

eta: and i forgot to add, since it's a dead period for sports and every sports media outlet is frantically covering Clark all day... every outlet i've heard talking about her has said Clark is a legendary, Larry Bird-level, non-stop, **** talker who gives more than she takes. so, decent chance she's stirring the pot and inviting some of this "petty jealousy" that you're concerned about.
RIP Furley's Strawmen - we barely knew thee.

Do you get paid every time you use the word "strawman" here or something? You sure like to throw that word around....
I think I've used it twice now? Three times at most.

And I keep doing it because you guys keep attacking someone who doesn't exist and then pound your chest like a gorilla.

Can you give me an example of me doing that in here? I'm trying to figure out what a 'strawman' really is. That and 'gaslighting'. I'm still not sure I know what they mean.

Thank you.
Did Caitlin Clark force Ice Cube and the The Big 3 to offer her $5MM? Was she going to not play WNBA games if Nike didn't ink a $28MM deal for her? If the rest of the WNBA was so good, why aren't these types of deals/opportunities available to them?
Whole lotta pearl clutching in here by both sides.

Y'all are mostly talking past one another - without acknowledging the validity of the others claims.

1. Off-the-ball intentional fouls - are bad for the product. WNBA is trying to increase viewership - and right or wrong from a sporting standpoint, they don't want anyone tuning out because of "perceived" foul play. This is perhaps a small window to really bring in new long-term viewers - financially, they can't afford to waste it.

2. Players are probably jealous of the attention Clark has drawn - this was true in college also, and evident before the LSU game last year, and the South Carolina game this year. Can't say I blame them - but a rising tide raises all ships. If WNBA revenue increases, and thus player salaries increase - that is good for everyone, even if you think Clark is getting more than she deserves. Players should just get on with their own game, and building their own individual brands.

3. This is not unique to Clark, and she will need to prove herself in the league. Its not even unique to sports - we love to build people up, and watch them fall.

4. It does not appear that Clark herself is complaining unnecessarily. But, this idea that all rookies should have to go through this is fundamentally wrong - there is a learning curve for all rookies, but beyond that, there is nothing positive gained from making them

There really is nothing more for the league to do here - sounds like they will be more aware of intentional off-the-ball fouls, or excessively violent fouls, and make the calls accordingly. Clark will find her feet within the game (or not). Other players have a chance to make a name for themselves with more people watching (thanks to Clark) - and if they can build a following like Clark - they will get paid like Clark.
I’ve been a basketball junkie my entire life. I’ve watched more women’s basketbal in the past two years than I did in probably my previous 45 years of life combined. Part of that is the talent level in women’s basketball is off the charts good right now, all the way down through high school. Part of that is Caitlyn Clark. Her impact on the visibility for women’s basketball was immeasurable. A Pistol Pete like impact on the college game.

All that said, the petty jealousy (and that’s putting it kindly) of Clark from other WNBA players is off putting. It’s actually made me watch very little, and care less with each passing day, about the WNBA than I otherwise would have since every other headline is some nonsense about ___________ (insert player name *cough* Angel Reese *cough*) feeling disrespected that Clark has received so much attention when they deserve attention too. They need to all get over it already.
lol at saying "petty jealousy" put you off of the WNBA

do you watch literally any other sports at all?
Sure, plenty. I guess the roar of, yes “petty jealousy,” that’s being verbalized towards Clark by her (now) peers seems volumes more than any crying I’ve ever seen/heard from NBA/NFL/NHL/MLB veterans. And for the record I could give two ****s about players getting physical with her and “welcoming” her to the League. Cheap shots are another matter.

But surely, based upon your response, you’ve got some great recent examples of similar reactions to #1 overall picks being hated on by the entirety of the league they are entering. Wemby? Connor Bedard? Others?

any individual that enters a new arena touted as "this person is far & away the best/most important to ever do this" is going to get tested. people are going to hate them. people are going to doubt their skills. as a Packers fan i very vividly recall Terrell Buckley, drafted #5, was so brash that even Packers fans hated him. maybe more than any other fanbase. i know people that wouldn't watch Packers games because Buckley trash talked too much (or whatever they're rationale was).

whether sports or business. the new kid in HS with the good hair. doesn't matter. people don't want to be told that some rookie/newbie is better than they are and they're going to try to prove it.

