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Recently viewed movie thread - Rental Edition (1 Viewer)

I don't get the hate for the Lego movie. I thought it was one of the better kids movies to come out in the last few years. Great humor, good message, a little father-son interaction to make it a little misty, and while the animation didn't look great, I did admire the commitment to make everything Legos (even the water/showers). I had a blast with it, and have watched it several times now.

As far as most fun/popular in my house in the last decade, it is right up there with How To Train Your Dragon, Kung Fu Panda, Wreck-It Ralph, Toy Story 3, and the Incredibles. I loved Rango too, but that was more a me thing.
.I guess it's just different strokes for different folks kinda thing cause every single movie you typed I disliked, (including cloudy with a chance of garbage) Toy Story 3 being the only one close to liking but the worst of the three. My kids don't even care for that one.
My goodness. curious what kids/animated movies you DO like.
The fact that he lumped "Incredibles" in as movies he disliked.. :jawdrop: When thinking back of Animated Kids movies I liked better then Legos...

Incredibles and Monsters, Inc were tops on my list.. From 2000 to today I'd Throw in Shrek, Toy Story, Cars, Finding Nemo, UP, Lilo & Stitch

There are probably others.. All of those I listed I'd watch again in a heart beat..

Legos.. like I said, barley made it through the first hour.. :shrug:
Incredibles was so boring. Characters had zero personality. Bolt is another movie I didn't care for.

Movies I did like:

Monsters INC

Monster University

Hotel Transylvania


All the Shrek movies

Toy Story 1,2,3

How to Train a Dragon


Dispicable 1 & 2




Finding Nemo

Madagascar 2 & 3

Princess and the Frog

Lion King

Alice in Wonderland

Snow White
But not the first one? What the hell is wrong with you? SBC is pure gold in that flick.

Iron Giant might be my favorite kids' movie.

But most of the Pixar catalog is pretty great outside of the Cars franchise. Again- difficult for me to fathom actively disliking any of those.

There was an Italian movie from the 70s- their version of Fantasia, IIRC- called Allegro Non Troppo. I remember thinking it was amazing as a kid, but I wonder if it's held up at all.

Animated short- Bambi vs Godzilla.
So you're the other guy that saw Allegro Non Tropo? Since we're gettin' all obscure here, ever see Ralph Bakshi's amazing Wizards epic?

Iron Giant is the bomb.
saw Wizards in the theater for a friend's birthday party- totally forgot about that movie.

Bakshi also did the LoR animated thing, IIRC, right? lots of live-action background stuff that's been painted over?

Did he do Heavy Metal too?

Iron Giant might be my favorite kids' movie.

But most of the Pixar catalog is pretty great outside of the Cars franchise. Again- difficult for me to fathom actively disliking any of those.

There was an Italian movie from the 70s- their version of Fantasia, IIRC- called Allegro Non Troppo. I remember thinking it was amazing as a kid, but I wonder if it's held up at all.

Animated short- Bambi vs Godzilla.
So you're the other guy that saw Allegro Non Tropo? Since we're gettin' all obscure here, ever see Ralph Bakshi's amazing Wizards epic?

Iron Giant is the bomb.
saw Wizards in the theater for a friend's birthday party- totally forgot about that movie.

Bakshi also did the LoR animated thing, IIRC, right? lots of live-action background stuff that's been painted over?

Did he do Heavy Metal too?
He did do part 1 of the Lord of the Rings animated, relying heavily on Rotoscoping. He didn't do Heavy Metal.
Whoops, yes that's right. I said he did earlier - but that was obviously wrong.

Watched LEGO Movie last night. Without the kids. Yeah, some of you are nucking futs. That movie is awesome.
I haven't seen this yet, but the fact that everyone (all ages) seems to like it means that it must be better than it sounds.
If insipid Batman jokes are your thing, you'll love it.

Also, a movie "about a Lego minifigure named Emmet, whose empty mind has been filled with a blind devotion to an indifferent commercial empire" ends up being nothing more than a commercial for Lego and its related characters.

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Dondante said:
I don't get the hate for the Lego movie. I thought it was one of the better kids movies to come out in the last few years. Great humor, good message, a little father-son interaction to make it a little misty, and while the animation didn't look great, I did admire the commitment to make everything Legos (even the water/showers). I had a blast with it, and have watched it several times now.

