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Ran a 10k - Official Thread (3 Viewers)

@MAC_32 Its all relative - you run in 12 days what takes me a month and @SFBayDuck runs in a day. 

Anyway you'd probably advise us to take the day off so enjoy. 
Qft. Although I didn't listen. Lifting gave me an energy boost. Then my adrenaline really kicked in running with our 7 year old. Fastest half mile he has ever done. And he did it 3 times, getting faster each time. 

So I ran until it got hard, turned it home, and picked it up a notch. Like any good stubborn runner. Maybe I need a running coach too!

Hardrock 100 kicked off this morning.  Kilian in the lead at mile 40 (shocker).  Through 20 miles or so a woman was in third overall, but she's fallen back a bit to "just" female course record pace.

iRunFar covers it best if anyone wants to follow along.  Favorite tweet so far:  "On phone with Meghan in Grouse: "Oh ####, that was close!" with regard to lightning strikes. Handies is getting HAMMERED! #HR100".  Handies Peak is the highest point of the course, just over 14K' feet (and where I took my FB background picture from).

SFBayDuck said:
Hardrock 100 kicked off this morning.  Kilian in the lead at mile 40 (shocker).  Through 20 miles or so a woman was in third overall, but she's fallen back a bit to "just" female course record pace.

iRunFar covers it best if anyone wants to follow along.  Favorite tweet so far:  "On phone with Meghan in Grouse: "Oh ####, that was close!" with regard to lightning strikes. Handies is getting HAMMERED! #HR100".  Handies Peak is the highest point of the course, just over 14K' feet (and where I took my FB background picture from).
Kilian apparently separated his shoulder at some point early in the race, so is running with his arm in his hydration pack like a sling.  Of course this means he can only use one trekking pole, on a course with like 44K' of climb and descent.  He also waited a couple of times in aid stations for another runner, so he wouldn't have to be bored and run by himself.  And he's running in a tie for first at mile 65, 15:20 in.  

Almost more amazing, Caroline Chaverot (yes, Caroline as in a female) is hanging on in 4th overall, only 23 minutes off the race lead coming through mile 65.  Crazy.  

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Kilian apparently separated his shoulder at some point early in the race, so is running with his arm in his hydration pack like a sling.  Of course this means he can only use one trekking pole, on a course with like 44K' of climb and descent.  He also waited a couple of times in aid stations for another runner, so he wouldn't have to be bored and run by himself.  And he's running in a tie for first at mile 65, 15:20 in.  

Almost more amazing, Caroline Chaverot (yes, Caroline as in a female) is hanging on in 4th overall, only 23 minutes off the race lead coming through mile 65.  Crazy.  

My tomtom is usually fairly accurate except in the winter when it will have me way too high at first, until I get a little sweat going.  Sometimes it's off but that's maybe a few times a month.  

True max for sure but you don't think getting your legs in better Bike shape allows you to actually reach higher while cycling? 
I think you are on to something and I may have been holding back with a "perceived" max. Had my 3rd class of the week this morning and thought I'd try to beat Tuesday's calorie PR. Tough instructor today so I knew I had a chance. No spikes in the HR like a Tuesday but a max of 180 that seems legit. I was dying And near barfing (somewhat hangover related) but kept pounding. Result was a new calorie PR of 795 calories for a class. To confirm the burn I weighed in 3 pounds lighter than I started and took down a full Gatorade squeeze bottle. 

I want to learn more about Handies Peak 
Below is what I posted from that day last summer when I went from Grouse up to Handies. One of the greatest days of my life.  It was honestly unlike anything I've experienced, partly because it was just after the race had ended and I had the context of knowing this was just a small part of Hardrock.  It also scared the #### out of me.  I'm not a fan of heights, and I got up to the summit and instantly sat down as I was so uncomfortable.  At one point, I worried about my ability to get back down.  But I (obviously) figured it out.

