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TRUMP TO INFINITY AND BEYOND HQ - The Great and Positive Place (1 Viewer)

I love this thread.   Old faithful still going to the wall for the greatest con man of our time.  

Keep up the good fight, faithful “patriots”.  He loves you.  
This whole page, and past couple of days was about defending another poster, not Trump. Are you that tone def?  

It is a long story. Some years back people got upset over my posting of news items, etc. from Twitter and discovered my Twitter account of which several posted links to on the FFA forum. One individual took it a step further also linking to my Facebook account.

I complained to the mods, who (after 36 hours) deleted the doxing posts, but it was like locking the barn door after the horse is stolen (and to this day I receive harassing tweets from one person here).
That story didnt take very long. 

It is a long story. Some years back people got upset over my posting of news items, etc. from Twitter and discovered my Twitter account of which several posted links to on the FFA forum. One individual took it a step further also linking to my Facebook account.

I complained to the mods, who (after 36 hours) deleted the doxing posts, but it was like locking the barn door after the horse is stolen (and to this day I receive harassing tweets from one person here).
That's ####ed up.   

Any of the bolded group similar to ones who complain about SJWs and CC around here?  

It is a long story. Some years back people got upset over my posting of news items, etc. from Twitter and discovered my Twitter account of which several posted links to on the FFA forum. One individual took it a step further also linking to my Facebook account.

I complained to the mods, who (after 36 hours) deleted the doxing posts, but it was like locking the barn door after the horse is stolen (and to this day I receive harassing tweets from one person here).
You linked your own twitter account.  Perhaps by accident.  Doesn't mean anyone should have run with it from there but still

Sidney Powell: The election was stolen and I have evidence to show that

Trump supporters: Really? Wow, Trump still has a chance to be President then. Awesome!

Sidney Powell: No, only unreasonable people would have actually believed that what I was saying.

Trump supporters: Damn, that’s okay Sidney. #### the left. They’re so mean, people are now quoting back old posts of mine where I was sharing your lies.

You linked your own twitter account.  Perhaps by accident.  Doesn't mean anyone should have run with it from there but still
I was going to say this. That's exactly what happened. Nobody should have run with it regardless. I didn't even look out of curiosity. It would seem to leave well enough alone. 

Why would he join us again, so he can get harassed by a handful of posters on the extreme left end of the spectrum? I assume he has much better things to do.  
Oh no...did the "tolerant left" here go ahead and gang up on a guy again for having a different opinion?

We all know that is generally not appreciated in the echo chamber.

Sidney Powell: The election was stolen and I have evidence to show that

Trump supporters: Really? Wow, Trump still has a chance to be President then. Awesome!

Sidney Powell: No, only unreasonable people would have actually believed that what I was saying.

Trump supporters: Damn, that’s okay Sidney. #### the left. They’re so mean, people are now quoting back old posts of mine where I was sharing your lies.
I'd be awfully hesitant before painting that picture as indicative of what happened. We had a vet on the board that believed her and people are baiting him now. He's never said anything like "#### the left" or anything even remotely like that. He believed what she said. For that he deserves compassion rather than being called out to account.

That's sort of ####ed up that people are doing this, if you ask me, and I'm clearly not a Trump supporter nor a fan of the post-election disaster and lack of transition of power that took place.

You linked your own twitter account.  Perhaps by accident.  Doesn't mean anyone should have run with it from there but still
No, I never linked it myself. Someone went to a Twitter link I posted (which it turns out I had also retweeted) and figured out it was my account and then linked it here for all to see (which was quoted/reposted about a dozen times in case anyone missed it). 

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No, I never linked it myself. Someone went to a Twitter link I posted (which it turns out I had also retweeted) and figured out it was my account and then linked it here for all to see. 
I can't believe they linked to my Twitter account, said the guy who copies and pastes from Twitter all day.

I'd be awfully hesitant before painting that picture as indicative of what happened. We had a vet on the board that believed her and people are baiting him now. He's never said anything like "#### the left" or anything even remotely like that. He believed what she said. For that he deserves compassion rather than being called out to account.

That's sort of ####ed up that people are doing this, if you ask me, and I'm clearly not a Trump supporter nor a fan of the post-election disaster and lack of transition of power that took place.
OK, this is revisionist history. 

Max wasn’t alone, he was part of a group that insisted that the election was stolen. Some were genuine, like Max, some were trolling. None of them are willing to take ownership of it now. Max was brought up at this time because he paid particular interest to Sydney Powell. And if there’s any shame, it belongs to her and Donald Trump and his supporters here and elsewhere who manipulated people and lied to them. 

Nobody ganged up on or baited Max. I really liked him, and I am pissed off, not at him but at those who lied to him and encouraged the notion that the election was stolen. Some of them are regulars in this thread. I’m not going to name names, they know who they are. 

And if there’s any shame, it belongs to her and Donald Trump and his supporters here and elsewhere who manipulated people and lied to them. 

