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Question for Cowboy Fans (1 Viewer)


Do you forgive him for embarrassing and mocking your team and dissing your beloved star on your home turf?

If the answer is yes, do you feel stupid for being upset about it in the first place? Are you excited to see that highlight replayed numerous times this upcoming season and will you cheer when it's played?

i was pissed not so much that he disrespected the cowboys, but because the cowboys were so crappy they couldn't do anything...

so i'm fine with them playing the video over and over again, so long as they're winning

plus, i'm sure his first touchdown with the cowboys will be to do that exact same thing

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Interesting how the 'boys will start to change as the possiblity improves that he will go there. By the time he signs a contract, all will be forgiven.

Interesting how the 'boys will start to change as the possiblity improves that he will go there. By the time he signs a contract, all will be forgiven.
Yep. Human nature is to have short memories when it benefits them to do so. When Dallas signs this guy, all I can say is:"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." - George Santayana

Typical Cowboys fans.

They will sell their souls for former baseball players turned Quarterback...and will forgive one of the most disrespectul acts in NFL history.

Given that I have no ability to impact whether he goes to Dallas or not makes this question irrelevant. That said, I'll never forgive him. If he signs, I'll respect his playing ability, as I always have, but I will never root for him as a player.

Interesting how the 'boys will start to change as the possiblity improves that he will go there. By the time he signs a contract, all will be forgiven.
Yep. Human nature is to have short memories when it benefits them to do so. When Dallas signs this guy, all I can say is:"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." - George Santayana
That happens whenever a guy joins a team. To paraphase what one of the Steeler fans here said about Joey Porter - "He's an #######, but he's our #######". That about sums it up.
Given that I have no ability to impact whether he goes to Dallas or not makes this question irrelevant. That said, I'll never forgive him. If he signs, I'll respect his playing ability, as I always have, but I will never root for him as a player.
Same way here. Even if they do win a Super Bowl it will be tainted. I'm torn because I want Bledsoe to win a Super Bowl.
Do you forgive him for embarrassing and mocking your team and dissing your beloved star on your home turf? 

If the answer is yes, do you feel stupid for being upset about it in the first place?  Are you excited to see that highlight replayed numerous times this upcoming season and will you cheer when it's played?
YES !!!NO !!! and

YES !!!

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tainted from what, just because he ran on to the star. did that add additional points to the score? if everyone was on their high horse, you wouldn't be able to root for any of these guys. maybe LT2, but are you going to root for shaun alexander, joey porter, or even tom brady? all these guys are selfish scumbags. the only reason i care about them is because they play football. if they're on the cowboys, great. if not, screw 'em. if you want to watch good people do good things, watch something else.

Even if they do win a Super Bowl it will be tainted. I'm torn because I want Bledsoe to win a Super Bowl.
a super bowl win can never be "tainted"...unless the refs basically give it to one team :stirspot: and bledsoe already has won a super bowl ring :bye:

I'll view his signing in the same vein as when they signed Neon Deion Sanders. Hopefully he'll help Dallas win another Super Bowl. I don't have to like everyone that plays for the Cowboys.

Oh, and enough of the "typical Cowboys fan" talk. Stereotyping is ugly, and ignorant. There's no typical Cowboys fan, New England Fan, Yankees Fan, Braves Fan, etc.

I'll view his signing in the same vein as when they signed Neon Deion Sanders. Hopefully he'll help Dallas win another Super Bowl. I don't have to like everyone that plays for the Cowboys.

