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Ran a 10k - Official Thread (2 Viewers)

Women’s pack still together at 35k - American Kellyn Taylor came to play.

Mens runaway leader just ran at 14:0x 5k at like 25k mark to be all alone.

Edits to add
Men’s leader is actually flying in his adidas sooperdoopershooz.

Women’s pack drops Kellyn Taylor bc I typed this.
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Women pack of 5 with 2 miles left will be a track meet. Giday has just crazy form and world champ 10k speed. Placing my chips on her.

Edit - lost my chips
and men’s course record with a sub 2:05:00
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Knocked out a little run this morning. Perfect weather - 42 and no wind. Starting to feel better - got another shot in the neck this past week, an extra run, and 5.5 miles today. Played a different playlist this morning and was motivated by "I will do anything for you, but I won't do that" when it came on and thought of @JShare87 . :headbang:

Plus not as much drinking beer this week. On the upswing. Also:

1. Farmers Market this morning. Coming to the end of the good stuff. Was able to get tomatoes, green peppers, onions, taters, apples, long beans, cilantro, lettuce and cukes.

2. On the QT for a big phat coke.

3. Back to Farmers Market because I overhead my lettuce guy say his water pump broke so I brought him some tools to use that he will give back next week when I see him again.

4. Over to Advance Auto Parts to grab him a water pump, gasket, and anti-cease lube so he can fix this truck.

5. Back to the Farmers Market to drop off his parts.

Back home to do some chores and then off to cook a tailgate at 2:00 for my 15 year old son's varsity hockey game tonight. Only sophomore on the varsity and he's kicking ***.

Also, my senior boy committed to Concordia University in Wisconsin this week to play football as a kicker. One of these days I'll tell you guys the story of how his high school football coach let the sophomore kid kick this year while my son got three offers to kick in college.

Alls well that ends well, and he will be at an excellent school with a good football team with some coaches that wanted him and made him FEEL wanted. Couldn't be more proud of him and the man he has become.

Plus, that brings us closer to a Wisconsin move. 80-90% sure we are making the move in late May/June. So if anyone needs to hire a great guy that can work remotely and doesn't care what he does.....well......I know a guy who works hard and shows up every day and puts in an honest day's work.

Have a great weekend all. Onward and upward I always say! :thumbup:
Love all of this.
Does anyone have a link for a reliable conversion tool? i.e. you put in your mile time and it tells you how fast you should run 5K, 10K, etc.
Does anyone have a link for a reliable conversion tool? i.e. you put in your mile time and it tells you how fast you should run 5K, 10K, etc.
I like using McMillan's Calculator.

I think that might be behind a paywall (or, at least, require to give an email address). I think this link gives similar info:

Did my typical run to vote last night - beautiful night in the 50s with no clouds and a light breeze. I do always get some strange looks, though. Also lady insisted on giving me one of those voting lists, so I had to jam that in my pocket for the run back which was mildly annoying.

Running has been very sporadic lately, as after the 5K my shoulder was acting up, then travel with the wife, followed by a minor head cold. Should be able to get a long run in this weekend, though, and hopefully at least one interval session before the Turkey Trot.
Did my typical run to vote last night

I did this one time although my polling station is less than a quarter of a mile away so I basically did it at the end of my run. There was a long line and they were blasting the heat. Sweat started pouring down. Never again!
I did this one time although my polling station is less than a mile away so I basically did it at the beginning of my run. There was no heat blasting and yet sweat was still pouring down. Never again!
Did my typical run to vote last night

I did this one time although my polling station is less than a quarter of a mile away so I basically did it at the end of my run. There was a long line and they were blasting the heat. Sweat started pouring down. Never again!
I did this one time although my polling station is less than a mile away so I basically did it at the beginning of my run. There was no heat blasting and yet sweat was still pouring down. Never again!
I thought about running the day of the voting but decided to drive to the polling station and vote first, and then run. Got distracted by the liquor store because I knew I was out of Miller Lite so I stopped there and went home. Of course the Ace Hardware was right next door and I needed zip ties to tie up the bathroom vent in the attic that I had temporarily hung in place when I installed it three years earlier.

Got home and laid the zip ties down on my work bench and noticed there were leaves on the front lawn and it was going to rain later and I had new grass coming up so I went ahead and mowed to basically pick up all the leaves.

