Hey everyone, just a quick note about my condition and why I stopped updating.
I'm still hanging in there, though I'm nearing total functional paralysis. I'm in bed all day most days, except for the commode and a shower. I'm on a bipap except for eating and drinking, though I can't eat or drink much except for shakes , soups, ice cream and pudding.
I'd like to say more about the hardships, the guilt, my relationships with my wife and kids and dad, and the decisions I'm working through. But my family are all smart enough to find my account if they haven't already, and I don't want to make a mistake or joke, or an exaggeration that I can't explain after I'm gone.
So I won't be posting much or at all in this thread anymore. I thought it would be a good way for me to work through this and count my blessings. and it did for a couple years. But at this point I mostly have hardships, and I don't want Internet posts that make my kids think anything other than how much I love them and appreciate how much they helped me through this.