Oh, and enough of the "typical Cowboys fan" talk. Stereotyping is ugly, and ignorant. There's no typical Cowboys fan, New England Fan, Yankees Fan, Braves Fan, etc.
Bovine scatology. There is such a thing as typical, which the dictionary defines as "exhibiting or combining the essential characteristics of a group." A fan, which the dictionary defines as "an enthusiastic devotee", could be viewed as part of a group.The essential characteristics of most fans are:

1. They root for a team.

2. They tend to take their team's side in arguments.

3. They tend to feel that they have been screwed by the refs.

4. They believe that those who root for other teams are the scum of the earth (hyperbole).

Stereotyping those who use "typical Cowboys fan" is ugly. :D

As a longstanding Dallas fan, I am very torn about this. I do not like Owens and I find his antics more distasteful than any other player in the league. I think he is a seriously disturbed young man who needs intense psychiatric help. On the other hand, he is a great player and we have a major need at receiver. I would be happier if we signed a guy like Eric Moulds and drafted a young receiver. I really wished we would have drafted Mark Clayton last season with our second first round pick. However, I want the Cowboys to win- so I am torn.

I'll view his signing in the same vein as when they signed Neon Deion Sanders. Hopefully he'll help Dallas win another Super Bowl. I don't have to like everyone that plays for the Cowboys.

Oh, and enough of the "typical Cowboys fan" talk. Stereotyping is ugly, and ignorant. There's no typical Cowboys fan, New England Fan, Yankees Fan, Braves Fan, etc.
Bovine scatology. There is such a thing as typical, which the dictionary defines as "exhibiting or combining the essential characteristics of a group." A fan, which the dictionary defines as "an enthusiastic devotee", could be viewed as part of a group.The essential characteristics of most fans are:

1. They root for a team.

2. They tend to take their team's side in arguments.

3. They tend to feel that they have been screwed by the refs.

4. They believe that those who root for other teams are the scum of the earth (hyperbole).

Stereotyping those who use "typical Cowboys fan" is ugly. :D
I bet you are good in sword drills, too.
I'll view his signing in the same vein as when they signed Neon Deion Sanders. Hopefully he'll help Dallas win another Super Bowl. I don't have to like everyone that plays for the Cowboys.

Oh, and enough of the "typical Cowboys fan" talk. Stereotyping is ugly, and ignorant. There's no typical Cowboys fan, New England Fan, Yankees Fan, Braves Fan, etc.
Bovine scatology. There is such a thing as typical, which the dictionary defines as "exhibiting or combining the essential characteristics of a group." A fan, which the dictionary defines as "an enthusiastic devotee", could be viewed as part of a group.The essential characteristics of most fans are:

1. They root for a team.

2. They tend to take their team's side in arguments.

3. They tend to feel that they have been screwed by the refs.

4. They believe that those who root for other teams are the scum of the earth (hyperbole).

Stereotyping those who use "typical Cowboys fan" is ugly. :D
He didn't stereotype anyone. He asked that the stereotyping stop because it is ugly and ignorant. Nice word whipping, but your comprehension is lacking. Your definition of typical is fine. The initial premise that a typical Cowboy fan is a soul selling, two faced, unprincipled cheerleader is not, and this thread does a nice job of showing the variety of Cowboy fans. hth
Do you forgive him for embarrassing and mocking your team and dissing your beloved star on your home turf?

If the answer is yes, do you feel stupid for being upset about it in the first place? Are you excited to see that highlight replayed numerous times this upcoming season and will you cheer when it's played?
No. :hot:
I'll view his signing in the same vein as when they signed Neon Deion Sanders. Hopefully he'll help Dallas win another Super Bowl. I don't have to like everyone that plays for the Cowboys.

Oh, and enough of the "typical Cowboys fan" talk. Stereotyping is ugly, and ignorant. There's no typical Cowboys fan, New England Fan, Yankees Fan, Braves Fan, etc.
Bovine scatology. There is such a thing as typical, which the dictionary defines as "exhibiting or combining the essential characteristics of a group." A fan, which the dictionary defines as "an enthusiastic devotee", could be viewed as part of a group.The essential characteristics of most fans are:

