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The Real Official wildcard game 2 *** Steeler Vs Bengals *** (1 Viewer)

Burfick's hit changes the complexion of the playoffs...likely causing NE to lose in Denver rather than playing pitt for the afc championship in foxboro. That headhunting not only preserved the

bengsls curse but also cost the NFL a lot of money.
The nfl is going to get manning versus Brady. How is the possibly a money losing scenario?
Awesome game - great fun for a neutral fan with nothing better to do on a Saturday night. I don't understand the complaints or predictions of the NFL's demise. This was great live entertainment at its best. Best finish since the Packers implosion in Seattle last year. In the end, the best, most deserving team won both games.

Focusing on officiating itself, last night showed again how stupid it is to have all-star crews in the playoffs. Leave crews that have worked together all season together for the playoffs, FFS!! By mixing and matching the best from different crews, you put yourself in a situation where officials from different crews might handle games like this in different manners, and all of a sudden you've got a thrown-together crew unsure of how to properly handle escalating issues in a game because they aren't used to working with another and can't be sure if they are all on the same page. It boggles the mind.
Good point, but the idea of having any official change the outcome of a game with a personal foul like the one on Jones to end the game is not healthy for the sport.
Perhaps not, but that's the fault of Adam Jones, no? No, Joey Porter shouldn't have been on the field and allegedly cursing at them like that, but given the situation, Jones has to be smarter than that and not react. He didn't, he forced the official to throw the flag, and look what happened.
Agreed. Jones absolutely lost his mind and gave the refs an opportunity to make a 50 yd FG a 35 yd FG. Regardless of Jones idiotic response it should have been offsetting penalties. Porter is not allowed on the field, was not checking on Brown and was in the Bengals huddle giving lip service. The Bengals imploded but the officiating all night was horrendous.
it has nothing to do with who cost the Bengals the game.
Then we aren't talking about the same thing. I was responding to the comment that all the talk this morning was about the officials and that invariably leads to people blaming them for the outcome of a game. I never do that and was pointing out why the Bengals were in control of the game no matter how bad someone thought the officials were last night.
This is what you said that I was responding to:

The officials really aren't the story from my POV
Not only are the officials part of the story, they are such a BIG part of the story that the NFL has some work to do to make sure a game like this doesn't happen again and embarrass the league even more.
You are focusing on the larger context of the refs letting the game get out of hand and I've already said the NFL could/should use this game to teach officials so future games don't get out of hand - I have no problem with this angle. But I'm dense. Are you saying this "out of control atmosphere" cost the Bengals the game? If so, we will have to agree to disagree. Within the "out of control atmosphere" the Steelers made enough plays at the end of the game to allow the Bengals to implode.

I don't understand the hate on the second flag. What are we just okay with players getting into physical confrontations with COACHES now? You do that, next thing you're gonna have is some football version of Pedro Martinez throwing old man Zimmer down.

I don't understand the hate on the second flag. What are we just okay with players getting into physical confrontations with COACHES now? You do that, next thing you're gonna have is some football version of Pedro Martinez throwing old man Zimmer down.
It should have been offsetting ​IMO, assistant coaches do not belong on the field to begin with. I see rule changes coming.

Has anyone seen news on how Antonio Brown is doing after that dirty hit?
Garry Duracell reported that he's "fine" and will be "good to go next week." We'll see, I'm sure the doctors will have something to say about that.
If (focus on if) Brown was concussed and is in the protocol, there's absolutely no way that Duracell (or anyone) can know that. It's all about the process and how Brown responds. Comments like Duracell's are just plain ignorant and irresponsible.
I don't understand the hate on the second flag. What are we just okay with players getting into physical confrontations with COACHES now? You do that, next thing you're gonna have is some football version of Pedro Martinez throwing old man Zimmer down.
If that coach is where he's supposed to be no flag is thrown. Steelers, if anyone, should have been flagged for him being on the field.

