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TRUMP TO INFINITY AND BEYOND HQ - The Great and Positive Place (3 Viewers)

I think the media should report any evidence he has and it should be thoroughly investigated. Again, once the claim has been made by anyone that the earth is flat are you going to dismiss them or will you do a thorough investigation. I am not joking, I can find a person on the internet that will claim to you that the earth is flat. How can you NOT investigate his claim. Maybe I am not making this clear. He is making a claim.
I don't understand your flat earth angle. This guy's claim is first hand knowledge of events. If this guy is lying on court documents, he faces the penalties that would come with it. 

I don't understand your flat earth angle. This guy's claim is first hand knowledge of events. If this guy is lying on court documents, he faces the penalties that would come with it. 
If he is legit, he needs to find a better outlet than known fraudsters to tell his story.

Why are all these claims being made too the media? Seems like it would be better served to report claims to law enforcement. If they are made to law enforcement then who cares what the media says. From everything I have seen 12 cases have come before the courts and have been dismissed. 
Well the RNC keeps changing the number to report voter fraud, so maybe they don't know who else to call?

Nobody has first hand knowledge of tens of thousands of fraudulent votes, which is what you’re going to need to overturn any single state, and you’re going to need to overturn several states to change the result of this election. 
It was in reference to the whistleblower vs flat earth claim.

But I do agree there, these one offs are small potatoes. The dominion/Hammer/scorecard claim is the one with the weight to swing the election. 

Claims of voter fraud should be taken seriously. I'm sorry most people here disagree. 
Claims are taken seriously if the claim is made by a person who can be trusted, who doesn’t CLEARLY have a self-interested motive and can be substantiated. 

In fact the claim should IMMEDIATELY be followed by evidence. Because the claim shouldn’t be made unless the person making the claim can prove it. 

Nobody has first hand knowledge of tens of thousands of fraudulent votes, which is what you’re going to need to overturn any single state, and you’re going to need to overturn several states to change the result of this election. 
Overturning states doesn’t matter. It’s shining a light on these weasels and finding out what they did so people can have faith t ha t their vote counts.If voter fraud on a large scale happened people need to be held accountable.

truth be told I wouldn’t the unofficial decision reversed. I couldn’t imaging the hissy that would be thrown by the left

Also, not all claims are equally important. Some random person on the Internet claiming that the earth is flat is basically irrelevant and harmless to most people. If I claim I can hit a golf ball 400 yards it’s obviously not true but also nobody’s gonna care one way or the other.

If I claim that one of my children’s teachers abuse them or that my business partner has been stealing money from the company without any real evidence and then go try to find evidence of that wouldn’t you agree that that’s an incredibly dangerous thing to do? I would argue that the sitting president openly denying the results of an election without any clear evidence to suggest widespread and rampant voter fraud and failing to allow the incoming president access to vital information during a pandemic is quite possibly the most dangerous claim you could make without any evidence. 

Overturning states doesn’t matter. It’s shining a light on these weasels and finding out what they did so people can have faith t ha t their vote counts.If voter fraud on a large scale happened people need to be held accountable.

truth be told I wouldn’t the unofficial decision reversed. I couldn’t imaging the hissy that would be thrown by the left
There is no evidence that voter fraud on a large scale happened. There is no evidence that anyone should not have faith that their votes count. 

I don't understand your flat earth angle. This guy's claim is first hand knowledge of events. If this guy is lying on court documents, he faces the penalties that would come with it. 
An unsolicited affidavit is not a court document. Around here, I can take $20 and a handwritten note to a notary, and get myself an affidavit. I can then use it as a book mark, or a coaster, or maybe as a wall hanging.

Affidavits outside of a trial setting (and sometimes not even there) aren't worth anything.

In fact the claim should IMMEDIATELY be followed by evidence. Because the claim shouldn’t be made unless the person making the claim can prove it. 
Very, very slight crack in the door -- a potential whistleblower need not have the entire case solved with hard proof all around like at the end of a Scooby Doo episode.

HOWEVER: A potential whistleblower should be able to establish what would be akin to "probable cause" in a criminal investigation. Someone's say-so (aka hearsay) or someone's unsolicited affidavit (= no penalty for lying, and also hearsay) doesn't rise to the level of establishing "probable cause". That's why these claims aren't getting past summary judgment wherever they've been presented to a judge.

Maybe you can explain to us what this is: I typed in “Dominion Hammer” to see if I could find it myself but all I got was a power metal album: 

Dominion is a voting software used in about 30 states. Some non partisan background reading on it can be found here.

Sidney Powell has claimed the Hammer/scorecard (program/software) was used to manipulate the vote up to 3%.

It's a pretty bold claim by someone who I think is above the typical partisan personality. I know a couple media sites have claimed to have debunked it, but I hear the information is still being processed and vetted. 

The more likely scenario is that this fits a pattern of Trump making out rages statements and then people around him trying to chase down a narrative or facts to back it up. He made this claim on Wednesday of last week so we’re now seven days in and there’s really no clear evidence at this point. The most powerful man in the world has had a week to make his case and they’re just simply isn’t one yet.

Sidney Powell has claimed the Hammer/scorecard (program/software) was used to manipulate the vote up to 3%.
With what evidence?  Claims don't deserve to be taken seriously just because they are claims.  I mean, anyone can claim something.  Maybe I'd feel differently if Sidney had hereby claimed it, but probably not even then.

