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Phenoms going under (2 Viewers)

Anyone who is attempting a CC chargeback, how are you getting around the 90 day window?
My CC (mastercard) didn't blink about a 90 day window. FYI to anyone attempting a CC chargeback, don't attempt to try to explain what happened or any fantasy football league mumbo jumbo to them. They don't speak this language. All they want to know is that you paid for a product you didn't receive. They hit the appropriate button and tell you the case will be resolved one way or the other within 60 days.
I started the chargeback process, however my situation was a little more complicated. They did ask questions of the nature of the services provided and the who, what, when and how of it all.To be honest, It felt a bit like an interrogation to get me to admit it was fantasy football related. I basically told them that this company was to provide "a sports entertainment service in which they coordinate, supervise and manage the funds of our group". He asked what was the reasoning for the transactions to be disputed now after the 118 day period had elapsed and I said because the service was an ongoing process that needed to be completed in it's entirety for the transactions to be valid in the first place.

There was a lot more to the conversation but I'll spare you the details. I feel like I need a shower though. They said to gather up emails and as much evidence as I could and they would send the paperwork to initiate the investigation.

This isn't going to end well but it doesn't require much effort on my end so I feel it's worth trying.
Of course you need a shower. You couldn't even admit the reason you were begging for your money back. If you are that ashamed to say it was FF, then you probably shouldn't be calling.
I'm hardly ashamed. I simply was making sure I wasn't giving the person on the other end any additional reason to deny me based on ignorance of FF or their willingness to make the leap to gambling. Mission accomplished. Troll elsewhere.
There is no trolling going on.And you can stop lying. The only reason you or anyone else doesn't tell the person on the phone it's Fantasy Football is simple. Instant denial and hangup.

Easier to make up a story to try and scam your money back. We all get it.
Joined 16-December 14
I want to know how the heck he's earning 20%.
That's after the lawyers get paid their 80%
Fantasy Sports is 100% legal. There is no reason not to tell your credit card company and for sure it will not be an instant denial. I told my CC company the truth and they credited me in 24 hours. Not sure what kind of banks you guys are dealing with. Have no idea what you are talking about. The government has said it isn't gambling and the CC companies allow the charges. Just be honest.
The problem isn't whether it's gambling, it's that these guys requesting chargebacks are the ones who would not have received any money even if phenoms had paid out all prizes. They're lying to the banks to reimburse their losses, they're lying to themselves, engaging in personal attacks on anyone who questions them, and fabricating fantastic analogies that have nothing to do with phenoms so that somehow it's justified. That's why they need a shower.

And let the blasting begin again....

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I'm catching up and in and out of this thread.. feel bad for all affected...

Just wondering, where in this thread is there stuff about calling his dad and family? I :lmao: at that idea... good for anyone who called.... let this stank hang on mike
Nah, I vote to leave his dad out of it. If he ripped us off, you can be sure he "borrowed" a ton of money from papa. Families tend the be the first victims of scumbags.
At least it would be nice to find out what the family knows about him.
Mike's an adult, over the age of 18. Leave his family out of it. Good Lord, you people are just fools.

If you forgot to pay your electric bill one month would you want them calling your parents threatening them or publishing their information on the internet for all to see?

You can bet his parents probably know about this already being as it's been on USA Today and all...they don't need Billy Joe Jim Bob Moron from Podunk Kentucky calling them and threatening to beat them up because they lost $50 in a fantasy football league. SMDH :wall: :doh:

Get some perspective, people. And let the blasting begin....
equating someone forgetting to pay their electric bill to someone stealing close to a million dollars is idiotic.

Fantasy Sports is 100% legal. There is no reason not to tell your credit card company and for sure it will not be an instant denial. I told my CC company the truth and they credited me in 24 hours. Not sure what kind of banks you guys are dealing with. Have no idea what you are talking about. The government has said it isn't gambling and the CC companies allow the charges. Just be honest.
I was credited in 24 hours as well, but then in 5 days I got letters in the mail saying that I need to fax them signed letters and document all correspondence and transactions with Phenoms and they will just start the dispute process. It seems that most CC companies will credit your account while the process is going on. So don't think you have your money back for sure yet.

The problem isn't whether it's gambling, it's that these guys requesting chargebacks are the ones who would not have received any money even if phenoms had paid out all prizes. They're lying to the banks to reimburse their losses, they're lying to themselves, engaging in personal attacks on anyone who questions them, and fabricating fantastic analogies that have nothing to do with phenoms so that somehow it's justified. That's why they need a shower.

And let the blasting begin again....
For the millionth time because you still don't seem to get it. NO ONE was going to get paid prize money at any point this season, therefore EVERYONE in those leagues are entitled to their entry fee back. It is absolutely absurd to claim that only the winners should file chargebacks, because they are only going to get their entry fee back AT MOST. Also, I am about 90% sure that all of these CC disputes will result in failures. I am going to get all documentation in order this weekend and fax it to my CC company on Monday because I have thousands on the line, but I have no delusions about the chances of success here. He wasn't selling us tangible goods, they were online contests and it will be really hard for a dispute to hold up here, but it's about all any of us can do to see a dime of this money before lawyers get it all.


I'm catching up and in and out of this thread.. feel bad for all affected...

Just wondering, where in this thread is there stuff about calling his dad and family? I :lmao: at that idea... good for anyone who called.... let this stank hang on mike
Nah, I vote to leave his dad out of it. If he ripped us off, you can be sure he "borrowed" a ton of money from papa. Families tend the be the first victims of scumbags.
At least it would be nice to find out what the family knows about him.
Mike's an adult, over the age of 18. Leave his family out of it. Good Lord, you people are just fools.

If you forgot to pay your electric bill one month would you want them calling your parents threatening them or publishing their information on the internet for all to see?

You can bet his parents probably know about this already being as it's been on USA Today and all...they don't need Billy Joe Jim Bob Moron from Podunk Kentucky calling them and threatening to beat them up because they lost $50 in a fantasy football league. SMDH :wall: :doh:

Get some perspective, people. And let the blasting begin....
equating someone forgetting to pay their electric bill to someone stealing close to a million dollars is idiotic.
Being idiotic is taking that away from what I said.

Read it again. HE....IS.....AN....ADULT....OVER....THE....AGE.....OF.....18....RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS OWN ACTIONS. LEAVE ....HIS.....FAMILY.....OUT.....OF.....IT.

Capisce now?

The problem isn't whether it's gambling, it's that these guys requesting chargebacks are the ones who would not have received any money even if phenoms had paid out all prizes. They're lying to the banks to reimburse their losses, they're lying to themselves, engaging in personal attacks on anyone who questions them, and fabricating fantastic analogies that have nothing to do with phenoms so that somehow it's justified. That's why they need a shower.

And let the blasting begin again....
For the millionth time because you still don't seem to get it. NO ONE was going to get paid prize money at any point this season, therefore EVERYONE in those leagues are entitled to their entry fee back. It is absolutely absurd to claim that only the winners should file chargebacks, because they are only going to get their entry fee back AT MOST. Also, I am about 90% sure that all of these CC disputes will result in failures. I am going to get all documentation in order this weekend and fax it to my CC company on Monday because I have thousands on the line, but I have no delusions about the chances of success here. He wasn't selling us tangible goods, they were online contests and it will be really hard for a dispute to hold up here, but it's about all any of us can do to see a dime of this money before lawyers get it all.
Only the people who have funds on deposit or leagues that never went off should be filing chargebacks. They are the ones who truly paid for a service that was never received.

