Thanks for the heads up. These are actually legal moves. Sleeper allows you to drop bench players once their games have started to roster players who haven't started. It is a loop hole but they have a legal bench. Just for the week matchup it shows a 14 man roster. For instance, Vidal is not on the roster, but it shows as though in the matchup. We have a note to discuss this leading up to 2025.
I disagree with your decision here
@Joey Wright . I'm not a fan of fantasy league hosting sites determining what a league allows or does not allow. Actual written rules trump whatever a host site has set by default.
Example: We were told (at the very beginning of the season) that trades were not allowed in this league. Even though Sleeper gave you, the commish, no option to turn "off" the ability to trade. It was a written rule we were to abide by, lest we get tossed from the Bowl. Loophole closed. I thought this issue was handled well.
The league rules state that we are permitted 9 starter slots and 9 bench slots on our teams. That is it. That should be enough to treat this issue exactly the same as the trading issue. Just because the default settings of Sleeper allows this hoarding of players on bench slots to occur does not mean it should be allowed to occur at all in the FBG Bowl.
Why is this Sleeper setting being permitted to be abused? Okay, it's a loophole. So what? I am pretty sure the rules did not state that we were permitted 9 starter slots and 9 bench slots (except when loopholes are found and exploited.)
Rules are rules. Default settings on a hosting site are not rules. Nor should they be permitted to be exploited as such. The rules currently in place for the 2024 FBG Bowl are clear. 9 starters, 9 bench. That is it.
So, anyone doing this has a "legal" roster on Sleeper but, it is not legal in the FBG Bowl and should be dealt with accordingly. Especially when it is playoff time, final week or not. Any roster currently holding players on more than 9 bench slots needs to be fixed immediately. All non-playoff teams are locked so the illegal roster is a playoff team that has not been eliminated yet.
I am not suggesting you punish the offender of roster limits. I am suggesting it can be handled differently. Get the roster(s) into compliance. Roster limits are roster limits for a reason. There's also the tricky thing about it being in the rules.
Thanks for hearing me out. You've done a fantastic job this year with this huge undertaking. I am sure next year will be even better and I so very much look forward to participating again.
Happy Holidays and Merry New Year!!!