Good thing Dean Blandino is around to help for these playoff games too.

Love how Burfict is a thug but Shazier is Man of the year. #### all of you.
I think Shazier gets fined, but he was tackling a runner in a a live game play. There is no penalty for helmet to helmet on a runner. His sideline actions clearly show he is a thug and a doosh, but it was legal. Burfict took Brown's head off after the play was done, clearly incomplete and that is a personal foul on a defenseless receiver. Hence the penalty. Both were correct calls by the refs, pure and simple.
I may have been a tad not-sober last night. What did Shazier do on the sideline?

Has anyone seen news on how Antonio Brown is doing after that dirty hit?
Garry Duracell reported that he's "fine" and will be "good to go next week." We'll see, I'm sure the doctors will have something to say about that.
If (focus on if) Brown was concussed and is in the protocol, there's absolutely no way that Duracell (or anyone) can know that. It's all about the process and how Brown responds. Comments like Duracell's are just plain ignorant and irresponsible.
Is Duracell related to former Tigers great Al Kaline?

Focusing on officiating itself, last night showed again how stupid it is to have all-star crews in the playoffs. Leave crews that have worked together all season together for the playoffs, FFS!! By mixing and matching the best from different crews, you put yourself in a situation where officials from different crews might handle games like this in different manners, and all of a sudden you've got a thrown-together crew unsure of how to properly handle escalating issues in a game because they aren't used to working with another and can't be sure if they are all on the same page. It boggles the mind.
Good point, but the idea of having any official change the outcome of a game with a personal foul like the one on Jones to end the game is not healthy for the sport.
Perhaps not, but that's the fault of Adam Jones, no? No, Joey Porter shouldn't have been on the field and allegedly cursing at them like that, but given the situation, Jones has to be smarter than that and not react. He didn't, he forced the official to throw the flag, and look what happened.
Agreed. Jones absolutely lost his mind and gave the refs an opportunity to make a 50 yd FG a 35 yd FG. Regardless of Jones idiotic response it should have been offsetting penalties. Porter is not allowed on the field, was not checking on Brown and was in the Bengals huddle giving lip service. The Bengals imploded but the officiating all night was horrendous.
At some point you have to just end the thought on the Bengals imploding because that's the overwhelming reason they lost last night, not the refs.

Burfick's hit changes the complexion of the playoffs...likely causing NE to lose in Denver rather than playing pitt for the afc championship in foxboro. That headhunting not only preserved the bengsls curse but also cost the NFL a lot of money.

Assuming you meant that Cincy would have won, how exactly was NE was going to end up playing Pittsburgh ANYWHERE???

Steeler fan here. That had to be the craziest 4th quarter I've ever seen in my life. Just wanted to comment on AB. The hit was bad and I'm sure he was hurting a bit, but I do think he milked it a bit to ensure the call. Just my opinion when looking at the replay multiple times. AB is one of the toughest players in the league. I've never seen him hurt, and he's taken some crazy hits throughout his career.
Head injuries are a whole nother animal. It doesn't really matter how "tough" you are.

Has anyone seen news on how Antonio Brown is doing after that dirty hit?
Garry Duracell reported that he's "fine" and will be "good to go next week." We'll see, I'm sure the doctors will have something to say about that.
If (focus on if) Brown was concussed and is in the protocol, there's absolutely no way that Duracell (or anyone) can know that. It's all about the process and how Brown responds. Comments like Duracell's are just plain ignorant and irresponsible.
That's it, he's Duracell from now on. No going back.

