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Packer's Resurgence (1 Viewer)

What was responsible for the Packers resurgence in the 90s and beyond...

  • Ron Wolf only?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Combination of factors including Wolf, Reggie White, Revenue Sharing, Salary Cap, Free Agency, and

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sho nuff

Just a little research here to see people's opinions on this matter as this came up elsewhere. If you could just voice your opinion (especially Packer fans)...what do you thinkn was responsible for the Packers rise back to the top?

It's hard to seperate the two. Obviously it was a combo of all these factors but Ron Wolf was responsible for making many of these factors happen by bringing Holmgren, Favre, White, Keith Jackson, etc.

Definitely a combo. Wolf really had some great drafts and they really hit it big on free agents (Leroy Butler, Reggie White, Sean Jones . . . etc.)

It's hard to seperate the two. Obviously it was a combo of all these factors but Ron Wolf was responsible for making many of these factors happen by bringing Holmgren, Favre, White, Keith Jackson, etc.
True...Jackson was one that came in basically because of White...but most of that line came in during free agency...and many even after the cap...guys like Santana Dotson, Sean Jones...others on the defense like Eugene Robinson...key players like Desmond Howard.Also...if you look at the decade leading up to the Salary cap...the same teams were winning year after year...the Skins, Cowboys, Giants, 9ers, Raiders...with the Bears thrown in there in 85. Notice those teams are known for owners with deep pockets...but since the cap...a larger assortment of teams have won the Super Bowl...teams that may not have been able to really compete...teams like Tampa, Baltimore, Green Bay...

But yes...Wolf was a big key. It takes a combo of things like making the right moves as Wolf did...as Belichick and company have been doing...

Definitely a combo. Wolf really had some great drafts and they really hit it big on free agents (Leroy Butler, Reggie White, Sean Jones . . . etc.)
I believe LeRoy Butler was drafted out of Florida State by the Packers in 1990. Wolf didn't join the Packers until 1991.
Definitely a combo.  Wolf really had some great drafts and they really hit it big on free agents (Leroy Butler, Reggie White, Sean Jones .  . . etc.)
I believe LeRoy Butler was drafted out of Florida State by the Packers in 1990. Wolf didn't join the Packers until 1991.
You are right, why did I think we got him from the Colts?
I believe it's the Bears and Lions incompetence during that time frame. ;)
Possibly...would not totally explain having the best offense and defense in the NFL in 1996 though...

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