Nobody ganged up on or baited Max.
I agree with the first sentence. The second sentence in boldface font, not so much. People could quash this now but they seem to be circling the waters for chum. That you might not be personally interested in exacting a pound of flesh is irrelevant to the rest of the group that is seeking that.

I'd be awfully hesitant before painting that picture as indicative of what happened. We had a vet on the board that believed her and people are baiting him now. He's never said anything like "#### the left" or anything even remotely like that. He believed what she said. For that he deserves compassion rather than being called out to account.

That's sort of ####ed up that people are doing this, if you ask me, and I'm clearly not a Trump supporter nor a fan of the post-election disaster and lack of transition of power that took place.
To be fair, I wasn’t saying Max was saying ‘#### the left’. I’m referring more so to the other people in this thread who are making comments saying we’re being too harsh on Max yet haven’t said a word and don’t appear to be angry at the people actually responsible for spoonfeeding lies to Max. And we all know exactly why they haven’t and won’t say a word about it.

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OK, this is revisionist history. 

Max wasn’t alone, he was part of a group that insisted that the election was stolen. Some were genuine, like Max, some were trolling. None of them are willing to take ownership of it now. Max was brought up at this time because he paid particular interest to Sydney Powell. And if there’s any shame, it belongs to her and Donald Trump and his supporters here and elsewhere who manipulated people and lied to them. 

Nobody ganged up on or baited Max. I really liked him, and I am pissed off, not at him but at those who lied to him and encouraged the notion that the election was stolen. Some of them are regulars in this thread. I’m not going to name names, they know who they are. 
It's pretty low class the few of you coming after Max in here.  Especially one guy that you can scroll back and read but I won't name names either.

I agree with the first sentence. The second sentence in boldface font, not so much. People could quash this now but they seem to be circling the waters for chum. That you might not be personally interested in exacting a pound of flesh is irrelevant to the rest of the group that is seeking that.
There were two people who mentioned Max Power yesterday: myself and @Bucsfan5493. Go back and read the posts and tell me who was baiting him and who was circling the waters. It didn’t happen.

There were two people who mentioned Max Power yesterday: myself and @Bucsfan5493. Go back and read the posts and tell me who was baiting him and who was circling the waters. It didn’t happen.
The other person on him has deleted his comments, it seems. And another thought he needed some sort of reckoning, though I know Dickies and don't think he meant too much by it.

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It's pretty low class the few of you coming after Max in here.  Especially one guy that you can scroll back and read but I won't name names either.
It’s pretty low class to lie to millions of Americans about voter fraud and call them ‘not reasonable people’ for actually believing you. But if you want to keep on staying more mad at a couple of people on a football message board than the people with insane power who actually spread those lies, you do you.

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To be fair, I wasn’t saying Max was saying ‘#### the left’. I’m referring more so to the other people in this thread who are making comments saying we’re being too harsh on Max yet haven’t said a word and don’t appear to be angry at the people actually responsible for spoonfeeding lies to Max. And we all know exactly why they haven’t and won’t say a word about it.
You and I were the only ones who brought up Max. Neither of us baited him or ganged up on him. We were immediately attacked for it, and some of the posts that attacked us were trolling by some of the same folks who encouraged Max in the first place. 

First, You can't prove that.  You don't have a list of all the posters here

Second, you posted your own account
No, that isn't true. I never posted a link to my own account. Someone went to a Twitter news link I posted, reverse engineered it and discovered my Twitter account that they then linked here. If you want to argue that I inadvertently disclosed it OK, but it took some detective work on the part of the person who doxed me and doesn't excuse it.

You and I were the only ones who brought up Max. Neither of us baited him or ganged up on him. We were immediately attacked for it, and some of the posts that attacked us were trolling by some of the same folks who encouraged Max in the first place. 
That's not true. You "atted" him, but GM bumped him from 12/5/2020 and asked for a response. Same thing. Surprising you don't even read the threads that you're commenting on.

I'd be awfully hesitant before painting that picture as indicative of what happened. We had a vet on the board that believed her and people are baiting him now. He's never said anything like "#### the left" or anything even remotely like that. He believed what she said. For that he deserves compassion rather than being called out to account.

That's sort of ####ed up that people are doing this, if you ask me, and I'm clearly not a Trump supporter nor a fan of the post-election disaster and lack of transition of power that took place.
Not sure I totally agree here - mainly because he repeatedly posted false information, misleading tweets and generally nutty conspiracy theory type stuff and was frequently called out for it.  But yet, he continued to do it.  I have no interest in piling on Max but let's not pretend he was some misguided octogenarian being fleeced of his life savings.

You and I were the only ones who brought up Max. Neither of us baited him or ganged up on him. We were immediately attacked for it, and some of the posts that attacked us were trolling by some of the same folks who encouraged Max in the first place. 
Play the victim and completely ignore the actual problem, they’ve become masters at that over the last 4 years. Hard to believe these people were running around calling everyone snowflakes just a couple of years ago.

