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RIP Riley (2 Viewers)

continued prayers (I actually- as an agnostic theist- found myself saying an internal prayer for Riley this morning... can't remember the last time I've done that) and positive thoughts for strength, health and future happy results.

if you need anything, shady- we're here for you.

They called us to rush over last night at 930pm because she was in really bad shape just in case she didn't make it. We got there and there were 10 people in her room trying to save her life. Her face was blue. Worst night ever. Somehow they stabilized her and my warrior survived the night and her color came back. At 2am we came back to get some sleep and they said they would call and they didn't. Heading over there now to see our warrior. I thought we lost her and already contemplated life without her. She has to get better. I can't go through that again.
She is a warrior, her spirit won't give up!

Riley girl... come on sweet baby, you can do this!!  All our thoughts and prayers are headed your way Shady!

Simply cannot imagine what you're going through. My heart literally hurts. Praying the next post is good news. xx  #teamriley

They called us to rush over last night at 930pm because she was in really bad shape just in case she didn't make it. We got there and there were 10 people in her room trying to save her life. Her face was blue. Worst night ever. Somehow they stabilized her and my warrior survived the night and her color came back. At 2am we came back to get some sleep and they said they would call and they didn't. Heading over there now to see our warrior. I thought we lost her and already contemplated life without her. She has to get better. I can't go through that again.
I'm really out of words Shady.  Just keep fighting for your girl and love her every single measure of time.

I've tried to type something about 5 different times throughout the day about this last update.......just cant find any words. ####.   

Reading about pulmonary hypertension scares the life out of me. It does not have a good prognosis.
I started feeling horrible and weak and losing my breath about a year and a half ago. Being 45 and having treated my body like a frat house, I thought it was just age catching up with me. It got worse and worse to the point that I couldn't walk more than 20 feet without feeling like I had run a marathon. I checked myself into a local hospital and spent a day there getting tests. They diagnosed me with Congestive Heart Failure. Gave me some meds and told me to start living a healthier life and I could get better. The meds helped a little and I felt better for about two weeks. Then it got worse again and I drive an hour and checked myself into Cedars Sinai in Beverly Hills. I have good insurance so I decided to check myself into the best hospital I could find. I was there for 5 days running tests and actually had 2 catheters ran into my heart to test the chambers. Turns out I have pulmonary hypertension. I did the same reading you did. Affects around 1 in 500,000 people, at least the type I have. It also says that 50% of people die within 7 years. That was a scary thought. But my doctor told me that when they catch it early, and with treatment you can live a long life. I was put on two medications and IMMEDIATELY began feeling better. It's been six months now and I am able to live a somewhat normal life. 

I went through all the dark thoughts that you have when you read that 59% of people die within 7 years. Before I was diagnosed I had thoughts of giving up and if I didn't have my two sons I don't know what I would have done. Fortunately I didn't take that path. Now I have a future. 

Sure, there are lots of things I can't do anymore. I can't play sports. I can't go to places that require lots of waking, yet. But I can watch my kids grow up. I hope can see my grandchildren born. I can play video games and fantasy football. I can still enjoy my life. I'm not saying everything is going to be ok. I'm just trying to let you know there is hope. Don't give up. PM me if you ever want to talk. 

I started feeling horrible and weak and losing my breath about a year and a half ago. Being 45 and having treated my body like a frat house, I thought it was just age catching up with me. It got worse and worse to the point that I couldn't walk more than 20 feet without feeling like I had run a marathon. I checked myself into a local hospital and spent a day there getting tests. They diagnosed me with Congestive Heart Failure. Gave me some meds and told me to start living a healthier life and I could get better. The meds helped a little and I felt better for about two weeks. Then it got worse again and I drive an hour and checked myself into Cedars Sinai in Beverly Hills. I have good insurance so I decided to check myself into the best hospital I could find. I was there for 5 days running tests and actually had 2 catheters ran into my heart to test the chambers. Turns out I have pulmonary hypertension. I did the same reading you did. Affects around 1 in 500,000 people, at least the type I have. It also says that 50% of people die within 7 years. That was a scary thought. But my doctor told me that when they catch it early, and with treatment you can live a long life. I was put on two medications and IMMEDIATELY began feeling better. It's been six months now and I am able to live a somewhat normal life. 