By the time I was done with that I was sweating pretty good so I had a cold Miller Lite and watched some hockey in the garage.
Did my typical run to vote last night

I did this one time although my polling station is less than a quarter of a mile away so I basically did it at the end of my run. There was a long line and they were blasting the heat. Sweat started pouring down. Never again!
I did this one time although my polling station is less than a mile away so I basically did it at the beginning of my run. There was no heat blasting and yet sweat was still pouring down. Never again!
Mine is like 1.5 miles, although I wanted to go 5 so I took a circuitous route both there and back. Like I said the weather was just about perfect with low 50s. I had to be a little careful to not get sweat on the ballot because I started sweating a bit when inside, but there was no wait so I was only in there for about 5 minutes. I've probably done this about 8 times now, and the only time I really regretted it was one of the federal elections where it was around 30 and I had to wait for about 20 minutes outside because of a long line. I was getting pretty cold by the time I got inside the polling place. There was another time where I got chased a bit by a dog as well, but I run through that neighborhood semi-normally so it was more a coincidence that it happened returning from voting, unless maybe the dog somehow saw my ballot and disapproved.

1) I'm totally back to being as bad, probably worse shape than I was in when I first found this thread back in 2018. I literally weigh about what I did before losing 40+ lbs after finding you guys.
2) But I'm trying... have been doing some workouts over the last few weeks trying to 'get back into it', including even running a very little bit the last couple of days. It's brutal...
3) main reason for stopping by... my garmin has been kind of flaky for awhile. Still usable for now but on it's way out. I plan to get a new one for Christmas and just starting to look at what is out there these days. I don't need the best of the best, obviously, but looking for a solid option to use.

Thoughts, opinions, recommendations? TIA.
@The Iguana The last couple garmin gens are awesome and have me almost upgrading all the time. I’d look at the Garmin site for some side by sides between the many Forerunner models and the Fenixes. You can probably drop a gen easily and get more battery and features for a great deal there or Amazon now or even better Black Friday-ish.
Thanks. I was bouncing around in their site earlier and there were more options than I recall.

Also, I'm in terrible shape but 3 days running in a row is a start.
Thanks. I was bouncing around in their site earlier and there were more options than I recall.

Also, I'm in terrible shape but 3 days running in a row is a start.

I've seen deals floating around on the prior-gen (Fenix 7, Epix Gen2) watches. Garmin is quite adept at having a product line spanning the full price spectrum, with features to match. It's hard to make a recommendation without getting at least the features that are key to you and/or price range.

For example, having courses on my watch (to guide me in new places) is key, and that automatically puts me in the higher tier of watches.

I have the Epix Gen2 and love it. Great screen, great battery life (17hrs in Grand Canyon with GPS on took me to 60% charge). The Epix Pro adds a few more things, but I've seen the former floating around on-sale for <$500 if that's in your range.
Thanks. I was bouncing around in their site earlier and there were more options than I recall.

Also, I'm in terrible shape but 3 days running in a row is a start.

I've seen deals floating around on the prior-gen (Fenix 7, Epix Gen2) watches. Garmin is quite adept at having a product line spanning the full price spectrum, with features to match. It's hard to make a recommendation without getting at least the features that are key to you and/or price range.

For example, having courses on my watch (to guide me in new places) is key, and that automatically puts me in the higher tier of watches.

I have the Epix Gen2 and love it. Great screen, great battery life (17hrs in Grand Canyon with GPS on took me to 60% charge). The Epix Pro adds a few more things, but I've seen the former floating around on-sale for <$500 if that's in your range.
The main features he's looking for is the watch that'll keep a decent GPS lock for a few months between uses and that will automatically save runs.
Cantigny 5K (11/4/23)

22:36 (7:13/mi), 1st in AG

Did I wear magic shoes while running this race? No.
I don't know what happened to those shoes! It's possible, though not likely, I left them in a shopping mall parking lot after a really difficult HM fourteen months ago. But I always stored the shoes in the distinctive Nike box ...and I don't know what happened to that box, either. I wouldn't have randomly thrown out that box when moving about a year ago. So both the shoes and the box are unaccounted for. Not the end of the world, as the shoes were approaching 200 miles. But ...weird.

