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Stock Thread (1 Viewer)

I love the discussion, here for it, perhaps I didn't get my point across.

It seems to me that these quarterly reports are sat on with pins and needles at times.  Not needed, unless you're a trader (in which case this is not where to be).  The overall emphasis on some of them is overdone.
In the market, sure. People panic all the time because they’re dumb idiots. I think most of us are just sitting on our fat butts at home or work and discussing the goings on. 

No, you did, it’s just not the groundbreaking revelation you think it is.
That's a mighty high horse you ride.  But continue to think you know each and every detail of every quarterly earnings report, big shot.

The info they are giving you is inside stuff, you're killing it.

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Blue McBokonon loves Anacott PUBM

Insider stuff or not.  There are quite a few smart folks here that know what they're doing and giving free classes that are better than any graduate school credits I ever earned.  

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In the market, sure. People panic all the time because they’re dumb idiots. I think most of us are just sitting on our fat butts at home or work and discussing the goings on. 
Yep. This thread has been awesome for a noob like me. 

My Schwab account gives me something to look at a few times a day to break the monotony, and this thread has taught me a ton not only in buying and holding but also when to take profits.

Love it. It's fun. 

That's a mighty high horse you ride.  But continue to think you know each and every detail of every quarterly earnings report, big shot.

The info they are giving you is inside stuff, you're killing it.
Nobody here thinks any of this, that’s what I’m saying. This is a discussion board. We discuss things. That’s it. The idea that we shouldn’t overreact or be hyperactive around quarterly reports is not a new one, but we like to talk about them anyway.

I love the discussion, here for it, perhaps I didn't get my point across.

It seems to me that these quarterly reports are sat on with pins and needles at times.  Not needed, unless you're a trader (in which case this is not where to be).  The overall emphasis on some of them is overdone.

There is a ton of trading in this thread.  It's the Stock Thread, not the "long-term 10+ year investments only" thread.

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SoFi gave me 30 out of a requested 350 shares of RIVN at IPO price $78.  Oh well, better than anything Fidelity has ever done for me on IPOs, I guess.

Yeah, that’s actually pretty good. Do you have to have a certain balance at SOFI to participate?

I don't think so.  All I had in the account when I made the initial request was $1300 worth of ETH I deposited a while back for a sign-up bonus.  Then I had to deposit the amount to cover the # of shares I was requesting with a deadline of 2 days ago, but that was the only requirement.

There is a ton of trading in this thread.  It's the Stock Thread, not the "long-term 10+ year investments only" thread.
Oh I know there is ton of trading.  What I did not know is that precludes one from mentioning that these quarterly earnings can't be / aren't a little overblown?

My god, this place (FBG) is like a gang at times, need to have connections.  Relax.

Oh I know there is ton of trading.  What I did not know is that precludes one from mentioning that these quarterly earnings can't be / aren't a little overblown?

My god, this place (FBG) is like a gang at times, need to have connections.  Relax.

Huh?  I was literally responding to a direct quote where you said this is not the place to be if you're trading.

You're getting weirdly defensive.  People were just responding and then you got emotional out of the blue a few posts ago.  No one is mad at you.

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Oh I know there is ton of trading.  What I did not know is that precludes one from mentioning that these quarterly earnings can't be / aren't a little overblown?

My god, this place (FBG) is like a gang at times, need to have connections.  Relax.
This is one of the most chill threads in the entire place and it's usually filled with good information. 

My god, this place (FBG) is like a gang at times, need to have connections.  Relax.
:lol:   It's just a :11:  :oldbay:  :established:  :ubereliteuppertier:  STONKS GO UP! thing.  

Did anyone ever make the shirt?

Looks like I forgot how to cross things out.  

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This is one of the most chill threads in the entire place and it's usually filled with good information. 
I agree with you.  No idea why some are all over me.  It was just an alternative thought about the long-term process.  To think we know/get everything on quarterly earnings reports is silly.   OMG, they blew away this, that and the other and are still down, ridiculous!

The market is a discounting mechanism, as we all know.

For example, Amazon got destroyed last week, go back and read it.  Not so bad now..

Anyone considering taking some profits from $U today?
I’m not. I might even add more at some point but this also isn’t something I’m just trading. They seem to be doing all the right things based on their quarterly reports, which are inclusive of everything and give me a 100% clear picture into the business as if I was the CEO himself.

I love the discussion, here for it, perhaps I didn't get my point across.

It seems to me that these quarterly reports are sat on with pins and needles at times.  Not needed, unless you're a trader (in which case this is not where to be).  The overall emphasis on some of them is overdone.
I found it, Bagel.  You absolutely misconstrued my point, if I was to be nice about it.  Y

You tried to twist my words.  Why???

When I spoke of trading, and you are then to make the argument that Footballguys.com is a place to be for traders, I will dispute that all day long.  You've got to be kidding me.  Traders are not on some fantasy football message board.

Nice try.

I found it, Bagel.  You absolutely misconstrued my point, if I was to be nice about it.  Y

You tried to twist my words.  Why???

When I spoke of trading, and you are then to make the argument that Footballguys.com is a place to be for traders, I will dispute that all day long.  You've got to be kidding me.  Traders are not on some fantasy football message board.

Nice try.

Footballguys.com is a fine place to be for traders.

I found it, Bagel.  You absolutely misconstrued my point, if I was to be nice about it.  Y

You tried to twist my words.  Why???

When I spoke of trading, and you are then to make the argument that Footballguys.com is a place to be for traders, I will dispute that all day long.  You've got to be kidding me.  Traders are not on some fantasy football message board.