I went through all the dark thoughts that you have when you read that 59% of people die within 7 years. Before I was diagnosed I had thoughts of giving up and if I didn't have my two sons I don't know what I would have done. Fortunately I didn't take that path. Now I have a future. 

Sure, there are lots of things I can't do anymore. I can't play sports. I can't go to places that require lots of waking, yet. But I can watch my kids grow up. I hope can see my grandchildren born. I can play video games and fantasy football. I can still enjoy my life. I'm not saying everything is going to be ok. I'm just trying to let you know there is hope. Don't give up. PM me if you ever want to talk. 
Fantastic relatable story.  Thanks for sharing.  

I started feeling horrible and weak and losing my breath about a year and a half ago. Being 45 and having treated my body like a frat house, I thought it was just age catching up with me. It got worse and worse to the point that I couldn't walk more than 20 feet without feeling like I had run a marathon. I checked myself into a local hospital and spent a day there getting tests. They diagnosed me with Congestive Heart Failure. Gave me some meds and told me to start living a healthier life and I could get better. The meds helped a little and I felt better for about two weeks. Then it got worse again and I drive an hour and checked myself into Cedars Sinai in Beverly Hills. I have good insurance so I decided to check myself into the best hospital I could find. I was there for 5 days running tests and actually had 2 catheters ran into my heart to test the chambers. Turns out I have pulmonary hypertension. I did the same reading you did. Affects around 1 in 500,000 people, at least the type I have. It also says that 50% of people die within 7 years. That was a scary thought. But my doctor told me that when they catch it early, and with treatment you can live a long life. I was put on two medications and IMMEDIATELY began feeling better. It's been six months now and I am able to live a somewhat normal life. 

I went through all the dark thoughts that you have when you read that 59% of people die within 7 years. Before I was diagnosed I had thoughts of giving up and if I didn't have my two sons I don't know what I would have done. Fortunately I didn't take that path. Now I have a future. 

Sure, there are lots of things I can't do anymore. I can't play sports. I can't go to places that require lots of waking, yet. But I can watch my kids grow up. I hope can see my grandchildren born. I can play video games and fantasy football. I can still enjoy my life. I'm not saying everything is going to be ok. I'm just trying to let you know there is hope. Don't give up. PM me if you ever want to talk. 
Unfortunately it doesn't sound like we caught Rileys in time. They had to cut her procedure short and she's in real bad shape right now.

Very sorry to hear Shady.  You and your family fought hard and deserve a much better outcome.  My thoughts and prayers will remain with you and your family during this difficult time.  

I hope your little fighter shows her strength again. I'm so sorry you are going through this. Stay strong, and know there are a bunch of people here and all over that are pulling for you and your Riley. 

I almost wish I didn't take her for the eye exam. At least we would've had a few more weeks with her at home. I really don't know how I'll tell Justin if she passes.

Told my ####### father Riley may be dying. These were his comforting words...

Life is not fair in general. Everyone has their share of problems. Life is temporary

Who says #### like that?

That's #### up up shady.  You have all my sympathy for going through something no one should have to.

Told my ####### father Riley may be dying. These were his comforting words...

Life is not fair in general. Everyone has their share of problems. Life is temporary

Who says #### like that?
It is very easy for me to sit here and type this, but please, please dont think about this. From what I remember, your relationship with your father was not good. 

Right now, try your hardest to stay positive even though it sounds bad. You never know. 

As for Justin, if she passes, you tell him that he was the best big brother in the world. You tell him that Riley was a special angel that brought your family (real and this one) together and she fought hard for him. 

Then you get your entire family into therapy as soon as possible. 

But let's hope we dont have to cross that bridge. We didn't need a Dr to tell is Riley has a big heart. 

Told my ####### father Riley may be dying. These were his comforting words...

Life is not fair in general. Everyone has their share of problems. Life is temporary

Who says #### like that?
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, but sometimes it hits the ground running... You should be proud you're not an ####### like your dad and that you have become a great person despite him. 