Did I have pneumonia while running this race? Apparently, yes?
I had wheezing/crackling in the chest and a tight cough for a couple of weeks. I went to immediate care this past week (after the race), and they were talking pneumonia, though they didn't do an x-ray. So not positive of the diagnosis, but I was quite sick on race day. I generally coughed my way around the course. This past week started very miserably and I ended up taking the full week off from running. Starting to feel close to normal now.

I had done this race last year with @Juxtatarot in lousy conditions (strong, harsh, cold wind). While neither of us liked the course, which is mostly on the paths of a golf course, I decided to go back again. I've had a great training year, but it's all been a tweener - not quite enough long runs (15-18 miles) and long tempos that I'd like for a HM, but not enough speed work to properly support a 5K. It's more just pushing elevation and building the base for 2024 and beyond. In terms of picking a race, I had to work around some XC meets for my university as well as an upcoming family wedding weekend.

Morning routines were all fine. The race was a later start, so I was able to comfortably arrive (15 minutes from home) about an hour before the start. Got checked in, including getting the race shirt with a misspelling, and went for a warm-up.

Mile 1 (6:59): This was just a little below what I wanted for the first mile. I started near the front, but right at the start the course swings a big U around the parking lot before cutting onto a paved trail. And that's the problem with the whole course - it's just so hard to settle into a smooth rhythm and good stride due to the twists and turns and little ups and downs. We had a bit of downhill near the end of the mile, and as I did throughout the race, when I had some downslope, I tried to push it.

Mile 2 (7:20): The mile was pretty much all on cart paths running alongside a few of the golf course holes. To pass the time and not think negatively, I used a counting system that I'd first used on the Boston hills. On each left stride, '1 2 3 4, 1 (2 3 4); 2 2 3 4, 2 (2 3 4)..." :loco: But it works for me to keep my mind just a little distracted from other thoughts. I started a new sequence as we passed the tee of each new golf hole, and generally refocused and reassessed before each one. Not a lot of turns through here, but not really straight, either. The mile time was somewhat disappointing, as I knew I wouldn't be able to push a sub-7:00 pace for the race (A goal) and it made a sub-22:00 effort unlikely as well (B goal).

Mile 3 (7:17): This mile did have a lot of twists and turns and little ups and downs. I kept pushing, especially on the downslopes and felt that I did what I could with the course. The mile ends with a near-180 turn and then a pretty good upslope.

Final .1 (7:21): Three ninety degree turns and a curb step-off in the final stretch!

All in all, much better than last year's fiasco, and still an AG win (by about fifty seconds). And ultimately a good effort given my health. I'll start back up running today and see what I've lost ...lotta yellow'ish pee earlier this week tells me my muscles were breaking down due to the illness. Hopefully things come back quickly so I can do a productive Turkey Trot with the Juxt's.
Well la-di-da I'll just wear some non-magic shoes and oh by the way have pneumonia but still truck my way around a course i didn't really like but finish as the first in my age group with a time that most of us here would cream our pants for and win another ho-hum medal for my incredibly large collection of first place medals........
Well la-di-da I'll just wear some non-magic shoes and oh by the way have pneumonia but still truck my way around a course i didn't really like but finish as the first in my age group with a time that most of us here would cream our pants for and win another ho-hum medal for my incredibly large collection of first place medals........
It's one of the things that make this thread great. On the downside, he missed even his B goal by 30+ seconds. On the plus side, easily wins his age group while racing with pneumonia. :coffee:
Cantigny 5K (11/4/23)

22:36 (7:13/mi), 1st in AG

Did I wear magic shoes while running this race? No.
I don't know what happened to those shoes! It's possible, though not likely, I left them in a shopping mall parking lot after a really difficult HM fourteen months ago. But I always stored the shoes in the distinctive Nike box ...and I don't know what happened to that box, either. I wouldn't have randomly thrown out that box when moving about a year ago. So both the shoes and the box are unaccounted for. Not the end of the world, as the shoes were approaching 200 miles. But ...weird.

Did I have pneumonia while running this race? Apparently, yes?
I had wheezing/crackling in the chest and a tight cough for a couple of weeks. I went to immediate care this past week (after the race), and they were talking pneumonia, though they didn't do an x-ray. So not positive of the diagnosis, but I was quite sick on race day. I generally coughed my way around the course. This past week started very miserably and I ended up taking the full week off from running. Starting to feel close to normal now.

