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Refs have ALWAYS stunk (1 Viewer)

Find me one hail mary where the player uses two hands to shove a defensive player in the back to put him to the ground.
If a 5'10", 200pnd WR is putting you to the ground with a little shove, there are more pressing issues.
:confused: Yes...it was pass interference and the NFL agreed it was. The pressing issue is the replacement refs need to go.
There's likely 50+ penalties a game that don't get called that are clear as day.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
:confused: What's not correct about my statement? There are missed calls on almost every play.
The clear as day comment!
clear as day on replay*cough cough*
Find me one hail mary where the player uses two hands to shove a defensive player in the back to put him to the ground.
If a 5'10", 200pnd WR is putting you to the ground with a little shove, there are more pressing issues.
:confused: Yes...it was pass interference and the NFL agreed it was. The pressing issue is the replacement refs need to go.
There's likely 50+ penalties a game that don't get called that are clear as day.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
:confused: What's not correct about my statement? There are missed calls on almost every play.
The clear as day comment!
clear as day on replay*cough cough*
:lmao: :lmao:
'DoubleG said:
The issue is not that the replacement refs are bad or worse than the "real" refs. The issue is that players, coaches and fans perceive validity in the outcome of a game officiated by the "best" refs available. Replacement refs call this validity of outcome into question.
But the real refs aren't agreeing to a new deal in part because they do not want the best refs( a pool of refs ready to take over in case of bad officiating ). So the best refs in the biz argument doesn't cut it when they do not want to be held accountable/replaced if they do not do a good job.
'DoubleG said:
The issue is not that the replacement refs are bad or worse than the "real" refs. The issue is that players, coaches and fans perceive validity in the outcome of a game officiated by the "best" refs available. Replacement refs call this validity of outcome into question.
But the real refs aren't agreeing to a new deal in part because they do not want the best refs( a pool of refs ready to take over in case of bad officiating ). So the best refs in the biz argument doesn't cut it when they do not want to be held accountable/replaced if they do not do a good job.
To leave it to the League determining a Refs 'score' on a job has been been proven this season. Refs know more about what they do than the Owners. To have the Owners have more control? You might as well have Marc Cuban making the Ref's job more arbitrary.
'DropKick said:
'shader said:
'DropKick said:
'shader said:
Does no one remember this? Seahawks fans whined for an entire offseason after their Super Bowl loss. The Calvin Johnson "non catch" last year? Fans have ALWAYS hated the refs and claimed that they stunk. I don't get why fans are outraged? Because its the Packers? The refs didn't steal the game from GB. GB played like crap for 3.5 quarters and put themselves behind the 8 ball. Take it from a guy who watched fisher ball for ten years. When you keep the score close, you always risk one call screwing your team.The bottom line is that refs stink they have always stunk and they will always stink. Lets talk football.
That game was stolen. This is a bad fishing trip, right?
Stolen. :lmao:
Laugh all you want, clown. These games are a mockery. The sad thing is that likely the outcome of 10+ games has been affected by this...
I think these replacements show how hard a job it really is. Obviously not everyone can do it.

Do the legit refs get it wrong sometimes? Sure. But it's never been this bad.

All things considering the regular refs do a decent job, especially compared to this alternative we have right now.

I still remember Ed Hercules blowing that call that cost the Chargers the game and a playoff spot. It happens to the regular guys too.

Have the replacements screwed up a coin toss yet?

Decided to review a "prior" play from after another play was run?

They are just as bad, but it is a convenient excuse for the coaches/players/fans/media. I can deal with inconsistent holding/PI calls, the biggest problem I see is that they are losing control of the games.

I completely agree. Refs HAVE ALWAYS stunk. Its just something that we've accepted over time and this replacement ref situation we are in puts it all under a huge microscope.

It used to be tacky to complain about the refs, now you can tweet about it and get on E! news because its the popular thing to do.

Refs have always made bad calls that change the outcome of games, fantasy football matchups, etc. Now its AN ATROCITY AND WE HAVE ALLOWED THE NFL TO TRAMPLE ON OUR GRANDFATHERS HISTORIC PASTIME.

Give me a break. I find it all hilarious.

Who is the real winner in all of this? MD Jennings! Its cool to blame the refs now, and nobody is pointing any fingers at him for not batting the ball down. They teach you to swat down hail marys and not to try and catch them when football players are like 10 years old.

Refs have ALWAYS stunk. Play football.

To me it's simple. You want the best players and the best refs on the field, to get the best product. Sure, bad calls are just as much a part of the game as bad passes. But who here would be okay with their favorite team bringing in Arena League players, and then saying it's no big deal, because the regular players didn't win all their games either? The best players make the most good plays. The best refs make the most good calls. And for crying out loud, the real refs at least know the rules.

And, as others have said, (whoever may be at fault) the replacement refs have lost the coaches and players. Whatever specter of control and respect remained is gone. It is not a good situation.


An Annoyed Packers Fan

p.s. I don't have a position on the actual labor dispute, I haven't read enough about it. I just know the resulting product sucks.

