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The Trump Years- Every day something more shocking than the last! (7 Viewers)

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Dems didn't show up because they didn't think Trump had a shot.

They will show up in 2020.  He is toast.  The dem candidate won't even matter.
I think this is probably true (even taking into account that incumbents historically have a sizeable advantage) — as long as it’s not Clinton again. I also think the Democrats are very strong favorites to take back the House in November. The last betting odds I saw put it at around a 60% chance, but I’d feel very comfortable laying 2-3 odds on it (i.e., I think there’s a substantially better chance than 60%).

The Senate seems like a long shot, but not impossible.

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"They are a foe when it comes to trade" is still a terrible thing to say.
It’s uninformed. Ford competes with Tesla, so they might be foes of each other in some respects, but neither are foes of American consumers. Similarly, Toyota and Mercedes-Benz may also be foes of Ford and Tesla, but they are obviously not foes of American consumers. When it comes to trade, the only foes of American consumers are tariff-wielding politicians.

Well, I think we have a lot of foes. I think the European Union is a foe, what they do to us in trade. Now, you wouldn't think of the European Union, but they're a foe. Russia is foe in certain respects. China is a foe economically, certainly they are a foe. But that doesn't mean they are bad. It doesn't mean anything. It means that they are competitive," Mr. Trump said at his golf club in Turnberry, Scotland. 
Thanks for posting the whole thing, that's important.

But I don't think it helps much. Trump can't distinguish between adversaries, allies, enemies, foes, competitors, whatever.

The conference is being held in an EU nation, Finland. Maybe he should leave as soon as this thing as over, no sense being so close to a foe.

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"They are a foe when it comes to trade" is still a terrible thing to say.
It’s uninformed. Ford competes with Tesla, so they might be foes of each other in some respects, but neither are foes of American consumers. Similarly, Toyota and Mercedes-Benz may also be foes of Ford and Tesla, but they are obviously not foes of American consumers. When it comes to trade, the only foes of American consumers are tariff-wielding politicians.
Trump called the EU a "foe" because he thought the trade deals were bad. Therefore, he's implying that whoever created those trade deals were also "foes".

Well, those trade deals were negotiated by Americans (both Republican and Democrat).

If you don't like the deals, that's fine. But don't sit there are tell us that they were created by America's enemies, because they were created BY AMERICANS.

They haven't thought that far ahead. It's enough for them to lash out at things they don't understand and/or are inconvenient in relation to things they want to believe. They engage in magical thinking to a significant degree, in their world consequences don't exist or will be resolved miraculously. Neither outcome is true, though it may seem so to them as rational folks take care of problems for them. So too with the current trumpertantrum. They'll be marginalized and worked around. The only reason they have any sway now is because there's a ton of money to be made by manipulating them and taking advantage of their credulity.
This is exactly right. I was thinking about this earlier. In this theater of the absurd it's as if these people do not recognize the potential-even likelihood-of real world, long lasting, disastrous consequences. You're totally right about the magical thinking. We've seen it here over the last few years with the repeated mantra "it's ok, everything will be alright, go outside and enjoy life, bleh bleh bleh". They don't get it. Hell, it's not too far fetched to think that in 10 years two of the major world powers could be essentially functioning under organized crime models. It's fascinating. 

Someone posted an article a few weeks ago about Trump's negotiating style: it's all zero-sum.  That is, there's always a winner and a loser.  If he isn't screwing you, you are screwing him.  Therefore, in the name of winning, he screws everyone he can, as much as he can.  Tradesmen working in his casinos, his workers, and now foreign countries.

The problem is that international deplomacy doesn't work that way. We need partners, not foes.  We need deals that help both sides, not help one at the expense of the other.  We can't just go find another EU like Trump can find another carpenter.

The EU and China used to be referred to, economically, as trade partners.  If Trump viewed EU as partners and not foes, he would work to find solutions that help both sides.  That's what we need.  This is pretty basic stuff, bit I don't think Trump is capable of understanding.

