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The Trump Years- Every day something more shocking than the last! (5 Viewers)

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If you are not disputing the vote count, than the vote outcome was not rigged, which means Democratic voters overwhelmingly preferred Hillary. Whatever partisanship DWS showed towards Hillary didn't force these 3.7 more Democrats to cast their votes for Hillary over Bernie.

Trump will have fall guys - Flynn is only the first. Trump's ego is too big to resign. If the Russians have incriminating audio or video, it will always be more valuable for them unreleased. It would be a state secret. 
- I don't think it's video/audio from Russians that Donnie has to worry about right now.

bigbottom said:
I can't imagine having fun being around a self-aggrandizing narcissistic blowhard, unless you're naturally a sycophant. I'm having trouble remembering an example where I saw someone having fun around him. Heck, his wife seems generally miserable when he's around. Does he even have friends?  I never watched Celebrity Apprentice, however, so maybe those people genuinely had fun hanging out with him. 

Now George W.?  I bet he's fun to be around. Bill Clinton is a blast as well I imagine.  Hillary?  I'm guessing she's incredibly painful to be around. Al Gore too. 
Trump doesn't seem to have friends.  He has Melania, the kids, and the kids' spouses.  The Frontline and CNN documentaries that accompany Presidential campaigns and go into the candidates' childhoods and such?  No interviews with childhood friends or college buddies.  They were able to find Hillary's circle of friends from Wellesley, but Trump was all business associates and reporters who covered him.

George W. Bush is supposedly a really funny guy in private life.  David Milch (TV writer, creator of NYPD Blue and Deadwood) was a fraternity brother of GWB at Yale.  Says Bush was a million laughs and was a good sport when Milch took a call from Yale newspaper at the frat house, claimed to be Bush, and gave the paper a bunch of fake quotes as a prank.  Garry Trudeau (creator of "Doonesbury") was also at Yale when Bush was there.  Said Bush was the social chair of his frat and was the guy at his frat parties who was always near the door, making sure he met everyone who came through, got a drink if they wanted one, liked to make up innocuous nicknames for people until he learned their names.  

I remember reading an old New Yorker article (circa 1993) about Bill and Hillary the dating couple.  Story described Bill and Hillary at a party when a game of Charades broke out.  Bill was totally into it, yelling out guesses, completely committing when giving clues, and barking at Hillary when she would pick up a magazine and read instead of playing the game.  

There's also a hilarious John Mulaney bit about Bill in undergrad.  Mulaney's parents went to Georgetown with Clinton.  The bit describes Clinton hanging out outside the main campus library almost every weeknight.  Georgetown had a chivalrous policy encouraging male students to escort female students walking around campus at night, so Bill would wait outside the library on the steps, asking women as they left, "Can I walk you home?"  "Can I walk you home?"  "Can I walk you home?"

While we're at it, Obama is supposedly a bit of a geek but still a great hang.  Rumored to be a really good Texas Hold'em player and a big sports fan, follows NBA pretty closely, loves March Madness, legit White Sox man from his time on the south side of Chicago.   

You openly talked about picking a college primarily based on fewest minorities attending. We know why you didn't like Obama.
It went beyond opening talking. He had the stats of whites v. minorities for every school he was considering. Then he did a video complaining about the school he did chose showing a brochure with (what he thought) was a disproportionate number of black, brown and Asian faces.  

Love this -- "What Trump Is Doing is Not O.K."

Thank God for the resignation in shame by Mike Flynn, President Trump’s national security adviser. And not just because he misled the vice president and engaged in deeply malignant behavior with Russia, but, more important, because maybe it will finally get the United States government, Congress and the news media to demand a proper answer to what is still the biggest national security question staring us in the face today: What is going on between Donald Trump and the Russians?

Sorry, Kellyanne Conway, I am not ready to just “move on.”

Every action, tweet and declaration by Trump throughout this campaign, his transition and his early presidency screams that he is compromised when it comes to the Russians.

I don’t know whether Russian oligarchs own him financially or whether Russian spies own him personally because of alleged indiscreet behavior during his trips to Moscow. But Trump’s willingness to attack allies like Australia, bluster at rivals like China, threaten enemies like Iran and North Korea and bully neighbors like Mexico — while consistently blowing kisses to Russian President Vladimir Putin — cannot be explained away by his mere desire to improve relations with Moscow to defeat the Islamic State. And the Flynn ouster gives our government another, desperately needed opportunity to demand the answers to these questions, starting with seeing the president’s tax returns.

We need to know whom Trump owes and who might own him, and we need to know it now. Save for a few patriotic Republican senators like John McCain and Lindsey Graham, the entire Republican Party is complicit in a shameful act of looking away at Trump’s inexplicable behavior toward Russia.

House Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, what are you thinking by looking away from this travesty? You both know that if the C.I.A., N.S.A. and F.B.I. had concluded that the Russians had intervened to help Hillary Clinton get elected you would have closed the government and demanded a new election. Now it’s all O.K.? So you can get some tax cuts? Gens. Jim Mattis and John Kelly, our new secretaries of defense and homeland security, you are great patriots who both put your lives on the line in uniform to defend American values from precisely the kind of attack Putin perpetrated. Are you O.K. with what’s going on?

