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Police ambushed and killed in "start of revolution" in Vegas (2 Viewers)

Here come the gun arguments repeated ad nauseam. I keep telling people the issue is the fact that crazy people keep getting guns, and the state of mental health in this nation is a shambles.
Where in the story do you gather they are crazy?
The part where they didn't decide to not shoot the police officers or yell Viva La Revolucion!
So all murders are done by persons who aren't sane? Counsel, are you suggesting all murder cases should be decided as a reason of insanity with no murderers jailed but rather sent to an institution for rehabilitation?
There's the legal definition of crazy and then there is regular crazy, this would be the latter.
Shooting another person is crazy? That happens all the time
I demand an answer!
:lmao: WTF is this?
Here come the gun arguments repeated ad nauseam. I keep telling people the issue is the fact that crazy people keep getting guns, and the state of mental health in this nation is a shambles.
Where in the story do you gather they are crazy?
From their talk of a revolution, the fact they started shooting people for no real reason, and the fact they seemed to have no real plan beyond that and then committing suicide. That's not the work of a sane person, at least not to me.As for a solution, I don't really have one, aside from overhauling the mental health system, establishing some type of check system to ensure the mentally unstable don't receive weapons, and perhaps trying to teach people respect for others at a young age.

Here come the gun arguments repeated ad nauseam. I keep telling people the issue is the fact that crazy people keep getting guns, and the state of mental health in this nation is a shambles.
Where in the story do you gather they are crazy?
The part where they didn't decide to not shoot the police officers or yell Viva La Revolucion!
So all murders are done by persons who aren't sane? Counsel, are you suggesting all murder cases should be decided as a reason of insanity with no murderers jailed but rather sent to an institution for rehabilitation?
There's the legal definition of crazy and then there is regular crazy, this would be the latter.
Shooting another person is crazy? That happens all the time
1. motive is important

2. If you look at the number of gun related deaths and compare it the number of people in the US, it's about 0.003% of the population that annually shoots and kills someone. It isn't part of people's normal behavior patterns, even in a gun loving, violent country like the US.

Here come the gun arguments repeated ad nauseam. I keep telling people the issue is the fact that crazy people keep getting guns, and the state of mental health in this nation is a shambles.
Where in the story do you gather they are crazy?
From their talk of a revolution, the fact they started shooting people for no real reason, and the fact they seemed to have no real plan beyond that and then committing suicide. That's not the work of a sane person, at least not to me.As for a solution, I don't really have one, aside from overhauling the mental health system, establishing some type of check system to ensure the mentally unstable don't receive weapons, and perhaps trying to teach people respect for others at a young age.
I appreciate your insights but you have no clue about their mental state. You are guessing they are unstable. I contend they legally obtained their weapons and used them as they saw fit

Datonn, your analogy to nuclear weapons is absurd. I'm sympathetic to some of your views on this issue, and I know that you feel anguish over this story (I feel it too) but your arguments aren't working.
74,000+ posts on a message board is absurd...I'm embarrassed that I've wasted enough time to even roll-in at 10% of that number. Seriously...how are you not bankrupt and homeless yet? ;)
I'm not sure the bolded are safe assumptions.

Here come the gun arguments repeated ad nauseam. I keep telling people the issue is the fact that crazy people keep getting guns, and the state of mental health in this nation is a shambles.
Where in the story do you gather they are crazy?
From their talk of a revolution, the fact they started shooting people for no real reason, and the fact they seemed to have no real plan beyond that and then committing suicide. That's not the work of a sane person, at least not to me.As for a solution, I don't really have one, aside from overhauling the mental health system, establishing some type of check system to ensure the mentally unstable don't receive weapons, and perhaps trying to teach people respect for others at a young age.
I appreciate your insights but you have no clue about their mental state. You are guessing they are unstable. I contend they legally obtained their weapons and used them as they saw fit
I won't argue that point, because it makes sense. Still, how did mentally unstable people get hold of weapons and then use them to murder innocent people?
Here come the gun arguments repeated ad nauseam. I keep telling people the issue is the fact that crazy people keep getting guns, and the state of mental health in this nation is a shambles.
Where in the story do you gather they are crazy?
From their talk of a revolution, the fact they started shooting people for no real reason, and the fact they seemed to have no real plan beyond that and then committing suicide. That's not the work of a sane person, at least not to me.As for a solution, I don't really have one, aside from overhauling the mental health system, establishing some type of check system to ensure the mentally unstable don't receive weapons, and perhaps trying to teach people respect for others at a young age.
I appreciate your insights but you have no clue about their mental state. You are guessing they are unstable. I contend they legally obtained their weapons and used them as they saw fit
Exactly, thank you... No sane person can see using a weapon like this as a "fit"...

