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Plaxico pleads GUILTY (1 Viewer)

I can't believe this guy is getting any sympathy whatsoever. Someone who obviously did not know how to safely handle a firearm knowingly and intentionally brought a loaded, unsecured gun into a crowded club.

What more do you really need to know?
:tumbleweed: Bingo. You forgot to mention he had a round in the chamber - other than that, right on.
and this dunce tucks it into the waistband OF HIS SWEATPANTS !!!!he's lucky he shot only himself, otherwise he'd be a Defendant in a monster civil suit as well.

I can't believe this guy is getting any sympathy whatsoever. Someone who obviously did not know how to safely handle a firearm knowingly and intentionally brought a loaded, unsecured gun into a crowded club.What more do you really need to know?
I don't know if sympathy is the right word, but two years for not registering your gun in the right state is ridiculous.
I may be wrong, but it was my understanding that even if the gun was registered in NY state, you cannot carry it in Manhattan.
2 years seems so harsh. I swear, every other month you hear about some athelete getting pulled over and having a gun on them, or checking a bag at the ariport with a gun in it. I can't remember a single one of them serving any jail time. Heck, Marshawn Lynch just got 3 years probation for carrying an unlisenced gun in Cali. Sucks for Plaxico this happened in NY; any other place he probably gets probation and a 3 game suspension.

I'll be the first to admit that just carrying the gun was a stupid move on his part, but I just don't see it being worth 2 years in jail.
It sucks for him? If he was such a stand up guy, don't you think he'd understand the carrying laws in the state he was in? Ignorance is not an excuse, sorry.And it wasn't 'just carrying the gun'. He was carrying a loaded gun in a very populated place. Put yourself in that club. You wouldn't feel the slightest bit of anger knowing this knucklehead had a loaded gun in the waistband of his pants? Please :tumbleweed:

I say he got lucky to get under the 'minimum' sentence, even after rejecting the 2yr plea a while ago.
How many people in that club had licensed guns?
Anyone who did violated the law. It is manifestly against the law to carry even a licensed firearm into a business that serves alcohol (bars, clubs, restaurants). Try to find another excuse, this one isn't working.
Would the sentence have been two years?
I can't believe this guy is getting any sympathy whatsoever. Someone who obviously did not know how to safely handle a firearm knowingly and intentionally brought a loaded, unsecured gun into a crowded club.What more do you really need to know?
I don't know if sympathy is the right word, but two years for not registering your gun in the right state is ridiculous.
I may be wrong, but it was my understanding that even if the gun was registered in NY state, you cannot carry it in Manhattan.
Anywhere in New York State, it would be illegal to carry the weapon into an establishment serving alcohol. There were so many charges the prosecution could have piled on this situation...
I saw people openly carrying firearms in Arizona when I lived there. They had established gun free zones (places where liquor is served, schools, etc.) but a lot of concealed and unconcealed carry there. The first day after I moved to AZ I was strolling down an aisle in a grocery store and walked passed a guy wearing a cowboy hat with a six gun strapped to his hip. Very Gunsmoke. :tumbleweed: This was in the late eighties. I'm not sure if they have revised the law since.
Was his name Matt Dillon?
2 years seems so harsh. I swear, every other month you hear about some athelete getting pulled over and having a gun on them, or checking a bag at the ariport with a gun in it. I can't remember a single one of them serving any jail time. Heck, Marshawn Lynch just got 3 years probation for carrying an unlisenced gun in Cali. Sucks for Plaxico this happened in NY; any other place he probably gets probation and a 3 game suspension.