We need to rerun the tape. Ladies and gentlemen, we were attacked on Dec. 7, 1941, we were attacked on Sept. 11, 2001, and we were attacked on Nov. 8, 2016. That most recent attack didn’t involve a horrible loss of lives, but it was devastating in its own way. Our entire intelligence community concluded that Russia hacked our election by deliberately breaking into Democratic National Committee computers and then drip-by-drip funneling embarrassing emails through WikiLeaks to undermine Clinton’s campaign. And what have we done about it? Other than a wrist slap against Moscow, we’ve moved on.

That is not O.K.

I am not arguing that Trump is not the legitimate president; he won for many reasons. But I am arguing that he is not behaving like one. Trump presents himself as “Mr. Patriotism,” wrapped in the American flag. And yet he has used his Twitter account to attack BMW for building an auto plant in Mexico, Boeing for over charging for a government airplane, the cast of “Hamilton” for appealing to the vice president to reaffirm American pluralism, American newspapers for undercounting the size of his inauguration crowd and the actress Meryl Streep for calling him out for bullying a handicapped reporter. And yet “Mr. Patriotism” has barely uttered a word of criticism on Twitter or off about a Russian president who has intervened in our democratic process.

That’s not O.K.

“The Russians did not just hack into some emails or break into some banks in America. They attacked the very things that make America what it is — that makes it so special: its rule of law and its democratic form of choosing and changing leaders,” said Nader Mousavizadeh, who was a senior adviser to United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan and co-leads the global consulting firm Macro Advisory Partners.

I am not looking to go to war with Russia over this. Back in the 1990s, this column was among the loudest voices warning against NATO expansion — that it would one day come back to haunt us, which it has, by making Russia feel threatened. I don’t care about Putin. His regime will fail because he is forever looking for dignity in all the wrong places, by drilling for oil and gas instead of unleashing the creativity of his people. But I am not willing to settle for evicting a few Russian agents and then moving on. We need to get to the truth, look it squarely in the eye and then act proportionately.

Trump and his senior aides have spent their first weeks in power doing nothing more than telling us how afraid we should be of Muslim immigrants who have not been properly vetted by our intelligence and immigration authorities. Well, Putin was vetted by the F.B.I., C.I.A. and N.S.A., and they concluded that he attacked our country’s most important institution — and Trump has acted as if he could not care less.

If the rest of us do the same, we’ll get the country we deserve, and it will not be great.

Mass communication is fascinating to me, and this predictably comes from Crazy Al Jones to your keypad. The result is unsurprising but the process is fascinating for sure.
who cares where it came from? Does that change the video or what was said? Stop being an elitist

Hey - you hate gay people so maybe you shouldn't post stuff like this.
When you Trump supporters try to use straw men, you fail miserably. He doesn't hate gay people. His exact words:

7 hours ago, Coeur de Lion said:

Compared to the $hitshow going on right now? Sure. I hate Pence and everything that he stands for, but I can live with some creationism and gay-hatin' because I'm pretty sure he won't crater the world economy and start WWIII.
He was saying that he could hold his nose and live with an anti-gay president, rather than one who would crash the economy and start WWIII. That doesn't mean he hates gay people. Please.
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Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Donald J. Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election, according to four current and former American officials.
The intercepted calls are different from the wiretapped conversations last year between Michael T. Flynn, President Trump’s former national security adviser, and Sergey I. Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the United States. During those calls, which led to Mr. Flynn’s resignation on Monday night, the two men discussed sanctions that the Obama administration imposed on Russia in December. But the cases are part of the routine electronic surveillance of communications of foreign officials by American intelligence and law enforcement agencies.
The F.B.I. has closely examined at least three other people close to Mr. Trump, although it is unclear if their calls were intercepted. They are Carter Page, a businessman and former foreign policy adviser to the campaign; Roger Stone, a longtime Republican operative; and Mr. Flynn.
The F.B.I. investigation is proceeding at the same time that separate investigations into Russian interference in the election are gaining momentum on Capitol Hill. Those investigations, by the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, are examining not only the Russian hacking but also any contacts that Mr. Trump’s team had with Russian officials during the campaign.

On Tuesday, top Republican lawmakers said that Mr. Flynn should be one focus of the investigation, and that he should be called to testify before Congress.
Things are warming up.

So when this administration goes down because it only ever got there in the first place through nefarious means, assisted by a hostile foreign government, do we get a do-over, or are we stuck with Paul Ryan?
Why do you think Paul Ryan isn't doing anything?  He's just sitting back and letting it fall apart.  

pence found out through the Washington Post :lmao: :lmao:  
Right now you can hear Steve Bannon saying "You need to trust fewer people. Pence is out. Those cabinet departments, out. Priebus, out. Let's just hunker down here and keep spewing out executive orders again before Priebus slowed it down."



Stole the presidency via Russian help

In the process of stealing the Supreme Court

Congress they steal seats with gerrymandering and voter suppression 

The corrupt party of theft


Stole the presidency via Russian help

In the process of stealing the Supreme Court

Congress they steal seats with gerrymandering and voter suppression 

The corrupt party of theft
Yeah, all of this is patently false.  But hey, I get that you need something else to blame instead of facing the truth.

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Oh...so he's been convicted already?  Being a lawyer and all, I'm assuming you have a link to the charges and ultimate conviction?  TIA!

Or should we just assume you're making #### up?
Wait, you think you have to be convicted to have done something? How do you feel about OJ?

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