And BTW, thanks for proving my point...personal attacks.

I'm here all night...try the veal

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This is going to end well... I do agree that the family should be left out of it at this point. But why bash someone if they legally try to get their money back (winner or loser) for entering a contest with no payout?

The problem isn't whether it's gambling, it's that these guys requesting chargebacks are the ones who would not have received any money even if phenoms had paid out all prizes. They're lying to the banks to reimburse their losses, they're lying to themselves, engaging in personal attacks on anyone who questions them, and fabricating fantastic analogies that have nothing to do with phenoms so that somehow it's justified. That's why they need a shower.

And let the blasting begin again....
For the millionth time because you still don't seem to get it. NO ONE was going to get paid prize money at any point this season, therefore EVERYONE in those leagues are entitled to their entry fee back. It is absolutely absurd to claim that only the winners should file chargebacks, because they are only going to get their entry fee back AT MOST. Also, I am about 90% sure that all of these CC disputes will result in failures. I am going to get all documentation in order this weekend and fax it to my CC company on Monday because I have thousands on the line, but I have no delusions about the chances of success here. He wasn't selling us tangible goods, they were online contests and it will be really hard for a dispute to hold up here, but it's about all any of us can do to see a dime of this money before lawyers get it all.
The bolded is where all of these analogies and arguments fail. I said it earlier, you're making a definitive statement there. Do you have inside information that phenoms made the decision on September 3rd, one day before the season started, that no prizes would be paid? We can extend the definition of "season" to the FF league season which started with the draft. So if a league drafted on June 30th, you're definitively stating that phenoms made the decision on June 29th that no prizes would be paid.

I'm not saying it didn't happen that way, just that no one has any definitive evidence that it did, just their own prejudices. And I'm sure as hell not going to defend the guy for a second whether it was bad business decision or a personal choice that predicated all this.

The reason you think I "don't get it" is because it's all rationalization and justification on your part to get yourself through the day. You said it yourself, "all these disputes will end in failures", and that is the problem, because not all those disputes should end in failures. The people who have funds on deposit and 2015 dynasty/keeper league prepayments/deposits are going to lose their disputes because of the scammers disputing their 2014 dues. That's the point with which I have an issue.

What we have here is a money grab by people who should know better. I filed a chargeback, but only for the portion of the funds relative to my 2015 league dues and deposits. I'm not going after anything for my 2014 leagues from my credit card company and I don't think anyone else should either. And I get called an idiot for it because I'm not participating in the money grab by going after my 2014 dues.

Way I see it, I got a league, did my waiver claims, made some trades, talked a little smack, met some cool people I never knew before and maybe "won" a league or two which ended up being for pride. I got something for my 2014 dues whether or not I end up getting paid a prize.

I said earlier - $4-5k in winnings and $1k in league deposits on the line for me...but I'm not going to stoop to a level to con somebody out of it.

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One aspect that has not really been discussed, but considering where the money came from and how many people it is screwing over, IF, and I know this is a GIANT IF, the software development company he hired did charge him 630K which would be enough to cover everyone prize wise, can the courts make the software company pay it back, especially considering they never actually provided a product?

I don't believe his story, but for those giving him the benefit of the doubt, it would seem that the money paid to the developers could be recouped because it was stolen money...

Like if you are a pawn shop and buy stolen goods, if they can prove the goods are stolen, you must give it back, with no monitory compensation in return..

This is going to end well... I do agree that the family should be left out of it at this point. But why bash someone if they legally try to get their money back (winner or loser) for entering a contest with no payout?
I'm not bashing anyone...go back through the posts. I've been called an idiot, a fool, someone who doesn't understand what happened here, and I'm sure there's more but I just stopped reading for a while because of all the venom. All this even though I've got more on the line than 99% of the posters in this thread.

I'm calling out the scam of using a terrible situation, people making excuses, making definitive statements about phenoms' intents without support, and fabricating ridiculous analogies to justify chargebacks for 2014 leagues, win or lose. Guys who seem to think it's okay to call Mike's parents and harass them over the actions of their adult son and publish their names, addresses, and telephone numbers on a for cripes sakes public internet board, and telling Hank Doorknob in Quahog, Idaho to show up on their doorstep and demand their $50 back from the fantasy football league.

They conveniently forget that they got a league, got their draft fix, made waiver claims, talked smack, made trades, met some good people, watched the games, endured the highs of winning matchups and the lows of having Alshon Jeffery catch a garbage touchdown to beat them by one point.

There are guys who had funds on deposit and dynasty/keeper league deposits for 2015 who truthfully received nothing for their $. And because of these scams, those people who truly have a legit claim for not receiving any benefit for their money have a reduced likelihood of recovery. And then on top of that, they engage in personal attacks on anyone who calls them out for it.

It's a money grab, pure and simple...get yours while you can. These guys rip Mike for doing something dishonest...and turn around and act dishonestly themselves. You can rationalize it any way you want. Me, I'm gonna lose some $ but I'm at peace with it. It's only money.

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This is going to end well... I do agree that the family should be left out of it at this point. But why bash someone if they legally try to get their money back (winner or loser) for entering a contest with no payout?
I'm not bashing anyone...go back through the posts. I've been called an idiot, a fool, someone who doesn't understand what happened here, and I'm sure there's more but I just stopped reading for a while because of all the venom. All this even though I've got more on the line than 99% of the posters in this thread.

I'm calling out the scam of using a terrible situation, people making excuses, making definitive statements about phenoms' intents without support, and fabricating ridiculous analogies to justify chargebacks for 2014 leagues, win or lose. Guys who seem to think it's okay to call Mike's parents and harass them over the actions of their adult son and publish their names, addresses, and telephone numbers on a for cripes sakes public internet board, and telling Hank Doorknob in Quahog, Idaho to show up on their doorstep and demand their $50 back from the fantasy football league.

They conveniently forget that they got a league, got their draft fix, made waiver claims, talked smack, made trades, met some good people, watched the games, endured the highs of winning matchups and the lows of having Alshon Jeffery catch a garbage touchdown to beat them by one point.

There are guys who had funds on deposit and dynasty/keeper league deposits for 2015 who truthfully received nothing for their $. And because of these scams, those people who truly have a legit claim for not receiving any benefit for their money have a reduced likelihood of recovery. And then on top of that, they engage in personal attacks on anyone who calls them out for it.

It's a money grab, pure and simple...get yours while you can. These guys rip Mike for doing something dishonest...and turn around and act dishonestly themselves. You can rationalize it any way you want. Me, I'm gonna lose some $ but I'm at peace with it.
Come on man, you keep saying the same thing every post. We understand your OPINION on the situation, no need to blast it every couple hours on this thread. How's your chargeback process going? Any details what they said? Give us some useful information instead of spamming. Thanks.

This is going to end well... I do agree that the family should be left out of it at this point. But why bash someone if they legally try to get their money back (winner or loser) for entering a contest with no payout?
I'm not bashing anyone...go back through the posts. I've been called an idiot, a fool, someone who doesn't understand what happened here, and I'm sure there's more but I just stopped reading for a while because of all the venom. All this even though I've got more on the line than 99% of the posters in this thread.

I'm calling out the scam of using a terrible situation, people making excuses, making definitive statements about phenoms' intents without support, and fabricating ridiculous analogies to justify chargebacks for 2014 leagues, win or lose. Guys who seem to think it's okay to call Mike's parents and harass them over the actions of their adult son and publish their names, addresses, and telephone numbers on a for cripes sakes public internet board, and telling Hank Doorknob in Quahog, Idaho to show up on their doorstep and demand their $50 back from the fantasy football league.

