5) Belicheck - Bad team/Cut Bernie Kosar
4) Raiders and Colts - For moving first
3) Indians - Rise of baseball took attention of football/left Municipal Std.
2) Modell's Finances - Bad businessman who couldn't afford to stay in Cleveland
1) City of Cleveland - Builing Rock Hall, Science Museum, Jacobs Field and Gund Arena while Art pleaded for new stadium
I was a little disappointed with this top 5 last night, although you know ESPN had to stretch it to not blame Modell.#5 - Fire the coach, don't move the team.
#4 - Only good reason in the top 5 that made sense. Precedence was set here. But it was funny to hear Modell rip on Al Davis (or/and Irsay) when they moved. What a two face scumbag.
#3 - Just proves Modell is a jealous man who can't run a business. Also see #1.
#2 - Again, he's an idiot. There are other ways to make money on top of 70000+ at every home game. Art obviously didn't plead enough if he didn't get a stadium. Does he really think if he threatened to move the people of Cleveland would not have demanded a stadium (and probably paid for most of it)?
#1 - If you think it was bad that the Browns had to play in Municipal, think about a baseball team playing in that stadium and the Cavaliers playing in the Richfield Coliseum. The Browns clearly had the "best home" out of those three franchises before Gateway. The Coliseum was not even near Cleveland, a good half hour drive from Gund at least.
My four cents.