In all seriousness, anyone that doesn't see these maniacs as unstable concerns me.

Do we think banning guns will work better than , oh I don't know, banning drugs. Crazy people who want guns will get them.
Of course it'll work if we ban guns. All the criminals will finally know we mean business and leave their crime behind and turn all those guns in and become scholars and model citizens. They are all just waiting for the right law.

Pretty simple!

Ban guns? Did people miss the part how these #######s were stopped?

One unconfirmed report is that the two exchanged gunfire with a citizen who was carrying a concealed weapon, and that one of the shooters was injured.
How many more innocents would have died if that civilian wasnt concealed carrying?
was he/she the civilian that was killed?

Ban guns? Did people miss the part how these #######s were stopped?

One unconfirmed report is that the two exchanged gunfire with a citizen who was carrying a concealed weapon, and that one of the shooters was injured.
How many more innocents would have died if that civilian wasnt concealed carrying?
was he/she the civilian that was killed?
"One of the officers returned fire possibly wounding one of the perpetrators."

Here come the gun arguments repeated ad nauseam. I keep telling people the issue is the fact that crazy people keep getting guns, and the state of mental health in this nation is a shambles.
Where in the story do you gather they are crazy?
I think it's the part where they armed themselves from dead police officers, walked over to Wal-Mart, killed a stranger, shouted "this is the revolution" and killed each other.
Why can't they be sane and malicious? Are sane people absent of malice?
What's the malicious part of screaming "this is the revolution" and executing a suicide pact?
You are assuming the suicide pact was inevitable and prearranged whereas I am assuming it was part of the plan if things went not as plannned
Whether or not it was prearranged has no bearing on whether these guys were crazy in my opinion.

Whether or not it was prearranged has no bearing on whether these guys were crazy in my opinion.
Crazy (adjective) - "mentally deranged, especially as manifested in a wild or aggressive way."

Call me crazy ([icon], LOL), but wouldn't the idea of brandishing a weapon, particularly parading it around in front of other people at a Chipotle or a Walmart, be viewed by millions (billions?) of people as "aggressive?" :popcorn:

I find the number of murder suicides in the news really troubling. Something is broken if more and more people choose this as the solution for their anger and frustration.

Here come the gun arguments repeated ad nauseam. I keep telling people the issue is the fact that crazy people keep getting guns, and the state of mental health in this nation is a shambles.
Where in the story do you gather they are crazy?
From their talk of a revolution, the fact they started shooting people for no real reason, and the fact they seemed to have no real plan beyond that and then committing suicide. That's not the work of a sane person, at least not to me.As for a solution, I don't really have one, aside from overhauling the mental health system, establishing some type of check system to ensure the mentally unstable don't receive weapons, and perhaps trying to teach people respect for others at a young age.
I appreciate your insights but you have no clue about their mental state. You are guessing they are unstable. I contend they legally obtained their weapons and used them as they saw fit

I see several clues about their mental state.

They may not necessarily have been "psychotic", but there are more than enough clear signs they have mental problems.

They DID obtian their weapons legally and used them as they saw fit...............................but apparently the "way they see fit" is..............wait for it...................CRAZY

Here come the gun arguments repeated ad nauseam. I keep telling people the issue is the fact that crazy people keep getting guns, and the state of mental health in this nation is a shambles.
Where in the story do you gather they are crazy?
The part where they didn't decide to not shoot the police officers or yell Viva La Revolucion!
So all murders are done by persons who aren't sane? Counsel, are you suggesting all murder cases should be decided as a reason of insanity with no murderers jailed but rather sent to an institution for rehabilitation?
:lmao: WTF is this?
Either a horrid troll, or a crazy person................or both

Ban guns? Did people miss the part how these #######s were stopped?

One unconfirmed report is that the two exchanged gunfire with a citizen who was carrying a concealed weapon, and that one of the shooters was injured.
How many more innocents would have died if that civilian wasnt concealed carrying?
Yeah, pretty much.

Amazingly even though guns kill people, guns also stop people from killing people.

Kinda like a vaccine. It might kill a few, but it saves more than it kills.

Here come the gun arguments repeated ad nauseam. I keep telling people the issue is the fact that crazy people keep getting guns, and the state of mental health in this nation is a shambles.
So what's the solution then? A serious question.
This is the problem. You believe there is a 'solution'. Crazy people are always going to be crazy. Crazy people are always going to find ways to kill people if they are determined to, no matter what 'laws' are in place. The only hope we have is reducing the frequency of occurences. That's a more realistic discussion.