They conveniently forget that they got a league, got their draft fix, made waiver claims, talked smack, made trades, met some good people, watched the games, endured the highs of winning matchups and the lows of having Alshon Jeffery catch a garbage touchdown to beat them by one point.

There are guys who had funds on deposit and dynasty/keeper league deposits for 2015 who truthfully received nothing for their $. And because of these scams, those people who truly have a legit claim for not receiving any benefit for their money have a reduced likelihood of recovery. And then on top of that, they engage in personal attacks on anyone who calls them out for it.

It's a money grab, pure and simple...get yours while you can. These guys rip Mike for doing something dishonest...and turn around and act dishonestly themselves. You can rationalize it any way you want. Me, I'm gonna lose some $ but I'm at peace with it.
Come on man, you keep saying the same thing every post. We understand your OPINION on the situation, no need to blast it every couple hours on this thread. How's your chargeback process going? Any details what they said? Give us some useful information instead of spamming. Thanks.
Thanks for the courteous reply without resorting to name calling like others in this thread.

Don't mean to spam, I wasn't going to get back in this thing except the last post I subscribed to made reference to telling guys to showing up at Mike's dad's house. I mean, seriously? Then I get called an idiot for telling people that's not a good idea.

Here's where I am. The issue I'm running into is that I did not ask for all my payments made in 2014 back (I paid $x and asked for about 60% of that back. I've initiated a claim for it and they will want more information and a reconciliation of what I specifically requested credit for. They haven't made any promises yet. It's going to take some time.

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I have no dog in this fight. This is my first and most likely my only post in this thread. I understand people are upset about what has happened. I have had things stolen from me in the past and felt victimized at that time so I understand the feelings of people going through this.

But, what SCYCPA has said on this page (26) about the people asking for charge backs and the other topics he covered is quite accurate. There are certain people "entitled" to a refund. Not everyone. The people who have a claim to winnings or a dynasty deposit are the rightful claimers here.

I can't go play BINGO tonight, pay my entry fee to get BINGO cards, not win a game during the night and then ask for my money back. Not everyone has a claim to the charge backs or, hopefully, any future payouts.

If it were a horse race, and a few guys back a slow pony, but somehow it is this horse's day and he's way out in front, a lock to win... then 20 yards short of the finish line the track Owner jumps the fence and beats the horse to death. Who gets the money?


If it were a horse race, and a few guys back a slow pony, but somehow it is this horse's day and he's way out in front, a lock to win... then 20 yards short of the finish line the track Owner jumps the fence and beats the horse to death. Who gets the money?

The guy who developed the web site that was going to allow everyone to bet on the internet.

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The problem isn't whether it's gambling, it's that these guys requesting chargebacks are the ones who would not have received any money even if phenoms had paid out all prizes. They're lying to the banks to reimburse their losses, they're lying to themselves, engaging in personal attacks on anyone who questions them, and fabricating fantastic analogies that have nothing to do with phenoms so that somehow it's justified. That's why they need a shower.
The problem is that you're still under the delusion that there was money to win.

There wasn't. It went elsewhere. Every player in every Phenoms league had the same chance to win the same prize: $0.00

Yet they all paid more than that to play.

I have no dog in this fight. This is my first and most likely my only post in this thread. I understand people are upset about what has happened. I have had things stolen from me in the past and felt victimized at that time so I understand the feelings of people going through this.

But, what SCYCPA has said on this page (26) about the people asking for charge backs and the other topics he covered is quite accurate. There are certain people "entitled" to a refund. Not everyone. The people who have a claim to winnings or a dynasty deposit are the rightful claimers here.

I can't go play BINGO tonight, pay my entry fee to get BINGO cards, not win a game during the night and then ask for my money back. Not everyone has a claim to the charge backs or, hopefully, any future payouts.
The more people who file for chargebacks the bigger deal this becomes. Everyone should file a chargeback just so it gets attention from PayPal and CC companies (then hopefully the police).

I've said before that the right thing to do is get a refund and give it to the league's winner.

This is going to end well... I do agree that the family should be left out of it at this point. But why bash someone if they legally try to get their money back (winner or loser) for entering a contest with no payout?
I'm not bashing anyone...go back through the posts. I've been called an idiot, a fool, someone who doesn't understand what happened here, and I'm sure there's more but I just stopped reading for a while because of all the venom. All this even though I've got more on the line than 99% of the posters in this thread.

I'm calling out the scam of using a terrible situation, people making excuses, making definitive statements about phenoms' intents without support, and fabricating ridiculous analogies to justify chargebacks for 2014 leagues, win or lose. Guys who seem to think it's okay to call Mike's parents and harass them over the actions of their adult son and publish their names, addresses, and telephone numbers on a for cripes sakes public internet board, and telling Hank Doorknob in Quahog, Idaho to show up on their doorstep and demand their $50 back from the fantasy football league.

They conveniently forget that they got a league, got their draft fix, made waiver claims, talked smack, made trades, met some good people, watched the games, endured the highs of winning matchups and the lows of having Alshon Jeffery catch a garbage touchdown to beat them by one point.

There are guys who had funds on deposit and dynasty/keeper league deposits for 2015 who truthfully received nothing for their $. And because of these scams, those people who truly have a legit claim for not receiving any benefit for their money have a reduced likelihood of recovery. And then on top of that, they engage in personal attacks on anyone who calls them out for it.

It's a money grab, pure and simple...get yours while you can. These guys rip Mike for doing something dishonest...and turn around and act dishonestly themselves. You can rationalize it any way you want. Me, I'm gonna lose some $ but I'm at peace with it. It's only money.
Ok, Mike.


I'm catching up and in and out of this thread.. feel bad for all affected...

Just wondering, where in this thread is there stuff about calling his dad and family? I :lmao: at that idea... good for anyone who called.... let this stank hang on mike
Nah, I vote to leave his dad out of it. If he ripped us off, you can be sure he "borrowed" a ton of money from papa. Families tend the be the first victims of scumbags.
At least it would be nice to find out what the family knows about him.
Mike's an adult, over the age of 18. Leave his family out of it. Good Lord, you people are just fools.

If you forgot to pay your electric bill one month would you want them calling your parents threatening them or publishing their information on the internet for all to see?

You can bet his parents probably know about this already being as it's been on USA Today and all...they don't need Billy Joe Jim Bob Moron from Podunk Kentucky calling them and threatening to beat them up because they lost $50 in a fantasy football league. SMDH :wall: :doh:

Get some perspective, people. And let the blasting begin....
equating someone forgetting to pay their electric bill to someone stealing close to a million dollars is idiotic.
Being idiotic is taking that away from what I said.

Read it again. HE....IS.....AN....ADULT....OVER....THE....AGE.....OF.....18....RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS OWN ACTIONS. LEAVE ....HIS.....FAMILY.....OUT.....OF.....IT.

Capisce now?
Nope, I'm calling your dad tomorrow.

This is going to end well... I do agree that the family should be left out of it at this point. But why bash someone if they legally try to get their money back (winner or loser) for entering a contest with no payout?
I'm not bashing anyone...go back through the posts. I've been called an idiot, a fool, someone who doesn't understand what happened here, and I'm sure there's more but I just stopped reading for a while because of all the venom. All this even though I've got more on the line than 99% of the posters in this thread.