WTF was Joey Porter doing out in the middle of all the Bengals?

inducing a game winning 15 yard penalty i suppose...
How did he induce Jones to grab the Ref?

looked to me like he grabbed Porter, bumping the Ref as he did. He clearly wasn't going after the Ref
I can't go back and watch it, but almost positive he grabbed the Ref
I watched it about 5 times and didn't see that, but the camera angles were crappy so idk...

in any case, if porter isn't on the field, there's no penalty, so that is how he induced it
Yea, I swear I saw that on one of the replays. Even my wife spoke up and said something about him grabbing the ref. But who knows, it's late and we're old.
Just saw the replay on ESPN...he in no way grabbed the ref. He did give Porter a shove :shrug:
I watched it again this morning (Sober)

You are correct. He didn't pull the Ref, he lunged through the refs to push Porter. Ref #82 was backing up trying to push Jones out of there, not being pulled. My bad.

That said, if Jones keeps his stupid nose out of it, nothing is called. A coach can be on the field checking on an injured player, Porter was doing that. He probably did shoot his mouth off, but with the game on the line players have to be smart. Jones was not, nor has he ever been smart.

Total blame goes to Pac Man

Not really the point but I'm fairly certain you're wrong that an assistant can come out and check on an injured player, even if we pretend that's what he was doing.

"Unconsciousable" huh?
Seems like proper use to me. Look at people freaking out of Burfict's hit. A couple of decades ago that's called a great play. I remember with LBs were lauded for destroying WRs going over the middle. But no, we get proof of an increased risk of future mental problems that we've been dealing with fine forever and that somehow changes everything.
Really? Tell Mike Webster's family that.

Not really the point but I'm fairly certain you're wrong that an assistant can come out and check on an injured player, even if we pretend that's what he was doing.
It may not be allowed, but it's never actually policed. It happens all the time in any rank of football. So it comes back to the league not enforcing their own rules. This is on them as much as it is Pacman not controlling himself.

ARTICLE 8. NON-PLAYER PERSONNEL. Non-player personnel of a club (e.g., management personnel, coaches, trainers, equipment men) are prohibited from making unnecessary physical contact with or directing abusive, threatening, or insulting language or gestures at opponents, game officials, or representatives of the League.

Does anyone think Porter did NOT break this bolded part of this rule prior to Jones getting flagged?
Not a chance. Didn't Porter getting fined multiple times for dirty hits as a player? Now he's on the field jabbering as a coach. What a loser. Yet refs standing there and do nothing.Eta:Maybe Harrison I'm thinking about.
Back in the day, I recall Joey chasing the Ravens team bus pulling away from Heinz Field looking to call out Ray Lewis for a fight. Is that a real and accurate memory?
Yes, one my good friends was a teammate and still close to Peazy. He followed him out of the locker room as he charged and boarded the Ravens bus and challenged Ray to get off the bus.

Porter would throw down with anybody, anytime. Hopefully he's gotten smarter about that as a coach. Seemed to work not swinging this time.

Can we all stop pretending that Porter had any intentions of checking on Brown? He was on the other side of the field where Bengals players were talking to a ref. He had a plan, knew what he was doing and executed it perfectly. Did nobody see the Steelers player jump like a kindergartener when the flag flew? They knew exactly what they were doing.

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A coach can be on the field checking on an injured player, Porter was doing that.
At the beginning yes, but by the time the incident occurred Brown was up and a few steps from reaching the sideline while Porter was still out at midfield with his back to Brown. He wasn't staying out there because he was checking on Brown.

Godsbrother, on 10 Jan 2016 - 11:20 AM, said:Godsbrother, on 10 Jan 2016 - 11:20 AM, said:Absolutely one of the craziest endings to a game that I've ever seen. Thoroughly loved it.
What are people complaining about? Best..most entertaining game I have watched all season. This game had it all..bad weather, big hits, turnovers, coaching blunders, personal fouls by players and coaches, chaos, Loved it!!

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Can we all stop pretending that Porter had any intentions of checking on Brown? He was on the other side of the field where Bengals players were talking to a ref. He had a plan, knew what he was doing and executed it perfectly. Did nobody see the Steelers player jump like a kindergartener when the flag flew? They knew exactly what they were doing.
playing the Bengals like a fiddle :violin:

Burfict is a bad dude all around. Dirty player, acts like a huge ###, no composure, tries to hurt guys, etc.

