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Was Portis actually injured? (1 Viewer)


Portis looked to be 100% tonight. I find it very hard to believe that he had a grade 2 MCL sprain and couldn't even bend his knee until Thursday. I have a feeling Portis was fine all along, and this was all a ploy by Zorn and Portis to mess with the Cowboys for the big divisional game.

he was definitely injured late in the game in week 9, i remember the play. obviously the seriousness was a bit of smokescreen.

Portis looked to be 100% tonight. I find it very hard to believe that he had a grade 2 MCL sprain and couldn't even bend his knee until Thursday. I have a feeling Portis was fine all along, and this was all a ploy by Zorn and Portis to mess with the Cowboys for the big divisional game.
link to where the TEAM said he had a grade 2 MCL sprain?
I benched him! :lmao:

But I started Turner in his place (with MBIII) :thumbup:

My opponent started Betts! :bowtie:

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I think he was injured during the last game and the team took that opportunity to play some injury report games. He did not look like a man who couldn't bend his leg on Thursday. I also read he has a 2nd degree sprain but I dont remember where I read it at.

Portis looked to be 100% tonight. I find it very hard to believe that he had a grade 2 MCL sprain and couldn't even bend his knee until Thursday. I have a feeling Portis was fine all along, and this was all a ploy by Zorn and Portis to mess with the Cowboys for the big divisional game.
I don't think he is 100%. He limped off the field a couple times last night, and someone rotated in for him. He made not have a 2 MCL sprain, but he isn't 100%.
He's a tough SOB. Take notes Steven Jackson...you pansy.
:lmao: I think it makes a difference how much you are willing to risk when you have a shot at the playoffs vs. have already made vacation plans for December 22.
Watching most of the first half last night I really think Zorn pulled one over on everyone, and where did John Clayton's report come from yesterday morning? Not only did Portis look 100%, but he wasn't even wearing any type of brace on his knee that I could see, and it would seem to me with that type of injury he would want some protection. Hopefully I can still pull out a win but I took the bait and played Betts (over Hillis) and it cost me.

Watching most of the first half last night I really think Zorn pulled one over on everyone, and where did John Clayton's report come from yesterday morning? Not only did Portis look 100%, but he wasn't even wearing any type of brace on his knee that I could see, and it would seem to me with that type of injury he would want some protection. Hopefully I can still pull out a win but I took the bait and played Betts (over Hillis) and it cost me.
With what type of injury?
It's not like anyone missed out on a monster game from Portis, so no big deal to me. I started Chris Johnson and got a whoppin 2 more points than Portis so I came out ahead. But I'm still going to lose this week.

Portis made cuts you CANNOT make if you have a 1st degree MCL sprain let alone a 2nd.. Portis cut on a dime several times. If he did have a MCL - that make LT look a little bad I guess.

I think he was injured during the last game and the team took that opportunity to play some injury report games. He did not look like a man who couldn't bend his leg on Thursday. I also read he has a 2nd degree sprain but I dont remember where I read it at.
Yes but they can't lie without getting in trouble. That's why you need to be careful where injury reports come from.
You DO NOT cut as he cut in Sundays game if you tor your MCL at all..

He may of been injured but it wasn't a grade 2 MCL sprain. LT had a low end grade 2 sprain in last season playoffs and couldn't cut at all..


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