I'm calling out the scam of using a terrible situation, people making excuses, making definitive statements about phenoms' intents without support, and fabricating ridiculous analogies to justify chargebacks for 2014 leagues, win or lose. Guys who seem to think it's okay to call Mike's parents and harass them over the actions of their adult son and publish their names, addresses, and telephone numbers on a for cripes sakes public internet board, and telling Hank Doorknob in Quahog, Idaho to show up on their doorstep and demand their $50 back from the fantasy football league.

They conveniently forget that they got a league, got their draft fix, made waiver claims, talked smack, made trades, met some good people, watched the games, endured the highs of winning matchups and the lows of having Alshon Jeffery catch a garbage touchdown to beat them by one point.

There are guys who had funds on deposit and dynasty/keeper league deposits for 2015 who truthfully received nothing for their $. And because of these scams, those people who truly have a legit claim for not receiving any benefit for their money have a reduced likelihood of recovery. And then on top of that, they engage in personal attacks on anyone who calls them out for it.

It's a money grab, pure and simple...get yours while you can. These guys rip Mike for doing something dishonest...and turn around and act dishonestly themselves. You can rationalize it any way you want. Me, I'm gonna lose some $ but I'm at peace with it. It's only money.
Ok, Mike.
I think that's the 4th different person you've posted that about. Keep on trying, little Johnny, say your prayers, eat your vitamins, eventually, you'll get it right and be able to post an intelligent response someday. And maybe you'll pass 3rd grade reading too.

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They conveniently forget that they got a league, got their draft fix, made waiver claims, talked smack, made trades, met some good people, watched the games, endured the highs of winning matchups and the lows of having Alshon Jeffery catch a garbage touchdown to beat them by one point.
Yeah we get it, you are on the side of Mike the thief and not the people who played all season for nothing. :thumbup:

They conveniently forget that they got a league, got their draft fix, made waiver claims, talked smack, made trades, met some good people, watched the games, endured the highs of winning matchups and the lows of having Alshon Jeffery catch a garbage touchdown to beat them by one point.
Yeah we get it, you are on the side of Mike the thief and not the people who played all season for nothing. :thumbup:
How much do you have on the line here?

I'm betting nothing and you're just trolling. Move along, little boy.

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They conveniently forget that they got a league, got their draft fix, made waiver claims, talked smack, made trades, met some good people, watched the games, endured the highs of winning matchups and the lows of having Alshon Jeffery catch a garbage touchdown to beat them by one point.
Yeah we get it, you are on the side of Mike the thief and not the people who played all season for nothing. :thumbup:
How much do you have on the line here?

I'm betting nothing and you're just trolling. Move along, little boy.
For some people, stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars, they would have to find a way to justify it in their head, and your words really tapped into what I would imagine that inner dialogue to sound like. Good job.

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I'm catching up and in and out of this thread.. feel bad for all affected...

Just wondering, where in this thread is there stuff about calling his dad and family? I :lmao: at that idea... good for anyone who called.... let this stank hang on mike
Nah, I vote to leave his dad out of it. If he ripped us off, you can be sure he "borrowed" a ton of money from papa. Families tend the be the first victims of scumbags.
At least it would be nice to find out what the family knows about him.
Mike's an adult, over the age of 18. Leave his family out of it. Good Lord, you people are just fools.

If you forgot to pay your electric bill one month would you want them calling your parents threatening them or publishing their information on the internet for all to see?

You can bet his parents probably know about this already being as it's been on USA Today and all...they don't need Billy Joe Jim Bob Moron from Podunk Kentucky calling them and threatening to beat them up because they lost $50 in a fantasy football league. SMDH :wall: :doh:

Get some perspective, people. And let the blasting begin....
equating someone forgetting to pay their electric bill to someone stealing close to a million dollars is idiotic.
Being idiotic is taking that away from what I said.

Read it again. HE....IS.....AN....ADULT....OVER....THE....AGE.....OF.....18....RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS OWN ACTIONS. LEAVE ....HIS.....FAMILY.....OUT.....OF.....IT.

Capisce now?
Nope, I'm calling your dad tomorrow.
You do realize that there are angry people on this thread who were tossing about the idea of showing up at his dad's house, right?

Let's put 2 and 2 together...angry people...showing up at his house. Do you really think that's going to end well?

Again, get some perspective.


I'm catching up and in and out of this thread.. feel bad for all affected...

Just wondering, where in this thread is there stuff about calling his dad and family? I :lmao: at that idea... good for anyone who called.... let this stank hang on mike
Nah, I vote to leave his dad out of it. If he ripped us off, you can be sure he "borrowed" a ton of money from papa. Families tend the be the first victims of scumbags.
At least it would be nice to find out what the family knows about him.
Mike's an adult, over the age of 18. Leave his family out of it. Good Lord, you people are just fools.

If you forgot to pay your electric bill one month would you want them calling your parents threatening them or publishing their information on the internet for all to see?

You can bet his parents probably know about this already being as it's been on USA Today and all...they don't need Billy Joe Jim Bob Moron from Podunk Kentucky calling them and threatening to beat them up because they lost $50 in a fantasy football league. SMDH :wall: :doh:

Get some perspective, people. And let the blasting begin....
equating someone forgetting to pay their electric bill to someone stealing close to a million dollars is idiotic.
Being idiotic is taking that away from what I said.Read it again. HE....IS.....AN....ADULT....OVER....THE....AGE.....OF.....18....RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS OWN ACTIONS. LEAVE ....HIS.....FAMILY.....OUT.....OF.....IT.

Capisce now?
Nope, I'm calling your dad tomorrow.
You do realize that there are angry people on this thread who were tossing about the idea of showing up at his dad's house, right?

Let's put 2 and 2 together...angry people...showing up at his house. Do you really think that's going to end well?

Again, get some perspective.
If he took 2500 out of your wallet instead of your fantasy account how would you feel?Or do I suppose you have a Utah IP address...

If this guy deals with some moderate shunning, an age old tradition, he should count his blessings.

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The problem isn't whether it's gambling, it's that these guys requesting chargebacks are the ones who would not have received any money even if phenoms had paid out all prizes. They're lying to the banks to reimburse their losses, they're lying to themselves, engaging in personal attacks on anyone who questions them, and fabricating fantastic analogies that have nothing to do with phenoms so that somehow it's justified. That's why they need a shower.

And let the blasting begin again....
For the millionth time because you still don't seem to get it. NO ONE was going to get paid prize money at any point this season, therefore EVERYONE in those leagues are entitled to their entry fee back. It is absolutely absurd to claim that only the winners should file chargebacks, because they are only going to get their entry fee back AT MOST. Also, I am about 90% sure that all of these CC disputes will result in failures. I am going to get all documentation in order this weekend and fax it to my CC company on Monday because I have thousands on the line, but I have no delusions about the chances of success here. He wasn't selling us tangible goods, they were online contests and it will be really hard for a dispute to hold up here, but it's about all any of us can do to see a dime of this money before lawyers get it all.
Only the people who have funds on deposit or leagues that never went off should be filing chargebacks. They are the ones who truly paid for a service that was never received.

And BTW, thanks for proving my point...personal attacks.

I'm here all night...try the veal
I guarantee that if this goes to class action, the settlement will benefit everyone who paid league entry fees equally. Legally, that's the way it goes. You have stated your position on this numerous times, but it has no legal basis and a pretty shaky moral ground.

