but Redzone is most certainly not as good of a product as it was 5 years ago.
In your opinion, what specifically was better about it 5 years ago?
I kind of already detailed what was better (for me) back then. There is far too much split screen/quad-box/octo-box these days. Back then, I had a 65-75" TV. I now have an 85" OLED. It used to be that there was normally a single game on the TV, and they would quickly flip between them as action occurred. If action was missed, they'd show the highlight when they had downtime. There was very little split screen, typically only during opening kickoffs or at random times, not for the entire 6 hours which seems to be the case these days. One screen viewing allowed for better player identification, and I've also noticed Scott's commentary is much less accurate and consistent with so many games on the screen now vs then. I notice so many blatant errors in his commentary these days, it's off-putting, and that's not even taking into account the times they cut to a game and he has absolutely no idea what's even happening and he tries to fill dead air with inaccurate or uninformed filler, which is on the producers IMO. I like Scott, but he's being put in a position to fail with what they're currently trying to do.