I'll be the first to admit that just carrying the gun was a stupid move on his part, but I just don't see it being worth 2 years in jail.
It sucks for him? If he was such a stand up guy, don't you think he'd understand the carrying laws in the state he was in? Ignorance is not an excuse, sorry.And it wasn't 'just carrying the gun'. He was carrying a loaded gun in a very populated place. Put yourself in that club. You wouldn't feel the slightest bit of anger knowing this knucklehead had a loaded gun in the waistband of his pants? Please :tumbleweed:

I say he got lucky to get under the 'minimum' sentence, even after rejecting the 2yr plea a while ago.
How many people in that club had licensed guns?
Anyone who did violated the law. It is manifestly against the law to carry even a licensed firearm into a business that serves alcohol (bars, clubs, restaurants). Try to find another excuse, this one isn't working.
Would the sentence have been two years?
Not sure, I don't live in New York. But I'd be surprised if it was less than 2 years. NY lawyers in this thread want to chime in here? TIA
From catching the winning TD in a Super Bowl to 2 years behind bars.

All I can say is wow. Sad sad story. But he brought it on himself. He made a very very bad decision. I hope he has invested his money wisely. Because if he has....he will be fine when he get's out.

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Chalk me up as one who thought for sure he wasn't going to see day behind bars, 2 yrs jaw dropping but the Law was followed.

I saw people openly carrying firearms in Arizona when I lived there. They had established gun free zones (places where liquor is served, schools, etc.) but a lot of concealed and unconcealed carry there. The first day after I moved to AZ I was strolling down an aisle in a grocery store and walked passed a guy wearing a cowboy hat with a six gun strapped to his hip. Very Gunsmoke. :tumbleweed: This was in the late eighties. I'm not sure if they have revised the law since.
Was his name Matt Dillon?
Arizona is still an open-carry state. Excepting gun-free zones, you can carry a firearm as long as it is not concealed.
If he would have taken the original plea deal, he'd be several months into the sentence now.
he saved 18 months doing it this way.
It was my understanding that the orignal plea deal offered by the DA was 2 years and he turned it down because he wanted ZERO time.The article also says that this deal was on the table for a long time.
The most surprising aspect of the deal, in our view, is that Manhattan D.A. Robert Morgenthau left on the table the two-year deal that Burress previously had spurned, even after Burress essentially confessed to the crime in a Hail Mary effort before the grand jury.Some prosecutors would have yanked the deal, adding another six or eight months, or maybe a year, to any future offers.
And, no, I have zero sympathy for this guy.
I saw people openly carrying firearms in Arizona when I lived there. They had established gun free zones (places where liquor is served, schools, etc.) but a lot of concealed and unconcealed carry there. The first day after I moved to AZ I was strolling down an aisle in a grocery store and walked passed a guy wearing a cowboy hat with a six gun strapped to his hip. Very Gunsmoke. :tumbleweed: This was in the late eighties. I'm not sure if they have revised the law since.
Was his name Matt Dillon?
Arizona is still an open-carry state. Excepting gun-free zones, you can carry a firearm as long as it is not concealed.
But Plaxico was in New York State and New York City, and responsible gun owners are required to comply with all laws of the locality in which they reside. Being in New York mandated different responsibilities for Burress. And, even in Arizona, he'd have been in serious trouble for toting his locked-and-loaded firearm into a bar/club.
Chalk me up as one who thought for sure he wasn't going to see day behind bars, 2 yrs jaw dropping but the Law was followed.
Bloomberg was behind this from day 1, and I guarantee he wanted Burress to be an example to everyone that gun violations in the city are taken very seriously. Im not surprised at the jail time in the least bit.
2 years seems so harsh. I swear, every other month you hear about some athelete getting pulled over and having a gun on them, or checking a bag at the ariport with a gun in it. I can't remember a single one of them serving any jail time. Heck, Marshawn Lynch just got 3 years probation for carrying an unlisenced gun in Cali. Sucks for Plaxico this happened in NY; any other place he probably gets probation and a 3 game suspension.