Dems didn't show up because they didn't think Trump had a shot.

They will show up in 2020.  He is toast.  The dem candidate won't even matter.

Vote?  Dems are itching to take to the streets and shut it all down.
The thing the Trump side overlooks is that he got the pro Trump vote and the anti Hillary and still didn't get 50% of the vote.  The anti Hillary vote is not going to be there in 2020.

From a Q and A with Seth Abramson today:

Q- Is all this not clear evidence that the older, rich, white Republican establishment has written off America as forever demographically-gone and are cashing out in a cynical grab while they can? How else to explain the wilful destruction of American norms and institutions?

A- You have described this correctly—the GOP and its top donors have fundamentally given up on the American experiment. Their betrayal of America is not a quirk of the present but a feature of the future their words and actions promise us.

It’s frightening how entrenched Trump supporters are in thier blind support of him.  The are every bit as entrenched as anti-Trumpers are.  I mean absolutely nothing moves the needle with the Trump crowd (and Gary Johnson voters).  It’s really unlike anything I’ve ever seen, and quite scary

It’s frightening how entrenched Trump supporters are in thier blind support of him.  The are every bit as entrenched as anti-Trumpers are.  I mean absolutely nothing moves the needle with the Trump crowd (and Gary Johnson voters).  It’s really unlike anything I’ve ever seen, and quite scary
The only thing I've seen that caused Trumpers to jump off the bandwagon was when he talked about maybe giving the DACA kids a path to citizenship.

I saw quite a few Trumpers really pissed about this and ready to go HAM on him.

I wonder why that was?

It’s frightening how entrenched Trump supporters are in thier blind support of him.  The are every bit as entrenched as anti-Trumpers are.  I mean absolutely nothing moves the needle with the Trump crowd (and Gary Johnson voters).  It’s really unlike anything I’ve ever seen, and quite scary
Well to be fair, Trump is killing it and there has been nothing he has done to merrit not supporting him.

Well to be fair, Trump is killing it and there has been nothing he has done to merrit not supporting him.
If by killing it you mean...

-Killing our relationships with our allies

-Killing American credibility by lying at every opportunity

-Killing the future economy but adding crippling debt to give the wealthy a tax break

-Killing the environment 

-And on and on and on

then yes he is certainly killing it  

If by killing it you mean...

-Killing our relationships with our allies

-Killing American credibility by lying at every opportunity

-Killing the future economy but adding crippling debt to give the wealthy a tax break

-Killing the environment 

-And on and on and on

then yes he is certainly killing it  
I reject that he is killing relationships with allies, perhaps you prefer the Obama apology tours.  No thanks.

All politicians lie.   :shrug:

Killing future economy.  :lmao: . Economists predict GDP growth of 4% 2nd half this year.  Economy is humming with Trump.  Nice try.

How exactly is Trump killing the environment?

I reject that he is killing relationships with allies, perhaps you prefer the Obama apology tours.  No thanks.

All politicians lie.   :shrug:

Killing future economy.  :lmao: . Economists predict GDP growth of 4% 2nd half this year.  Economy is humming with Trump.  Nice try.

How exactly is Trump killing the environment?
Yeah well, thanks but not going round on this merry go round again. Please refer to my original post you replied too. I know no matter what I say or proof I provide the needle will move exactly zero.   

I reject that he is killing relationships with allies, perhaps you prefer the Obama apology tours.  No thanks.

All politicians lie.   :shrug:

Killing future economy.  :lmao: . Economists predict GDP growth of 4% 2nd half this year.
1. Trump giving concessions to our adversaries (Saudis, Russians, Chinese, North Korea) >>>>>>>>> any "apology" Obama ever gave.

2. The CBO projects an average GDP of 1.9% and even these guys only project 3.6% for the rest of 2018. Official 1st Quarter number was 2.0, which is alarmingly low and unprecedented during a tax cut. (Hey, remember when you guys said Obama should be thrown out of office because the GDP was "only" 2.7%? Good times, good times.)