This topic does seem like a big re-direct.  Lets focus on the bullying rather than talk about Sydney Powell.  I don't think I've seen one post from the Right on her comments are defense strategy.  I wonder why that is.

Except for Rocknation.

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That's not true. You "atted" him, but GM bumped him from 12/5/2020 and asked for a response. Same thing. Surprising you don't even read the threads that you're commenting on.
OK perhaps I missed that. Even so, asking for a response about something he was so adamant about is not baiting him, it happens all the time around here, and since it was one guy it wasn’t ganging up on him either. 

OK perhaps I missed that. Even so, asking for a response about something he was so adamant about is not baiting him, it happens all the time around here, and since it was one guy it wasn’t ganging up on him either. 
Two guys used the @ symbol, one bumped an ancient quote (in internet time) and now other people are popping in to see where he is. That sounds like ganging up on him to me. You might see it differently.

This topic does seem like a big re-direct.  Lets focus on the bullying rather than talk about Sydney Powell.  I don't think I've seen one post from the Right on her comments are defense strategy.  I wonder why that is.
I'm fine with the focus being on Syndey Powell. I think her and Trump are disgusting. But you have to wonder why someone is bumping a quote from 12/05/2020 and then other guys are using the @  symbol at the guy if they're really here to discuss S. Powell. Hint: They're here for a comeuppance. 

If anyone should call out Max, it should be me. The theories he supported and the candidates he was in thrall to destroyed a party I used to have a tenuous home in. Believing the stuff that these people believed has done more damage to real American classical liberalism than anything I can remember in my lifetime. We know the Democrats are social democrats rather than classical liberals, who were just destroyed in representation by a conspiratorial and nationalistic zeal among the classical liberal/religious/social conservative coalition's ranks. But I don't begrudge Max. I think it's poor form to call people out for comeuppance when they've been lied to and misled.

That's not true. You "atted" him, but GM bumped him from 12/5/2020 and asked for a response. Same thing. Surprising you don't even read the threads that you're commenting on.
Some people  love punching down for whatever reason , maybe not happy with their lot in life . Whatever insecurities they might have . 
Max is a good guy , doesn’t deserve this 

I'm fine with the focus being on Syndey Powell. I think her and Trump are disgusting. But you have to wonder why someone is bumping a quote from 12/05/2020 and then other guys are using the @  symbol at the guy if they're really here to discuss S. Powell. Hint: They're here for a comeuppance. 
I wouldn’t say it’s a comeuppance, I’m genuinely interested in seeing how he feels now. Does he realize he was conned? Does he still believe the election was stolen? I believe he was a pretty big Trump guy, does he still think Trump has his best interests in mind? I’m wondering if his views have changed at all or if he’s just digging himself into an even deeper hole. Judging by the Trump supporters responses we’ve seen thus far, I’m worried it might be the latter.

It's bad to "gang up" on a user who shares my political leanings. Shame!

But it's totally OK to gang up on a user from the other side. Because he totally deserves it.

Some people  love punching down for whatever reason , maybe not happy with their lot in life . Whatever insecurities they might have . 
Max is a good guy , doesn’t deserve this 
🙄 at your first comment.  I do agree with your last sentence. 

How do you feel about Sydney Powell's comments?  Do you feel like she has sold out many of the people that truly believed in the election fraud theory?  Do you still believe there was widespread fraud?

Two guys used the @ symbol, one bumped an ancient quote (in internet time) and now other people are popping in to see where he is. That sounds like ganging up on him to me. You might see it differently.
This is an anonymous board. There are posters in here for decades so either they are really dedicated or more likely they are a real person.

For this Sydney Powell, voter fraud stuff. I don’t have any other place that I am going back and forth with someone on this. This media is really good for this. Posters can link stuff, answer a variety of questions. 

People can write their opinions, discuss them freely. Max and I had like 2 pages of back and forth just before Jan 6th. if he wants to respond, great. If he doesn’t, fine. 

It’s pretty low class to lie to millions of Americans about voter fraud and call them ‘not reasonable people’ for actually believing you. But if you want to keep on staying more mad at a couple of people on a football message board than the people with insane power who actually spread those lies, you do you.
Max lied to millions of Americans?  Jesus look at the comparison you're making here. 

This topic does seem like a big re-direct.  Lets focus on the bullying rather than talk about Sydney Powell.  I don't think I've seen one post from the Right on her comments are defense strategy.  I wonder why that is.

Except for Rocknation.
If you want the focus to be on Powell then discuss her and not make it about Max.  Pretty simple. 

Who is making excuses? Just noting the reality of these forums. People do get ganged up on as I well know. I was a victim of bullying here myself (in the FFA) with my social media including both my Twitter and Facebook accounts being doxed. 
Would think you would be more sensitive to bullying instead of encouraging it. 

That doesn't seem like bullying to me.

People get @ regularly, and I see old quotes pulled up all the time.

Is that all considered bullying? Is mentioning a poster triggering?


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