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Vote Blue No Matter Who (2 Viewers)


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Trump hate is based on his long history of being a con man, a liar, and his words and actions as President.

Crenshaw...why would he beat anybody?  Because the right wing is pumping him up with his really poor youtube video from a few weeks ago?

Technically, I guess I should change my statement. Crenshaw would beat anybody on the horizon right now & very likely anybody that comes into play.

Dude is like gold.
Crenshaw is the hydroxychloroquine of politics.

You stated he was the guy right now...so I asked why you think that.  
Why ISN'T Crenshaw the guy? So it takes a whole bunch of qualifications (I use that term loosely), which essentially just means time on the job? Most any politician can acquire "qualifications" given enough time. Like I said, Crenshaw has 4 more years.

Dude is going to kill it if he runs (non-negotiable). Crenshaw has a JFK-like appeal.

As my Mom used to say, "Hide & watch."

Why ISN'T Crenshaw the guy? So it takes a whole bunch of qualifications (I use that term loosely), which essentially just means time on the job? Most any politician can acquire "qualifications" given enough time. Like I said, Crenshaw has 4 more years.

Dude is going to kill it if he runs (non-negotiable). Crenshaw has a JFK-like appeal.

As my Mom used to say, "Hide & watch."
So...he isn't the guy right now...but with 4 years of acquiring qualifications he may be.

And no...he is no JFK.

Why isn't Crenshaw the guy?  Can I start with the youtube video that has been posted on this board where he plays fast and loose with the truth and context and wrongfully defended Trump's actions in regards to the reaction to Coronavirus?  His lies about asylum seekers? 

So...he isn't the guy right now...but with 4 years of acquiring qualifications he may be.

And no...he is no JFK.

Why isn't Crenshaw the guy?  Can I start with the youtube video that has been posted on this board where he plays fast and loose with the truth and context and wrongfully defended Trump's actions in regards to the reaction to Coronavirus?  His lies about asylum seekers? 

We're getting nowhere, but let's do this. If Crenshaw runs (key point is if he runs, there'll be support), I'll give you a breakdown of why he'll be the next POTUS.


For one, we're missing a lot of info (on both sides). We likely have at least a couple years before we get some hints. It's fairly typical of the interactions here, but I get it. Hard not to go that route.

That said (in general):

- Crenshaw is THE rising political star in this country

- I like the guy (in fact, I LOVE this dude & everything he's about)

- The American people are going to love him

- Last but not least, he's going to help "reset the clock"

- - - - - - - - - -

I'll explain in detail how the cow is going to eat the cabbage (as my Mom used to say) at the appropriate time. 

Anyway, honestly, I didn't mean to hijack the thread (if anyone is thinking that). Sometimes I simply see something & get fired up.

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Technically, I guess I should change my statement. Crenshaw would beat anybody on the horizon right now & very likely anybody that comes into play.

Dude is like gold.
First off, I do like the eyepatch. But couldn't this last part be a problem?


Daniel Reed Crenshaw

March 14, 1984 (age 36)
Aberdeen, Scotland

That’s not a problem 
Born in Scotland and went to high school in Colombia. Sounds fishy to me.

 I am kidding, he has a ton of potential and oddly enough the SNL joke made at his expense is one of the better things to happen for him, that really put him on people's radar. He handled that perfectly. 
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HellToupee said:
That’s not a problem 
Considering the absolute fit a lot of the GOP threw over a false rumor about Obama's birthplace, I'm inclined to doubt they'll invite that same scrutiny to a guy who was born in Scotland, an actual foreign territory.

You’re right- one or the other morally, ethically, spiritually bankrupt parties will probably win.  But it won’t be because of me.  
This binary thinking is a problem. It's like saying petty theft is the same as premeditated murder because they're both crimes. One party is committing worse crimes against democracy than the other. One party has at least SOME people with good intentions working for it. Your false equivalencies are not helping the situation.

This binary thinking is a problem. It's like saying petty theft is the same as premeditated murder because they're both crimes. One party is committing worse crimes against democracy than the other. One party has at least SOME people with good intentions working for it. Your false equivalencies are not helping the situation.
Is this saying there are no people in the republican party with good intentions?

The only reason 3rd parties have 'no chance of winning' is because people pick the less ####ty candidate out of fear too many people will pick the more ####ty candidate.  But I don't even think Biden would be better than Trump.  Just the other day he waffled on whether he would lift Trump's sanctions on Iran in the middle of a pandemic.  Sanctions that are killing thousands of people during a global health crisis.  Like, are you ####### kidding me? 

I think he'd look at Trump and say 'wow jack, look at all the things I could get away with now.'  
This is all a bit of a stretch. Biden is not a great candidate but he's not looking to become a king as you imply with that last line.

As for third parties, when was the last time someone actually fit to be president ran? I can't think of anyone after Ross Perot. I voted Gary in 2016, but that was just a protest vote. I didn't actually think Johnson would be a good president. 