Caitlin Clark isn't the first, nor last, to ever experience being tested.

the coverage of her prior to the WNBA was "this woman is the best to ever touch a basketball. she is going to absolutely torch the WNBA and vault it to heights unseen before."
and when .... Taurasi?? pushed back a little and said "she's in for a surprise" people went berserk that someone would dare challenge Clark's obvious basketball supremacy. just the mere idea that Caitlin Clark might run in to difficulty in a professional league sent people, who don't watch, in to a tizzy of upset.

now imagine the women who play in that league having to hear for 2 years "there's a woman coming in here that will dominate all of you so get ready to look like ****". you expect them to bow down and just let her run free? they aren't going to try proving everyone else wrong? they're just going to lay down?

Clark gets cheapshotted (a hip check) and, i believe it was, a Chicago paper said that the woman who checked her should be arrested for assault? i mean, come on. Angel Reese got roped down by her neck and slammed to the court but that didn't make any splash.

Clark is getting the treatment rookies get in every sport but because there are a million cameras following her every move people think every little micro-action that occurs is the first time anything like it has ever occurred to any athlete ever. it's ridiculous. she's big girl, she'll figure out the physicality, speed and chess of the WNBA and be just fine. everyone can stop trying to protect her from afar. she's gonna do just fine.

eta: and i forgot to add, since it's a dead period for sports and every sports media outlet is frantically covering Clark all day... every outlet i've heard talking about her has said Clark is a legendary, Larry Bird-level, non-stop, **** talker who gives more than she takes. so, decent chance she's stirring the pot and inviting some of this "petty jealousy" that you're concerned about.
RIP Furley's Strawmen - we barely knew thee.

Do you get paid every time you use the word "strawman" here or something? You sure like to throw that word around....
Nice strawman!
I’ve been a basketball junkie my entire life. I’ve watched more women’s basketbal in the past two years than I did in probably my previous 45 years of life combined. Part of that is the talent level in women’s basketball is off the charts good right now, all the way down through high school. Part of that is Caitlyn Clark. Her impact on the visibility for women’s basketball was immeasurable. A Pistol Pete like impact on the college game.

All that said, the petty jealousy (and that’s putting it kindly) of Clark from other WNBA players is off putting. It’s actually made me watch very little, and care less with each passing day, about the WNBA than I otherwise would have since every other headline is some nonsense about ___________ (insert player name *cough* Angel Reese *cough*) feeling disrespected that Clark has received so much attention when they deserve attention too. They need to all get over it already.
lol at saying "petty jealousy" put you off of the WNBA

do you watch literally any other sports at all?
Sure, plenty. I guess the roar of, yes “petty jealousy,” that’s being verbalized towards Clark by her (now) peers seems volumes more than any crying I’ve ever seen/heard from NBA/NFL/NHL/MLB veterans. And for the record I could give two ****s about players getting physical with her and “welcoming” her to the League. Cheap shots are another matter.

But surely, based upon your response, you’ve got some great recent examples of similar reactions to #1 overall picks being hated on by the entirety of the league they are entering. Wemby? Connor Bedard? Others?

any individual that enters a new arena touted as "this person is far & away the best/most important to ever do this" is going to get tested. people are going to hate them. people are going to doubt their skills. as a Packers fan i very vividly recall Terrell Buckley, drafted #5, was so brash that even Packers fans hated him. maybe more than any other fanbase. i know people that wouldn't watch Packers games because Buckley trash talked too much (or whatever they're rationale was).

whether sports or business. the new kid in HS with the good hair. doesn't matter. people don't want to be told that some rookie/newbie is better than they are and they're going to try to prove it.