I can't go play BINGO tonight, pay my entry fee to get BINGO cards, not win a game during the night and then ask for my money back. Not everyone has a claim to the charge backs or, hopefully, any future payouts.
If you went to a fake bingo parlor, and you paid entry fees to compete for prizes when there were no prizes available, you absolutely are entitled to your money back.

This is going to end well... I do agree that the family should be left out of it at this point. But why bash someone if they legally try to get their money back (winner or loser) for entering a contest with no payout?
I'm not bashing anyone...go back through the posts. I've been called an idiot, a fool, someone who doesn't understand what happened here, and I'm sure there's more but I just stopped reading for a while because of all the venom. All this even though I've got more on the line than 99% of the posters in this thread.

I'm calling out the scam of using a terrible situation, people making excuses, making definitive statements about phenoms' intents without support, and fabricating ridiculous analogies to justify chargebacks for 2014 leagues, win or lose. Guys who seem to think it's okay to call Mike's parents and harass them over the actions of their adult son and publish their names, addresses, and telephone numbers on a for cripes sakes public internet board, and telling Hank Doorknob in Quahog, Idaho to show up on their doorstep and demand their $50 back from the fantasy football league.

They conveniently forget that they got a league, got their draft fix, made waiver claims, talked smack, made trades, met some good people, watched the games, endured the highs of winning matchups and the lows of having Alshon Jeffery catch a garbage touchdown to beat them by one point.

There are guys who had funds on deposit and dynasty/keeper league deposits for 2015 who truthfully received nothing for their $. And because of these scams, those people who truly have a legit claim for not receiving any benefit for their money have a reduced likelihood of recovery. And then on top of that, they engage in personal attacks on anyone who calls them out for it.

It's a money grab, pure and simple...get yours while you can. These guys rip Mike for doing something dishonest...and turn around and act dishonestly themselves. You can rationalize it any way you want. Me, I'm gonna lose some $ but I'm at peace with it. It's only money.

The problem isn't whether it's gambling, it's that these guys requesting chargebacks are the ones who would not have received any money even if phenoms had paid out all prizes. They're lying to the banks to reimburse their losses, they're lying to themselves, engaging in personal attacks on anyone who questions them, and fabricating fantastic analogies that have nothing to do with phenoms so that somehow it's justified. That's why they need a shower.

And let the blasting begin again....
For the millionth time because you still don't seem to get it. NO ONE was going to get paid prize money at any point this season, therefore EVERYONE in those leagues are entitled to their entry fee back. It is absolutely absurd to claim that only the winners should file chargebacks, because they are only going to get their entry fee back AT MOST. Also, I am about 90% sure that all of these CC disputes will result in failures. I am going to get all documentation in order this weekend and fax it to my CC company on Monday because I have thousands on the line, but I have no delusions about the chances of success here. He wasn't selling us tangible goods, they were online contests and it will be really hard for a dispute to hold up here, but it's about all any of us can do to see a dime of this money before lawyers get it all.
Only the people who have funds on deposit or leagues that never went off should be filing chargebacks. They are the ones who truly paid for a service that was never received.

And BTW, thanks for proving my point...personal attacks.

I'm here all night...try the veal
I guarantee that if this goes to class action, the settlement will benefit everyone who paid league entry fees equally.
You have never been one that is good at predictions, save the legal proceedings for the professionals, 1920 Championships guy. :thumbup:

I can't go play BINGO tonight, pay my entry fee to get BINGO cards, not win a game during the night and then ask for my money back. Not everyone has a claim to the charge backs or, hopefully, any future payouts.
If you went to a fake bingo parlor, and you paid entry fees to compete for prizes when there were no prizes available, you absolutely are entitled to your money back.
lol at "fake bingo parlor." Well played Min-jun.

The problem isn't whether it's gambling, it's that these guys requesting chargebacks are the ones who would not have received any money even if phenoms had paid out all prizes. They're lying to the banks to reimburse their losses, they're lying to themselves, engaging in personal attacks on anyone who questions them, and fabricating fantastic analogies that have nothing to do with phenoms so that somehow it's justified. That's why they need a shower.

And let the blasting begin again....
For the millionth time because you still don't seem to get it. NO ONE was going to get paid prize money at any point this season, therefore EVERYONE in those leagues are entitled to their entry fee back. It is absolutely absurd to claim that only the winners should file chargebacks, because they are only going to get their entry fee back AT MOST. Also, I am about 90% sure that all of these CC disputes will result in failures. I am going to get all documentation in order this weekend and fax it to my CC company on Monday because I have thousands on the line, but I have no delusions about the chances of success here. He wasn't selling us tangible goods, they were online contests and it will be really hard for a dispute to hold up here, but it's about all any of us can do to see a dime of this money before lawyers get it all.
Only the people who have funds on deposit or leagues that never went off should be filing chargebacks. They are the ones who truly paid for a service that was never received.

And BTW, thanks for proving my point...personal attacks.

I'm here all night...try the veal
I guarantee that if this goes to class action, the settlement will benefit everyone who paid league entry fees equally.
You have never been one that is good at predictions, save the legal proceedings for the professionals, 1920 Championships guy.
Their coach had a saying or something though.

The problem isn't whether it's gambling, it's that these guys requesting chargebacks are the ones who would not have received any money even if phenoms had paid out all prizes. They're lying to the banks to reimburse their losses, they're lying to themselves, engaging in personal attacks on anyone who questions them, and fabricating fantastic analogies that have nothing to do with phenoms so that somehow it's justified. That's why they need a shower.

And let the blasting begin again....
For the millionth time because you still don't seem to get it. NO ONE was going to get paid prize money at any point this season, therefore EVERYONE in those leagues are entitled to their entry fee back. It is absolutely absurd to claim that only the winners should file chargebacks, because they are only going to get their entry fee back AT MOST. Also, I am about 90% sure that all of these CC disputes will result in failures. I am going to get all documentation in order this weekend and fax it to my CC company on Monday because I have thousands on the line, but I have no delusions about the chances of success here. He wasn't selling us tangible goods, they were online contests and it will be really hard for a dispute to hold up here, but it's about all any of us can do to see a dime of this money before lawyers get it all.
Only the people who have funds on deposit or leagues that never went off should be filing chargebacks. They are the ones who truly paid for a service that was never received.

And BTW, thanks for proving my point...personal attacks.

I'm here all night...try the veal
I guarantee that if this goes to class action, the settlement will benefit everyone who paid league entry fees equally.
You have never been one that is good at predictions, save the legal proceedings for the professionals, 1920 Championships guy. :thumbup:
Do you have something to add to the conversation? Can you show an example of a class action suit by a fraudulent contest operator that attempted to determine who won the fake contest to determine payouts?

The problem isn't whether it's gambling, it's that these guys requesting chargebacks are the ones who would not have received any money even if phenoms had paid out all prizes. They're lying to the banks to reimburse their losses, they're lying to themselves, engaging in personal attacks on anyone who questions them, and fabricating fantastic analogies that have nothing to do with phenoms so that somehow it's justified. That's why they need a shower.

And let the blasting begin again....
For the millionth time because you still don't seem to get it. NO ONE was going to get paid prize money at any point this season, therefore EVERYONE in those leagues are entitled to their entry fee back. It is absolutely absurd to claim that only the winners should file chargebacks, because they are only going to get their entry fee back AT MOST. Also, I am about 90% sure that all of these CC disputes will result in failures. I am going to get all documentation in order this weekend and fax it to my CC company on Monday because I have thousands on the line, but I have no delusions about the chances of success here. He wasn't selling us tangible goods, they were online contests and it will be really hard for a dispute to hold up here, but it's about all any of us can do to see a dime of this money before lawyers get it all.
Only the people who have funds on deposit or leagues that never went off should be filing chargebacks. They are the ones who truly paid for a service that was never received.