As far as most fun/popular in my house in the last decade, it is right up there with How To Train Your Dragon, Kung Fu Panda, Wreck-It Ralph, Toy Story 3, and the Incredibles. I loved Rango too, but that was more a me thing.
.I guess it's just different strokes for different folks kinda thing cause every single movie you typed I disliked, (including cloudy with a chance of garbage) Toy Story 3 being the only one close to liking but the worst of the three. My kids don't even care for that one.
My goodness. curious what kids/animated movies you DO like.
The fact that he lumped "Incredibles" in as movies he disliked.. :jawdrop: When thinking back of Animated Kids movies I liked better then Legos...

Incredibles and Monsters, Inc were tops on my list.. From 2000 to today I'd Throw in Shrek, Toy Story, Cars, Finding Nemo, UP, Lilo & Stitch

There are probably others.. All of those I listed I'd watch again in a heart beat..

Legos.. like I said, barley made it through the first hour.. :shrug:
Incredibles was so boring. Characters had zero personality. Bolt is another movie I didn't care for.Movies I did like:

Monsters INC

Monster University

Hotel Transylvania


All the Shrek movies

Toy Story 1,2,3

How to Train a Dragon


Dispicable 1 & 2




Finding Nemo

Madagascar 2 & 3

Princess and the Frog

Lion King

Alice in Wonderland

Snow White
But not the first one? What the hell is wrong with you? SBC is pure gold in that flick.
Hes the only shining light. King Julian is awesome.

Decided to watch Dead Man Walking again. Has to be one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time. Every time I watch it I'm drained by the time it's over. Sarandon and Penn are just captivating.

Enjoyed Edge of Tomorrow. Not what I expected. I thought it would be a little more of a mind twist like Inception but it's a straight up action movie. I liked how they set up Cruise's character in the beginning. He had some funny line too. Lots of action, cool aliens. A fun ride. 3/5


Solid if yet a bit underdeveloped. But the ending is so scintillating that it's hard not to walk out impressed.

Theater/sound-system really benefits this one.

It is only showing at the local art theater and the sound system is not great. I loved it. Agreed about the ending, so intense.

JK Simmons will get an Oscar nod, if not the statue. He is a force on the screen.

Enjoyed Edge of Tomorrow. Not what I expected. I thought it would be a little more of a mind twist like Inception but it's a straight up action movie. I liked how they set up Cruise's character in the beginning. He had some funny line too. Lots of action, cool aliens. A fun ride. 3/5
yep thoroughly enjoyed it
Maybe it was the whiskey and WA legal recreationals, but I actually enjoyed the 2nd Hunger Games movie more than I thought I would and definitely more than the first. Still pretty trite with large convenient plot leaps but well done overall.

Finally watched The Hunger Games Catching Fire (Amazon Prime). It was a damn good sequel. Really enjoying this series and will go see Mocking Jay pt1 in a couple of weeks. Is Phillip Seymor Hoffman in both of the Mocking Jay movies? Or did he die after the latest one was filmed?

Finally watched The Hunger Games Catching Fire (Amazon Prime). It was a damn good sequel. Really enjoying this series and will go see Mocking Jay pt1 in a couple of weeks. Is Phillip Seymor Hoffman in both of the Mocking Jay movies? Or did he die after the latest one was filmed?
IMDB has him listed in both. :shrug:

Caught Oblivion again over the weekend. Solid movie. Must have been in Tom Cruise mode because I also caught Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Decent flick. Jeremy Renner is a solid action star. Lego Movie is on a lot now so caught that again. Still awesome.

Finally watched The Hunger Games Catching Fire (Amazon Prime). It was a damn good sequel. Really enjoying this series and will go see Mocking Jay pt1 in a couple of weeks. Is Phillip Seymor Hoffman in both of the Mocking Jay movies? Or did he die after the latest one was filmed?
IMDB has him listed in both. :shrug:
There was no lapse between filming part 1 & 2 as they filmed them back to back so makes sense he'd be in both. I believe he filmed the other movie released this year ( forgot the title) after Hunger games. :shrug:


The story of a kid who wants to be the next great drummer. Great like Buddy Rich. And the story of a music teacher wanting to develop the next great musician....like Charlie Parker,....and what happens when student vs. teacher collide.

This is an "ok" movie.

JK SImmons is great in this. Very strong. Very volatile.

The movie moves in such a way, that I was excited to see what would happen next- and the build up was good.
The ending was good and I don't want to discourage anyone that may be wanting to see this - but the final scene left me a little unsatisfied.


Why doesn't Netflix have The Lincoln Lawyer available on DVD? Don't they pretty much have all the more recent movies?