Caitlin Clark isn't the first, nor last, to ever experience being tested.

the coverage of her prior to the WNBA was "this woman is the best to ever touch a basketball. she is going to absolutely torch the WNBA and vault it to heights unseen before."
and when .... Taurasi?? pushed back a little and said "she's in for a surprise" people went berserk that someone would dare challenge Clark's obvious basketball supremacy. just the mere idea that Caitlin Clark might run in to difficulty in a professional league sent people, who don't watch, in to a tizzy of upset.

now imagine the women who play in that league having to hear for 2 years "there's a woman coming in here that will dominate all of you so get ready to look like ****". you expect them to bow down and just let her run free? they aren't going to try proving everyone else wrong? they're just going to lay down?

Clark gets cheapshotted (a hip check) and, i believe it was, a Chicago paper said that the woman who checked her should be arrested for assault? i mean, come on. Angel Reese got roped down by her neck and slammed to the court but that didn't make any splash.

Clark is getting the treatment rookies get in every sport but because there are a million cameras following her every move people think every little micro-action that occurs is the first time anything like it has ever occurred to any athlete ever. it's ridiculous. she's big girl, she'll figure out the physicality, speed and chess of the WNBA and be just fine. everyone can stop trying to protect her from afar. she's gonna do just fine.

eta: and i forgot to add, since it's a dead period for sports and every sports media outlet is frantically covering Clark all day... every outlet i've heard talking about her has said Clark is a legendary, Larry Bird-level, non-stop, **** talker who gives more than she takes. so, decent chance she's stirring the pot and inviting some of this "petty jealousy" that you're concerned about.
RIP Furley's Strawmen - we barely knew thee.

Do you get paid every time you use the word "strawman" here or something? You sure like to throw that word around....
Nice strawman!

Don't gaslight me!
*Rodman excluded
Lot's of good potential for a "Bad Girls" narrative on the Sky ala those Pistons teams he was on. Got Carter and Reese. Just need Cardoso to start shoving some folks

There's been some talk in here about how aggressive play and cheap fouls are horrible basketball and off-putting to watch, but the Bad Boy Pistons were one of my favorite teams. They make documentaries about them. They are legends in Detroit. I like a little roughneck with my sports, but I'm a high-T alpha dog of a man, so I can't relate to the snowflakery and wispy share your feelings guy who don't want poor Clark to get pushed.
I have zero problem with a hard foul going to the hoop....or running over her going through a screen or something....going out of your way and delivering a blindside cheap shot 90 feet from the basket out in the middle of nowhere is a totally different story....especially when it is celebrated like she did something great...and especially when you run away like little cowards afterwards....little b!tch move from start to finish....

Man, this isolated event in sports that we've never seen anywhere else in the history of athletics really has you triggered. I think it's great you're in here talking about this how this traumatic event has impacted you as that's the first step in getting the help you need to heal and move on.
May I ask politely why you are defending an obvious cheap shot and the celebration that occurred after it?

Seems odd imo
swear on everything if the WNBA doesn't crack down on thuggery by EOD Friday, i will boycott the product entirely. not even anymore fake arguing about it on the internet. i'm done.
Whole lotta pearl clutching in here by both sides.

Y'all are mostly talking past one another - without acknowledging the validity of the others claims.

1. Off-the-ball intentional fouls - are bad for the product. WNBA is trying to increase viewership - and right or wrong from a sporting standpoint, they don't want anyone tuning out because of "perceived" foul play. This is perhaps a small window to really bring in new long-term viewers - financially, they can't afford to waste it.

Reminds me of the management reaction in this clip...
Whole lotta pearl clutching in here by both sides.

Y'all are mostly talking past one another - without acknowledging the validity of the others claims.

1. Off-the-ball intentional fouls - are bad for the product. WNBA is trying to increase viewership - and right or wrong from a sporting standpoint, they don't want anyone tuning out because of "perceived" foul play. This is perhaps a small window to really bring in new long-term viewers - financially, they can't afford to waste it.