1. They root for a team.

2. They tend to take their team's side in arguments.

3. They tend to feel that they have been screwed by the refs.

4. They believe that those who root for other teams are the scum of the earth (hyperbole).

Stereotyping those who use "typical Cowboys fan" is ugly. :D
He didn't stereotype anyone. He asked that the stereotyping stop because it is ugly and ignorant. Nice word whipping, but your comprehension is lacking. Your definition of typical is fine. The initial premise that a typical Cowboy fan is a soul selling, two faced, unprincipled cheerleader is not, and this thread does a nice job of showing the variety of Cowboy fans. hth
You got it, baby. The only ones who don't appear that way are the ones which are deliberately disguising it. :D
I'm not a Dallas fan, never was. But as much as I dislike the Cowboys, I at least respected them, just like I do the Packers (and I'm a Bears fan!). If they sign Owens after what he did (twice, I believe), then I will lose respect for the franchise completely.

Let me put it another way. If TO scores a TD for Dallas, I'll be happy that the team got a TD. But there will always be a sense of uneasiness about it. The joy from that TD will not be the same as if it were made by Witten or Glenn.

Its not quite a feeling of guilt, but its close. It will feel cheapened, dirty. Thats probably the best way to describe how I suspect I'll feel if TO scores a TD.

Let me put it another way. If TO scores a TD for Dallas, I'll be happy that the team got a TD. But there will always be a sense of uneasiness about it. The joy from that TD will not be the same as if it were made by Witten or Glenn.

Its not quite a feeling of guilt, but its close. It will feel cheapened, dirty. Thats probably the best way to describe how I suspect I'll feel if TO scores a TD.
Do you forgive him for embarrassing and mocking your team and dissing your beloved star on your home turf?

If the answer is yes, do you feel stupid for being upset about it in the first place? Are you excited to see that highlight replayed numerous times this upcoming season and will you cheer when it's played?
No, I don't forgive him because he's not sorry. I will root for the Cowboys, as I do every year. You'll never see me with a Cowboy jersey with Owens on the back.And for those that do forgive him, that's up to you. People forgive people all the time, and you shouldn't feel stupid for being upset in the first place.

People get upset at people in life, that's a fact. For example, Jimmy Kimmell pretty much ripped on Detroit when he originally found out the SB was coming to Detroit.

Detroit natives despised him, as those clips were played on the evening news. When the SB came, he actually brought his show and played it LIVE from the GEM Threatre in downtown Detroit and basically fell in love with the city and the people of Detroit.

So, I forgive Jimmy Kimmell for being ignorant and saying things about Detroit when he didn't know anything about Detroit. I believe his apology was sincere.

If TO becomes a Cowboy and apologizes, I won't believe he was sorry. He's going to ask for every penny he can get and then some. If he wants to play for Dallas for a reduced amount, for pain and suffering he causes fans for his antics, then I'll believe his apology.

But if he is standing in front of a microphone, holding a Cowboy jersey with No. 81 on it and is saying he's all grown up now and says it's always been his dream to play for the Cowboys etc.........he can go to hell with that. Will I root for the Cowboys to beat the Eagles, Giants, and Redskins..........you bet! Because if a NO. 81 scores..........TD Cowboys! I say use and abuse him.

Do you forgive him for embarrassing and mocking your team and dissing your beloved star on your home turf?

If the answer is yes, do you feel stupid for being upset about it in the first place? Are you excited to see that highlight replayed numerous times this upcoming season and will you cheer when it's played?
Something I found interesting you didn't mention........You point out that he embarrassed our team. I think your perspective is wrong............he embarrassed himself. All he did was be a jackass on the football field.
As a Redskins fan I hope TO signs with the Cowboys. Give them one good year, then become a cancer as he has with every single team he has been with.

As a Redskins fan I hope TO signs with the Cowboys.  Give them one good year, then become a cancer as he has with every single team he has been with.
I actually think for the Cowboys it is a good risk/reward signing Owens. For one, they're not a playoff team. So, they might as well take the chance that he can put him into that category.The second reason is that Parcells won't be around forever. Signing Owens and hopefully a few other key players along with the younger players developing could put them into contention. That is of course if this deal does happen.