I do think Crenshaw would be a very formidable candidate; if he can hold Trump at an arms distance until Trump loses in Nov. he should be able to mitigate any significant Trump Stink on him that will sink a number of his GOP brethren.  Then; he'd be one of the more popular GOP politicians of the post-Trump era.....as long as he pushes the Party's narrative from Trumpism to smaller government, moral fortitude, responsible spending, personal responsibility, creating a network of international allies and planning for the worst/hoping for the best.  His pro military in the ME won't win him any support with the Bernie Bros. Trump guys....... but it would probably play alright to the Middle who might see a need for this.  

"Smaller government" is a fairly meaningless concept. We need government to work better for us and that will take the size it takes.

This is all a bit of a stretch. Biden is not a great candidate but he's not looking to become a king as you imply with that last line.

As for third parties, when was the last time someone actually fit to be president ran? I can't think of anyone after Ross Perot. I voted Gary in 2016, but that was just a protest vote. I didn't actually think Johnson would be a good president. 
You make a great point here. If we really want to break free of what the Big 2 feed us every four years, we need better 3rd party choices than what we have been given.

This is all a bit of a stretch. Biden is not a great candidate but he's not looking to become a king as you imply with that last line.

As for third parties, when was the last time someone actually fit to be president ran? I can't think of anyone after Ross Perot. I voted Gary in 2016, but that was just a protest vote. I didn't actually think Johnson would be a good president. 
Ralph Nader, Ron Paul.  Mike Gravel, maybe Dennis Kucinich as well.  I didn't like Gary Johnson either.  

Well to be fair that was way before Trump.
Oh for sure, I'm not saying Romney is half the lunatic that Trump is... he's definitely better and probably wouldn't have been much different than Obama to be honest. 

It's just that the Dems roll this line out every 4 years... Bush is the worst (then they love him), McCain is the worst (then they love him), Romney is the worst (then they love him), now Trump is the worst. Next it will be Cruz or Cotton or Nugent or whatever they can dredge up that's even worse than them and Dems will try to put the fear of god into everyone and lecture lefties to vote for newly converted Jeb Bush or whatever right wing centrist they roll out because the left has nowhere to go. 

"You have to vote blue, it's too important!" is getting a bit stale.

Oh for sure, I'm not saying Romney is half the lunatic that Trump is... he's definitely better and probably wouldn't have been much different than Obama to be honest. 

It's just that the Dems roll this line out every 4 years... Bush is the worst (then they love him), McCain is the worst (then they love him), Romney is the worst (then they love him), now Trump is the worst. Next it will be Cruz or Cotton or Nugent or whatever they can dredge up that's even worse than them and Dems will try to put the fear of god into everyone and lecture lefties to vote for newly converted Jeb Bush or whatever right wing centrist they roll out because the left has nowhere to go. 

"You have to vote blue, it's too important!" is getting a bit stale.
If Republicans would stop rolling out deeper levels of incompetence, then maybe it wouldn’t happen.   For the record, I would go Cruz over Trump, but Nugent would be a tight one.

At least I never had to question if Bush, Romney or McCain were sane.  I might have questioned their intelligence (Bush) or their judgement (Sarah Palin, John?), but never their sanity.

If Republicans would stop rolling out deeper levels of incompetence, then maybe it wouldn’t happen.   For the record, I would go Cruz over Trump, but Nugent would be a tight one.

At least I never had to question if Bush, Romney or McCain were sane.  I might have questioned their intelligence (Bush) or their judgement (Sarah Palin, John?), but never their sanity.
GOP basically makes it too easy for the dems, but the last election proves they need a little more than "we are not as bad as them".

If Republicans would stop rolling out deeper levels of incompetence, then maybe it wouldn’t happen.   For the record, I would go Cruz over Trump, but Nugent would be a tight one.

At least I never had to question if Bush, Romney or McCain were sane.  I might have questioned their intelligence (Bush) or their judgement (Sarah Palin, John?), but never their sanity.
Right, but they're never going to... that seems to be the whole game of it. Big money buys both parties, Republicans go super-extreme right, Democrats fill in the center right. 

Republicans make super extreme policy positions, Dems compromise to something that moves everyone right and big money benefits. 

Right, but they're never going to... that seems to be the whole game of it. Big money buys both parties, Republicans go super-extreme right, Democrats fill in the center right. 

Republicans make super extreme policy positions, Dems compromise to something that moves everyone right and big money benefits. 
I don’t even know what the “center” of our country means anymore.  Yes - Republicans make super extreme policy positions, but they also won the Presidency last time.  The center infers we are one group of American citizens, with a right, left and center.  I’m not sure the right and left are even part of the same reality as each other.

I don’t even know what the “center” of our country means anymore.  Yes - Republicans make super extreme policy positions, but they also won the Presidency last time.  The center infers we are one group of American citizens, with a right, left and center.  I’m not sure the right and left are even part of the same reality as each other.
Yea the whole political "line" is kind of a dumb concept as a whole... it should be more of a venn diagram really, but it's effective in branding because the establishment parties can just call a concept center or moderate and make it sound like it's the reasonable "grown up" position. 

Oh for sure, I'm not saying Romney is half the lunatic that Trump is... he's definitely better and probably wouldn't have been much different than Obama to be honest. 