Syriana. I feel like with this cast this movie could have been soooo much better. But I liked it. I'm kinda tired of the "oil companies" are always the real evil behind everything storyline, but there is some smoke to that fire for sure.

Syriana. I feel like with this cast this movie could have been soooo much better. But I liked it. I'm kinda tired of the "oil companies" are always the real evil behind everything storyline, but there is some smoke to that fire for sure.
I forget- was this one with Rachel's Weiszes?

Syriana. I feel like with this cast this movie could have been soooo much better. But I liked it. I'm kinda tired of the "oil companies" are always the real evil behind everything storyline, but there is some smoke to that fire for sure.
I forget- was this one with Rachel's Weiszes?
that's Constant Gardener, i think. came out the same year i think.
ah right.

dammit- I love me some Rachel Weisz

Syriana. I feel like with this cast this movie could have been soooo much better. But I liked it. I'm kinda tired of the "oil companies" are always the real evil behind everything storyline, but there is some smoke to that fire for sure.
I forget- was this one with Rachel's Weiszes?
that's Constant Gardener, i think. came out the same year i think.
ah right.

dammit- I love me some Rachel Weisz
yeah, i kind of have a soft spot for her too. something maybe about the eyebrows maybe? she's like an amalgam of knightley and hurley. a composite english beauty?

Syriana. I feel like with this cast this movie could have been soooo much better. But I liked it. I'm kinda tired of the "oil companies" are always the real evil behind everything storyline, but there is some smoke to that fire for sure.
I forget- was this one with Rachel's Weiszes?
that's Constant Gardener, i think. came out the same year i think.
ah right.

dammit- I love me some Rachel Weisz
yeah, i kind of have a soft spot for her too. something maybe about the eyebrows maybe? she's like an amalgam of knightley and hurley. a composite english beauty?
hottest jewess ever.

(just wrote this in the Netflix thread which has completely evaded me until now)

Anybody watching The 100?

It's got some brutally bad Hunger Games/ Gossip girlish teenage nonsense at the center of the plot- but the rest is like they mashed up BSG (with some of the same actors- and likely same production designers- it looks great), The Postman and Mad Max (minus the cars). Part way into season 2 and I ####### love it, in spite of lots of cringey stuff. If you're into the whole post-apocalyptic thing, with a WTF is really going on subtext- you'll like this.

Decided to watch Dead Man Walking again. Has to be one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time. Every time I watch it I'm drained by the time it's over. Sarandon and Penn are just captivating.
It's a great movie, and I love how it walks the line. I happen to know that the director Tim Robbins is against the death penalty. But Penn's character is so despicable, it's not like Robbins forces you to take a side in this debate.

Enjoyed Edge of Tomorrow. Not what I expected. I thought it would be a little more of a mind twist like Inception but it's a straight up action movie. I liked how they set up Cruise's character in the beginning. He had some funny line too. Lots of action, cool aliens. A fun ride. 3/5
This is easily one of the most entertaining action movies I've seen in a long time.

Laggies A- Cute little independent starring Kiera Knightley as a 20-something who is drifting, going nowhere and under pressure from friends and family to grow up. And after two troubling events that happen at a friends wedding, she disappears for a week to get her act together.

She meets Chloë Grace Moretz(she is still only 16) and the always great Sam Rockwell as Chloe's dad. Very fun movie, some great laughs.

Worth the watch

(just wrote this in the Netflix thread which has completely evaded me until now)

Anybody watching The 100?

It's got some brutally bad Hunger Games/ Gossip girlish teenage nonsense at the center of the plot- but the rest is like they mashed up BSG (with some of the same actors- and likely same production designers- it looks great), The Postman and Mad Max (minus the cars). Part way into season 2 and I ####### love it, in spite of lots of cringey stuff. If you're into the whole post-apocalyptic thing, with a WTF is really going on subtext- you'll like this.
I watched the first 2 episodes, and was whelmed for the most part. There were some intriguing parts but I had trouble with the teenage angst in space. Will try again

I know people here like it but I did not enjoy The Winter Soldier. It felt like they tried to make a Bourne movie in a superhero world and it didn't work for me. This could also be that in general I don't like SHIELD characters. Marvel trying to bridge between normal people and superheroes with super-like normal people just doesn't do it for me.

