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The Trump Years- Every day something more shocking than the last! (5 Viewers)

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To put the story in simplest terms:

1) Russian spies hacked Democratic Party communications in order to help elect Donald Trump.

2) Donald Trump welcomed the help, used it, publicly solicited more of it—and was then elected president of the United States.

3) President Obama sanctioned Russia for its pro-Trump espionage.

4) While Russia considered its response, its ambassador spoke with the national security adviser-designate about the sanctions

5) The adviser, Flynn, reportedly asked Russia not to overreact, signaling that the new administration would review the sanctions; Russia did not respond.

6) As president-elect and then president, Donald Trump has indicated that he seeks to lift precisely those sanctions caused by Russia’s espionage work on his behalf.

The Russian expert recalled that Trump’s polemical decisions have triggered mixed response in American society.

"Trump makes huge political blunders. If the image of the administration making ill-considered decisions, and without consent of the Congress at that, is created in the future, that will make things worse for Trump himself," Garbuzov stressed. He could become an enemy for himself. It will be easy to accuse him of authoritarian ambitions, attempts to solve all problems behind the scenes, without taking into account the opinion of Congress and the American people."

According to Garbuzov, the US president’s opponents will take a stand against him in Congress. "Now all anti-Trump forces will take shape in Congress," the expert noted. "They will try to pack all anti-Russian sanctions into a certain bill and pass it. It is unclear how he will behave - sign it into law or return. If he returns it to Congress, congressmen will easily override his veto. One can state that Trump is already coming to a dead-end in this regard."

"Trump talked a lot about Russia and President Vladimir Putin. However, we cannot do a lot, that’s obvious," Garbuzov added. "Trump’s opponents will continue to encircle him, that’s very logical. While the anti-Trump forces are trying to form a coalition in Congress, the US president shows no intention of forging his own coalition and winning over part of congressmen and senators.".
TASS seems pretty OK that Trump's digging an ever-deeper hole for himself.

Hey Em.  What, that he has actually done, are you actually a fan of?
The travel ban, getting rid of regulations, preparation for building the wall, protecting the Christian church, putting a ban on lobbying after serving office, all kinds of stuff!

Love his Supreme Court Justice pick.

By the way, I don't want to detract in any way from the Flynn discussion, but it seems as if repealing Obamacare is in a whole lot of  trouble and some conservatives are pretty damned unhappy about it: 

Republicans from safe districts want to gut the ACA without replacing it because it won't affect their re-election chances. The rest of the GOP is scared to death of doing that. It's funny watching them go after each other after all being so united that the ACA had to go. Oooops, reality.

The travel ban, getting rid of regulations, preparation for building the wall, protecting the Christian church, putting a ban on lobbying after serving office, all kinds of stuff!

Love his Supreme Court Justice pick.
The travel ban is pretty much toast at this moment and was a colossal failure.

Which regulations?  I'm fine with removing some...being simplistic about and gutting needed financial regulation is not a thing to celebrate.

He protected the Christian church?  Hmm, the constitution already does that.

He extended the ban.  But that is something worth a thumbs up.

and I didn't mind the Gorsuch pick at all either.

Good job not going 0-fer 

KAC is looking more wraithlike every day.  This goes on much longer she's going to go completely translucent, start floating in midair, and show up in A Christmas Carol.

She's a fascist at heart and a terrible liar, but I have to admit I genuinely admire her doggedness and willingness to suffer for the cause.

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