I had done this race last year with @Juxtatarot in lousy conditions (strong, harsh, cold wind). While neither of us liked the course, which is mostly on the paths of a golf course, I decided to go back again. I've had a great training year, but it's all been a tweener - not quite enough long runs (15-18 miles) and long tempos that I'd like for a HM, but not enough speed work to properly support a 5K. It's more just pushing elevation and building the base for 2024 and beyond. In terms of picking a race, I had to work around some XC meets for my university as well as an upcoming family wedding weekend.

Morning routines were all fine. The race was a later start, so I was able to comfortably arrive (15 minutes from home) about an hour before the start. Got checked in, including getting the race shirt with a misspelling, and went for a warm-up.

Mile 1 (6:59): This was just a little below what I wanted for the first mile. I started near the front, but right at the start the course swings a big U around the parking lot before cutting onto a paved trail. And that's the problem with the whole course - it's just so hard to settle into a smooth rhythm and good stride due to the twists and turns and little ups and downs. We had a bit of downhill near the end of the mile, and as I did throughout the race, when I had some downslope, I tried to push it.

Mile 2 (7:20): The mile was pretty much all on cart paths running alongside a few of the golf course holes. To pass the time and not think negatively, I used a counting system that I'd first used on the Boston hills. On each left stride, '1 2 3 4, 1 (2 3 4); 2 2 3 4, 2 (2 3 4)..." :loco: But it works for me to keep my mind just a little distracted from other thoughts. I started a new sequence as we passed the tee of each new golf hole, and generally refocused and reassessed before each one. Not a lot of turns through here, but not really straight, either. The mile time was somewhat disappointing, as I knew I wouldn't be able to push a sub-7:00 pace for the race (A goal) and it made a sub-22:00 effort unlikely as well (B goal).

Mile 3 (7:17): This mile did have a lot of twists and turns and little ups and downs. I kept pushing, especially on the downslopes and felt that I did what I could with the course. The mile ends with a near-180 turn and then a pretty good upslope.

Final .1 (7:21): Three ninety degree turns and a curb step-off in the final stretch!

All in all, much better than last year's fiasco, and still an AG win (by about fifty seconds). And ultimately a good effort given my health. I'll start back up running today and see what I've lost ...lotta yellow'ish pee earlier this week tells me my muscles were breaking down due to the illness. Hopefully things come back quickly so I can do a productive Turkey Trot with the Juxt's.

The golf paths sound brutal. I'm guessing you were far enough ahead that congestion wasn't too much of an issue...but those twists and turns :yucky:

Great race especially under the conditions and your illness.

I will need to look at utilizing that counting technique :thumbup:
Well la-di-da I'll just wear some non-magic shoes and oh by the way have pneumonia but still truck my way around a course i didn't really like but finish as the first in my age group with a time that most of us here would cream our pants for and win another ho-hum medal for my incredibly large collection of first place medals........
They don't call him medal monger for nothing
:kicksrock: sickness is going around here big time. I thought it was the flu and COVIDupdate I got this weekend but my 18yo is sick too and he didn’t get either. Wife is mildly sick after her flu shot, but she didn’t get the COVID update. 🤢🤒😵
I'm racing Saturday and it didn't occur to me until just now that it's been more than 2 years since my last one. No wonder my pants don't fit anymore.