I'll be the first to admit that just carrying the gun was a stupid move on his part, but I just don't see it being worth 2 years in jail.
It sucks for him? If he was such a stand up guy, don't you think he'd understand the carrying laws in the state he was in? Ignorance is not an excuse, sorry.And it wasn't 'just carrying the gun'. He was carrying a loaded gun in a very populated place. Put yourself in that club. You wouldn't feel the slightest bit of anger knowing this knucklehead had a loaded gun in the waistband of his pants? Please :tumbleweed:

I say he got lucky to get under the 'minimum' sentence, even after rejecting the 2yr plea a while ago.
How many people in that club had licensed guns?

and used them
He Can only get 4 months off for good behavior. So his minimum is 20months (not 18). Previously the prosecution wanted 2 years, but they also wanted him to plea to higher charge (and the judge in that case doesnt have to follow the prosecutors recommended sentence). So he waited till now and pled to the lower charge and got 2 years. This is probably the latest he could have pled for 2 years and "only" missed 2 NFL seasons. He will be out of jail by 2011 training camps.


I think Plax was trying to get no time in a plea, but this was probably about his deadline for making a 2 year plea. Lets face it, he couldn't risk 3.5 and still expect to play in the NFL. 2 years away will be hard enough.

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Would the sentence have been two years?
Not sure, I don't live in New York. But I'd be surprised if it was less than 2 years. NY lawyers in this thread want to chime in here? TIA
This has nothing to do with having a loaded gun in an establishment that serves alcohol. In NYC, the MINIMUM sentence for being caught with an unliscenced, loaded gun is 3.5 years. Can be in a bar, or in a library.As I stated above, it serves two purposes... one, a harsh deterrent for others and second, for a real criminal who is caught by the cops, without much supporting evidence of a major crime (theft, assault, attempted murder, worse) it is VERY easy to get someone on having the gun, since it's tough to dispute that evidence. So that's an instant 3.5 years of a criminal off the streets.
The interesting part is that while the general public seems to think that the famous get off in these cases, it's typically just the opposite. More often than not, the greater celebrity you are, the more likely you'll be punished more than the average person for the same crime. Certainly having money affords you a better attorney and ostensibly a better outcome. But being a celebrity just hurts matters. It would be much better to have the money without the fame in such situations.
I don't think this is true. I think Vick/Burress have been the exceptions, while Stallworth/Little are more generally the rule.
Stallworth and Little are a far cry from being public celebrities. If you know little about sports, you still know who Vick is. Same with Burress (playing in NY and in the Super Bowl).
The interesting part is that while the general public seems to think that the famous get off in these cases, it's typically just the opposite. More often than not, the greater celebrity you are, the more likely you'll be punished more than the average person for the same crime. Certainly having money affords you a better attorney and ostensibly a better outcome. But being a celebrity just hurts matters. It would be much better to have the money without the fame in such situations.
I don't think this is true. I think Vick/Burress have been the exceptions, while Stallworth/Little are more generally the rule.
Go to tons of different places in this country and do some probing on DUI and even DUI's involving fatalaties and you will find tons of examples in which John Q Public did what Stallworth/Little did and got little or not jail time. A housewife in my town killed a mailman on his route while drunk a few years back , got little to no time and was arrested drunk behind the wheel again a couple of years later
As a football player I don't even like Plaxico but our penal system is dumber than he ever will be. The guy poses no threat to society and he gets locked away from his life and family for two years and not counting the prosecution charges the average cost to house an inmate in NY is over $100,000 per year. Awesome justice system.
I disagree. he took a loaded gun (with the safety off) into a crowded nightclub. He's lucky it was him that got hurt. if it was an innocent bystander they would have thrown the book at him.while I agree that he is likely low risk to reoffend, he still put lives at risk due to his stupidity.He definitely deserves to serve some time. while I think 2 years is excessive, I think a 1 year sentence where he gets out in 4-6 months is likely what he should get.what he actually gets may be different. If the judge decides to get on a soap box and tells him he's a role model for kids and such, then he will probably get more.
I can't believe this guy is getting any sympathy whatsoever. Someone who obviously did not know how to safely handle a firearm knowingly and intentionally brought a loaded, unsecured gun into a crowded club.What more do you really need to know?
I don't know if sympathy is the right word, but two years for not registering your gun in the right state is ridiculous.
I may be wrong, but it was my understanding that even if the gun was registered in NY state, you cannot carry it in Manhattan.
This is true. I have a NY State concealed carry permit, and I can't carry in NYC.It's a special permit for NYC, and very hard to get. They simply don't want people carrying guns there. It's generally a manditory sentence (over and above whatever else you did, so even less savory types generally don't want to use a handgun.)The law works well - NYC is a very safe city.
I think his celebrity worked against him here. I have a tough time seeing this happening to the average Joe who stupidly carries a gun into a club in NYC. The defendant tells the Prosecutor and the Judge, if you sentence me to jail time my family loses thier house and the government needs to support my kids and my wife while I am in the bighouse. and oh yea, I have no records. Average dude ends up with probation, Plax ends up OWNED!

