People I like on YouTube with regular videos where I feel like I've learned a lot:
Darryl Rosen (@TheRetirementGuyYT)
Rob Berger (@rob_berger)
James Conole (@RootFP)
Kevin Lum (@foundryfinancial)
Erin Talks Money (@ErinTalksMoney)
Bogleheads (@bogleheads3687)
Find stuff relevant to your situation. There's a lot out there. But you need to be careful who you listen to. I feel pretty good about this group. I've learned so much in past year, and I feel much, much more comfortable now that I have a handle on our situation and that we are very much on track. And now we're doing a few different things to position ourselves better. Everything from which assets in which type of account to tax strategy now and in early retirement and later retirement.
I also work in probate/estate planning at a law firm, so lots of overlap there.
One of the biggest takeaways is that many people who should be very comfortable with their retirement still just refuse to spend because they're afraid of running out. Within a certain target audience obviously, they say the biggest issue right now is people not spending enough in their 50s and 60s because of this.
My wife and I are early 50s. Now that we have a good handle on things, we're taking that lesson to heart. Traveling a lot now. Planning to do two weeks in Italy next year, etc. Enjoy it now while you're alive and while you still have your health.
Soon enough, you won't want to or won't be able to leave your house. You don't need much money then.