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The Trump Years- Every day something more shocking than the last! (5 Viewers)

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Or "death panels" or he's a Muslim or he uses more Executive Orders than any other president or he let illegal immigration run rampant or he took more vacations than any other President, or unemployment is at a record high, or he was taking our guns, etc etc etc
The death panels were an unfair label on actual policy discussions.  I don't think that belongs in the same category.  Means testing for public health care is something that actually was proposed.  It's not a bad thing, it just received a provocative label.  Misrepresenting opponent's policies is something that happens every day.

Harward offered National Security Advisor. John Kelly is Homeland Security.  

Mattis was granted a waiver to serve as Secretary of Defense. Two of his top former military advisors will sit at the NSC with him - Harward and Kelly were each directly under him at times while he was a general.  

That's very disconcerting.
That's what Tom Hanks character, Captain John H. Miller, had to say in Saving Private Ryan when he learned that the Statue of Liberty was kaput.

The death panels were an unfair label on actual policy discussions.  I don't think that belongs in the same category.  Means testing for public health care is something that actually was proposed.  It's not a bad thing, it just received a provocative label.  Misrepresenting opponent's policies is something that happens every day.
Republicans have repeatedly stated that the Affordable Care Act includes provisions for "death panels."  It does not, in any sense of the "policy discussions" contain a provision that could even be unfairly labeled as "death panels."  Republicans still claim that's in the law.  

Katty Kay@KattyKayBBC 19m19 minutes ago

To be clear to viewers around the world, in the last 3 press conferences,

Trump has ONLY called on conservative news outlets for questions

So yesterday I was listening to a local talk radio dude.  He was talking to someone from one of the "Skype Seats" (KVVU Fox5 in Vegas).  I guess the woman he was talking to is a news director who used to work for one of our local affiliates.  This woman said, without a doubt, that KVVU was picked because they have a big conservative audience.  She made no bones about it and was not apologetic at all.  

MSNBC sources- no indication of any collusion with Russian intelligence.

Still need a full investigation, but if this is true I strongly doubt that any of this will lead to Trump's removal. It casts a shadow over his Presidency, but he can get out of it depending on how effective a President he is.

So wait: if it's all fake news and Flynn is a great guy who has been treated unfairly....

why did you fire him?
It was either fire him or hurt Pence's credibility. Given that Flynn was controversial to begin with it seems like a good decision.  He probably shouldn't have brought him on to begin with.

None if that means he isn't a "great guy" or was treated fairly.  Fair and politics don't go hand in hand.

"Gotta admire #TheResistance's courage, defying Trump with no one on their side but the media, corporate world, DC, Hollywood, deep state..."

Well, no. Getting that information and taking it to the President and/or Congress to look into it is what their job is. Their job isn't to leak it annonymously to the media. 
I disagree. If the Presidential NSA is a security risk in concert with Russian enemies, yeah that should very much be public knowledge WHEN the process breaks down. That is an imminent danger for the country when the President and the NSA cannot be fully trusted with classified information. And considering Trump had maybe 15 days to do something about it and did not, then the process has broken down and the IC had to act. I'm glad they did.

The death panels were an unfair label on actual policy discussions.  I don't think that belongs in the same category.  Means testing for public health care is something that actually was proposed.  It's not a bad thing, it just received a provocative label.  Misrepresenting opponent's policies is something that happens every day.
Like Obamacare?

Putin also wanted to undermine faith in our democracy...everyone seems to be winning but the american people.
meh....anyone that's losing faith in our democracy isn't paying attention IMO.
Tons of folks in our country have questions about the system, and trump is engaging in systematic smearing of the media and the intelligence community and the judiciary.  Our reputation and our institutions are taking hits for sure, but they're strong enough to come through and move on from this dark time.
questioning <> losing faith in :shrug:  

We should ALWAYS be questioning it...otherwise we end up with Clinton vs Trump

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Republicans have repeatedly stated that the Affordable Care Act includes provisions for "death panels."  It does not, in any sense of the "policy discussions" contain a provision that could even be unfairly labeled as "death panels."  Republicans still claim that's in the law.  
It did originally.  Labeling them "death panels" killed them in the final bill.  I suppose there could be provisions in the bill to bring back means testing.  That wouldn't surprise me.  It makes sense.