I can't believe this guy is getting any sympathy whatsoever. Someone who obviously did not know how to safely handle a firearm knowingly and intentionally brought a loaded, unsecured gun into a crowded club.

What more do you really need to know?
:goodposting: Bingo. You forgot to mention he had a round in the chamber - other than that, right on.
Seconded. Plax should be thankful that the DA still had that offer on the table. I would have liked to see him get the full 3.5 years. I have no sympathy for him, it's not like he's the victim of some obscure legal trickery here. He's irresponsible and in this case was extremely dangerous. There were so many decision points along the way that he had tons of chances to decide not to carry a chambered, unlicensed gun, in the waistband of his pants, into a manhattan night club, and on and on...
Ridiculous, Plax gets 2 years for shooting himself in NY and Donte gets 24 days for killing someone while driving drunk in FL. Next time shoot yourself in Florida!

He will not do 24 months or 18 months! I say he will be out in about 8 months!

Maybe even less!

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2 years seems so harsh. I swear, every other month you hear about some athelete getting pulled over and having a gun on them, or checking a bag at the ariport with a gun in it. I can't remember a single one of them serving any jail time. Heck, Marshawn Lynch just got 3 years probation for carrying an unlisenced gun in Cali. Sucks for Plaxico this happened in NY; any other place he probably gets probation and a 3 game suspension.

I'll be the first to admit that just carrying the gun was a stupid move on his part, but I just don't see it being worth 2 years in jail.
It sucks for him? If he was such a stand up guy, don't you think he'd understand the carrying laws in the state he was in? Ignorance is not an excuse, sorry.And it wasn't 'just carrying the gun'. He was carrying a loaded gun in a very populated place. Put yourself in that club. You wouldn't feel the slightest bit of anger knowing this knucklehead had a loaded gun in the waistband of his pants? Please :kicksrock:

I say he got lucky to get under the 'minimum' sentence, even after rejecting the 2yr plea a while ago.
How many people in that club had licensed guns?

and used them
Yeah, but "used" it how? Not in the commission of a violent crime, nor a crime at all, nor with any malice, nor even with any intent. 2 years just strikes me as very very excessive.

I saw people openly carrying firearms in Arizona when I lived there. They had established gun free zones (places where liquor is served, schools, etc.) but a lot of concealed and unconcealed carry there. The first day after I moved to AZ I was strolling down an aisle in a grocery store and walked passed a guy wearing a cowboy hat with a six gun strapped to his hip. Very Gunsmoke. :kicksrock: This was in the late eighties. I'm not sure if they have revised the law since.
You can open carry a hip holster with a loaded gun in any of these states with no special permits or license:ArizonaNew MexicoMontanaWyomingIdahoSouth DakotaKentuckyWest VirginiaVirginiaVermontAlaska
I have no love for Plax but i think the sentence doesn't fit th ecrime. He wasn't trying to kill anyone, and he shot himself which is sort of a Don Knott's move if there ever was one.

On a larger scale though, does anyone know how hard it is to get a weapons permit in NY? Why not just learn the proper way to carry and arm yourself with a gun so that you cannot get in as much trouble. It's not liek NY has banned guns, right? I'm asking because I don't know the laws.

I do have sympathy for Plax, but I still wouldn't say the sentence is too harsh.

The law makes sense, given the pop. density of NYC.