Whether or not it was prearranged has no bearing on whether these guys were crazy in my opinion.
Crazy (adjective) - "mentally deranged, especially as manifested in a wild or aggressive way."

Call me crazy ([icon], LOL), but wouldn't the idea of brandishing a weapon, particularly parading it around in front of other people at a Chipotle or a Walmart, be viewed by millions (billions?) of people as "aggressive?" :popcorn:
Yes, anyone who 'brandishes' a weapon at Chipotle or Walmart for no other reason than to show that they are in posession of said weapon should be viewed as aggressive.

Ban guns? Did people miss the part how these #######s were stopped?

One unconfirmed report is that the two exchanged gunfire with a citizen who was carrying a concealed weapon, and that one of the shooters was injured.
How many more innocents would have died if that civilian wasnt concealed carrying?

Shooters in Metro ambush that left five dead spoke of white supremacy and a desire to kill police

Details are sketchy but Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department sources close to the investigation say the shooters shouted that “this is the start of a revolution” before opening fire on the officers, and draped their bodies with cloth showing a Revolutionary War-era flag. Investigators have also found paraphernalia associated with white supremacists.
Witnesses told police one of the shooters yelled “This is the start of a revolution” before shooting the officers. Gillespie later said he could not confirm that.

The shooters then stripped the officers of their weapons and ammunition and badges, according to a law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. They then covered the officers with something that featured the Gadsden flag, a yellow banner with a coiled snake above the words, “Don’t tread on Me.”

The flag is named for Christopher Gadsden a Revolutionary War general who designed it. It has recently come back in vogue as an adopted symbol of the American tea party movement.
The shooters were a married couple thought to be in their late 20s who were new to the Las Vegas Valley, according to a law enforcement official close to the investigation. Police are looking into their links to the white supremacy movement and found swastika symbols during their initial investigation.

Residents of the Bruce Street apartment complex gathered outside the building to talk about the couple whose unit was being searched.

Neighbor Krista Koch described them as “militant.” They talked about planning to kill police officers, “going underground” and not coming out until the time was right to kill.

Brandon Monroe, 22, has lived in the complex for about two weeks. He said the man who lived in the apartment that was being searched often rambled about conspiracy theories. He often wore camouflage or dressed as Peter Pan as a Fremont Street Experience street performer. A woman lived with him, Monroe said, but he didn’t see her as often.

They were weird people, Monroe said, adding that he thought the couple used methamphetamines.
These people weren't starting a revolution. They're just racist morons who want to hate people for no good reason. This planet is well rid of their kind.

CNN said they were at the Bundy ranch too. Anti-gov militia types with swastikas at their home and a documented hatred of police and government.

These people weren't starting a revolution. They're just racist morons who want to hate people for no good reason. This planet is well rid of their kind.

Both cops have young kids. Terrible
:goodposting: worst part of all this...

And I do NOT get the targeting of police... absent a few bad apples, most are just out there trying to do their jobs while putting their asses on the line every day to keep us safe (For #### money to boot). Frustrating to see them being blindly targeted by these idiots.

Their revolution was just as effective as Roger Elliot's retribution.

We really have to be thankful these people are pretty stupid. Any somewhat intelligent person could likely cause much more harm if they planned it. I'm glad with both of these stories we hear about the killers being killed immediately. Having a suspect on the lose is the really scary part. The DC sniper crap was pretty terrorizing. I'm surprised we haven't had any copycat's of those guys.

Perhaps the shooters and the carry/conceal guy in Walmart were all part of a team working together to kick off The Carry/conceal Revolution? Trying to justifythe whole carry/conceal thing? Huh, huh!?


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To hell with gun control. Let's just round up the terrorists and those aiding and abetting them before they continue with their campaign of political killings (aka, terrorism).

Those laws are already on the books. Ask the brown guys.

CNN said they were at the Bundy ranch too. Anti-gov militia types with swastikas at their home and a documented hatred of police and government.

This is what I was talking about. Morons emboldened by what took place at the Bundy Ranch...encouraged by the (certain) media's trying to lather-up the Right's more-fringe elements.

"For those unaware, Clive Bundy in Bunkerville, who (along with many of the militia folks that came with him) proclaim that only the county sheriff has legal authority. Las Vegas Metro Police is his local county sheriff. The pizzeria and Walmart in question is on the east side of town. Bunkerville is north-east of the city."

The Feds should have never backed down in that stand-off at the Ranch. Even if it would have ended in gunfire. As now we're probably going to be forced to deal with even more death/gunfire as a result of said actions. I guess America doesn't negotiate with terrorists...unless the terrorists are American citizens... :no:

Yes. Clearly this could have all been solved by preeminently killing everyone at the Bundy ranch.

Some real genius in here.


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