I know that Footballguys have said they have considered this but declined to do it. I just want to make sure they have an accurate assessment of how many of think it would be valuable, and strengthen our committment to returning as subscribers. So, if you are a Footballguys subscriber and you would be interested in a message board for subscribers where we could discuss the subscription-content, please reply to this post.
From a business stand-point this is a ridiculous suggestion that footballguys would be foolish to agree to. This message board and the opinions and discussions that take place are some of the best free-advertising for why you SHOULD subscribe to the site. As a newbie a couple years ago it was comments and inside info I saw exchanged here that made me realize I could really learn a lot by paying for a subscription.
If there WAS a subscriber only area, all the real sharks would be in there and this board would become a waiting area for people that weren't 'in the know' and the value of this board would be hugely reduced.