This wasn't an example of it as this case was clearly a late/dirty hit, but a LOT of the times a QB gets hit badly on a slide it's because they're sliding way too late. Scampering for a tight first down they're barely going to make it to and then trying to drop at the last second right in front of the defender who is fully committed to stopping the first down.
You can't make the penalty harsher than 15 yards because half the flags are the QB's fault for sliding too late.
I think there are two possiblities.
1) QB slide is a 3 yard penalty - The intent of the QB slide was for QBs like a 40 year old Philip Rivers to give themselves up in the middle of the wide open field with no one around where they got scared because a defender was getting close to being within 10 yards of them. Not 4.5 guys sprinting and lunging for a 1st down and then getting instant protection against a defender that is at full speed on a bang bang play. Make it a 3 yard penalty so QBs will only use it in the intended scenario, but on a bang/bang play won't drop their head right into the impact zone.
2) Eliminate the QB slide completely - There would be way less injuries, and certainly way less of the big shots to the head, if these guys just took a regular tackle instead of dropping their face into a guy's shoulder. If QBs can't stop panic sliding when they're about to get hit (not the case with this Lawrence play, but it happens a lot) then just take it away so they'll get tackled in the midsection instead of the head.
You can't make the penalty harsher than 15 yards because half the flags are the QB's fault for sliding too late.
I think there are two possiblities.
1) QB slide is a 3 yard penalty - The intent of the QB slide was for QBs like a 40 year old Philip Rivers to give themselves up in the middle of the wide open field with no one around where they got scared because a defender was getting close to being within 10 yards of them. Not 4.5 guys sprinting and lunging for a 1st down and then getting instant protection against a defender that is at full speed on a bang bang play. Make it a 3 yard penalty so QBs will only use it in the intended scenario, but on a bang/bang play won't drop their head right into the impact zone.
2) Eliminate the QB slide completely - There would be way less injuries, and certainly way less of the big shots to the head, if these guys just took a regular tackle instead of dropping their face into a guy's shoulder. If QBs can't stop panic sliding when they're about to get hit (not the case with this Lawrence play, but it happens a lot) then just take it away so they'll get tackled in the midsection instead of the head.