The current division between the two sides are too great. We no longer share the same ideals on the foundation of this country. The dichotomy between those who value equal treatment/equal opportunity and those who value equal outcomes is irreconcilable. Our society has deteriorated to the point where:
- it is impossible for a conservative to get hired in the vast majority of departments at major universities and many major news organizations.
- Conservatives can not speak, assemble and protest without an effort to be labeled extremist, face counterprotestors or even be threatened with criminal investigation/prosecution.
- Online censorship is politically coordinated to suppress conservative ideas by the tech giants and government entities.
- Conservatives are not even allowed to defend their person or property from mob attacks, rioters, robbers, looters.
Of course to suggest this makes me a loony conspiracy nut, a whiner, or whetever the flavor of bigot of the day happens to be.
The self-proclaimed moderates refuse to acknowledge or are in denial of these facts which all conservatives experience routinely. The spin, the censorship, and the indoctrination has taken its toll over the years. The masses are convinced they are believers in truth and science, but the reality is they are believers in authority. Science is dead. There is no longer any room for dissent which is and always has been the fuel which advances science and understanding. Now dissent is labeled misinformation and exterminated.
The solution is to regain these common values of equal treatment and real freedom of speech where all ideas are freely discussed. This forum is just a small representatatuin of what is going on in this country.
- it is impossible for a conservative to get hired in the vast majority of departments at major universities and many major news organizations.
- Conservatives can not speak, assemble and protest without an effort to be labeled extremist, face counterprotestors or even be threatened with criminal investigation/prosecution.
- Online censorship is politically coordinated to suppress conservative ideas by the tech giants and government entities.
- Conservatives are not even allowed to defend their person or property from mob attacks, rioters, robbers, looters.
Of course to suggest this makes me a loony conspiracy nut, a whiner, or whetever the flavor of bigot of the day happens to be.
The self-proclaimed moderates refuse to acknowledge or are in denial of these facts which all conservatives experience routinely. The spin, the censorship, and the indoctrination has taken its toll over the years. The masses are convinced they are believers in truth and science, but the reality is they are believers in authority. Science is dead. There is no longer any room for dissent which is and always has been the fuel which advances science and understanding. Now dissent is labeled misinformation and exterminated.
The solution is to regain these common values of equal treatment and real freedom of speech where all ideas are freely discussed. This forum is just a small representatatuin of what is going on in this country.