I feel bad for Plax b/c it doesn't sound like he was looking to hurt anyone (though we don't really know that), but I can understand the need to keep guns out of NYC.

I have no love for Plax but i think the sentence doesn't fit th ecrime. He wasn't trying to kill anyone, and he shot himself which is sort of a Don Knott's move if there ever was one. On a larger scale though, does anyone know how hard it is to get a weapons permit in NY? Why not just learn the proper way to carry and arm yourself with a gun so that you cannot get in as much trouble. It's not liek NY has banned guns, right? I'm asking because I don't know the laws.
You cannot carry a gun in NYC, even with a NY state permit.
I think this stinks due to gun laws in this country. Gotta run, will get into it later I suppose

I think this stinks due to gun laws in this country. Gotta run, will get into it later I suppose
There's a reason NYC is considered the safest large city in the country. More cities should follow NY's example. I have no problem with owning guns, but in large cities they should be banned IMO.
I have no love for Plax but i think the sentence doesn't fit th ecrime. He wasn't trying to kill anyone, and he shot himself which is sort of a Don Knott's move if there ever was one. On a larger scale though, does anyone know how hard it is to get a weapons permit in NY? Why not just learn the proper way to carry and arm yourself with a gun so that you cannot get in as much trouble. It's not liek NY has banned guns, right? I'm asking because I don't know the laws.
You cannot carry a gun in NYC, even with a NY state permit.
You should be able to carry a gun around with a permit...that's just silly.
I can't believe this guy is getting any sympathy whatsoever. Someone who obviously did not know how to safely handle a firearm knowingly and intentionally brought a loaded, unsecured gun into a crowded club.

What more do you really need to know?
:thumbup: Bingo. You forgot to mention he had a round in the chamber - other than that, right on.
Seconded. Plax should be thankful that the DA still had that offer on the table. I would have liked to see him get the full 3.5 years. I have no sympathy for him, it's not like he's the victim of some obscure legal trickery here. He's irresponsible and in this case was extremely dangerous. There were so many decision points along the way that he had tons of chances to decide not to carry a chambered, unlicensed gun, in the waistband of his pants, into a manhattan night club, and on and on...
:pickle: For those who aren't familiar with firearms, the reason I harp on a round in the chamber is that once a gun is loaded and cocked (ie. the round is in the chamber) the trigger is much easier to discharge. It's a "hair trigger" with very little resistance needed to discharge the weapon. Loading a round into the chamber takes an intentional act in a semi-auto weapon. When you push in the clip, there is no round in the chamber. In a revolver, you'd have to pull the hammer back to put a round into "hair trigger" position.

Burress carried a weapon primed and ready to fire, unsecured (meaning not in a proper holster, where the trigger would have been covered by a flap of leather, plastic, or nylon, thus reducing the chances of an accidental discharge), in the waistband of his sweatpants.

This is what peeps who know about guns mean by "irresponsible" and "a public menace" - and they are 100% right in this regard, IMO.