And BTW, thanks for proving my point...personal attacks.

I'm here all night...try the veal
I guarantee that if this goes to class action, the settlement will benefit everyone who paid league entry fees equally.
You have never been one that is good at predictions, save the legal proceedings for the professionals, 1920 Championships guy. :thumbup:
Do you have something to add to the conversation? Can you show an example of a class action suit by a fraudulent contest operator that attempted to determine who won the fake contest to determine payouts?
Can you? Please provide specific cases in the state of Utah
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The problem isn't whether it's gambling, it's that these guys requesting chargebacks are the ones who would not have received any money even if phenoms had paid out all prizes. They're lying to the banks to reimburse their losses, they're lying to themselves, engaging in personal attacks on anyone who questions them, and fabricating fantastic analogies that have nothing to do with phenoms so that somehow it's justified. That's why they need a shower.

And let the blasting begin again....
For the millionth time because you still don't seem to get it. NO ONE was going to get paid prize money at any point this season, therefore EVERYONE in those leagues are entitled to their entry fee back. It is absolutely absurd to claim that only the winners should file chargebacks, because they are only going to get their entry fee back AT MOST. Also, I am about 90% sure that all of these CC disputes will result in failures. I am going to get all documentation in order this weekend and fax it to my CC company on Monday because I have thousands on the line, but I have no delusions about the chances of success here. He wasn't selling us tangible goods, they were online contests and it will be really hard for a dispute to hold up here, but it's about all any of us can do to see a dime of this money before lawyers get it all.
Only the people who have funds on deposit or leagues that never went off should be filing chargebacks. They are the ones who truly paid for a service that was never received.

And BTW, thanks for proving my point...personal attacks.

I'm here all night...try the veal
I guarantee that if this goes to class action, the settlement will benefit everyone who paid league entry fees equally. Legally, that's the way it goes. You have stated your position on this numerous times, but it has no legal basis and a pretty shaky moral ground.

Are you an attorney? Provide your law license number and state, please.

Might want to be careful about providing legal advice without a license. Some states don't take kindly to that.

I'm not an attorney, and I'm not giving legal advice. I'm not going to predict what the courts and lawyers will find. I'm just a guy who paid for a service in the form of year 2015 leagues and did not receive it. According to my credit card company, that may be a basis for seeking a refund of what I paid. They will investigate and get back to me with an answer..yes or no. Keep in mind, I also paid for year 2014 leagues but I'm not asking for any of that $ back through that process.

If you think it's okay for people to seek refunds for 2014 leagues, which you have continuously defended here, but not for those who paid for 2015 leagues to do so, then it my book it is hypocrisy and we will have to agree to disagree.

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The problem isn't whether it's gambling, it's that these guys requesting chargebacks are the ones who would not have received any money even if phenoms had paid out all prizes. They're lying to the banks to reimburse their losses, they're lying to themselves, engaging in personal attacks on anyone who questions them, and fabricating fantastic analogies that have nothing to do with phenoms so that somehow it's justified. That's why they need a shower.

And let the blasting begin again....
For the millionth time because you still don't seem to get it. NO ONE was going to get paid prize money at any point this season, therefore EVERYONE in those leagues are entitled to their entry fee back. It is absolutely absurd to claim that only the winners should file chargebacks, because they are only going to get their entry fee back AT MOST. Also, I am about 90% sure that all of these CC disputes will result in failures. I am going to get all documentation in order this weekend and fax it to my CC company on Monday because I have thousands on the line, but I have no delusions about the chances of success here. He wasn't selling us tangible goods, they were online contests and it will be really hard for a dispute to hold up here, but it's about all any of us can do to see a dime of this money before lawyers get it all.
Only the people who have funds on deposit or leagues that never went off should be filing chargebacks. They are the ones who truly paid for a service that was never received.

And BTW, thanks for proving my point...personal attacks.

I'm here all night...try the veal
I guarantee that if this goes to class action, the settlement will benefit everyone who paid league entry fees equally. Legally, that's the way it goes. You have stated your position on this numerous times, but it has no legal basis and a pretty shaky moral ground.

Are you an attorney? Provide your law license number and state, please.

Might want to be careful about providing legal advice without a license. Some states don't take kindly to that.

I'm not an attorney, and I'm not giving legal advice. I'm a guy who paid for a service in the form of year 2015 leagues and did not receive it. According to my credit card company, that may be a basis for seeking a refund of what I paid. They will investigate and get back to me with an answer..yes or no. Keep in mind, I also paid for year 2014 leagues but I'm not asking for any of that $ back.

If you think it's okay for people to seek refunds for 2014 leagues, which you have continuously defended here, but not for those who paid for 2015 leagues to do so, then it my book it is hypocrisy and we will have to agree to disagree.
I think everyone who paid for 2014 or 2015 leagues is equally entitled to their money back. There are no real leagues in 2014 or in 2015; no one got what they paid for.

Do you have something to add to the conversation? Can you show an example of a class action suit by a fraudulent contest operator that attempted to determine who won the fake contest to determine payouts?
Can you? Please provide specific cases in the state of Utah, knob.
In Humphry vs. Viacom, Inc., the court ruled that fantasy sports are not gambling, because entry fees are not bets.

[E]ntry fees do not constitute bets or wagers where they are paid unconditionally for the privilege of participating in a contest, and the prize is for an amount . . . that is guaranteed to be won by one of the contestants.
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Do you have something to add to the conversation? Can you show an example of a class action suit by a fraudulent contest operator that attempted to determine who won the fake contest to determine payouts?
Can you? Please provide specific cases in the state of Utah, knob.
In Humphry vs. Viacom, Inc., the court ruled that fantasy sports are not gambling, because entry fees are not bets.

[E]ntry fees do not constitute bets or wagers where they are paid unconditionally for the privilege of participating in a contest, and the prize is for an amount . . . that is guaranteed to be won by one of the contestants.
You want to try again or fold? This case was not in Utah and doesn't provide precedent that is similar to what ZANGRILLILOLOL™ has done here. All you've done here is affirm that in certain states, fantasy football is not considered gambling. That may actually help Z man lololol if Utah determines that fantasy football is in fact gambling. Given their strict laws on gambling, this would not be a surprise. HTH

Do you have something to add to the conversation? Can you show an example of a class action suit by a fraudulent contest operator that attempted to determine who won the fake contest to determine payouts?
Can you? Please provide specific cases in the state of Utah, knob.
In Humphry vs. Viacom, Inc., the court ruled that fantasy sports are not gambling, because entry fees are not bets.

[E]ntry fees do not constitute bets or wagers where they are paid unconditionally for the privilege of participating in a contest, and the prize is for an amount . . . that is guaranteed to be won by one of the contestants.
You want to try again or fold? This case was not in Utah and doesn't provide precedent that is similar to what ZANGRILLILOLOL™ has done here. All you've done here is affirm that in certain states, fantasy football is not considered gambling. That may actually help Z man lololol if Utah determines that fantasy football is in fact gambling. Given their strict laws on gambling, this would not be a surprise. HTH
This isn't a Utah case; it goes across state lines, which is why the FBI is involved. The case I mentioned is a federal case.

I think I have the answer to my question, though (no, you don't have anything to add to the conversation).