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I can't wait to see the positive impact that T.O.'s potential signing will have on Crayton...he should be a force this year, expecially now with Key gone..

I can't stand TO and hope he signs somewhere else. Having said that, I'll route for him if he signs with the Cowboys. Like they said on Seinfeld, routing interests in sports all come down to laundry.

I can't wait to see the positive impact that T.O.'s potential signing will have on Crayton...he should be a force this year, expecially now with Key gone..
Terry Glenn was on ESPN today:
Recap by trickblue (Zone)

Terry Glenn

I have faith in my owner and my coach.

I do feel they are going to make a big move. I want to win, the whole team wants to win. We have great fans.

I had heard that Key may be released. When it actually happened I was kinda sad. He was a great friend. When I hear about how bad a guy he is I just laugh. He is exactly the opposite.

I'm not gonna judge anyone, I've had my own little incidents with teams. TO is a great player and he can help us get further here. No disrespect to Key, they are just different players.

I would love to have TO here to make those great plays you see on SportsCenter. Obviously I have seen and read the incidents he has had in the past. I don't see that happening here. Jerry and Bill will not allow it and I think it is out of his sytem.

Bill can handle TO. He demands respect and is a kind of Godfather image. He just wants to win. You WANT to be on his good side. He is nice to you when you perform.

I think TO will realize he is on a team that wants to win championships. I don't see him being a problem here.

TO COME TO TOWN. Obviously my numbers could explode if he is here.

I'm not a selfish player, it's not all about me. I just want to win. We had a Key and a Witten... they demand the ball. That is not my style.

If they double-team TO, I feel I am the best one on one WR in the league. We would also have Witten going down the middle. Who is going to stop that?

I don't want to talk about what would happen if I had big numbers and he blew up

I wouldn't be surprised if Jerry and Bill brought him here. I don't want to piss off any Cowboy fans by him coming, but every WR has a little attitude.

I really hope they bring him here. I want him here.
As a lifetime Cowboy fan I just don't understand what the big deal is. In all honesty, I thought it was funny when looking back. At the time he did it, I wanted to kick his ###.

To Summarize:

TO scores runs to the Star and looks skyward.

Emmitt scores and then proceeds to reclaim the star by slamming the ball there.

TO Scores yet again and heads back to the star.

TO meet George Teague

The end........

So, should Seattle not consider signing him because he pulled out a Sharpie.

Should Dallas only target Wr's you have never scored against them???

I hated Deion Sander too, that is till he was a Cowboy.

No big deal here.

Sports fans are just like coaches. They have a short memory when it comes to a guy that can help them win.

Cowboys fans will hate him about as long as Yankee fans hated Johnny Damon.


I "forgave" him by the next season.

I mean, I love the cowboys, but it was not SUCH a big deal that people should be mad about it years later.

It's a game! That season we stunk.

For the record I am also able to watch "the catch" without crying.

Bill Parcells is the coach for crying out loud!

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As a lifetime Cowboy fan I just don't understand what the big deal is. In all honesty, I thought it was funny when looking back. At the time he did it, I wanted to kick his ###.

To Summarize:

TO scores runs to the Star and looks skyward.

Emmitt scores and then proceeds to reclaim the star by slamming the ball there.

TO Scores yet again and heads back to the star.

TO meet George Teague

The end........

So, should Seattle not consider signing him because he pulled out a Sharpie.

Should Dallas only target Wr's you have never scored against them???

I hated Deion Sander too, that is till he was a Cowboy.

No big deal here.
:thumbup: Have a sense of humor about things like this.

Do you forgive him for embarrassing and mocking your team and dissing your beloved star on your home turf?