Speaking of heights - managed to conquer my first 14er today!  I tested the Hyundai Santa Fe rental car on a 40 minute drive that covered probably 15 miles - the roughest, (icon knows) jeep road I've ever been on.  Thankful the tires and axles held up!  I finally got out to where the Grouse Gulch aid station had been for Hardrock at just under 11K', mile 58.4 of the course in the clockwise direction, and prepared to head up to Handies Peak which is the highest point of the course at 14,048' up over about 5 miles.  It was just up, up and up to a saddle at over 13,000', dropped down into a basin, and then another climb up to the peak.  The trail was really steep in some sections, and rocky for most of it, even on the way back down it was tough to run.  I'm definitely improving my glissade technique sliding down loose gravel/rocks, and even snow in a couple of spots!

All in all, it took 5:21 with a few spots for pictures, eating, filtering water, and enjoying the views.  Oh yeah, and catching my breath.  10.6 miles with 4,491' of climbing

Small lake on the way up

These mountains are just huge

Sloan Lake at 12,920 . And this is where the climbing to the peak really began

The view looking back down at the trail

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first week in a while where I've ridden more than ran.  46.5 on foot, 51 on wheels.  

why did I opt to run this year and not tri? :oldunsure:   

I finally finished the blog version of my race report, and after promising to edit what I posted here and tighten things up....of course it's even longer!  As I got more pictures from the official photographer and others, I added a few things to match the pics I wanted to use. 

I also uploaded most of the pics to FB and made the album public.  And I'll be damned if it's not dusty here in my office again today.....

I am running a 5k on Saturday and my first half marathon on Sunday. All the training guides I have read have the day before a half as a rest day with minimal activity. Now a 5k isn't a huge deal, but I do want to run it well. Typically before a race I'll take 2 full days off, but with the back to back races, I am wondering if i should have my last workout be Tuesday evening and then have 3 full days as rest after that. Basically looking for advice on how to do well in the 5k, but also have enough left the next day for the half.

I am running a 5k on Saturday and my first half marathon on Sunday. All the training guides I have read have the day before a half as a rest day with minimal activity. Now a 5k isn't a huge deal, but I do want to run it well. Typically before a race I'll take 2 full days off, but with the back to back races, I am wondering if i should have my last workout be Tuesday evening and then have 3 full days as rest after that. Basically looking for advice on how to do well in the 5k, but also have enough left the next day for the half.
It really depends on how seasoned a runner you are.  How long (years) have you been consistently running?  What kind of weekly volume?

To use the extreme sides of the scale as an example:

Runner A is running his first ever half and has been training consistently for 6 months and peaked at 35mpw.  I'd say jog the 5K if you really have to run it and then go for it on the half.

Runner B has been running for 10+ years and is a consistent 40-50 mpw runner.  Go race the 5K, but don't expect a PR type performance in the half.  You'll still run it well, but won't be 100%.

@southeastjerome Do you normally take the day off before your long runs in training? Because how you typically train should be the biggest factor on how you approach race weekend. 

Run the days you normally run this week but reduce the mileage. Maybe take the Friday before race weekend off. Run the 5k really easy and enjoy the atmosphere. Get off your feet after and rest up for your half. If you do that you, you should be ready to race your half the following day.

Most guys in here do at least a 3-5 mile shakeout run the day before important races. 

I raced on Saturday and I kind of sucked.  I was 10 sec/mile slower than last year and 27 sec/mile slower than 2015.  Today is also the day I was supposed to start my 18 week Pfitz training plan, but I am not ready for it.

I guess the good thing is that I am annoyed by this, and motivated to make some changes.  My goal over the next 6 weeks is to build myself up so that I can run the last 12 weeks of the Pfitz 85 plan.  For the first time in my life I signed up for a gym membership, the plan is to run about 4 miles a day on a treadmill during my lunch break.  My current job doesn’t have a cafeteria and since I won’t have time to go out to eat I will need to start bringing my lunch in.  This should help address the issue that I am 15 lbs over my PR racing weight.  The last thing I need to do is drink less alcohol, this really shouldn’t be much of an issue, but the last 1.5 months have been pretty bad.  I was the best man for a wedding, so between the bachelor party, 5 days in Cancun for the wedding, and a week in California for work the beers to miles run ratio was out of whack. My running efficiency has been crap since Cancun.

Thanks for listening, as always committing to something in this thread makes it more likely that I’ll follow through with it.

I raced on Saturday and I kind of sucked.  I was 10 sec/mile slower than last year and 27 sec/mile slower than 2015.  Today is also the day I was supposed to start my 18 week Pfitz training plan, but I am not ready for it.