This is going to end well... I do agree that the family should be left out of it at this point. But why bash someone if they legally try to get their money back (winner or loser) for entering a contest with no payout?
I'm not bashing anyone...go back through the posts. I've been called an idiot, a fool, someone who doesn't understand what happened here, and I'm sure there's more but I just stopped reading for a while because of all the venom. All this even though I've got more on the line than 99% of the posters in this thread.

I'm calling out the scam of using a terrible situation, people making excuses, making definitive statements about phenoms' intents without support, and fabricating ridiculous analogies to justify chargebacks for 2014 leagues, win or lose. Guys who seem to think it's okay to call Mike's parents and harass them over the actions of their adult son and publish their names, addresses, and telephone numbers on a for cripes sakes public internet board, and telling Hank Doorknob in Quahog, Idaho to show up on their doorstep and demand their $50 back from the fantasy football league.

They conveniently forget that they got a league, got their draft fix, made waiver claims, talked smack, made trades, met some good people, watched the games, endured the highs of winning matchups and the lows of having Alshon Jeffery catch a garbage touchdown to beat them by one point.

There are guys who had funds on deposit and dynasty/keeper league deposits for 2015 who truthfully received nothing for their $. And because of these scams, those people who truly have a legit claim for not receiving any benefit for their money have a reduced likelihood of recovery. And then on top of that, they engage in personal attacks on anyone who calls them out for it.

It's a money grab, pure and simple...get yours while you can. These guys rip Mike for doing something dishonest...and turn around and act dishonestly themselves. You can rationalize it any way you want. Me, I'm gonna lose some $ but I'm at peace with it.
Come on man, you keep saying the same thing every post. We understand your OPINION on the situation, no need to blast it every couple hours on this thread. How's your chargeback process going? Any details what they said? Give us some useful information instead of spamming. Thanks.
Thanks for the courteous reply without resorting to name calling like others in this thread.Don't mean to spam, I wasn't going to get back in this thing except the last post I subscribed to made reference to telling guys to showing up at Mike's dad's house. I mean, seriously? Then I get called an idiot for telling people that's not a good idea.

Here's where I am. The issue I'm running into is that I did not ask for all my payments made in 2014 back (I paid $x and asked for about 60% of that back. I've initiated a claim for it and they will want more information and a reconciliation of what I specifically requested credit for. They haven't made any promises yet. It's going to take some time.
You should read my post again. I never called you an idiot.
I have to admit that until I saw this thread I had never heard of Phenoms (or any of these other service providers), but if I were in one of those leagues, I would raise hell with my CC company only for the sole reason that it's probably the only realistic chance this guy stands of being harassed and pursued by anybody.

I feel bad for the guys that stood in line to win something. You guys got the shaft, no doubt. You gotta cut bait here though, you ALL got the shaft (everyone that played) and should ALL BE ON THE SAME SIDE HERE! Forget about what's fair, what you think you're entitled to, or what the "right thing" to do is with other people's refunds (if there are any).

Instead of bickering, perhaps some organization and common sense should be applied. People have claimed to have spoken to the local police. I doubt it, but if so; what was their reaction? What are your expectations?

There are already predictions on what the result of the class action lawsuit will bring. How's that going? How many are involved? Any info/experience on monetary thresholds required to actually bring a class action lawsuit (that will get somebody's attention)?

What other actions are being taken?

Unlucky (aka Mike Z) probably reads through this thread a dozen times a day just to see what's going on... and whats going on probably looks to him like a bunch of monkeys trying to #### a football.

I live in Utah and I can tell you that this valley is flooded with con artists, always has been. Big time con's, not some small timer trying to make off with a couple hundred thousand dollars. You might get more mileage out here by exposing Mike as a Democrat than a con. The Attorney General in Utah, yeah... they're quite busy trying to bring the last two (2), TWO Attorney General's to justice on fraud charges (spent $5.5 million and counting so far). Best shot IMO as a trans-planted Utahn are to work the news angles. Salt Lake Tribune may have some interest, and KSL5 may be interested in hearing about a con that appeared on their show (they're owned by the church and might be attracted by the gambling aspect enough to care). Also, Mike appeared on the Bill Gephardt Gets It segment on KSL5... Gephardt is a consumer advocate that makes a living exposing scams. His stamp of approval is highly sought after (by sought after, I mean paid for) by "legitimate" small business' and he might get a charge out of exposing a crook that once appeared on his own show.


I'm catching up and in and out of this thread.. feel bad for all affected...

Just wondering, where in this thread is there stuff about calling his dad and family? I :lmao: at that idea... good for anyone who called.... let this stank hang on mike
Nah, I vote to leave his dad out of it. If he ripped us off, you can be sure he "borrowed" a ton of money from papa. Families tend the be the first victims of scumbags.
At least it would be nice to find out what the family knows about him.
Mike's an adult, over the age of 18. Leave his family out of it. Good Lord, you people are just fools.

If you forgot to pay your electric bill one month would you want them calling your parents threatening them or publishing their information on the internet for all to see?

You can bet his parents probably know about this already being as it's been on USA Today and all...they don't need Billy Joe Jim Bob Moron from Podunk Kentucky calling them and threatening to beat them up because they lost $50 in a fantasy football league. SMDH :wall: :doh:

Get some perspective, people. And let the blasting begin....
equating someone forgetting to pay their electric bill to someone stealing close to a million dollars is idiotic.
Being idiotic is taking that away from what I said.Read it again. HE....IS.....AN....ADULT....OVER....THE....AGE.....OF.....18....RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS OWN ACTIONS. LEAVE ....HIS.....FAMILY.....OUT.....OF.....IT.

Capisce now?
Nope, I'm calling your dad tomorrow.
You do realize that there are angry people on this thread who were tossing about the idea of showing up at his dad's house, right?

Let's put 2 and 2 together...angry people...showing up at his house. Do you really think that's going to end well?

Again, get some perspective.
If he took 2500 out of your wallet instead of your fantasy account how would you feel?Or do I suppose you have a Utah IP address...

If this guy deals with some moderate shunning, an age old tradition, he should count his blessings.
Lemme see if I get this straight....

So guys publish the home address and phone number of someone who is not a part of the situation on a public internet thread with an angry group of strangers looking for vengeance and that's okay by you.

But a guy steps in and tells them to stop and get some perspective, and all of a sudden, you're crying for the mods. You have a very twisted value system.

To answer your question:

I don't carry $2,500 in my wallet and I've never spent $2,500 on fantasy football entry fees (even with league deposits) in a year. So he couldn't do that. This is a hobby for me, keeps me interested in the pro and college games in a sport that I love to watch and used to coach. I've made a few bucks on this game over the years. I said earlier, I take my winnings, pay my taxes, and donate the rest to the high school football program coached by 2 long-time friends. Not saying that's makes me better than anyone else, it's just my choice. The wife always says she doesn't mind my hobby because it pays for itself and takes up relatively little time...and my kids can share in the experience.

1/2 hour before Mike sent that email, I found out one of my close friends from all the way back to grade school was diagnosed 2 months ago with stage 3 colon cancer. God really does work in mysterious ways with the timing of when I found that out. I started following this thread to get some rational ideas from people who had experience with ANTsports and WCOFF and the others as far as what to expect, maybe benefit from some different spins on the situation. What I found was a lynch mob going after their credit card companies and Mike's family and anyone who disagreed with them or got in their way. I found guys who every time someone disagrees with them says, "You're Mike aren't you?" or something like that - case in point above. I've found more interesting information in 66 posts on DLF than I have in 26 PAGES of posts here. Here, the equivalent of about 25 pages of posts are all about going after Mike and his family and personally attacking anyone who disagrees. I've been called more names in 2 days here than I was in my entire time in grade school. To Joe Bryant, I apologize, Joe, but that's just the way I see it.