With what evidence?  Claims don't deserve to be taken seriously just because they are claims.  I mean, anyone can claim something.  Maybe I'd feel differently if Sidney had hereby claimed it, but probably not even then.
It is in the process of being vetted. Feel free to ignore it if you think its bogus.

Dominion is a voting software used in about 30 states. Some non partisan background reading on it can be found here.

Sidney Powell has claimed the Hammer/scorecard (program/software) was used to manipulate the vote up to 3%.

It's a pretty bold claim by someone who I think is above the typical partisan personality. I know a couple media sites have claimed to have debunked it, but I hear the information is still being processed and vetted. 
Hear it where?

That information has not been released yet.
So how can you possibly say it seems legit, if so far, it's just "fraud!!1!!" with no supporting evidence whatsoever?

This is continuing to be an Abbott and Costello skit.
R:  There's fraud!
D:  Where?
R:  Over there!
D:  Uh, where, exactly?
R:  Well, we have to look for it first.
D:  If you haven't looked, how do you know it's there?
R:  We did look, we found a bunch, you should look too.
D:  OK, where should we look?
R:  Over there!
D:  Uh, where exactly?
R:  Well, we have to look for it first...

So how can you possibly say it seems legit, if so far, it's just "fraud!!1!!" with no supporting evidence whatsoever?

This is continuing to be an Abbott and Costello skit.
R:  There's fraud!
😧 Where?
R:  Over there!
😧 Uh, where, exactly?
R:  Well, we have to look for it first.
😧 If you haven't looked, how do you know it's there?
R:  We did look, we found a bunch, you should look too.
😧 OK, where should we look?
R:  Over there!
😧 Uh, where exactly?
R:  Well, we have to look for it first...
You're right. We're just going in circles. The level of proof you need to see just isnt out there yet. I think it will come, others are justified to be skeptical. I'm not going to spend the day trying to convince people of what I think is a plausible claim. 

Forgive me for putting absolutely 0% faith in that.

ETA -- Not that you didn't hear it, but that whoever is telling you this knows this information with any sort of accuracy.
My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with a girl who saw voter fraud election night. I guess it's pretty serious.

You're right. We're just going in circles. The level of proof you need to see just isnt out there yet. I think it will come, others are justified to be skeptical. I'm not going to spend the day trying to convince people of what I think is a plausible claim. 
To be clear, if there is any evidence of voter fraud, I want to know.  I don't care if it was a Republican or a Democrat committing it.  And if there's evidence, then those votes need to be invalidated.  I also want any evidence of fraud investigated.

With that out of the way, so far there is nothing to substantiate it.  Nothing.  Every court case has been tossed and tossed quickly because of how nonsensical the claims have been.  And common sense would suggest you would bring your strongest case first.  Not to mention, it's incredibly difficult to find voter fraud AFTER the fact.  It's almost always discovered right away by officials during the process (since both Republicans and Democrats are there) and we are now over a week.  The attempts to invalidate votes keep on changing.  Postmark dates, observers not allowed, batches mixed, some people called in, etc.  Pick a story and go with it. 

Given the sequence of what's going on, a reasonable person would err on the side of this NOT being plausible but open to waiting for actual evidence.  Thinking it's still plausible after multiple attempts WITHOUT evidence doesn't make sense to me.

You're right. We're just going in circles. The level of proof you need to see just isnt out there yet. I think it will come, others are justified to be skeptical. I'm not going to spend the day trying to convince people of what I think is a plausible claim. 
I'm genuinely trying to understand why you think it's a plausible claim.  Is it purely based on the credibility you attach to the person making the claim?

Dominion is a voting software used in about 30 states. Some non partisan background reading on it can be found here.

Sidney Powell has claimed the Hammer/scorecard (program/software) was used to manipulate the vote up to 3%.

It's a pretty bold claim by someone who I think is above the typical partisan personality. I know a couple media sites have claimed to have debunked it, but I hear the information is still being processed and vetted. 
Sidney Powell...I thought that name sounded familiar (and hardly above the typical partisan personality).

From the locked "The Biden Years" thread:


On ‎10‎/‎28‎/‎2020 at 7:24 AM, knowledge dropper said:


October 28, 2020

Biden Is Running a Protection Racket

By Sidney Powell

Joe Biden's big pitch is his promise to restore calm.  It's a con.  It's Antifa and Black Lives Matter — both on his side — that are stirring everything up.  He's trying to run a protection racket: vote Democrat, or the chaos continues

Biden talks of calm, but it is not Trump-supporters storming restaurants and other public places across the country to demand obeisance to their agenda.  Instead, from Washington to Kentucky to Florida, it is the "Black Lives Matter" movement — which Biden has made a centerpiece of his campaign — that has smashed up restaurants, threatened their owners, and demanded that diners raise the black power fist.  As one headline put it, "aggressive mob of white BLM protesters threaten and film white diners at DC restaurants and DEMAND they raise their fist and show solidarity with them...or else." 

Biden speaks of tolerance, but it isn't MAGA people marching into our schools, newsrooms, and even corporate boardrooms to demand absolute allegiance; it's Biden-supporting leftists.  As President Trump warned in his Independence Day address at Mt. Rushmore, if you do not "perform its rituals, recite its mantras, and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished." 


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That tied to the media already "debunking" the claim while the information is still be examined. 
OK, we'll just have to disagree on this person's credibility.

Re: the media, if someone is out there saying "Dominion voting software is fraud!" and the GOP is screaming that we have to investigate, and I ran a media organization, I'd start doing background research on what Dominion software is.


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