I guess the good thing is that I am annoyed by this, and motivated to make some changes.  My goal over the next 6 weeks is to build myself up so that I can run the last 12 weeks of the Pfitz 85 plan.  For the first time in my life I signed up for a gym membership, the plan is to run about 4 miles a day on a treadmill during my lunch break.  My current job doesn’t have a cafeteria and since I won’t have time to go out to eat I will need to start bringing my lunch in.  This should help address the issue that I am 15 lbs over my PR racing weight.  The last thing I need to do is drink less alcohol, this really shouldn’t be much of an issue, but the last 1.5 months have been pretty bad.  I was the best man for a wedding, so between the bachelor party, 5 days in Cancun for the wedding, and a week in California for work the beers to miles run ratio was out of whack. My running efficiency has been crap since Cancun.

Thanks for listening, as always committing to something in this thread makes it more likely that I’ll follow through with it.
Which marathon are you targeting? 

Absolutely. I haven't signed up yet but hoping to be ready by November. 
Cool, we usually have really good weather for Philly you should consider coming up for it.  Also it is likely I will be coming down next year again for Shamrock for the half.

I raced on Saturday and I kind of sucked.  I was 10 sec/mile slower than last year and 27 sec/mile slower than 2015.  Today is also the day I was supposed to start my 18 week Pfitz training plan, but I am not ready for it.

I guess the good thing is that I am annoyed by this, and motivated to make some changes.  My goal over the next 6 weeks is to build myself up so that I can run the last 12 weeks of the Pfitz 85 plan.  For the first time in my life I signed up for a gym membership, the plan is to run about 4 miles a day on a treadmill during my lunch break.  My current job doesn’t have a cafeteria and since I won’t have time to go out to eat I will need to start bringing my lunch in.  This should help address the issue that I am 15 lbs over my PR racing weight.  The last thing I need to do is drink less alcohol, this really shouldn’t be much of an issue, but the last 1.5 months have been pretty bad.  I was the best man for a wedding, so between the bachelor party, 5 days in Cancun for the wedding, and a week in California for work the beers to miles run ratio was out of whack. My running efficiency has been crap since Cancun.

Thanks for listening, as always committing to something in this thread makes it more likely that I’ll follow through with it.
Not too shabby of a performance considering the bolded.  When I think about weight gain, I always think about running at PR weight and then strapping on a vest that weighs the amount I gained.

I too am about 15# heavier than my PR weight from 2014. :porked:  

Cool, we usually have really good weather for Philly you should consider coming up for it.  Also it is likely I will be coming down next year again for Shamrock for the half.
I will keep that in mind. One reason I haven't signed up is to keep my options open. I was leaning to head back to Richmond because it's pretty close and decent weather but I wouldn't mind trying something new either. Richmond and Philly are only a week apart so the timing works. Does Philly sell out? How soon would I need to decide? 

So for the past 3 weeks I've been focusing on getting back to what got me running in the first place - getting 'whole body fit'.  I've always been a skinny fat kind of person that didn't have a lot of strength.  When I did P90x back in 2010, I really liked the (small) gains I made and vouched to not lose that.  Since I haven't been running, I decided to get back on that horse.   So I've been doing a random mix of total body exercises - pull ups, push ups, squats, lunges, etc.  

I noticed this morning that I didn't limp to the bathroom when I got out of bed (ankle/achilles).  That's about as big of a progress as I've had since I DNF'ed the marathon in December.

Of course I've been fighting the same summer cold that @AAABatteries was complaining about, so I'm not going to be doing much until this clears up.  I'm going on week 3 this week of this damn thing.  

So for the past 3 weeks I've been focusing on getting back to what got me running in the first place - getting 'whole body fit'.  I've always been a skinny fat kind of person that didn't have a lot of strength.  When I did P90x back in 2010, I really liked the (small) gains I made and vouched to not lose that.  Since I haven't been running, I decided to get back on that horse.   So I've been doing a random mix of total body exercises - pull ups, push ups, squats, lunges, etc.  

I noticed this morning that I didn't limp to the bathroom when I got out of bed (ankle/achilles).  That's about as big of a progress as I've had since I DNF'ed the marathon in December.