This is my last post as I'm going to focus on the DLF feed, and I've said it 4 times now, get some perspective, people. I know I got one hell of a sobering perspective.

As far as the question about me being Mike or having a Utah IP address, I'm not going to dignify it with an answer. It's so patently ridiculous. Then again, there's going to be one idiot who is going to say "Duh, well he didn't deny it...", here's your answer....NO I am not Mike or one of his relatives or friend or the website developer or anything else nutty you come up with. Just a guy who has been an FBG member for several years, played FF at phenoms a few years and is right now really let down by the FBG community.

I know I'm gonna get attacked for this again but I won't be here so attack away.

Nope, I'm calling your dad tomorrow.
You do realize that there are angry people on this thread who were tossing about the idea of showing up at his dad's house, right?

Let's put 2 and 2 together...angry people...showing up at his house. Do you really think that's going to end well?

Again, get some perspective.
At some point the police are going to call or show up at his dad's house. Might as well give the poor guy a head's up before that happens.

The problem isn't whether it's gambling, it's that these guys requesting chargebacks are the ones who would not have received any money even if phenoms had paid out all prizes. They're lying to the banks to reimburse their losses, they're lying to themselves, engaging in personal attacks on anyone who questions them, and fabricating fantastic analogies that have nothing to do with phenoms so that somehow it's justified. That's why they need a shower.

And let the blasting begin again....
For the millionth time because you still don't seem to get it. NO ONE was going to get paid prize money at any point this season, therefore EVERYONE in those leagues are entitled to their entry fee back. It is absolutely absurd to claim that only the winners should file chargebacks, because they are only going to get their entry fee back AT MOST. Also, I am about 90% sure that all of these CC disputes will result in failures. I am going to get all documentation in order this weekend and fax it to my CC company on Monday because I have thousands on the line, but I have no delusions about the chances of success here. He wasn't selling us tangible goods, they were online contests and it will be really hard for a dispute to hold up here, but it's about all any of us can do to see a dime of this money before lawyers get it all.
Only the people who have funds on deposit or leagues that never went off should be filing chargebacks. They are the ones who truly paid for a service that was never received.

And BTW, thanks for proving my point...personal attacks.

I'm here all night...try the veal
How is what I said a personal attack? Saying that your line of reasoning is absurd is not a "personal attack" sir

[SIZE=13.63636302948px]S[/SIZE]ay you play with one dollar and you win the national lottery. Then it turns out the national lottery is broke and can't pay you. Do you have legal standing to claim your full winnings or just your one dollar back?

Saying everyone is entitled to their money back makes no sense. If you are not owed any money by the Phenom leagues, then you haven't been wronged in any legal way. Phenoms has fulfilled its obligation to you of providing you with a league, platform, etc. The only people who will have legal standing are the ones who are owed something, whether it is prize money or deposits. It's pretty straight-forward, just like with any other scam.

So seriously the players who were out of the playoffs are trying to get their money back by filing charge backs? That's really going to help the players who actually earned their playoffs spot.

So all you 3-11 teams go right ahead. Regardless of who gets the money the teams not in the playoffs were never going to see it anyways.


I'm catching up and in and out of this thread.. feel bad for all affected...

Just wondering, where in this thread is there stuff about calling his dad and family? I :lmao: at that idea... good for anyone who called.... let this stank hang on mike
Nah, I vote to leave his dad out of it. If he ripped us off, you can be sure he "borrowed" a ton of money from papa. Families tend the be the first victims of scumbags.
At least it would be nice to find out what the family knows about him.
Mike's an adult, over the age of 18. Leave his family out of it. Good Lord, you people are just fools.

If you forgot to pay your electric bill one month would you want them calling your parents threatening them or publishing their information on the internet for all to see?

You can bet his parents probably know about this already being as it's been on USA Today and all...they don't need Billy Joe Jim Bob Moron from Podunk Kentucky calling them and threatening to beat them up because they lost $50 in a fantasy football league. SMDH :wall: :doh:

Get some perspective, people. And let the blasting begin....
equating someone forgetting to pay their electric bill to someone stealing close to a million dollars is idiotic.
Being idiotic is taking that away from what I said.Read it again. HE....IS.....AN....ADULT....OVER....THE....AGE.....OF.....18....RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS OWN ACTIONS. LEAVE ....HIS.....FAMILY.....OUT.....OF.....IT.

Capisce now?
Nope, I'm calling your dad tomorrow.
You do realize that there are angry people on this thread who were tossing about the idea of showing up at his dad's house, right?

Let's put 2 and 2 together...angry people...showing up at his house. Do you really think that's going to end well?

Again, get some perspective.
If he took 2500 out of your wallet instead of your fantasy account how would you feel?Or do I suppose you have a Utah IP address...

If this guy deals with some moderate shunning, an age old tradition, he should count his blessings.
Lemme see if I get this straight....

So guys publish the home address and phone number of someone who is not a part of the situation on a public internet thread with an angry group of strangers looking for vengeance and that's okay by you.

But a guy steps in and tells them to stop and get some perspective, and all of a sudden, you're crying for the mods. You have a very twisted value system.

To answer your question:

I don't carry $2,500 in my wallet and I've never spent $2,500 on fantasy football entry fees (even with league deposits) in a year. So he couldn't do that. This is a hobby for me, keeps me interested in the pro and college games in a sport that I love to watch and used to coach. I've made a few bucks on this game over the years. I said earlier, I take my winnings, pay my taxes, and donate the rest to the high school football program coached by 2 long-time friends. Not saying that's makes me better than anyone else, it's just my choice. The wife always says she doesn't mind my hobby because it pays for itself and takes up relatively little time...and my kids can share in the experience.

1/2 hour before Mike sent that email, I found out one of my close friends from all the way back to grade school was diagnosed 2 months ago with stage 3 colon cancer. God really does work in mysterious ways with the timing of when I found that out. I started following this thread to get some rational ideas from people who had experience with ANTsports and WCOFF and the others as far as what to expect, maybe benefit from some different spins on the situation. What I found was a lynch mob going after their credit card companies and Mike's family and anyone who disagreed with them or got in their way. I found guys who every time someone disagrees with them says, "You're Mike aren't you?" or something like that - case in point above. I've found more interesting information in 66 posts on DLF than I have in 26 PAGES of posts here. Here, the equivalent of about 25 pages of posts are all about going after Mike and his family and personally attacking anyone who disagrees. I've been called more names in 2 days here than I was in my entire time in grade school. To Joe Bryant, I apologize, Joe, but that's just the way I see it.

This is my last post as I'm going to focus on the DLF feed, and I've said it 4 times now, get some perspective, people. I know I got one hell of a sobering perspective.

As far as the question about me being Mike or having a Utah IP address, I'm not going to dignify it with an answer. It's so patently ridiculous. Then again, there's going to be one idiot who is going to say "Duh, well he didn't deny it...", here's your answer....NO I am not Mike or one of his relatives or friend or the website developer or anything else nutty you come up with. Just a guy who has been an FBG member for several years, played FF at phenoms a few years and is right now really let down by the FBG community.

I know I'm gonna get attacked for this again but I won't be here so attack away.
take care, brush your hair


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