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It's almost like they can't ever keep their stories straight.
That's the problem with chronic lying, right?  You lie to cover up another lie, to cover up a different lie, etc.  Pretty soon you have so many lies you don't remember what you said anymore, and eventually you contradict yourself.  Just tell the truth. It's so much less stressful than trying to keep all these stories straight. 

Oof...so hard for me to keep quiet in situations like that.  Nicely done.  I'd have to put in a subtle dig at the end saying something like the FBI isn't the liberal media...but I can't help myself.
Was in a bar "Nemos" before a RedWing game in Detroit a couple of weeks ago filled with hockey fans and it showed Trump on TV..one guy started chanting Trump..next thing you know the whole bar is chanting Trump..Trump..Trump.     My wife looks at me like what the ef is going on.

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Man...the OG Trump guys are active today.

Posting RT stuff...taking over twitter spam schtick and everything...really great
They are doing one-way discussions generally.  I've tried to engage a few times but my replies go un-replied to.  Would be nice if they tried to engage in conversation that's more than a hit and run.

Was in a bar before a RedWing game in Detroit a couple of weeks ago and it showed Trump on TV..one guy started chanting Trump..next thing you know the whole bar is chanting Trump..Trump..Trump.     My wife looks at me like what the ef is going on.
Yeah, that's kinda unsettling.

Like Obamacare?
Or "death tax," maybe the most inspired bit of GOP re-branding ever.  Transformed "we're gonna collect revenue from rich estates so we don't have to collect as much from the labor and property of the living" into "they're even gonna tax you for dying!"  They've got a pretty strong marketing team down there in Hades.

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Putin also wanted to undermine faith in our democracy...everyone seems to be winning but the american people.
meh....anyone that's losing faith in our democracy isn't paying attention IMO.
Tons of folks in our country have questions about the system, and trump is engaging in systematic smearing of the media and the intelligence community and the judiciary.  Our reputation and our institutions are taking hits for sure, but they're strong enough to come through and move on from this dark time.
questioning <> losing faith in :shrug:  
When many people say the judicial system simply issues its rulings down party lines, and it's taken as gospel truth, that's pretty bad.

"Gotta admire #TheResistance's courage, defying Trump with no one on their side but the media, corporate world, DC, Hollywood, deep state..."
Gotta admire Trumpeters' commitment to truth in news, managing to steer clear of organizations trusted by the intelligence community and stick with InfoWars and 4Chan.

MSNBC sources- no indication of any collusion with Russian intelligence.

Still need a full investigation, but if this is true I strongly doubt that any of this will lead to Trump's removal. It casts a shadow over his Presidency, but he can get out of it depending on how effective a President he is.
There's something Trump doesn't want us to find out. He's consistently acting guilty - deflecting, creating fake issues to worry about, placing blame elsewhere. At no point has he just produced his tax records and made a big show of how innocent he is. Simple common sense tells us there's something going on here and Trump doesn't want anyone to find out about it. The good investigative journalists we've seen already aren't going to stop now. 

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So we're no longer committed to the Two State Solution?

That sucks.
although the CNN headline of "Trump: Netanyahu should 'hold back' on settlements" is better than what he offered during the election when he was standing there with a hardhat and a bulldozer ready to build Trump Dead Sea in the West Bank

Gotta admire Trumpeters' commitment to truth in news, managing to steer clear of organizations trusted by the intelligence community and stick with InfoWars and 4Chan.
The fact some people get their news from 4Chan is something we should all be laughing at. Unfortunately, it's really really sad.

Putin also wanted to undermine faith in our democracy...everyone seems to be winning but the american people.
meh....anyone that's losing faith in our democracy isn't paying attention IMO.
Tons of folks in our country have questions about the system, and trump is engaging in systematic smearing of the media and the intelligence community and the judiciary.  Our reputation and our institutions are taking hits for sure, but they're strong enough to come through and move on from this dark time.
questioning <> losing faith in :shrug:  
When many people say the judicial system simply issues its rulings down party lines, and it's taken as gospel truth, that's pretty bad.
Depends who the people are IMO.  But this sort of example proves my comment...to think this, they aren't paying attention :shrug:  

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