It's just that the Dems roll this line out every 4 years... Bush is the worst (then they love him), McCain is the worst (then they love him), Romney is the worst (then they love him), now Trump is the worst. Next it will be Cruz or Cotton or Nugent or whatever they can dredge up that's even worse than them and Dems will try to put the fear of god into everyone and lecture lefties to vote for newly converted Jeb Bush or whatever right wing centrist they roll out because the left has nowhere to go. 

"You have to vote blue, it's too important!" is getting a bit stale.
Great post, except that Democrats never did any of those things. 

It's entirely possible I'm misremembering, but I don't think McCain was particularly hated. Romney was easy to dunk on, and maybe you could even say hated. Bush was definitely (and rightfully) hated and his rehabilitation since Trump's election is sickening. He, Cheney, Rice, Rummy, and the rest of his group of murderous thugs should be in jail.

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Murph said:
It's entirely possible I'm misremembering, but I don't think McCain was particularly hated. Romney was easy to dunk on, and maybe you could even say hated. Bush was definitely (and rightfully) hated and his rehabilitation since Trump's election is sickening. He, Cheney, Rice, Rummy, and the rest of his group of murderous thugs should be in jail.
Can we please stop with the revisionist history?

This is ridiculous.

Too late for that.
I'm trying to come up with a Republican who doesn't have Trump Stink on him....maybe Romney. 

That being said, there are levels of Trump stink.  Crenshaw needs to not be like Nunes, Paul, Gaetz, Jordan or some of the other Trump disciples.  I don't think he's there yet.  

Murph said:
It's entirely possible I'm misremembering, but I don't think McCain was particularly hated. Romney was easy to dunk on, and maybe you could even say hated. Bush was definitely (and rightfully) hated and his rehabilitation since Trump's election is sickening. He, Cheney, Rice, Rummy, and the rest of his group of murderous thugs should be in jail.
There' always going to be hate from both sides. That being said, Republican politicians like Reagan, Bush I and Bush II won (and in the cases of Reagan and Bush I overwhelmingly) in part because of support from Democrats.

McCain wasn't hated. I think most knew he wasn't going to win. I think his legacy took a bit of hit because of how off the rails Palin is.

Romney achieved early political success in the same manner of Reagan and Bush I.....there was real Centrist crossover appeal.  When he ran in 12, he took a hit because A) he was going against a iconic President and B) he was, and he latched onto, the Tea Party movement; and from that movement was the birth of Trumpism. The inflammatory nature of the Tea Partiers and Birthers put Romney in the crosshairs.

Bush II is the weird one.  FL/Broward and the "Hanging Chads" left a bad taste in Democrats mouths. He came about during the rise and unabashed cheerleading of FOX News,( their treatment of John Kerry didn't help)  9-11 happened/ Gulf War II/ Katrina (so much #### happened during Bush II's time...I'm sure I'm missing a couple of things.  Jail or not,......what I think you see from some Democrats on Bush II is that "if he's that hated now by The Right(which he is)......maybe he wasn't that bad as a man/person".

I think you see from some Democrats on Bush II is that "if he's that hated now by The Right(which he is)......maybe he wasn't that bad as a man/person".
True, and it's a message amplified in the media by the same folks who were cheerleaders for the Iraq War and never faced any consequences for being wrong, they just failed upward. The veneration of "Never Trump" neo-cons is equally sickening to me and speaks to the fact that the Democratic Party stands for nothing other than acquiring power for its own sake. Not to use that power to advance any sort of agenda that will help working people.

True, and it's a message amplified in the media by the same folks who were cheerleaders for the Iraq War and never faced any consequences for being wrong, they just failed upward. The veneration of "Never Trump" neo-cons is equally sickening to me and speaks to the fact that the Democratic Party stands for nothing other than acquiring power for its own sake. Not to use that power to advance any sort of agenda that will help working people.

I always laugh when I see Dems say things like "Yes! Bill Kristol and David Frum are on our side now!" ... yea, because you're becoming the party they used to belong to.

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True, and it's a message amplified in the media by the same folks who were cheerleaders for the Iraq War and never faced any consequences for being wrong, they just failed upward. The veneration of "Never Trump" neo-cons is equally sickening to me and speaks to the fact that the Democratic Party stands for nothing other than acquiring power for its own sake. Not to use that power to advance any sort of agenda that will help working people.
If one wants to say that this current Democratic Party pales in comparison to the past incantations  of the Party in regards to their "agenda that will help working people"......that's fine.  But when compared to what the alternative currently is.... they still preach many of the same ideological points.  

But when compared to what the alternative currently is.
Our electoral system sucks. And if someone just wants to prioritize getting Trump out then I would encourage them to vote accordingly. But until I see reform in the Democratic Party I can't get on board with this. It will be third party or abstain for me.


I always laugh when I see Dems say things like "Yes! Bill Kristol and David Frum are on our side now!" ... yea, because you're becoming the party they used to belong to.
Yet the typical conservative viewpoint is that Democrats are being overly influenced by their progressive wing. 


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