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Recently viewed movie thread - Rental Edition (3 Viewers)

For @KarmaPolice movie poll,  I watched the 70s version of the Body Snatchers. All in all, I have it about even with the original. I love how the Sutherland verison started but it got insane over the tiop at the end. I like the story better as a semi subtle stab at certain social dynamics. 

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Just saw A Quiet Place.  Very good movie.  Funny, cause about 15 minutes into it, my wife pokes her head out of the bedroom and said “I thought you were gonna watch a movie.”  “I am watching a movie.”

A couple recent films I have liked:

Boom Town- 1940 drama about oilmen, it is a nice companion piece to There Will Be Blood and boats about the biggest old Hollywood star power I've seen: Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy, Claudette Colbert and Hedy Lamarr. I just wish it was better directed. 

What's Up Doc- 1972 an homage to old screwball comedies of the 30s with Streisand. It's zany as hell but it was a lot of fun.

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I recently watched The Last Jedi and it was unbelievably bad from the plot to the writing to the acting. It took me 3 tries to get through the whole thing. And Solo is supposed to be even worse? What the hell is happening to Star Wars?!?

I recently watched The Last Jedi and it was unbelievably bad from the plot to the writing to the acting. It took me 3 tries to get through the whole thing. And Solo is supposed to be even worse? What the hell is happening to Star Wars?!?
Lack of overall plan or vision is a good place to start with the blame, IMO.   I've said a bunch in the other threads, it's OK for the Solos/Rouge Ones to have a different feel and ideas, but I don't get why you would pay that much money for a property (Ok, I do - just stick the SW name on it and people will se it) to have the Episodes in the series have that big of a different feel and what felt like a lack of communication where the story was going.   I am mildly interested in seeing what the movies when they give a whole trilogy to the director like they did for Johnson, but frankly I might lose interest before that point if EP 9 doesn't bring a better product to the table.  

I watched Blue Ruin yesterday.  It was interesting.
I remember loving that movie.  It's a refreshing change on the revenge movie where it's badass dudes that are awesome and do everything right trope.  

The director's other movie, Green Room was a great horror movie, and it looks like he has another one coming out - Hold the Dark (which of course looks like it's a Netflix movie  :rant:

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I recently watched The Last Jedi and it was unbelievably bad from the plot to the writing to the acting. It took me 3 tries to get through the whole thing. And Solo is supposed to be even worse? What the hell is happening to Star Wars?!?
I liked Solo a lot more than Last Jedi. Saw Solo twice in the theater, never need to see Last Jedi again. :shrug:

I love The Big Sleep. I’ve seen it maybe 6 times and read the book twice. I still have no clue what’s going on in this. Every time I watch, it I swear will be the time I follow it all. Still hasn’t happened. 

I love The Big Sleep. I’ve seen it maybe 6 times and read the book twice. I still have no clue what’s going on in this. Every time I watch, it I swear will be the time I follow it all. Still hasn’t happened. 
Had a redeye back from vacation... Stupidly thought I'd be able to sleep some or all of the 9+ hours. Couldn't. But they had the Big Sleep...had never seen it and tbh was hoping the name would work for me. Crazy movie...and definitely needed more drugged out little sister.

Had a redeye back from vacation... Stupidly thought I'd be able to sleep some or all of the 9+ hours. Couldn't. But they had the Big Sleep...had never seen it and tbh was hoping the name would work for me. Crazy movie...and definitely needed more drugged out little sister.
She is fine as hell

I recently watched The Last Jedi and it was unbelievably bad from the plot to the writing to the acting. It took me 3 tries to get through the whole thing. And Solo is supposed to be even worse? What the hell is happening to Star Wars?!?

Solo is much better. A few small groaners but overall very fun and entertaining. TLJ is just one big groaner from start to finish.

Ilov80s said:
I love The Big Sleep. I’ve seen it maybe 6 times and read the book twice. I still have no clue what’s going on in this. Every time I watch, it I swear will be the time I follow it all. Still hasn’t happened. 
Only Wm Faulkner could improve on the great Raymond Chandler, which he did as screenwriter here by ending Marlowe's line "Yeah, she tried to sit in my lap...." with "...while i was standing up"

If you can excuse an even greater age gap between Marlow and portrayer than in the Bogie version, check out Robert Mitchum's Big Sleep (and the earlier Farewell, My Lovely from the same folk) from the 70s. Though about twice the age of the character he portrays, Mitchum's the perfect Marlowe and the film is just as stylish, Charlotte Rampling is actually better than Betty Bacall was and my gal Candy Clark had no prob making younger sister the loaded hoochie censorship of whose story twisted the original up like a discarded cigarette pack.

Caught Ready Player 1 with the kids last night (11 & 7). They loved it, especially 11yo floppinho. The popcultural references we're so thick and heavy, I think I would have found it annoying if I had watched with the wife. As it was, I enjoyed it because I could see how much the kids were absorbed by it.

I remember loving that movie.  It's a refreshing change on the revenge movie where it's badass dudes that are awesome and do everything right trope.  

The director's other movie, Green Room was a great horror movie, and it looks like he has another one coming out - Hold the Dark (which of course looks like it's a Netflix movie  :rant:
It will be on Netflix on Sept.14

I'm going to make it a point to watch all the films from A24 studios over the next few months.  It seems like every movie I've seen recently that I have to just sit and think about (or feel) has come from them.  So I'm going in hard.  