2. Players are probably jealous of the attention Clark has drawn - this was true in college also, and evident before the LSU game last year, and the South Carolina game this year. Can't say I blame them - but a rising tide raises all ships. If WNBA revenue increases, and thus player salaries increase - that is good for everyone, even if you think Clark is getting more than she deserves. Players should just get on with their own game, and building their own individual brands.

3. This is not unique to Clark, and she will need to prove herself in the league. Its not even unique to sports - we love to build people up, and watch them fall.

4. It does not appear that Clark herself is complaining unnecessarily. But, this idea that all rookies should have to go through this is fundamentally wrong - there is a learning curve for all rookies, but beyond that, there is nothing positive gained from making them

There really is nothing more for the league to do here - sounds like they will be more aware of intentional off-the-ball fouls, or excessively violent fouls, and make the calls accordingly. Clark will find her feet within the game (or not). Other players have a chance to make a name for themselves with more people watching (thanks to Clark) - and if they can build a following like Clark - they will get paid like Clark.
take this well thought out dribble else where, we don't care about facts in here :pirate:
Whole lotta pearl clutching in here by both sides.

Y'all are mostly talking past one another - without acknowledging the validity of the others claims.

1. Off-the-ball intentional fouls - are bad for the product. WNBA is trying to increase viewership - and right or wrong from a sporting standpoint, they don't want anyone tuning out because of "perceived" foul play. This is perhaps a small window to really bring in new long-term viewers - financially, they can't afford to waste it.

2. Players are probably jealous of the attention Clark has drawn - this was true in college also, and evident before the LSU game last year, and the South Carolina game this year. Can't say I blame them - but a rising tide raises all ships. If WNBA revenue increases, and thus player salaries increase - that is good for everyone, even if you think Clark is getting more than she deserves. Players should just get on with their own game, and building their own individual brands.

3. This is not unique to Clark, and she will need to prove herself in the league. Its not even unique to sports - we love to build people up, and watch them fall.

4. It does not appear that Clark herself is complaining unnecessarily. But, this idea that all rookies should have to go through this is fundamentally wrong - there is a learning curve for all rookies, but beyond that, there is nothing positive gained from making them

There really is nothing more for the league to do here - sounds like they will be more aware of intentional off-the-ball fouls, or excessively violent fouls, and make the calls accordingly. Clark will find her feet within the game (or not). Other players have a chance to make a name for themselves with more people watching (thanks to Clark) - and if they can build a following like Clark - they will get paid like Clark.
take this well thought out dribble else where, we don't care about facts in here :pirate:
damn, I just made myself think of pirate...I wonder what happened to him
the coverage of her prior to the WNBA was "this woman is the best to ever touch a basketball. she is going to absolutely torch the WNBA and vault it to heights unseen before."
and when .... Taurasi?? pushed back a little and said "she's in for a surprise" people went berserk that someone would dare challenge Clark's obvious basketball supremacy. just the mere idea that Caitlin Clark might run in to difficulty in a professional league sent people, who don't watch, in to a tizzy of upset.

now imagine the women who play in that league having to hear for 2 years "there's a woman coming in here that will dominate all of you so get ready to look like ****". you expect them to bow down and just let her run free? they aren't going to try proving everyone else wrong? they're just going to lay down?

Clark gets cheapshotted (a hip check) and, i believe it was, a Chicago paper said that the woman who checked her should be arrested for assault? i mean, come on. Angel Reese got roped down by her neck and slammed to the court but that didn't make any splash.

Clark is getting the treatment rookies get in every sport but because there are a million cameras following her every move people think every little micro-action that occurs is the first time anything like it has ever occurred to any athlete ever. it's ridiculous. she's big girl, she'll figure out the physicality, speed and chess of the WNBA and be just fine. everyone can stop trying to protect her from afar. she's gonna do just fine.

