Just so there's no confusion, I'm definitely not intending to attack you personally here or anything. We've got all of the next NFL season to be dicks to one another -- we can take the off-season off from all of that.You know this already but what happens is the drug plateaus and when people come off it they typically rebound plus more weightI think it's good that we developed a shot that can cure obesity. That has been a holy grail for public health for as long as I've been alive, and now folks are mad that we succeeded.
-I don't fault the audience or citizens in this country
@belljr was pretty upset on page 1 and i don't in any way mean to lump him in with a lot of these drug companies. I am aware and fully understand folks that need real medicine.
I felt awful about what he shared that he and his wife endure, my heart genuinely goes out to them, he literally took a little leave of absence form @bostonfred wight loss thread
He understood I needed some space to try and achieve my weight loss goals...(he's not a big MoP fan, and some of you aren't either) all good
From the bottom of my heart I thank him and others that stood down and didn't pile on when I was trying to find my way during the pandemic
I would never want to make him feel alienated because I have strong opinions on a lot of these marketing tools by the drug companies.
Some drugs are necessary and cannot be overcome by simple exercise and diet, I know that.
It's just mean the way these drug companies are given freedom to recruit and plant seeds in peoples' heads about things they really don't need.
And Bell, FYI, my mom had her thyroid removed in her late 30s, never wanted to go back to the doctors and passed away at 46 from numerous cancers that spread all over her body
I felt awful when you posted and I didn't want to come over the top, sometimes you gotta know when to back off and I knew I got under your skin, that's not my goal.
Please forgive me for being short sighted, your POV is ALWAYS welcome in my threads
-We gotta stop attacking each other and I'd rather hear what others have to say even if i can't immediately post back because it will cause friction
I want to keep this thread open and I hope others share some of their experiences.
None of us have all the answers and that's why this place is still great, let's not shut down what is usually a great think tank
We need everyone to be more forward about what's happening.
-Different topic all together but I've had several friends in the hospital with blood clots all directly related to the vaccines and boosters...am I saying vaccines are bad?
Absolutely not, they save many lives but there are side effects and people need to know. All 3 of these guys play tennis with me on a regular basis so it's not about getting exercise
Keep an open mind and don't make it political even when others out there in the media are doing so.
We all are getting older around here and I feel this topic is vital for many so they don't fall prey to the drug companies
I appreciate everyone's input

I'm just saying that obesity is a massive problem in the US. All of us know this, and we've known it for a very long time. So when I see a drug come along that seems to succeed in helping people lose weight just by taking a monthly shot, that seems borderline miraculous to me. And I get that the first generation of this type of drug might not be the best, but this shows serious promise for fixing a massive public health problem. It's not just another copycat boner pill.