What's the race :popcorn:
Trail 15k. Isn't any way I'm road racing right now, especially because I've been recently alerted the 2 day off site work conference preceding it is apparently a drunk fest that I'm not prepared for.
I'm racing Saturday and it didn't occur to me until just now that it's been more than 2 years since my last one. No wonder my pants don't fit anymore.
Good luck and don't forget the Dum Dums.
Sugggestions? Besides being paired with 100's of ounces of non 75 hard water?
Trail 15k. Isn't any way I'm road racing right now, especially because I've been recently alerted the 2 day off site work conference preceding it is apparently a drunk fest that I'm not prepared for.
Is this the same trail race that was a sheet of ice the last time you did it?
I am going to the track this morning. I have been running roughly 8 min miles on 3-5 miles with moderate hills. My target splits for the mile or 1600 meters are 94, 90, 92, 88-94 so I expect the final time to be between 6:04 - 6:10. But I could be way off and end with a 6:45.
I am going to the track this morning. I have been running roughly 8 min miles on 3-5 miles with moderate hills. My target splits for the mile or 1600 meters are 94, 90, 92, 88-94 so I expect the final time to be between 6:04 - 6:10. But I could be way off and end with a 6:45.
Good luck! I only ever really ran a mile all out as part of the FBG lockdown virtual series, but I was surprised just how awful you feel about 1/3 in, and yet can still keep pushing.
I am going to the track this morning. I have been running roughly 8 min miles on 3-5 miles with moderate hills. My target splits for the mile or 1600 meters are 94, 90, 92, 88-94 so I expect the final time to be between 6:04 - 6:10. But I could be way off and end with a 6:45.
Good luck! I only ever really ran a mile all out as part of the FBG lockdown virtual series, but I was surprised just how awful you feel about 1/3 in, and yet can still keep pushing.
At the stadium, I felt terrible. My new shoes are causing a blister on the arch of my foot and an old pulled hamstring is flaring up. My legs felt heavy. I did squats/deadlifts + a run yesterday. But I found the 1 mile marker and began the race. ~200m in 42 seconds, too fast. ~400m in 83 seconds, still felt OK but knew I was going way too fast. At 600m, I thought about turning the race into a half mile. Nah, just slow down dude, I told myself. 2nd lap was 88.5 seconds, 3rd lap was 94 seconds and the final lap was 91.5 seconds. Finished at 5:57.1.
FBGs Best 2023:

Mile - Caveman33 5:57.1
5K - pbm107 17:21
10K - gruecd 45:53
Half-marathon - Juxtatrot 1:19:14
Marathon - Zasada 3:13
That's a really solid mile.

That said, not to burst your bubble, but Juxt did that half marathon AVERAGING 5:58/mile for 13.1 miles. He had a 5:51 in there as his best mile split.

And pbm ran that 5K at an average 5:33/mile. Two of those miles at 5:32.

So, the current best mile time for 2023 goes to pbm for now.
FBGs Best 2023:

Mile - Caveman33 5:57.1
5K - pbm107 17:21
10K - gruecd 45:53
Half-marathon - Juxtatrot 1:19:14
Marathon - Zasada 3:13
That's a really solid mile.

That said, not to burst your bubble, but Juxt did that half marathon AVERAGING 5:58/mile for 13.1 miles. He had a 5:51 in there as his best mile split.

And pbm ran that 5K at an average 5:33/mile. Two of those miles at 5:32.

So, the current best mile time for 2023 goes to pbm for now.
I agree. If they (or anyone else) have an **official** mile time, I will enter it. I would guess that pbm can do under 5 when at his peak 5K shape. I'm hoping to be closer to 5:30 by the end of December.
FBGs Best 2023:

Mile - Caveman33 5:57.1
5K - pbm107 17:21
10K - gruecd 45:53
Half-marathon - Juxtatrot 1:19:14
Marathon - Zasada 3:13
That's a really solid mile.

That said, not to burst your bubble, but Juxt did that half marathon AVERAGING 5:58/mile for 13.1 miles. He had a 5:51 in there as his best mile split.

And pbm ran that 5K at an average 5:33/mile. Two of those miles at 5:32.

So, the current best mile time for 2023 goes to pbm for now.
I agree. If they (or anyone else) have an **official** mile time, I will enter it. I would guess that pbm can do under 5 when at his peak 5K shape. I'm hoping to be closer to 5:30 by the end of December.
Those are timed races. Can't get anymore official. You can't run a 17:21 5K without running a mile faster than 5:33.

But, the bigger picture, which these guys who got those times will tell you, is that guys here don't really compare each other to others in this thread. It's not really what it's about.

Go out and train and get that 5:30 in December and beat your time you just got and that will be much more celebrated than whichever time is the overall fastest mile by anyone here.
FBGs Best 2023:

Mile - Caveman33 5:57.1
5K - pbm107 17:21
10K - gruecd 45:53
Half-marathon - Juxtatrot 1:19:14
Marathon - Zasada 3:13
That's a really solid mile.

That said, not to burst your bubble, but Juxt did that half marathon AVERAGING 5:58/mile for 13.1 miles. He had a 5:51 in there as his best mile split.

And pbm ran that 5K at an average 5:33/mile. Two of those miles at 5:32.