Also is a hell of a player. Almost won that game by himself.

Godsbrother, on 10 Jan 2016 - 11:20 AM, said:Godsbrother, on 10 Jan 2016 - 11:20 AM, said:

Absolutely one of the craziest endings to a game that I've ever seen. Thoroughly loved it.
What are people complaining about? Best..most entertaining game I have watched all season. This game had it all..bad weather, big hits, turnovers, coaching blunders, personal fouls by players and coaches, chaos, Loved it!!
I thought it was ugly football. McCarron was ineffective for most of the game, over 200 yards of penalties, undisciplined play, thuggery. May be entertaining to some but I thought it was disgraceful.

Normally coaches aren't allowed on the field but Porter was because of the serious nature of the injury to Antonio Brown.
Is he part of the medical staff? When players get injured by dirty hits is exactly the time you don't want coaches on the field. I would think there will be some type of rule passed to keep coaches on the sideline going forward.

Deion Sanders losing his mind with all sorts of foolishness defending Burfict on the NFL Network. That man is letting the limelight fry his brain.
Agreed. I watched him debate LaDainian Tomlinson on the Burfict hit. I thought Prime was going sub-prime. His point though seemed more critical of the rule. LT2 was arguing that the rule was properly enforced. Prime was trying to argue what may have been Burfict's intent. Seemed Prime was missing the point. Relatedly, they interviewed Deebo in the stadium bowels headed for the stadium exit and he said that it is a bad rule but a rule nonetheless of which was enforced on him and others.
I think Deion was arguing more than the rule or even intent (which we could spend all day going back and forth on, to nobody's satisfaction) when he said (and I paraphrase): "if Burfict wanted to knock Brown out, he would've..." It's like he wasn't even aware of what happened to Brown on the field, and he was quite effectively blowing up his own argument. It was comical and sad. I saw the Harrison interview as well, he made more sense than Sanders. But he is every bit as biased for the defense.

Has anyone seen news on how Antonio Brown is doing after that dirty hit?
Garry Duracell reported that he's "fine" and will be "good to go next week." We'll see, I'm sure the doctors will have something to say about that.
If (focus on if) Brown was concussed and is in the protocol, there's absolutely no way that Duracell (or anyone) can know that. It's all about the process and how Brown responds. Comments like Duracell's are just plain ignorant and irresponsible.
That's it, he's Duracell from now on. No going back.
Apologies, as I'm on the west coast and have no idea who this guy is. I was just commenting on the ridiculousness of his assessment.
Has anyone seen news on how Antonio Brown is doing after that dirty hit?
Garry Duracell reported that he's "fine" and will be "good to go next week." We'll see, I'm sure the doctors will have something to say about that.
If (focus on if) Brown was concussed and is in the protocol, there's absolutely no way that Duracell (or anyone) can know that. It's all about the process and how Brown responds. Comments like Duracell's are just plain ignorant and irresponsible.
Is Duracell related to former Tigers great Al Kaline?
Solid. :)
I don't understand the hate on the second flag. What are we just okay with players getting into physical confrontations with COACHES now? You do that, next thing you're gonna have is some football version of Pedro Martinez throwing old man Zimmer down.
It should have been offsetting ​IMO, assistant coaches do not belong on the field to begin with. I see rule changes coming.
Apparently there already is a rule that says coaches can't go on the field for injury timeouts Rule 13 Article 2. Of course the rule was never enforced. Schefter is saying Porter will be fined for his conduct. Once again the refs spit the bit in a big moment.

A coach can be on the field checking on an injured player, Porter was doing that.
At the beginning yes, but by the time the incident occurred Brown was up and a few steps from reaching the sideline while Porter was still out at midfield with his back to Brown. He wasn't staying out there because he was checking on Brown.
I agree with you. But Jones needs to keep his head, it's that simple.