Sorry about Riley, but still holding onto hope.

I wouldn't bother with your father anymore, ever. I knew I would hear chit if a couple fam members knew I had cancer so I kept it from them all. Why make myself more distressed?

First thing I do when I wake up in the am and from naps, I check here. I'm still holding out hope that there will be a post that she's looking better. xx

Love your new profile pic.

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Told my ####### father Riley may be dying. These were his comforting words...

Life is not fair in general. Everyone has their share of problems. Life is temporary

Who says #### like that?
JFC that's horrible, sorry you have to deal with that during all of what's going on with Riley.

I'm having surgery tomorrow.  Thinking about how much I hate hospitals. I know virtually everyone does. Also thinking about mortality.  And you and your daughter. 

I can't begin to imagine where you are emotionally right now.  Or what the outcome will be or what you're thinking is best case scenario or anything.  I wish you and your family luck, and love, and every wonderful thing in the universe including your father being shown on America's Funniest Home Videos getting kicked in the nuts by a mule.

I know that, almost universally, we want the same things from our lives.  We want to be forgiven, we want to be remembered, and we want to know that we didn't waste our time here on Earth.  I don't know how to answer those things for myself, but I know how to answer them for Riley.  I hope she grows up healthy and amazing and full of the kind of regrets we all live with, searching for forgiveness her whole life like every other human being, but she doesn't need any now.  I know that she has already done more with her time than I have with mine, and will be remembered long after I'm gone.  

More than anything, I wish you hope. If there were a bargain to be made with a devil before my surgery, I'd trade my cow valve for your daughter's speedy recovery.  In that, at least, your father is right.  It isn't fair.  But in the absence of magical solutions, I still wish you hope.  I'll be pulling for you, like everyone is.  Keep the faith, shady.  Much love.  

Selfish douchebags say #### like that.  No wonder your relationship with him is difficult.  You have much less experience being a father yet you are a better father than that ##### could ever be.  #### him. 

Hey Shady, stay strong. Don't worry about your dad. He is who he is and he's not suddenly going to change just because you're going through a crisis.

Prayers be with your daughter, you, and your family Shady.

My youngest when she was 3 months spent a couple weeks in the hospital including be on the ventilator in the ICU.  Ended up she had infantile botulism and she is now 12 and fairly healthy and pray your daughter will be the same. 

I have an arsehat dad. I take solace in those moments when my wife sits me down and tells me that I'm a good man and a better father than he ever was.

You are a better father and man. Let him live in his world. You keep being that rock for Riley, Justin and your wife. And dammit you fight. Don't you give one ounce of any amount of energy to him. You are Rileys warrior. You are her voice. You are the man that Justin will learn from.

**** your dad.

Stay strong, shady.  Even if your father doesn't have your back, you have many brothers and sisters here who truly care deeply about you and your family.  I'm so impressed by the concern, and affection, they have all shown through these months.  Take comfort in knowing that little Riley is touching so many lives in such a short amount of time!  She's a special girl.  My prayers continue to be with you all.

Tough time for you and your family shady. Hoping Riley fights through this! Please hang tough, there is an entire family that is depending on your continued strength!

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Just keep fighting for your girl and love her every single measure of time.

As for Justin, if she passes, you tell him that he was the best big brother in the world. You tell him that Riley was a special angel that brought your family (real and this one) together and she fought hard for him. 
These two posts reminded me of a situation from several years ago - my boss at the time lost his infant son to complications from a heart defect.  He and his wife found some level of solace in the fact that their son knew he was loved during his time with his family.  I'm sure Riley knows she is loved by her immediate family and you know how much she is loved by her extended family here at FBG.  I started this post literally an hour ago, I just don't know how to finish it and I'm sitting here with tears rolling down my face.  I'll just say I thought that was a remarkable way for my boss and his wife to view their situation.  I hope and pray Riley turns the corner, but either way she is immensely loved and she knows it.

#### man... Real real sorry, this just sucks so bad! There isn't much I can say here, I'm just sooooo sorry for what you're going through.


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