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I have no love for Plax but i think the sentence doesn't fit th ecrime. He wasn't trying to kill anyone, and he shot himself which is sort of a Don Knott's move if there ever was one. On a larger scale though, does anyone know how hard it is to get a weapons permit in NY? Why not just learn the proper way to carry and arm yourself with a gun so that you cannot get in as much trouble. It's not liek NY has banned guns, right? I'm asking because I don't know the laws.
It is next to impossible to get a carry permit in NY!
I have no love for Plax but i think the sentence doesn't fit th ecrime. He wasn't trying to kill anyone, and he shot himself which is sort of a Don Knott's move if there ever was one. On a larger scale though, does anyone know how hard it is to get a weapons permit in NY? Why not just learn the proper way to carry and arm yourself with a gun so that you cannot get in as much trouble. It's not liek NY has banned guns, right? I'm asking because I don't know the laws.
It is next to impossible to get a carry permit in NY!
This is, by all accounts, true. Heller vs. District of Columbia may eventually change this situation. Right now, though, law-abiding citizens of New York City are de-facto banned from concealed carry unless they are professional body guards for someone like Rosie O'Donnell or a member of law enforcement/the prosecutor's office. The ban does not include a person's domicile unless they are a felon, but otherwise weapons (not just firearms, but any lethal weapon) outside of the home are in essence, banned in NYC. Of course, criminals ignore the law... but that's a different issue for a different thread in the FFA if someone wants to go there. I don't.
I think this stinks due to gun laws in this country. Gotta run, will get into it later I suppose
There's a reason NYC is considered the safest large city in the country. More cities should follow NY's example. I have no problem with owning guns, but in large cities they should be banned IMO.
I don't agree with this take much, at all. A law that has been recently enacted and has not been applied to anyone but Plaxico in this harsh a manner. The reason NYC is so safe is a confluence of reasons, beginning in the '90s. As much as I can't stand Guliani, he was a big reason for those positive steps, combined with great economic times for the most part until recently - and immense security overall post 9/11.
I saw people openly carrying firearms in Arizona when I lived there. They had established gun free zones (places where liquor is served, schools, etc.) but a lot of concealed and unconcealed carry there. The first day after I moved to AZ I was strolling down an aisle in a grocery store and walked passed a guy wearing a cowboy hat with a six gun strapped to his hip. Very Gunsmoke. :thumbup:

This was in the late eighties. I'm not sure if they have revised the law since.
You can open carry a hip holster with a loaded gun in any of these states with no special permits or license:Arizona

New Mexico




South Dakota


West Virginia



Here it's the law you to have own a gun...KENNESAW, Ga - Several Kennesaw officials attribute a drop in crime in the city over the past two decades to a law that requires residents to have a gun in the house.

In 1982, the Kennesaw City Council unanimously passed a law requiring heads of households to own at least one firearm with ammunition.

The ordinance states the gun law is needed to "protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants."


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I think this stinks due to gun laws in this country. Gotta run, will get into it later I suppose
There's a reason NYC is considered the safest large city in the country. More cities should follow NY's example. I have no problem with owning guns, but in large cities they should be banned IMO.
That worked well for DC untill the Supreme Court said it was unconstitutional
As a football player I don't even like Plaxico but our penal system is dumber than he ever will be. The guy poses no threat to society and he gets locked away from his life and family for two years and not counting the prosecution charges the average cost to house an inmate in NY is over $100,000 per year. Awesome justice system.
I disagree. he took a loaded gun (with the safety off) into a crowded nightclub. He's lucky it was him that got hurt. if it was an innocent bystander they would have thrown the book at him.while I agree that he is likely low risk to reoffend, he still put lives at risk due to his stupidity.He definitely deserves to serve some time. while I think 2 years is excessive, I think a 1 year sentence where he gets out in 4-6 months is likely what he should get.what he actually gets may be different. If the judge decides to get on a soap box and tells him he's a role model for kids and such, then he will probably get more.
He should be punished for carrying that gun that night but I think 30 days in jail is plenty punishment for a first time offender that would more than allow enough time to reinforce in that person to not commit the same offense.As I said earlier Plaxico does not pose a threat to society. That's present and future tense. That night he did pose a minimal threat to society but it's over and done with. Look at it this way. Let's say the worse happened and he accidentally shot someone and killed them. That's manslaughter. I rarely see people with no previous felonies get two years for manslaughter. Hell, we just saw another NFL player actually kill someone and he only got 30 days. I won't say that I don't see how people can rationalize that the punishment fits the crime because I'm seeing several people here try to rationalize it. I just do not and will never agree it's a fair punishment and I'll say again Plaxico is one of my least liked players in the NFL.
2 years is rediculous for this crime. This Judge is a dunce. Waste of space and money keeping Plax in jail for anything over 90 days. The guy allready shot himself. Seriously, anyone who lives in the NY area should write to your congressman and senators and complain about this judges sentence. Id love to see his case history. Is he an A-Ole to everyone or just rich goof offs?

