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The Trump Years- Every day something more shocking than the last! (5 Viewers)

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Here's the thing Joe - you are a good, honest, decent person and knowing what we know of you there is no doubt that most of your friends and acquaintances are the same.  You most likely wouldn't be friends with people who like this video and to be fair, I doubt there's a large percent who do.
You're kind @AAABatteries Thank you. I constantly rail on the bubble I feel like my suburban white christian friends live in. I get kind of smug about how I "get" the real world better than they do. But I may be guilty myself of being in the bubble with mostly kind and thoughtful friends who all vote Republican and thinking they're more indicative of the mainstream than they actually are. It's a good question to ask myself I think. 

You're kind @AAABatteries Thank you. I constantly rail on the bubble I feel like my suburban white christian friends live in. I get kind of smug about how I "get" the real world better than they do. But I may be guilty myself of being in the bubble with mostly kind and thoughtful friends who all vote Republican and thinking they're more indicative of the mainstream than they actually are. It's a good question to ask myself I think. 
All of us live in our own bubble - some are smaller than others but make no mistake, nobody knows what it's like to be all things.  We make generalizations and assumptions based on our personal experiences - some are right, some are wrong but we all do it. 

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If you are disgusted with the Kathy Griffin "beheading" AND you are disgusted by this video then good for you we need more people like you.  The problem is in today's society most of the people who support Griffith as "parody" are screaming bloody murder right now pardon the pun.  Most of the people who are just saying "it is a joke lighten up" wanted Kathy dead and/or in jail. 

It just depends on what "team" you are on.  Welcome to the new America

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A little more. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/13/us/politics/trump-video.html?module=inline

A person who attended the conference last week took a video of the clip on his phone and had an intermediary send it to a reporter for The Times. Parts of the video were posted on YouTube in 2018 by a user with a history of creating pro-Trump mash-ups.

The organizer of the event said in a statement on Sunday that the clip had been played at the conference, saying it was part of a “meme exhibit.” He denounced the video and said his organization was looking into how it was shown at the event.

“Content was submitted by third parties and was not associated with or endorsed by the conference in any official capacity,” said the organizer, Alex Phillips. “American Priority rejects all political violence and aims to promote a healthy dialogue about the preservation of free speech. This matter is under review.”

A little more. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/13/us/politics/trump-video.html?module=inline

A person who attended the conference last week took a video of the clip on his phone and had an intermediary send it to a reporter for The Times. Parts of the video were posted on YouTube in 2018 by a user with a history of creating pro-Trump mash-ups.

The organizer of the event said in a statement on Sunday that the clip had been played at the conference, saying it was part of a “meme exhibit.” He denounced the video and said his organization was looking into how it was shown at the event.

“Content was submitted by third parties and was not associated with or endorsed by the conference in any official capacity,” said the organizer, Alex Phillips. “American Priority rejects all political violence and aims to promote a healthy dialogue about the preservation of free speech. This matter is under review.”
Maybe this is a minor quibble in the grand scheme of things, but Phillips' quote does not sound like much of a "denouncement" to me.

"content was not officially endorsed" is a neutral statement at best.

"American Priority rejects all political violence" is a vague deflection. If he truly believes that the video contains political violence, why doesn't he come out and say exactly that? This quote is similar to Trump's quotes about Charlottesville, where he off-handedly condemned "the neo-Nazis" while simultaneously supporting other alt-right marchers.

"American Priority aims to promote a healthy dialogue about the preservation of free speech". Wait, is he talking about preserving the rights of people to speak out against President, or is he talking about preserving the rights of people to create videos that glorify murder? He's laying the groundwork for a "both sides" equivalency here.

Natasha Bertrand


NEW: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been hosting secretive talks & off-the-record dinners with conservative influencers in recent months to discuss free speech and partnerships. Among the participants: Tucker Carlson & Lindsey Graham. scoop w/@dlippman
Foxbook. Actually pretty terrifying.

Being a Christian leader means loving not just your Muslim friends, but all Muslims.  

I'm so tried of the republican party using Christianity as a way to attack others.  
As am I. I'd like to tell them to follow the teachings of Jesus like they mean it, but they'd probably try to get Him deported for having a foreign sounding name.

Natasha Bertrand


NEW: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been hosting secretive talks & off-the-record dinners with conservative influencers in recent months to discuss free speech and partnerships. Among the participants: Tucker Carlson & Lindsey Graham. scoop w/@dlippman
The gist of the article is they threaten to bust up or otherwise cripple facebook as a monopoly unless he "plays ball". And if he does then cool cool cool. 

Apparently that means being able to post paid lying advertisements and micro target specific populations. 

AKA a mammoth propaganda machine for bad actors.  

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Move along people.  Nothing to see here.

Senior adviser to Pompeo resigns

Michael McKinley, a career diplomat and senior adviser to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, has resigned his position amid rising dissatisfaction and plummeting morale inside the State Department over what is seen as Pompeo’s failure to support personnel ensnared in the Ukraine controversy.

A senior officer who has held a range of diplomatic posts, including ambassador to Afghanistan, Colombia and Peru, McKinley was serving as ambassador to Brazil last year when Pompeo recruited him as a policy adviser and a conduit between his office and the career service.

Pompeo was expected to issue a statement Friday announcing his departure.

McKinley declined to comment Thursday evening.
McKinley is testifying.

Do you have a link to somebody who might have read what scooter wrote and believed it to be an actual quote, and not sarcasm? 
I take quotes pretty seriously. Especially in this day when fake news is a hot topic. Are you saying this was a joke and he quoted Pompeo as saying it when he didn't really say it? 

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I take quotes pretty seriously. Especially in this day when fake news is a hot topic. Are you saying this was a joke and he quoted Pompeo as saying it when he didn't really say it? 
He didn’t quote Pompeo, and I’m saying that nobody should read that and regard it as a comment that somebody actually made. 

He didn’t quote Pompeo, and I’m saying that nobody should read that and regard it as a comment that somebody actually made. 
I'm saying when your response to an article about someone is a quote, it looks like you're quoting the person. 

Who is he quoting?

In a thread where we're rightfully concerned about fake news being spread in Facebook, this is obvious. 

This was your post in response to the Pompeo article. Who is the quote from? 
Fictitious, sarcastic quotes are used all of the time in this forum. Sometimes they are attributed to actual people, sometimes not. In just about every case it’s pretty easy to figure out whether or not it’s an actual quote. 

Fictitious, sarcastic quotes are used all of the time in this forum. Sometimes they are attributed to actual people, sometimes not. In just about every case it’s pretty easy to figure out whether or not it’s an actual quote. 
Don't do that. 

We've been over this repeatedly. If you quote someone, make it accurate. 

I'm saying when your response to an article about someone is a quote, it looks like you're quoting the person. 

Who is he quoting?

In a thread where we're rightfully concerned about fake news being spread in Facebook, this is obvious. 
Even if he had fictitiously quoted Pompeo, the content of the quote would make it obvious that it wasn’t real. There is no danger here that anyone would take it seriously, IMO. 

Fake news? What’s your opinion on someone who frequently claims to have read the Mueller Report yet claims that it says ‘no collusion, no obstruction’? I bet you would scold that poster that did it repeatedly for spreading fake news.
I'd hope we'd all be against fake news. 

If you see it, please report it. 

Fake quotes are an easy one to stop. 

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