ARTICLE 8. NON-PLAYER PERSONNEL. Non-player personnel of a club (e.g., management personnel, coaches, trainers, equipment men) are prohibited from making unnecessary physical contact with or directing abusive, threatening, or insulting language or gestures at opponents, game officials, or representatives of the League.

Does anyone think Porter did NOT break this bolded part of this rule prior to Jones getting flagged?
Not a chance. Didn't Porter getting fined multiple times for dirty hits as a player? Now he's on the field jabbering as a coach. What a loser. Yet refs standing there and do nothing.Eta:Maybe Harrison I'm thinking about.
Back in the day, I recall Joey chasing the Ravens team bus pulling away from Heinz Field looking to call out Ray Lewis for a fight. Is that a real and accurate memory?
Probably. It sounds like something Porter would have done. I love Porter because he played at Colorado State, but he lost his #### all the time.

James Harrison was asked about the Burfict hit : they told me in new York when I had to visit that it's an illegal hit. I don't agree with it but that's what they told me.

Yep. Made me smile too.
Classic quote. If that was spur of the moment, more power to him. Sounds like something he'd been preparing to say for some time. It's so damn clever.

Has anyone seen news on how Antonio Brown is doing after that dirty hit?
Garry Duracell reported that he's "fine" and will be "good to go next week." We'll see, I'm sure the doctors will have something to say about that.
If (focus on if) Brown was concussed and is in the protocol, there's absolutely no way that Duracell (or anyone) can know that. It's all about the process and how Brown responds. Comments like Duracell's are just plain ignorant and irresponsible.
That's it, he's Duracell from now on. No going back.
Apologies, as I'm on the west coast and have no idea who this guy is. I was just commenting on the ridiculousness of his assessment.
No apology needed. Just having fun with it.

I posted this in the God dumping on Bengals thread, thought it was appropriate. Note that this was from last year, so nothing in there about him taking out Le'Veon Bell for the year or anything else he did. I remember the Panthers game and he is a complete and utter tool and after that, I am 100% sure that he had full intent to hurt Brown. He's done it before and he'll do it again. I hope he'll get suspended for a long time.


No doubt about it. Based on his past, see TZM's post, he's done the intentional try to injure players before. Here's an article about Burfict getting fined for twisting the ankles of Olsen and Newton: LINK

ETA: Read that link. It talks about his illegal hits/fines from 2013 as well. Odell is an #######, but Burfict is someone who shouldn't be playing in the NFL.

ETA2: Check this text from the article. Absolutely perfect:

Even though Burfict was not penalized during the game, this isn't the kind of reputation he wants to have in a league committed to safety now more than ever. He's painting himself in a bad light, and if he keeps it up, it's going to lead to him being suspended and hurting his own team
I don't understand the hate on the second flag. What are we just okay with players getting into physical confrontations with COACHES now? You do that, next thing you're gonna have is some football version of Pedro Martinez throwing old man Zimmer down.
When they let everything go up to that point, that is a terrible time to throw a flag. Decided the game.

I don't understand the hate on the second flag. What are we just okay with players getting into physical confrontations with COACHES now? You do that, next thing you're gonna have is some football version of Pedro Martinez throwing old man Zimmer down.
When they let everything go up to that point, that is a terrible time to throw a flag. Decided the game.
Agree. They could have thrown a PF flag 15 times prior but threw it to decide the game. Doesn't make any sense

Burfick's hit changes the complexion of the playoffs...likely causing NE to lose in Denver rather than playing pitt for the afc championship in foxboro. That headhunting not only preserved the bengsls curse but also cost the NFL a lot of money.

Assuming you meant that Cincy would have won, how exactly was NE was going to end up playing Pittsburgh ANYWHERE???
I'm pretty sure he's saying that without Burfict's headhunting, Brown isn't in the concussion protocol, and Pitt is better equipped to win in Denver and then head to New England for the AFCCG assuming that Pats beat the Chiefs. Of course he fails to realize, as you have pointed out, that without Burfict's headhunting, Pitt more than likely would have lost...

