As someone who will never have a self driving car, I cant wait for them. Remember the time the self driving car road raged you? Me neither!
I also have a feeling it will create an us vs them bully mentality where aggressive driving will be more rampant against self driving cars.
This is a technology that I feel kind of bad about missing out on. The idea that I could hop into a car and tell it to drive me to a city 12 hours away and I just sit there and watch movies or read or watch the world go by in the meantime sounds extremely appealing, and I say that as somebody who enjoys driving.
In a better world, we would just have way more passenger trains that could get you to that city in far less than 12 hours
Here is the rub about flying. While Im sure the median flight time is still much faster than trains, I believe the long tail distribution of flight delays is a roll of the dice these days. Meaning, while on average a train is, lets say 2x longer than a plane flight, add in all the travel/check/check time with flights coupled with the change of a multi-hour, maybe overnight, delay, flights to me seem less and less appealing.
How about this hypothetical. Which of these 2 travel options would you take:
- Arrive at your destination at the fastest time possible with a 1/6 chance be delayed to the next day
- Arrive at your destination at 2x the fastest time possible with a 1% chance of delay
My biggest issue with flying is for vacations. If I have a 4 day get-away scheduled out and I get delayed a night, I lose a day of vacation. The amount of value I place on a day of vacation far exceeds any of these costs or probabilities. And until I see airlines actually start caring about peoples lives (why would they?) then I want to find any alternative method of transportation than flying.
/bitter flyer
I took 192 flights last year. Up and down the east coast, throughout TX and the Midwest, even a couple CA trips. I was delayed to the next day zero times. 1/6 is an insane estimate.
Consider yourself lucky. My experience is vastly different than yours. I would wager I am worse than 50/50 right now on delays.
My last 2 flights out of Logan to Austin direct were both delayed. One was 6 hours and one was 12 hours. It was horrific and Delta is a POS.
My family of 5 was delayed overnight from SLC to BOS through MSP (on the way back from vacation thankfully). Delta told us the next flight available for us was in 3 days. We split the family and made it home the next night. Horrific.
My wife and I were delayed overnight coming back from Fresno to PHX. This vacation was for my wife's 50th bday and had that overnight delay been out to Fresno I would have lost my ****.
Maybe a little lucky, but stats would indicate not really. Sounds like you've been remarkably unlucky in a tiny sample size. I hazard drawing sweeping conclusions from small samples in all aspects of life!
76% of American Airlines flights are delayed (I almost always fly American). Just above 1% are cancelled.
So I should expect to have been delayed on around 45 flights. I think that's probably true. I don't have data on length of delay, but probably twice a month I was annoyed at how late I got in. So call that about half of delays being at least an hour.
I definitely had 2 cancellations. Maybe 4 or 5, which would be unlucky. Of course, even my personal travel I plan with a clear plan B. So I haven't had a cancellation impact me really beyond just taking a later flight.
FWIW Delta's customer service and their hard product are each outstanding. I think I took 10-15 Delta flights this year, so I have no status. They've always treated me extremely well, and I've been impressed.