Guardians of the Galaxy - good movie. On par with what Marvel is doing right now. Definitely enjoyable. B+ ***

The Giver - I don't have a problem with it like other critics. Maybe it was a little bland however the book is too. Nothing to write home about but not a horrible movie either. C **

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - pretty good. Not enough "cool" points from the turtles like in the first one back in the day. I liked this one but it is not some spectacular movie either. B- **.5

Who knows? Maybe if he sobers up he'll make a movie I can stand to watch.

Lars von Trier, fresh out of rehab, says he can’t make movies sober
To think, all this time we thought Lars von Trier’s antisocial tendencies simply stemmed from a love of controversy and/or watching actresses suffer. But, as von Trier told the Danish newspaper Politiken last week, apparently his last couple decades of misogynistic misery porn were produced under the influence of drugs and alcohol, a problem that von Trier has been addressing in rehab and by attending Alcoholics Anonymous. Now clean and sober, he doesn’t think he can make movies anymore, but his ability to sound like an ###hole in interviews remains intact.

In the interview, his first since that Nazi kerfuffle at Cannes back in 2011, Von Trier revealed that nearly all of his past works have been fueled by heavy drug and alcohol use, claiming he used to drink a bottle of vodka every day in order to feel creative. Expressing concerns that all his sober mind could produce were “####ty films,” he said that Nymphomaniac, his first film after going to rehab, took him 18 months to write while the script for Dogville was finished during a 12-day drug binge. “I don’t know if I can make any more films, and that worries me,” he said.

“There is no creative expression of artistic value that has ever been produced by ex-drunkards and ex-drug addicts,” he added. “Who the hell would bother with a Rolling Stones without booze or with a Jimi Hendrix without heroin?,” a comment that will surely be well received by Nymphomaniac co-star and outspoken ex-addict Christian Slater.
Who knows? Maybe if he sobers up he'll make a movie I can stand to watch.

Lars von Trier, fresh out of rehab, says he can’t make movies sober
To think, all this time we thought Lars von Trier’s antisocial tendencies simply stemmed from a love of controversy and/or watching actresses suffer. But, as von Trier told the Danish newspaper Politiken last week, apparently his last couple decades of misogynistic misery porn were produced under the influence of drugs and alcohol, a problem that von Trier has been addressing in rehab and by attending Alcoholics Anonymous. Now clean and sober, he doesn’t think he can make movies anymore, but his ability to sound like an ###hole in interviews remains intact.

In the interview, his first since that Nazi kerfuffle at Cannes back in 2011, Von Trier revealed that nearly all of his past works have been fueled by heavy drug and alcohol use, claiming he used to drink a bottle of vodka every day in order to feel creative. Expressing concerns that all his sober mind could produce were “####ty films,” he said that Nymphomaniac, his first film after going to rehab, took him 18 months to write while the script for Dogville was finished during a 12-day drug binge. “I don’t know if I can make any more films, and that worries me,” he said.

“There is no creative expression of artistic value that has ever been produced by ex-drunkards and ex-drug addicts,” he added. “Who the hell would bother with a Rolling Stones without booze or with a Jimi Hendrix without heroin?,” a comment that will surely be well received by Nymphomaniac co-star and outspoken ex-addict Christian Slater.
the script for Dogville was finished during a 12-day drug binge
No way! That masterpiece?

Guardians of the Galaxy - good movie. On par with what Marvel is doing right now. Definitely enjoyable. B+ ***

The Giver - I don't have a problem with it like other critics. Maybe it was a little bland however the book is too. Nothing to write home about but not a horrible movie either. C **

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - pretty good. Not enough "cool" points from the turtles like in the first one back in the day. I liked this one but it is not some spectacular movie either. B- **.5
Just saw GOTG, did not know anything about it. I give it an A and I don't give out A's easily. One of the most enjoyable movies I have seen in a while.

Syriana. I feel like with this cast this movie could have been soooo much better. But I liked it. I'm kinda tired of the "oil companies" are always the real evil behind everything storyline, but there is some smoke to that fire for sure.
I have watched this more than once. I think you pick up a lot more of the details in a second viewing. Solid B for me.

Guardians of the Galaxy - good movie. On par with what Marvel is doing right now. Definitely enjoyable. B+ ***

The Giver - I don't have a problem with it like other critics. Maybe it was a little bland however the book is too. Nothing to write home about but not a horrible movie either. C **

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - pretty good. Not enough "cool" points from the turtles like in the first one back in the day. I liked this one but it is not some spectacular movie either. B- **.5
Just saw GOTG, did not know anything about it. I give it an A and I don't give out A's easily. One of the most enjoyable movies I have seen in a while.
Same for me.


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