I reject that he is killing relationships with allies, perhaps you prefer the Obama apology tours.  No thanks.

All politicians lie.   :shrug:

Killing future economy.  :lmao: . Economists predict GDP growth of 4% 2nd half this year.  Economy is humming with Trump.  Nice try.

How exactly is Trump killing the environment?
-This President has the lowest International approval of all Presidents since they have been keeping track

-Politicians lie but no one ever came close to fabricating lies daily like Trump

-2 years ago I bet  a liberal friend of mine that the GDP growth would grow at 4% plus a year but I now realize that I was  completely wrong...I did not think he would start a trade war such as this. Economists know full well how they backfire and destroy economic growth. A farm economy that has been struggling for 4-5 years has been stabbed in the back by this traitor and made much worse

-one of the reasons I thought tbe economy would grow was he would back off on excessive over reaching EPA regulations but he has gone way too far

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-This President has the lowest International approval of all Presidents since they have been keeping track

-Politicians lie but no one ever came close to fabricating lies daily like Trump

-2 years ago I bet  a liberal friend of mine that the GDP growth would grow at 4% plus a year but I now realize that I was  completely wrong...I did not think he would start a trade war such as this. Economists know full well how they backfire and destroy economic growth. A farm economy that has been struggling for 4-5 years has been stabbed in the back by this traitor and made much worse

-one of the reasons I thought tbe economy would grow was he would back off on excessive over reaching EPA regulations but he has gone way too far
“Over reaching” epa regulations weren’t  just put in place to be jerks and stifle business and growth. Typically it’s because there has been something we’ve been doing that has an effect on our air/water and then is regulated to cut down/stop/reverse the damage already done. At one point it was pretty standard practice to dump this stuff in the river or bury those barrels over there. 

Chances are rolling back epa regulations will have zero effect on your personal pocketbook outside of corporate investments. It can absolutely impact your health though. 

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Our intelligence communities can’t be trusted, our scientists researching climate change can’t be trusted, yet Putin says he didn’t hack the election so let’s believe that. And so many of you just agree with it and I can’t for the life of me understand why. Think for yourself, read something that isn’t put out by a politically leaning news outlet, like an actual study, 

Our intelligence communities can’t be trusted, our scientists researching climate change can’t be trusted, yet Putin says he didn’t hack the election so let’s believe that. And so many of you just agree with it and I can’t for the life of me understand why. Think for yourself, read something that isn’t put out by a politically leaning news outlet, like an actual study, 
I agree.  And these aren't dumb people, nor are they all rich (and therefore benefitting).  I don't understand it.  

Uncle Beaker said:
I reject that he is killing relationships with allies, perhaps you prefer the Obama apology tours.  No thanks.

All politicians lie.   :shrug:

Killing future economy.  :lmao: . Economists predict GDP growth of 4% 2nd half this year.  Economy is humming with Trump.  Nice try.

How exactly is Trump killing the environment?

 real wages, or wage growth in relation to inflation, decreased by 1.8% from the 1st quarter, which PayScale said is the biggest decline in seven years. Results show that employees are earning 1.4% less than they did a year ago because of the fast-rising Consumer Price Index (CPI).   

Snorkelson said:
“Over reaching” epa regulations weren’t  just put in place to be jerks and stifle business and growth. Typically it’s because there has been something we’ve been doing that has an effect on our air/water and then is regulated to cut down/stop/reverse the damage already done. At one point it was pretty standard practice to dump this stuff in the river or bury those barrels over there. 

Chances are rolling back epa regulations will have zero effect on your personal pocketbook outside of corporate investments. It can absolutely impact your health though. 
Right. The idea of conservation dates back to GOP President Teddy Roosevelt in an effort to protect American resources from overzealous business that was willing to use and destroy resources for profit. From there out both Democratic and Republican politicians worked with scientists to improve the health of the country and it's resources. Nixon and then Bush signed the Clean Air Act. Bush considered it one of his crowning achievements. Reducing pollution and protecting our land, air and water from profiteers was never a partisan issue. What changed in the last 5-10 years? 