One of the biggest problems I have with the replacement officials is that they are easy talked into making calls after the fact. Of course, the regular refs would make late calls on some occasions as well. But now it seems like almost every time a player or coach appeals for a flag he gets it. I never seen so many late flags.

Another huge problem is that they don't know the rules.

'robertd52 said:
'silentcoach said:
'Sam Quentin said:
The irony is that the call to end the game was correct
Maybe it was, but they also missed a blatant offensive pass interference.
I heard a stat that zero offensive pass interferences have been called on a Hail Mary play in many many years....over 50 plays worth.That wouldn't have been called either...
To be fair...it's been years since I saw a push off that egregious and obvious too.......
Have the replacements screwed up a coin toss yet?

Decided to review a "prior" play from after another play was run?

They are just as bad, but it is a convenient excuse for the coaches/players/fans/media. I can deal with inconsistent holding/PI calls, the biggest problem I see is that they are losing control of the games.
part of the problem with that is the mob mentatlity that the irresponsible people like ESPN drum up to make it OK to diss the refs
This is pretty much what I knew would happen. Football fans have the memory of a peanut. The Monday night call wouldn't have even been among the top 5 worst calls of last year.

How quickly people have forgotten that horrible blown lateral call that resulted in a 14 point swing in a playoff game that went to overtime last year. Nothing this year has approached the level of incredible blunder of that Lions/Saints play last year, where they blew an easy judgment call, THEN blew an inadvertent whistle, and THEN misinterperated about 3 different rules to finally get to an outcome that was impossible to reach based on the rules.

People just want to pick it apart. Look no further than everyone complaining that they're not calling holding enough, and then when Green Bay gets called for a bunch of legitimate holds on MNF they go bonkers that they're calling it. Gee, you think the team that just gave up 8 sacks in a half might be legitimately doing a lot of holding? Gruden and Tirico complained about the number of flags all 1st half, but other than they retaliation personal foul (which was so commonly done by the regular refs that there is actually a saying that goes with it) they agreed that the call was correct every time one was made. "That's the right call. That's a good call. They got it right. That was the correct call. What is with all these penalties the replacement refs are ruining the integrity of the game".

I hate the NFL as a business. They're a horrible, consumer unfriendly monopoly. But I side with them here because the refs are subpar, underworked, and overpaid and rather than reform to make them better, they want MORE benefits while continuing to do a bad job while not working enough and not being held accountable for their screwups? We're much better off moving on with new, REAL replacements (which will be available when this lockout mess ends) that are held to a higher standard both in training and accountability.

'robertd52 said:
'silentcoach said:
'Sam Quentin said:
The irony is that the call to end the game was correct
Maybe it was, but they also missed a blatant offensive pass interference.
I heard a stat that zero offensive pass interferences have been called on a Hail Mary play in many many years....over 50 plays worth.That wouldn't have been called either...
To be fair...it's been years since I saw a push off that egregious and obvious too.......
That's because they don't show 80 slow-mo replays of hail marry's that fall incomplete.Go watch some and you'll see it in nearly every one of them.
If the Saints trotted out Brian Zbydniewski at QB instead of Drew Brees and he threw 5 picks, it would be pretty easy to cherry pick Brees' worst games and throws over the years and claim that Brees was just as bad. But it would be a silly argument to make. When you've got the entire history of NFL officiating to draw from, it's a peice of cake to find similarly bad (or worse!) calls.

That said, the difference here is that we really don't have any sort of statistics on "bad calls" or "rules errors", so it all comes down to subjective judgement, and I recognize that media coverage plays a role in how we percieve things. So there will never be a winner to the argument "Are the replacement refs significantly worse or not?"

But my perception is that they are. Even before the final play, I was thinking that I couldn't remember having watched such a poorly officiated Packers game. And across the league, the number of rules errors and stupid mistakes made by the refs seems alarmingly high to me. But that's me.

This is pretty much what I knew would happen. Football fans have the memory of a peanut. The Monday night call wouldn't have even been among the top 5 worst calls of last year.

How quickly people have forgotten that horrible blown lateral call that resulted in a 14 point swing in a playoff game that went to overtime last year. Nothing this year has approached the level of incredible blunder of that Lions/Saints play last year, where they blew an easy judgment call, THEN blew an inadvertent whistle, and THEN misinterperated about 3 different rules to finally get to an outcome that was impossible to reach based on the rules.

People just want to pick it apart. Look no further than everyone complaining that they're not calling holding enough, and then when Green Bay gets called for a bunch of legitimate holds on MNF they go bonkers that they're calling it. Gee, you think the team that just gave up 8 sacks in a half might be legitimately doing a lot of holding? Gruden and Tirico complained about the number of flags all 1st half, but other than they retaliation personal foul (which was so commonly done by the regular refs that there is actually a saying that goes with it) they agreed that the call was correct every time one was made. "That's the right call. That's a good call. They got it right. That was the correct call. What is with all these penalties the replacement refs are ruining the integrity of the game".

