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Vince Young's #1 Fan (1 Viewer)

I think Colin disagrees with me(I think its Colin, its one of the Texas boys)...but Id rather read MLBrandow's posts than a John McClain-written article.

Yeah, he's over the top, even for an admitted VY fan like myself. On the other hand, the number of articles is also a pretty good indication of the popularity of VY in Houston.

It is clear that Vince's strategy is to try to have so much PR and public support in Houston, that the Texans will be pressured into taking him, or perhaps convinced that the synergy there is too good to pass up.

I personally doubt the Texans take him, which is fine with me since I'm a Cowboys fan and don't really want to start rooting for the Texans (though I would if they did draft VY). I'm kind of hoping for Tennessee.

For those of you who are adamant the Texans should use the first pick on Young because he's a Houston native who won a national championship for the Longhorns, here's something to consider: Championship teams aren't built on what the fans want.
Well....maybe not totally over the top.
I'm kind of hoping for Tennessee.
You'll be happy then because that's we're he'll end up
As much as I'd like to be able to go see him play in Houston, and as much as VY wants to play there, I think a career with the Texans would be a life sentence to the NFL equivalent of the chain gang, with weekends and nights in the hole. So far, they have shown zero evidence of having even one clue.Tennessee is a much better fit...even the J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets, Jets.

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McClain is a nice guy and can play a mean game of 9 ball, buthis writing, like many sports duders, is better thought of as "subjective."

I'm kind of hoping for Tennessee.
You'll be happy then because that's we're he'll end up
Honestly, I think that the Titans are taking Ferguson and Vince is slipping to the Lions. But, to be fair, as much as I want Vince on the Titans, a ten year left tackle would be just as good.COlin

I'm kind of hoping for Tennessee.
You'll be happy then because that's we're he'll end up
Honestly, I think that the Titans are taking Ferguson and Vince is slipping to the Lions. But, to be fair, as much as I want Vince on the Titans, a ten year left tackle would be just as good.COlin
Where do the Detroit Longhorns pick, anyway?EDIT: Never mind, just looked it up.

There are a couple of reasons I think that might not happen.

First of all, Roy Williams and VY didn't get along that well at Texas. Seems Roy didn't get the ball enough for his taste with Vince under center. To be fair to Roy, that was when Vince was very new and was learning (i.e. not very good at) his reads. Or maybe Roy's just an arrogant, egocentric arsehole. Or both. I'm trying to be openminded.

The other reason is that Detroit picks #9. I just don't see Vince lasting that long (unless the Lions trade up for him). If Houston, NO, TN, or NYJ don't want him, someone will. I see someone who's currently flying under the radar surprising everyone and trading up to get VY. Same goes for Leinart. Someone further down the list might even offer the Texans the Moon to trade up to get ML, VY, or RB.

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I'm kind of hoping for Tennessee.
You'll be happy then because that's we're he'll end up
Honestly, I think that the Titans are taking Ferguson and Vince is slipping to the Lions. But, to be fair, as much as I want Vince on the Titans, a ten year left tackle would be just as good.COlin
I think this would be a good move if they could trade down 3-4 spots and still get him. They need to recoup their 3rd round pick from the Henry deal. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Titans become players in the Brees chase. Everyday I'm wondering whether the McNair deal will get done

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