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2 years is rediculous for this crime. This Judge is a dunce. Waste of space and money keeping Plax in jail for anything over 90 days. The guy allready shot himself. Seriously, anyone who lives in the NY area should write to your congressman and senators and complain about this judges sentence. Id love to see his case history. Is he an A-Ole to everyone or just rich goof offs?
A lot of complaints about the sentence here, but don't blame the judge. One, Plax accepted a plea deal, and two, it's a MANDATORY 3.5 year jail sentence for carrying a loaded weapon in the city without a special permit. Blame the idiot Burress, not the courts. For those that think the sentence is too stiff, here's an idea: Don't carry a loaded weapon in the city.
2 years is rediculous for this crime. This Judge is a dunce. Waste of space and money keeping Plax in jail for anything over 90 days. The guy allready shot himself. Seriously, anyone who lives in the NY area should write to your congressman and senators and complain about this judges sentence. Id love to see his case history. Is he an A-Ole to everyone or just rich goof offs?
So, in your opinion, is it cool for anyone to to carry unlicensed, loaded weapons into crowded places, tucked into their sweatpants and ready to fire, or is it just okay if you're good at catching a football?
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I have no love for Plax but i think the sentence doesn't fit the crime. He wasn't trying to kill anyone, and he shot himself which is sort of a Don Knott's move if there ever was one.
I think the problem is the applicable New York laws. PFT covered this a bit earlier in the fiasco but there were 2 applicable criminal codes:Section 265.03(1)(b) prohibits the possession of a loaded firearm "with intent to use the same unlawfully against another." Alone, this statute appears to create the burden of proving that Burress had intent to use the weapon against another.However, Section 265.15(4) of the Penal Law states that "[t]he possession by any person of any dagger, dirk, stiletto, dangerous knife or any other weapon, instrument, appliance or substance designed, made or adapted for use primarily as a weapon, is presumptive evidence of intent to use the same unlawfully against another." This Section creates a presumption that the mere possession of the gun is itself presumptive of an intent to use it unlawfully against another.I don't think it is necessarily right to presume criminal intent under any statutue; it's curious to me how a person can be expected to get a fair trial with such a key element of the crime presumed. Regardless, seems like it was an uphill battle to counter that presumption.
2 years is rediculous for this crime. This Judge is a dunce. Waste of space and money keeping Plax in jail for anything over 90 days. The guy allready shot himself. Seriously, anyone who lives in the NY area should write to your congressman and senators and complain about this judges sentence. Id love to see his case history. Is he an A-Ole to everyone or just rich goof offs?
So, in your opinion, is it cool for anyone to to carry unlicensed, loaded weapons into crowded places, tucked into their sweatpants and ready to fire, or is it just okay if you're good at catching a football?
I am not a Plax fan, but he got screwed ... 2 years(or even the 18 months he will end up serving) is a ridiculously long prison sentence for just possesion of a firearm. He even had a license to carry in Florida that had just recently expired.

Yes I know this was NY and not FL, and yes it was expired ... but you would think the fact he was not on parole etc, and the fact that another state had seen fit to license him to carry would have been taken into consideration. This should have been a 30 days/suspended sentence + house arrest type violation at most.

2 years is rediculous for this crime. This Judge is a dunce. Waste of space and money keeping Plax in jail for anything over 90 days. The guy allready shot himself. Seriously, anyone who lives in the NY area should write to your congressman and senators and complain about this judges sentence. Id love to see his case history. Is he an A-Ole to everyone or just rich goof offs?
So, in your opinion, is it cool for anyone to to carry unlicensed, loaded weapons into crowded places, tucked into their sweatpants and ready to fire, or is it just okay if you're good at catching a football?
Not "cool" ... but 3.5years in prison for non-felons is ludicrous
He was screwed from day one, as he was most certainly made an example of...

He was an idiot for carrying the gun in the club, and an even bigger idiot for shooting himself(and come on, most rational folks see this as more than enough punishment, he was friggin shot due to his idiocy/breaking the law!)....but 2 years of a very short life for this crap? Give me a break lawmakers, sometimes you are the morons...


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