I hate the NFL as a business. They're a horrible, consumer unfriendly monopoly. But I side with them here because the refs are subpar, underworked, and overpaid and rather than reform to make them better, they want MORE benefits while continuing to do a bad job while not working enough and not being held accountable for their screwups? We're much better off moving on with new, REAL replacements (which will be available when this lockout mess ends) that are held to a higher standard both in training and accountability.
Great posting
This is pretty much what I knew would happen. Football fans have the memory of a peanut. The Monday night call wouldn't have even been among the top 5 worst calls of last year.

How quickly people have forgotten that horrible blown lateral call that resulted in a 14 point swing in a playoff game that went to overtime last year. Nothing this year has approached the level of incredible blunder of that Lions/Saints play last year, where they blew an easy judgment call, THEN blew an inadvertent whistle, and THEN misinterperated about 3 different rules to finally get to an outcome that was impossible to reach based on the rules.

People just want to pick it apart. Look no further than everyone complaining that they're not calling holding enough, and then when Green Bay gets called for a bunch of legitimate holds on MNF they go bonkers that they're calling it. Gee, you think the team that just gave up 8 sacks in a half might be legitimately doing a lot of holding? Gruden and Tirico complained about the number of flags all 1st half, but other than they retaliation personal foul (which was so commonly done by the regular refs that there is actually a saying that goes with it) they agreed that the call was correct every time one was made. "That's the right call. That's a good call. They got it right. That was the correct call. What is with all these penalties the replacement refs are ruining the integrity of the game".

I hate the NFL as a business. They're a horrible, consumer unfriendly monopoly. But I side with them here because the refs are subpar, underworked, and overpaid and rather than reform to make them better, they want MORE benefits while continuing to do a bad job while not working enough and not being held accountable for their screwups? We're much better off moving on with new, REAL replacements (which will be available when this lockout mess ends) that are held to a higher standard both in training and accountability.
Great posting
Awesome posting
'shader said:
Does no one remember this? Seahawks fans whined for an entire offseason after their Super Bowl loss. The Calvin Johnson "non catch" last year? Fans have ALWAYS hated the refs and claimed that they stunk. I don't get why fans are outraged? Because its the Packers? The refs didn't steal the game from GB. GB played like crap for 3.5 quarters and put themselves behind the 8 ball. Take it from a guy who watched fisher ball for ten years. When you keep the score close, you always risk one call screwing your team.The bottom line is that refs stink they have always stunk and they will always stink. Lets talk football.
The erfs have always stunk and the NFL is trying to make changes to improve the officiating, but the union is not allowing it.
And there you have it, folks. The reason that some people are making excuses for the replacement refs, saying the regular refs are just as bad, saying that wrong calls are right: those people side with the NFL in the labor dispute with the referees.

LeSean McCoy Says Replacement Ref Told Him ‘I Need You For My Fantasy Team’

“They’re like fans, kind of though,” McCoy said. “I’ll be honest, they’re like fans. One of the refs was talking about his fantasy team, like ‘McCoy, come on, I need you for my fantasy,’ ahhh, what?!” Pro Football Talk reports the following: UPDATE 11:40 a.m. ET: NFL spokesman Greg Aiello tells PFT via email that officials are not permitted to play fantasy football.
Not qualified to be a Division I college ref

Working as the side judge Monday night, the longtime Southern California high school and junior college official signaled the winning catch by receiver Golden Tate in the Seattle Seahawks' last-play, 14-12 win against the Green Bay Packers -- a call the world believes he blew by turning an obvious interception into a touchdown. But why was he in the NFL? He wasn't deemed good enough to become a Division I college official this summer, according to Karl Richins and his staff of Division I college officials at Stars and Stripes Academy for Football Officials in Salt Lake City. "I got to know Lance at a June academy I worked at in Reno and when he came to my academy in July," Richins said. "He's a very polite, good Christian gentleman, a good father to his son, Daniel, who was at my academy as well. But was Lance ready to work at the NFL level? Absolutely not."

Richins' staff determined that Easley, vice president of small business banking at Bank of America in Santa Maria, Calif., wasn't ready for Division I, the highest level of college officiating, never mind the much faster NFL game. Richins said the biggest mistake Easley made was agreeing to become a replacement official in the first place. He said Easley had never officiated at a level higher than Division III and never voiced a desire to reach the NFL.
Lance Easley had no prior professional or major college football experience before this season

Longtime Central Coast referee Lance Easley, the side judge No. 26, was the one who ruled Seattle's Golden Tate had hauled in Russell Wilson's 24-yard TD pass. Easley had no prior professional or major college football experience before this season. He works as a banker here in Santa Maria. He was the only member of the officiating crew with no professional experience. His call was beyond controversial and it would be surprising if he officiates another NFL game.
Easley is a "small-time" ref who officiates many Central Coat football and basketball games. High school and JC. He was even on the planning commission for the FCA All-Star game.
right about now people are scratching their heads and going "oh yeah...now I remember..."
it's not perfect, but it the games have a flow and a general sense of order. there are mistakes (they are human), but the refs are more consistent in what they call and what they let go. I definitely appreciate their effort more than I did 1 month ago.

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