So, the current best mile time for 2023 goes to pbm for now.
I agree. If they (or anyone else) have an **official** mile time, I will enter it. I would guess that pbm can do under 5 when at his peak 5K shape. I'm hoping to be closer to 5:30 by the end of December.
Those are timed races. Can't get anymore official. You can't run a 17:21 5K without running a mile faster than 5:33.

But, the bigger picture, which these guys who got those times will tell you, is that guys here don't really compare each other to others in this thread. It's not really what it's about.

Go out and train and get that 5:30 in December and beat your time you just got and that will be much more celebrated than whichever time is the overall fastest mile by anyone here.
I think most people benefit from competition. Yes, we are always competing with ourselves, but it is also motivating to have the times of others to challenge you. In order to make that more accessible for everyone, divisions would likely be best. I can divide off pbm's 5K time, of course. But I won't because then I would't be on the leader board.* And 5:57 is much easier for someone else to beat. pbm could do it this afternoon.

I have run timed 5K races that ranged in length from 2.8-3.5 miles. I'm not doubting the legitimacy of pbm's 5K. I'm just creating more barriers to keep myself on the leader board. My time was on an official track with a 1 mile mark!
FBGs Best 2023:

Mile - Caveman33 5:57.1
5K - pbm107 17:21
10K - gruecd 45:53
Half-marathon - Juxtatrot 1:19:14
Marathon - Zasada 3:13
That's a really solid mile.

That said, not to burst your bubble, but Juxt did that half marathon AVERAGING 5:58/mile for 13.1 miles. He had a 5:51 in there as his best mile split.

And pbm ran that 5K at an average 5:33/mile. Two of those miles at 5:32.

So, the current best mile time for 2023 goes to pbm for now.
I agree. If they (or anyone else) have an **official** mile time, I will enter it. I would guess that pbm can do under 5 when at his peak 5K shape. I'm hoping to be closer to 5:30 by the end of December.
Those are timed races. Can't get anymore official. You can't run a 17:21 5K without running a mile faster than 5:33.

But, the bigger picture, which these guys who got those times will tell you, is that guys here don't really compare each other to others in this thread. It's not really what it's about.

Go out and train and get that 5:30 in December and beat your time you just got and that will be much more celebrated than whichever time is the overall fastest mile by anyone here.
I think most people benefit from competition. Yes, we are always competing with ourselves, but it is also motivating to have the times of others to challenge you. In order to make that more accessible for everyone, divisions would likely be best. I can divide off pbm's 5K time, of course. But I won't because then I would't be on the leader board.* And 5:57 is much easier for someone else to beat. pbm could do it this afternoon.

I have run timed 5K races that ranged in length from 2.8-3.5 miles. I'm not doubting the legitimacy of pbm's 5K. I'm just creating more barriers to keep myself on the leader board. My time was on an official track with a 1 mile mark!

First, just because you say you did, well...

Second, guys here actually have running watches and GPS uploaded data. It's confirmed they ran those miles. But you do you. Welcome to the thread, I guess.
FBGs Best 2023:

Mile - Caveman33 5:57.1
5K - pbm107 17:21
10K - gruecd 45:53
Half-marathon - Juxtatrot 1:19:14
Marathon - Zasada 3:13
That's a really solid mile.

That said, not to burst your bubble, but Juxt did that half marathon AVERAGING 5:58/mile for 13.1 miles. He had a 5:51 in there as his best mile split.

And pbm ran that 5K at an average 5:33/mile. Two of those miles at 5:32.

So, the current best mile time for 2023 goes to pbm for now.
I agree. If they (or anyone else) have an **official** mile time, I will enter it. I would guess that pbm can do under 5 when at his peak 5K shape. I'm hoping to be closer to 5:30 by the end of December.
Those are timed races. Can't get anymore official. You can't run a 17:21 5K without running a mile faster than 5:33.

But, the bigger picture, which these guys who got those times will tell you, is that guys here don't really compare each other to others in this thread. It's not really what it's about.

Go out and train and get that 5:30 in December and beat your time you just got and that will be much more celebrated than whichever time is the overall fastest mile by anyone here.
I think most people benefit from competition. Yes, we are always competing with ourselves, but it is also motivating to have the times of others to challenge you. In order to make that more accessible for everyone, divisions would likely be best. I can divide off pbm's 5K time, of course. But I won't because then I would't be on the leader board.* And 5:57 is much easier for someone else to beat. pbm could do it this afternoon.

