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Has Wolverine found his kryptonite? And how will the rage-filled mutant who can heal from virtually any wound deal with the possibility of his own mortality? These are a few of the questions that a new trailer for “The Wolverine” raises.
“The Wolverine” trailer, released Wednesday morning, opens with beautiful and deadly Japanese ninja Yukio (Rila Fukushima) confessing to Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine that she has been searching for him for more than a year. They get on a plane to Japan, where a very rich and sickly man has a gift for Wolverine. During World War II, Wolverine saved this man’s life by shielding him from a nuclear blast. Now it’s time to repay the debt.
“I didn’t send for you only to thank you, Logan,” the man says, reclining on a bed made of thick metal pins. “I want to repay you. A gift to equal the life you gave me. You have suffered long enough. I can end your eternity — make you mortal.”
Mortality? Wolverine doesn’t think it is possible. “What they did to me, what I am, can’t be undone,” he responds.
But this old man, and an attractive blond in a lab coat who is perched nearby, appear to have done their research. “Don’t be so sure,” he says.
After scenes of Yukio fighting off armed assassins, and Wolverine getting shot in the abdomen, we hear him say in voice-over: “I’m not healing.”
“The Wolverine,” is set to open in theaters on July 26. It was directed by James Mangold, who is best known for dramas such as 1999′s “Girl, Interrupted” and 2005′s Johnny Cash biopic “Walk the Line.”
The film borrows its scenic storyline from Chris Claremont’s and Frank Miller’s moody tale of love, revenge and isolation.
Hypervillain · 25 minutes ago
It's great and all, but it seems very misguided. Logan's healing factor is nothing anyone has done to him, it's what makes him a mutant. Done to him, implies his adamantium laced skeleton and retractible claws. Also, one annoying tibit that persists in my mind, is the Wolverine is suppose to be a 5'2" pint size terror, not a 6'2" towering menace. His height was a fundamental part of his character that complemented his personality. Or at least partially responsible for it.
Whatever, probably watch it anyway, it's all flash without substance I'll bet...