Of course I've been fighting the same summer cold that @AAABatteries was complaining about, so I'm not going to be doing much until this clears up.  I'm going on week 3 this week of this damn thing.  
Glad to hear you're getting into some strength training. Probably the best thing to come out of my injury was getting back to the gym. By the time my ankle/knee healed up I was so much stronger overall. Also, I didn't sweat how long I was taking to heal because I had a different focus. 

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Does Philly sell out? How soon would I need to decide? 
It used to but that was when it combined with the half, now I am not sure. I were you I'd hold off on making a decision until the end of Aug.

$105.00 through May 31, 2017
$125.00 - June 1, 2017 through August 31, 2017
$155.00 - September 1, 2017 through November 10, 2017 at 11:59 pm EDT

It used to but that was when it combined with the half, now I am not sure. I were you I'd hold off on making a decision until the end of Aug.

$105.00 through May 31, 2017
$125.00 - June 1, 2017 through August 31, 2017
$155.00 - September 1, 2017 through November 10, 2017 at 11:59 pm EDT
So if I come up you gonna pace me to sub 3 or what?  :drive:

We'll see how the training goes, I hope I will be in position to run sub 3.
After 18 weeks, I would be surprised if you weren't. Me on the other hand...

It should be interesting. Now that I have a "coach" I'm not sure what to expect this training cycle. When I had my initial meeting with him, he talked about keeping this marathon cycle almost workout free. No speed. No tempo. Lots of easy miles, strides and an occasional MP long run but that's it. I guess the idea is to just make sure I get to the race healthy. He said, the next marathon after a break would be the one where I get a complete plan. 

We'll see I guess. 

Of course I've been fighting the same summer cold that @AAABatteries was complaining about, so I'm not going to be doing much until this clears up.  I'm going on week 3 this week of this damn thing.  
This thing is unreal - still blowing my nose and coughing #### up.   4 weeks but it does seem to be about at the end.

I raced on Saturday and I kind of sucked.  I was 10 sec/mile slower than last year and 27 sec/mile slower than 2015.  Today is also the day I was supposed to start my 18 week Pfitz training plan, but I am not ready for it.

I guess the good thing is that I am annoyed by this, and motivated to make some changes.  My goal over the next 6 weeks is to build myself up so that I can run the last 12 weeks of the Pfitz 85 plan.  For the first time in my life I signed up for a gym membership, the plan is to run about 4 miles a day on a treadmill during my lunch break.  My current job doesn’t have a cafeteria and since I won’t have time to go out to eat I will need to start bringing my lunch in.  This should help address the issue that I am 15 lbs over my PR racing weight.  The last thing I need to do is drink less alcohol, this really shouldn’t be much of an issue, but the last 1.5 months have been pretty bad.  I was the best man for a wedding, so between the bachelor party, 5 days in Cancun for the wedding, and a week in California for work the beers to miles run ratio was out of whack. My running efficiency has been crap since Cancun.

Thanks for listening, as always committing to something in this thread makes it more likely that I’ll follow through with it.
Speaking of eating bad, was this the pie race? 

I am running a 5k on Saturday and my first half marathon on Sunday. All the training guides I have read have the day before a half as a rest day with minimal activity. Now a 5k isn't a huge deal, but I do want to run it well. Typically before a race I'll take 2 full days off, but with the back to back races, I am wondering if i should have my last workout be Tuesday evening and then have 3 full days as rest after that. Basically looking for advice on how to do well in the 5k, but also have enough left the next day for the half.
You say it will be your first HM, so don't overdo the 5K and make the HM a miserable experience.  Run the 5K at a comfortably uncomfortable pace at best, and don't kick hard at the end.  Cool down afterwards, and stretch and hydrate through the afternoon.  Allow time for a sufficient slow jog to warm up before the HM.

When The Duck speaks, ye shall listen.
Nice!  That's what I'm talking about. 

My buddy Jim is also thinking about running RdL to get back into the WS100 lottery. So I may not actually be able to pace you, but could easily find you a pacer if you want one. And it's a pretty easy race to crew, so happy to help out there if you want. 

In any case, look forward to meeting you!


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