I have run timed 5K races that ranged in length from 2.8-3.5 miles. I'm not doubting the legitimacy of pbm's 5K. I'm just creating more barriers to keep myself on the leader board. My time was on an official track with a 1 mile mark!
Congrats on your first sub-2:45 marathon.
Trail 15k. Isn't any way I'm road racing right now, especially because I've been recently alerted the 2 day off site work conference preceding it is apparently a drunk fest that I'm not prepared for.
Is this the same trail race that was a sheet of ice the last time you did it?
:lmao: Good memory! Not the same park, but it's in the same hills -about 5 miles west of there. It's bone dry right now, but a front is coming through Friday so we'll see how much rain we get. Even if it is consequential there's only a couple areas in the low lying area I'm worried about and I'll scout them during warmup.

Looks like I've got uncomfortably warm Gru conditions as forecast is saying 43 and sunny at the gun.
Well, legs were feeling pretty spry this morning so I decided I'd get on the leaderboard myself. Got in the car and measured out 0.1 miles exactly. Threw on my super shoes and started. First 0.03 miles were done in 12 seconds but lungs were already burning. I just kept telling myself "you can do anything for 30 seconds" (TWSS). Finally hit the fire hydrant that marked the 0.1 mile mark and crossed it just under 46 seconds. Good for a 7:37 pace.

I'm sure some of you can

Official FBG Leaderboard

1/10th Mile -- Gianmarco 0:45.7
Mile - Caveman33 5:57.1
5K - pbm107 17:21
10K - gruecd 45:53
Half-marathon - Juxtatrot 1:19:14
Marathon - Zasada 3:13
Well, legs were feeling pretty spry this morning so I decided I'd get on the leaderboard myself. Got in the car and measured out 0.1 miles exactly. Threw on my super shoes and started. First 0.03 miles were done in 12 seconds but lungs were already burning. I just kept telling myself "you can do anything for 30 seconds" (TWSS). Finally hit the fire hydrant that marked the 0.1 mile mark and crossed it just under 46 seconds. Good for a 7:37 pace.

I'm sure some of you can

Official FBG Leaderboard

1/10th Mile -- Gianmarco 0:45.7
Mile - Caveman33 5:57.1
5K - pbm107 17:21
10K - gruecd 45:53
Half-marathon - Juxtatrot 1:19:14
Marathon - Zasada 3:13
This will end well
Good luck on Sunday @pbm107 !

How are you feeling? What’s the plan? Tracking info?
Thanks, I am feeling good after a minor calf strain that caused me to miss my 10K tune up race. It was iffy there for about a week or so and I was running with a calf sleeve which seemed to help. I tested the calf out last week (without the sleeve) in a 4 mile tempo and I survived that. I haven’t thought about my calf in my least few runs so I think I am over it, but the marathon has a way of finding your weakest link in the chain.

Weather forecast is really good, 37 at the start and 5 mph wind with it expecting to warm up to 48 at the finish.

The plan is to run 6:35 pace which would get me 2:52:30 (2:54:40 is current PR). I’ll be wearing a pace band for 2:53 (band only allowed minute increments) to help me know where I am according to plan.

I have a good opportunity Sunday and my focus will be to get to the halfway point as close as I can to 1:26:15. I will try to take two gels in the first half the race. My bib # is 1029 and for tracking.
Good luck on Sunday @pbm107 !

How are you feeling? What’s the plan? Tracking info?
Thanks, I am feeling good after a minor calf strain that caused me to miss my 10K tune up race. It was iffy there for about a week or so and I was running with a calf sleeve which seemed to help. I tested the calf out last week (without the sleeve) in a 4 mile tempo and I survived that. I haven’t thought about my calf in my least few runs so I think I am over it, but the marathon has a way of finding your weakest link in the chain.

Weather forecast is really good, 37 at the start and 5 mph wind with it expecting to warm up to 48 at the finish.

The plan is to run 6:35 pace which would get me 2:52:30 (2:54:40 is current PR). I’ll be wearing a pace band for 2:53 (band only allowed minute increments) to help me know where I am according to plan.

I have a good opportunity Sunday and my focus will be to get to the halfway point as close as I can to 1:26:15. I will try to take two gels in the first half the race. My bib # is 1029 and for tracking.
Get you some!! :headbang:

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