eta: and i forgot to add, since it's a dead period for sports and every sports media outlet is frantically covering Clark all day... every outlet i've heard talking about her has said Clark is a legendary, Larry Bird-level, non-stop, **** talker who gives more than she takes. so, decent chance she's stirring the pot and inviting some of this "petty jealousy" that you're concerned about.
Pretty sure no one actually fits the bill for the 6 bolded statements above. You are debating a non-existent person aka a "strawman" whereby you can proceed to debunk the imaginary arguments this imaginary person is making and then act like you've accomplished something when in reality you are fighting against no one and mocking and trolling people that actually don't exist.
the coverage of her prior to the WNBA was "this woman is the best to ever touch a basketball. she is going to absolutely torch the WNBA and vault it to heights unseen before."
and when .... Taurasi?? pushed back a little and said "she's in for a surprise" people went berserk that someone would dare challenge Clark's obvious basketball supremacy. just the mere idea that Caitlin Clark might run in to difficulty in a professional league sent people, who don't watch, in to a tizzy of upset.

now imagine the women who play in that league having to hear for 2 years "there's a woman coming in here that will dominate all of you so get ready to look like ****". you expect them to bow down and just let her run free? they aren't going to try proving everyone else wrong? they're just going to lay down?

Clark gets cheapshotted (a hip check) and, i believe it was, a Chicago paper said that the woman who checked her should be arrested for assault? i mean, come on. Angel Reese got roped down by her neck and slammed to the court but that didn't make any splash.

Clark is getting the treatment rookies get in every sport but because there are a million cameras following her every move people think every little micro-action that occurs is the first time anything like it has ever occurred to any athlete ever. it's ridiculous. she's big girl, she'll figure out the physicality, speed and chess of the WNBA and be just fine. everyone can stop trying to protect her from afar. she's gonna do just fine.

eta: and i forgot to add, since it's a dead period for sports and every sports media outlet is frantically covering Clark all day... every outlet i've heard talking about her has said Clark is a legendary, Larry Bird-level, non-stop, **** talker who gives more than she takes. so, decent chance she's stirring the pot and inviting some of this "petty jealousy" that you're concerned about.
Pretty sure no one actually fits the bill for the 6 bolded statements above. You are debating a non-existent person aka a "strawman" whereby you can proceed to debunk the imaginary arguments this imaginary person is making and then act like you've accomplished something when in reality you are fighting against no one and mocking and trolling people that actually don't exist.
i think you learned a new word today and don't know how to use it :shrug:
the coverage of her prior to the WNBA was "this woman is the best to ever touch a basketball. she is going to absolutely torch the WNBA and vault it to heights unseen before."
and when .... Taurasi?? pushed back a little and said "she's in for a surprise" people went berserk that someone would dare challenge Clark's obvious basketball supremacy. just the mere idea that Caitlin Clark might run in to difficulty in a professional league sent people, who don't watch, in to a tizzy of upset.

now imagine the women who play in that league having to hear for 2 years "there's a woman coming in here that will dominate all of you so get ready to look like ****". you expect them to bow down and just let her run free? they aren't going to try proving everyone else wrong? they're just going to lay down?

Clark gets cheapshotted (a hip check) and, i believe it was, a Chicago paper said that the woman who checked her should be arrested for assault? i mean, come on. Angel Reese got roped down by her neck and slammed to the court but that didn't make any splash.

Clark is getting the treatment rookies get in every sport but because there are a million cameras following her every move people think every little micro-action that occurs is the first time anything like it has ever occurred to any athlete ever. it's ridiculous. she's big girl, she'll figure out the physicality, speed and chess of the WNBA and be just fine. everyone can stop trying to protect her from afar. she's gonna do just fine.

eta: and i forgot to add, since it's a dead period for sports and every sports media outlet is frantically covering Clark all day... every outlet i've heard talking about her has said Clark is a legendary, Larry Bird-level, non-stop, **** talker who gives more than she takes. so, decent chance she's stirring the pot and inviting some of this "petty jealousy" that you're concerned about.
Pretty sure no one actually fits the bill for the 6 bolded statements above. You are debating a non-existent person aka a "strawman" whereby you can proceed to debunk the imaginary arguments this imaginary person is making and then act like you've accomplished something when in reality you are fighting against no one and mocking and trolling people that actually don't exist.
i think you learned a new word today and don't know how to use it :shrug:
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