Snorkelson said:
“Over reaching” epa regulations weren’t  just put in place to be jerks and stifle business and growth. Typically it’s because there has been something we’ve been doing that has an effect on our air/water and then is regulated to cut down/stop/reverse the damage already done. At one point it was pretty standard practice to dump this stuff in the river or bury those barrels over there. 

Chances are rolling back epa regulations will have zero effect on your personal pocketbook outside of corporate investments. It can absolutely impact your health though. 
One example (Epa likely to lose in court) of ovee reach was the Waters of the US. Origunally it was tha "navigable" waters of the US which had regulations regarding farming practices near rivers and lakes. A good regulation in my opinión. The Epa removed the "navigable wording  to include any water even watdr that occurs when you get heavy rains and the water is only there for a day or so. Heck after 10 inches of rain this summer 1/2 my farm land was underwater.

One example (Epa likely to lose in court) of ovee reach was the Waters of the US. Origunally it was tha "navigable" waters of the US which had regulations regarding farming practices near rivers and lakes. A good regulation in my opinión. The Epa removed the "navigable wording  to include any water even watdr that occurs when you get heavy rains and the water is only there for a day or so. Heck after 10 inches of rain this summer 1/2 my farm land was underwater.
I certainly am not informed enough to make high level decisions about what is and isn't good for the environment as it pertains to our water. EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers spent a lot of time researching it. I don't know about your particular farm land, but water does seep into the ground, connects to larger water supplies, etc. It is possible for pollutants travel with that floodwater and end up in a larger body of water. 

The problem isn't that Trump kneels before Putin. It's been obvious for a very long time why that occurs and it clearly will never stop.

The problem remains that Trump isn't the only one kneeling. The GOP is on its knees as well. And that is damaging our country in ways it could take decades to repair.

The problem isn't that Trump kneels before Putin. It's been obvious for a very long time why that occurs and it clearly will never stop.

The problem remains that Trump isn't the only one kneeling. The GOP is on its knees as well. And that is damaging our country in ways it could take decades to repair.
That part does surprise me. I didn't think the GOP and it's supporters would be so comfortable with it all.

I certainly am not informed enough to make high level decisions about what is and isn't good for the environment as it pertains to our water. EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers spent a lot of time researching it. I don't know about your particular farm land, but water does seep into the ground, connects to larger water supplies, etc. It is possible for pollutants travel with that floodwater and end up in a larger body of water. 
I recall a study done way back in the mid 80's by I believe the Mn pollution Control Agency where the y monitored a river just a little upstream from a city for pesticides and fertilizer runoff and one below the city. ( sorry no link that I can find) where it revealed considerably more pollutants downstream from the city. Homeowners fertilizing their lawns and spraying their lawns and gardens with simple less accurate equipment than high priced monitors the farmers use are more likely to get excess amounts applied as they are not worried about the bottom line as much as businessperson. Runoff from detergents, hair spray (actually a pesticide) etc. causes considerable pollution.

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The problem isn't that Trump kneels before Putin. It's been obvious for a very long time why that occurs and it clearly will never stop.

The problem remains that Trump isn't the only one kneeling. The GOP is on its knees as well. And that is damaging our country in ways it could take decades to repair.
Couldn’t agree more. Trump isn’t the problem for me, he is who we thought he is. But the GOP being so spineless is massively disappointing. 

Joe Walsh‏Verified  @WalshFreedom

Look, I'm no big deal, but today is the final straw for me. I will never support Trump again. If that makes me a NeverTrumper, so be it. I am a tea party conservative, that will never change. But Trump was a traitor to this country today. That must not be accepted. Speak out.

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