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Rate my team 2013? (1 Viewer)


NOTE: rate-my-team is still in 2012 mode. It will be updated as soon as the first set of 2013 projections hit the site.
Well, the 2013 projections have "hit the site", some as long ago as 3-4 weeks. So what is up with the delay on this ap?

NOTE: rate-my-team is still in 2012 mode. It will be updated as soon as the first set of 2013 projections hit the site.
Well, the 2013 projections have "hit the site", some as long ago as 3-4 weeks. So what is up with the delay on this ap?
Your team is very good, we think you have an 80 percent chance of making the playoffs if you're active. /endthread

bump...what is the status on this feature? Not super-predictive or authoritative by any means, but a fun little tool that I enjoy using.

Also, it was said that IDP was supposed to be incorporated this year...how is that coming?

Still no action on this? We have all the 2013 projections up on the site, so what is the holdup?


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