If the answer is yes, do you feel stupid for being upset about it in the first place? Are you excited to see that highlight replayed numerous times this upcoming season and will you cheer when it's played?
I don't know if I'd forgive him or not. I guess I don't really care. I don't think his actions were a big deal. My memory of Owens "disrespecting the star" is more about Teague "defending the star" with his hit on Owens and Emmitt "taking the Star back" with a later TD. While Owens may have been the villian, to me it was a good Cowboy story, not a bad one.Having said that, it doesn't mean I don't have a lot of reservations about Owens being a Cowboy. But it has to do with his antics in San Fran and Philly and not about what he did in Dallas in a game in 2000. But as others have said, I didn't like Sanders until he joined the Cowboys. Not sure I even did then. But I loved what he did to help win games for the Cowboys. Still I don't remember Sanders being as big a threat to disrupt the locker room as Owens is.

Sports fans are just like coaches. They have a short memory when it comes to a guy that can help them win.

Cowboys fans will hate him about as long as Yankee fans hated Johnny Damon.

Hello Joe, I've never hated TO (I guess hate is a strong word), I don't know him to even dislike him. His never taken food out of my family's mouth, nor threaten my life.The tongue can cause an earthquake and it can build a mountain. TO's tongue has cause earthquakes everywhere he's been and has assassinated the character of other in his path. Can he change, of course, has he.......................this is many Cowboys are afraid of. His talent is highly recognized, he's work ethic is unparallel, it's his tongue.

Damn, what are the odds that every last honest Cowboy fan actually posts on this site?

Interesting replies thus far.

Do you forgive him for embarrassing and mocking your team and dissing your beloved star on your home turf? 

If the answer is yes, do you feel stupid for being upset about it in the first place?  Are you excited to see that highlight replayed numerous times this upcoming season and will you cheer when it's played?
Something I found interesting you didn't mention........You point out that he embarrassed our team. I think your perspective is wrong............he embarrassed himself. All he did was be a jackass on the football field.
My perspective or Emmitt's and Teague's perspective too?
I think the more important question is if McNabb and T.O. both make it to the pro bowl will McNabb actually throw a ball to T.O. and if he doesnt will T.O. say something?

Sports fans are just like coaches. They have a short memory when it comes to a guy that can help them win.

Cowboys fans will hate him about as long as Yankee fans hated Johnny Damon.

I see your point Joe, but I don't totally agree. Yes, when TO catches a 59 yard TD vs. Washington you'll see fans clapping and cheering, but the die hard fans, the people that have stuck with the Boys for years won't be gaga over TO. Sure, I'll be happy when TO scores a big TD, put as I posted before, you won't see any TO jersey's in my house or on my back.If you HAD to categorize him into one of two categories and they were: What's Right with the NFL............and What's Wrong with the NFL, I think 90 percent of the people would put him into the category of What's Wrong with the NFL.

With that said, I'm not overly excited about getting anyone who is in that category. Winning is important to me, but not over what I believe is the right way to win and act.

Do you forgive him for embarrassing and mocking your team and dissing your beloved star on your home turf? 

If the answer is yes, do you feel stupid for being upset about it in the first place?  Are you excited to see that highlight replayed numerous times this upcoming season and will you cheer when it's played?
Something I found interesting you didn't mention........You point out that he embarrassed our team. I think your perspective is wrong............he embarrassed himself. All he did was be a jackass on the football field.
My perspective or Emmitt's and Teague's perspective too?
Hmmm, I think they got caught up in the moment of when it was happening. Probably mad they were losing the game and then some arrogant player from another team is going to try and do this etc....... got caught up in the moment as many would.I think if you asked them today, especially knowing what else TO's done since then that he was just being himself, a jackass.

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Sports fans are just like coaches. They have a short memory when it comes to a guy that can help them win.

Cowboys fans will hate him about as long as Yankee fans hated Johnny Damon.