I don't understand the hate on the second flag. What are we just okay with players getting into physical confrontations with COACHES now? You do that, next thing you're gonna have is some football version of Pedro Martinez throwing old man Zimmer down.
It should have been offsetting ​IMO, assistant coaches do not belong on the field to begin with. I see rule changes coming.
Apparently there already is a rule that says coaches can't go on the field for injury timeouts Rule 13 Article 2. Of course the rule was never enforced. Schefter is saying Porter will be fined for his conduct. Once again the refs spit the bit in a big moment.
So Porter should've been flagged as well.

Not exactly the first time a Steelers coach has inappropriately involved himself in the field of play. He should be suspended, not fined. That is inexcusable and it is a damn shame that the refs penalized Packman instead of Porter.

I posted this in the God dumping on Bengals thread, thought it was appropriate. Note that this was from last year, so nothing in there about him taking out Le'Veon Bell for the year or anything else he did. I remember the Panthers game and he is a complete and utter tool and after that, I am 100% sure that he had full intent to hurt Brown. He's done it before and he'll do it again. I hope he'll get suspended for a long time.


No doubt about it. Based on his past, see TZM's post, he's done the intentional try to injure players before. Here's an article about Burfict getting fined for twisting the ankles of Olsen and Newton: LINK

ETA: Read that link. It talks about his illegal hits/fines from 2013 as well. Odell is an #######, but Burfict is someone who shouldn't be playing in the NFL.

ETA2: Check this text from the article. Absolutely perfect:

Even though Burfict was not penalized during the game, this isn't the kind of reputation he wants to have in a league committed to safety now more than ever. He's painting himself in a bad light, and if he keeps it up, it's going to lead to him being suspended and hurting his own team
They suspend guys for off the field stuff all the time, suspend guys like Haynesworth and Suh for on field stuff, they should certainly be suspending Burfict with his history.

The big question is if you pull Burfict back in from the verge of insanity is he still one of the best players in the NFL? I honestly don't know the answer.

I posted this in the God dumping on Bengals thread, thought it was appropriate. Note that this was from last year, so nothing in there about him taking out Le'Veon Bell for the year or anything else he did. I remember the Panthers game and he is a complete and utter tool and after that, I am 100% sure that he had full intent to hurt Brown. He's done it before and he'll do it again. I hope he'll get suspended for a long time.


No doubt about it. Based on his past, see TZM's post, he's done the intentional try to injure players before. Here's an article about Burfict getting fined for twisting the ankles of Olsen and Newton: LINK

ETA: Read that link. It talks about his illegal hits/fines from 2013 as well. Odell is an #######, but Burfict is someone who shouldn't be playing in the NFL.

ETA2: Check this text from the article. Absolutely perfect:

Even though Burfict was not penalized during the game, this isn't the kind of reputation he wants to have in a league committed to safety now more than ever. He's painting himself in a bad light, and if he keeps it up, it's going to lead to him being suspended and hurting his own team
They suspend guys for off the field stuff all the time, suspend guys like Haynesworth and Suh for on field stuff, they should certainly be suspending Burfict with his history.
After realizing this **** was the guy who tried to twist Olsen and Newton's ankles (clear after the play crap), it warms my heart that he is responsible for the Bengals not winning their first playoff game in 25 years.

The big question is if you pull Burfict back in from the verge of insanity is he still one of the best players in the NFL? I honestly don't know the answer.
Good question. Probably not. Just like when he sacked BR, that was sheer will inspired by his own teammate having been knocked out on a dirty hit the previous series, he wasn't going to be denied. It was a clean hit but he definitely wanted it to hurt and made sure it did. He toes the line at times and then loses his head and blows right past it. I don't think he's great if he's not toeing that line. I don't think he can toe the line without losing his head and getting out of control based on game circumstances.

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