This whole Roth-IRA thing, if you have a household income of around $230-$237k, something like that but not even $250k total household income which these days in more metropolis sections of the country, that's not unbelievable at all that two working adults would be pulling in a 6-figure salary each
Where I'm going and what I'm saying is you can't start one of these or continue to fund one of these if you make over the amounts I just went over
How are people suppose to get ahead? Not everyone starts a Roth when they're 18 yrs old but believe me after reading the fine print, it should be a requirement
A decent chunk of our retirement is going to be in 401k/403b style investments and as you all know they get taxed as you withdraw
My son is 25 and he already has his Roth set up and I had to give him the bad news that at some point in the future I'm expecting him to not be able to fund that any more
He got the joke
My son also tells me that the 6% of his salary which is matched with another 3% from the company, that money is currently split between his 401 and his Roth
I have to believe him but I don't ever remember that being an option or presented to anyone at companies and non profits we have worked at.
1st World Problems and that's perfectly fine
Yeah I mean FWIW $230k is the 86th percentile of household income in the U.S. HOUSEHOLD, not individual.
For individuals, $100k puts you at the 82nd percentile.
So ~80% of all people can fund a Roth IRA without issues.
For the rest of make a non-deductible contribution to a Traditional IRA, file your E-85, and immediately convert it to a Roth IRA. No tax consequence since your nondeductible traditional IRA contribution was already post-tax.
The whole 80% thing compared to most folks in the country....the difference between where we are and the top 1%-2%-5% of the country is astronomical so to me the difference between a family making $250k vs the ones that bring in $150k total household income, basically the same people
Half the country retires with $0 in the bank and attempts to live off social security.
Only 1/3 of this country has an advanced degree
Let's not short change the hard work it takes to even approach the number the government wants to impose as the Mason-Dixon on Roth-IRA
Why am I getting so defensive over nothing?
I want to thank you for the instant answer that expands options as we continue this journey
FTR: That number I brought up, we haven't passed that number yet but if you're gonna break that ceiling, it better be by a lot not by an inch
It's making me reconsider some upcoming decisions for '25 and beyond. We both just turned 50 and it feels like the next 5-10 years for us are going to be critical
-I would like to keep jamming the Roth for as long and as much as possible, the difference when we get into our 60s (I didn't seriously just write that, did I?) is gonna be huge
I appreciate the post back and information
I am going to look into that
Thank You!