Wow, awful comparison. What TO did would be equivalent to Johnny Damon running out to Monument Park and showboating after hitting a HR. Yankees fans hated Johnny Damon, but respected him when he was with the Sox. Every Cowboy fan I know hates TO and loved what he did to the Eagles. These same people are not happy he might be going to Dallas.
I won't lie. Based on his past behavior, T.O. appears to be a pretty crumby human being and team-mate, but I think he is the ultimate risk-reward player. Maybe he's learned his lesson, maybe he has not, but I have confidence that Parcells knows what he's doing and will be able to handle T.O. I think Owens will give the Cowboys the one go-to guy they've needed since the early 90's era. I want to see the Cowboys win, get to the playoffs, and win a Super Bowl again. End of story.

It doesn't matter who signs him, he'll be on a short leash with the fans. If he shuts up and scores touchdowns, they'll love him. Because of his history, however, the second he goes nuts on the sidelines, the #### will fly.

I thought Emmitt kneeling on the star (with pride) was a pretty cool comeback, BTW.

Sports fans are just like coaches. They have a short memory when it comes to a guy that can help them win.

Cowboys fans will hate him about as long as Yankee fans hated Johnny Damon.

Wow, awful comparison. What TO did would be equivalent to Johnny Damon running out to Monument Park and showboating after hitting a HR. Yankees fans hated Johnny Damon, but respected him when he was with the Sox. Every Cowboy fan I know hates TO and loved what he did to the Eagles. These same people are not happy he might be going to Dallas.
I totally disagree...I think your example is a poor one. I think you are reaching ...imo. To use your Damon story. It would be like Damon hitting a home run and standing at home plate and showing up the pitcher. Scene 2 would have been Randy Johnson beaning Damon in his next at bat.

End of story.

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Sports fans are just like coaches. They have a short memory when it comes to a guy that can help them win.

Cowboys fans will hate him about as long as Yankee fans hated Johnny Damon.

Wow, awful comparison. What TO did would be equivalent to Johnny Damon running out to Monument Park and showboating after hitting a HR. Yankees fans hated Johnny Damon, but respected him when he was with the Sox. Every Cowboy fan I know hates TO and loved what he did to the Eagles. These same people are not happy he might be going to Dallas.
I totally disagree...I think your example is a poor one. I think you are reaching ...imo. To use your Damon story. It would be like Damon hitting a home run and standing at home plate and showing up the pitcher. Scene 2 would have been Randy Johnson beaning Damon in his next at bat.

End of story.
Johnny Damon never disrespected the Yankees. TO disrespected the Cowboys...Twice.Maybe it's the Sicilian in me, but I'd never forget if he did that to my team.

Sports fans are just like coaches. They have a short memory when it comes to a guy that can help them win.

Cowboys fans will hate him about as long as Yankee fans hated Johnny Damon.

Do you really believe that?There are some fans here that are disturbed by this potential signing, especially given his stupid antics on the star. Many of the fans are long-time Cowboys fans who won't turn in their season tickets, but they also won't cheer for him.

He is not your usual enemy that you respect and secretly hope will play on your team. He is a CANCER that is to be feared for the negativety he brings.

If you believe in God, then you can consider him Satan. You know how bad he is and that you are selling your soul for the short-term gain of some wins.

Sports fans are just like coaches. They have a short memory when it comes to a guy that can help them win.

Cowboys fans will hate him about as long as Yankee fans hated Johnny Damon.

Wow, awful comparison. What TO did would be equivalent to Johnny Damon running out to Monument Park and showboating after hitting a HR. Yankees fans hated Johnny Damon, but respected him when he was with the Sox. Every Cowboy fan I know hates TO and loved what he did to the Eagles. These same people are not happy he might be going to Dallas.
I totally disagree...I think your example is a poor one. I think you are reaching ...imo. To use your Damon story. It would be like Damon hitting a home run and standing at home plate and showing up the pitcher. Scene 2 would have been Randy Johnson beaning Damon in his next at bat.

End of story.
Johnny Damon never disrespected the Yankees. TO disrespected the Cowboys...Twice.Maybe it's the Sicilian in me, but I'd never forget if he did that to my team.
He was posing a "What if"......follow along.

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