Nice try.
Argue your case at the PSF.  Lots of folks there ready to listen.  

If I may chime in on the earnings obsession thing here.  Seems to be a theme, although I could be wrong.  As traders, fine, but that's a different game altogether.  I much prefer the takes you guys give on companies that are on a longer-term trajectory.

Like, how did the Amazon disappointment a week ago end up?  Uh, up like 100 bucks yesterday and now approaching $3600.  But OMG, online sales!!!  Meanwhile, that tech brain trust beast with a treasure trust is worth betting on, trust me.

I keep reading how this company beat this or didn't beat that and how can the market react as such?  Hello, the market is a discount mechanism, and even though quarters are exciting when they out-perform or whatever, the focus on that kind of stuff just helps to lose site of the end-game.

I used to tell clients, are you going to sell your house if every time you drive into your driveway, the new "adjusted" price on your garage keeps going lower?  No, of course not.  These quarters and trying to over-analyze them like you're about to blow a game like John Fox are just one play in the bigger scheme of things.

If they are positioned and on point, then try and stay the course.
I always look for key things like 

Growth year over year


Cash on hand

Debt to earnings

Rising dividends and what their payout ratio is etc.

I never get caught up on the “noise” of quarterly earnings if the long term story is remaining in tact. Also there is always going to be a certain amount of conviction on any company I own in terms of believing in the business model, what they do, the sustainability of what they do etc etc etc and how they compare to their peers. 

And sometimes I absolutely reverse course on stocks even if I had very high conviction. That can happen if something is fundamentally not right and trending in a direction that is not good. And the reverse has sometimes happened for me in low conviction stocks becoming favorable for me. I always keep an open mind. 

EBS was a perfect example of that. I really felt they would turn it around based on their track record.....and they simply failed and we took the loss and moved on. It happens. Did I hold on too long? Yes I did. Again that does happen. 

INTC is another one that is now on my defcon watch list as they continue to disappoint me each quarter and it is becoming an alarming trend how their peers are kicking their ####. 

So I may cut loose that stock after many many many years of it being a core holding. It has certainly done well over the long term. But there comes a time when it is time to say goodbye.....for now. It can change again....but the conviction needs to be rebuilt. 

Hope that helps some others. 

I agree Harry about staying the course.....HUGE believer in that. 

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Think you can drop this?

No problem, I'm done.

But I'm not going to be called out, through nothing but embellishment, and sit there and take it.  Would you?

Especially when all I was trying to do was start a different discussion...to go slightly beyond the earnings compulsion/overreaction (hi Amazon, omg, online disappointed!).

No problem, I'm done.

But I'm not going to be called out, through nothing but embellishment, and sit there and take it.  Would you?

Especially when all I was trying to do was start a different discussion...to go slightly beyond the earnings compulsion/overreaction (hi Amazon, omg, online disappointed!).



Started a position in STAG. Monthly paying REIT just under 4%. Tenants are warehouses and manufacturers, plus a bunch of distribution centers including a few for Amazon. Need more income, going with this in my ROTH.

Considering starting a position here and searched through the thread to see if it has been mentioned. Need to subscribe to your newsletter.

Anyone in FUBO?  This one has been on my radar for a while but haven't pulled trigger, down 18% today after earnings. 

Yep, they are losing money but an important thing is their subscribers and that is going up.

Anyone in FUBO?  This one has been on my radar for a while but haven't pulled trigger, down 18% today after earnings. 

Yep, they are losing money but an important thing is their subscribers and that is going up.
I have zero interest in it whatsoever and can't see how they'll truly differentiate in the main two crowded markets they are attempting to compete in, but Beth Kindig (I mentioned her a few pages back as a super smart tech person worth following) is really bullish on FUBO. I'm going to let her be right while I stay on the sidelines. The fact she likes it so much is the only reason I even pay attention to them.

Anyone in FUBO?  This one has been on my radar for a while but haven't pulled trigger, down 18% today after earnings. 

Yep, they are losing money but an important thing is their subscribers and that is going up.

I canceled Comcast recently to sign up with an online cable company.  I tried Fubo and hated it.  Found Youtube TV to be better in every way.  Not to say much about it as an investment, but I tend to avoid companies whose product I dislike.

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I have zero interest in it whatsoever and can't see how they'll truly differentiate in the main two crowded markets they are attempting to compete in, but Beth Kindig (I mentioned her a few pages back as a super smart tech person worth following) is really bullish on FUBO. I'm going to let her be right while I stay on the sidelines. The fact she likes it so much is the only reason I even pay attention to them.
I've been in it (basis at 24), but basically agree with the bold. At some point people were talking about a gambling kicker to it, but I read a piece after I got invested that killed that idea. 

Mainly, I'm lazy and give these small growth chips a lot of leeway though.

I'll add Beth to my twitters.

I have XNLX in one account and thinking about adding it in another account... does it make sense with XLNX at ~200?

What happens to the price of XNLX if China does not approve?

INTC is another one that is now on my defcon watch list as they continue to disappoint me each quarter and it is becoming an alarming trend how their peers are kicking their ####. 

So I may cut loose that stock after many many many years of it being a core holding. It has certainly done well over the long term. But there comes a time when it is time to say goodbye.....for now. It can change again....but the conviction needs to be rebuilt. 
I have hated INTC for quite awhile, but with the new head honcho and the new Fabs being built, I think its finally an fairly exciting time for them.  at least compared to the last few years


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