Here's the list: https://a24films.com/films/

Probably starting with the Muay Thai one since it caught my eye before I knew it was A24.  Open to suggestions to prioritize after that.  

Searching B+ Very good thriller about a dad searching for his missing daughter. Lots of twists.

If you saw the Modern Family episode shot on the ipad, this film is shot in a similar fashion.

Wizard of Oz is the most important movie of my life, Dr Strangelove is the greatest movie ever made, Chinatown is the closest to perfect,The Producers is the funniest. Casablanca the most timeless.

But my favorite movie of all time is one i bet less than half of y'all have seen. Well, set your DVRs, John Huston's The Man Who Would be King, Sean Connery & Michael Caine venturing beyond civilization (what is now Taliban country) for fortune's sake, is on Turner Classic Movies Saturday Night @ 10pm

Not exactly a movie but I binged season 1 of Man in the High Castle and loved every second of it. Right up my alley in every possible way. Starting season 2.

Wizard of Oz is the most important movie of my life, Dr Strangelove is the greatest movie ever made, Chinatown is the closest to perfect,The Producers is the funniest. Casablanca the most timeless.

But my favorite movie of all time is one i bet less than half of y'all have seen. Well, set your DVRs, John Huston's The Man Who Would be King, Sean Connery & Michael Caine venturing beyond civilization (what is now Taliban country) for fortune's sake, is on Turner Classic Movies Saturday Night @ 10pm
It's a goody

Barbarella & Zardoz

Had the pleasure of watching these two trainwrecks as a double feature last week.

I had seen Barbarella years ago, but didn't remember any of it. Watching this nonsense, I remembered that it came out the same year as 2001: A Space Odyssey. Shows what you can do with actual talent. Lots of laughs in this one. Highly recommended to watch with a bunch of drunk friends. I haven't read a David Lynch bio, but I have to guess that Zardoz influenced Lynch at an early age. The movie is awful. But unlike Barbarella, John Boorman was a competent director, so Zardoz is at least nicely photographed. I always wonder when watching a movie this bad if the director knows how bad it is or is blissfully unaware. 

Caught Ready Player 1 with the kids last night (11 & 7). They loved it, especially 11yo floppinho. The popcultural references we're so thick and heavy, I think I would have found it annoying if I had watched with the wife. As it was, I enjoyed it because I could see how much the kids were absorbed by it.
The best one is the Excalibur ref.  

Also, the new Jurassic Park movie is SO bad.  

Eddie Mueller's Noir Fest is coming to Detroit next weekend. I'm going to see to a double showing of An Act of Violence and The Killing. Both movies are really good and it will be cool to see on the big screen in an old theater. I am curious how big the turn out will be. Has anyone gone to one of these events in other cities?

Just watched the documentary about Mr. Rogers (Won't you be my neighbor?). It was tremendous. 

Highly recommended!

I met and talked with Fred Rogers (my aunt & uncle were bigwigs in Pgh education) a long time ago. I cried after i left him and cry every time i think of it.

To bring this into 'recently viewed" relevance, it's what made watching the premiere of Jim Carrey's new show, Kidding, a complete travishamockery.

Carrey, for whom, with all his skills, insight - his series about the Comedy Store in the 70s didn't get it and HE WAS THERE - is apparently not a strength, attempts to play a Mister Rogers figure whose life falls apart. I'm reminded that, after Carrey's film about Carrey "becoming" Andy Kaufman (which he did), he wondered if he could be Jesus by the same method. Apparently nobody bought that so he did the next best thing....

Thing is, Fred Rogers couldn't have been Mister Rogers without fighting as great a war as a human being ever has - with the storm of animal & primitive instincts within the human soul. He wasn't some blissed-out, leftie cartoon who excused whatever another person did. He took the time and care to know approximately everything a human being could do better and had the ultimate courage & wisdom to explain false takes and misdeeds to perpetrators without criticizing who they were. That is Einstein-level genius & Patton-level bravery. And i am tremendously upset that one of my favorite performers could sully that life with his thoughtless knockoff.

Barbarella & Zardoz

Had the pleasure of watching these two trainwrecks as a double feature last week.

I had seen Barbarella years ago, but didn't remember any of it. Watching this nonsense, I remembered that it came out the same year as 2001: A Space Odyssey. Shows what you can do with actual talent. Lots of laughs in this one. Highly recommended to watch with a bunch of drunk friends. I haven't read a David Lynch bio, but I have to guess that Zardoz influenced Lynch at an early age. The movie is awful. But unlike Barbarella, John Boorman was a competent director, so Zardoz is at least nicely photographed. I always wonder when watching a movie this bad if the director knows how bad it is or is blissfully unaware. 
Excellent watching them drunk. Barbarella is just silly but fun and Zardoz tries to be serious but is not.

Wizard of Oz is the most important movie of my life, Dr Strangelove is the greatest movie ever made, Chinatown is the closest to perfect,The Producers is the funniest. Casablanca the most timeless.

But my favorite movie of all time is one i bet less than half of y'all have seen. Well, set your DVRs, John Huston's The Man Who Would be King, Sean Connery & Michael Caine venturing beyond civilization (what is now Taliban country) for fortune's sake, is on Turner Classic Movies Saturday Night @ 10pm
seen it at least 10 times.  some years back in a blizzard- snowstorm had to get movies for the weekend.  Rented that on the basis of the two lead actors.   Funny, Sad, Heroic.  masterful.


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