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Were You Home-Schooled? (1 Viewer)

Were You Home-Schooled?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • No

    Votes: 174 98.3%

  • Total voters
I was home schooled for 10 days my sophomore year. Earned a 10 day suspension from school partying on a school trip. Unfortunately for me, my dad took two weeks off work to do a ton of interior painting. He collected all my assignments from all my teachers, had me complete them, and do extra work.

I studied 8-noon, ate, painted from about 1-6, ate, then did more homework from 7-10, then cleaned up from the painting. I could listen to radio; no tv, no phone.

Never got below a 3.5 GPA after that nor did I get in trouble again in High School.

Those two weeks sucked bad.

If you call getting your butt warmed up with a belt being home schooled, then yes.

But for reading, writing and cyphering... I went to a public school for all that.

Somewhere between average and above average I'd say. Certainly smarter than a few posters I could name. And way smarter than every person I ever met claiming they could teach their kids every subject through every grade and do it better than the public schools.
This is a quality posting.

If you want to teach your kids that men rode the dinosaurs, then obviously that post sucked great big donkey balls!

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I've also been schooled by a long line of fantasy football owners with an inferior intellect but impeccable luck

I was once also very publicly schooled by a girl on the basketball court in gym class, but in my defense i am short

Somewhere between average and above average I'd say. Certainly smarter than a few posters I could name. And way smarter than every person I ever met claiming they could teach their kids every subject through every grade and do it better than the public schools.
Yeah, one on one teaching really is a terrible thing.

We just started with our 7 year old FWIW. Current plan is to take the kids up through 8th grade and let them go back to public school starting in high school. We'd probably not be doing it if our local district was great, but it is what it is.

And roboto is right. Our kids are involved in all sorts of things. There are plenty of BETTER ways to learn social interaction than public school.

no but my kids were for a time
13-18 seem like good ages for home-schooling.
No. Do you want them to be socially inept?
This is the worst argument. Kids don't need to be around other kids 8 hours a day 9 months out of the year to be 'socialized'.
Please. but I am sure you have trig and algebra and that new fangled thing 'evolution' down.
Ah, great logic here. 1. I wasn't homeschooled, and we don't homeschool out kids.

2. You brought up 'socialized' then respond with a completely new argument - academics.

3. Most homeschooled families supplement with small group co-ops for subjects beyond the expertise of the parents. Most parents took algebra and can easily teach it with some study of their own.

4. Many homeschool families aren't doing it for religious reasons (which I assume is where the 'evolution' comment comes from)

5. Homeschooled kids still need to pass all standards to get a diploma.

no but my kids were for a time
13-18 seem like good ages for home-schooling.
No. Do you want them to be socially inept?
This is the worst argument. Kids don't need to be around other kids 8 hours a day 9 months out of the year to be 'socialized'.
Please. but I am sure you have trig and algebra and that new fangled thing 'evolution' down.
Ah, great logic here.1. I wasn't homeschooled, and we don't homeschool out kids.

2. You brought up 'socialized' then respond with a completely new argument - academics.

3. Most homeschooled families supplement with small group co-ops for subjects beyond the expertise of the parents. Most parents took algebra and can easily teach it with some study of their own.

4. Many homeschool families aren't doing it for religious reasons (which I assume is where the 'evolution' comment comes from)

5. Homeschooled kids still need to pass all standards to get a diploma.
That depends on which state you live in.

yeah, forgetting the whole "religious home schooling must mean all involved are morons" angle, the simple fact that many here seem to be equating all home schooling with Jesus riding dinosaur shows them to be narrow minded. judgmental, and lacking in facts

which are normally the arguments used against religious people

it's kind of like the pot calling the kettle a mouth breathing idiot

Home schooled kids around here participate on the public school sports teams and in other public school activities. :shrug:

Our schools don't allow home school kids to participate in sports or any school activities, of course they also don't refund me the tax money they took to pay for it.

It made sense for my cousin's kids because he was in the military and moved around a lot. It wasn't really "home" schooling though. A bunch of military families would get together to school their kids privately.

I taught myself how to masturbate at home to the JCPenny catalog when i was a young'n, does that count as home schoolin? Seems like it should.

nope.. public school all the way.. should add private school to the poll.. private school is where all the ##### bags were :cool:

I think a majority of the people posting here are no longer school age. So, the poll should be, Do you homeschool your kids?

From a hyper religious source, Huffington Post


More than 2 million U.S. students in grades K-12 were home-schooled in 2010, accounting for nearly four percent of all school-aged children, according to the National Home Education Research Institute. Studies suggest that those who go on to college will outperform their peers.

Students coming from a home school graduated college at a higher rate than their peers­ -- 66.7 percent compared to 57.5 percent -- and earned higher grade point averages along the way, according to a study that compared students at one doctoral university from 2004-2009.

They're also better socialized than most high school students, says Joe Kelly, an author and parenting expert who home-schooled his twin daughters.

"I know that sounds counterintuitive because they're not around dozens or hundreds of other kids every day, but I would argue that's why they're better socialized," Kelly says. "Many home-schoolers play on athletic teams, but they're also interactive with students of different ages."

Home-schooled students often spend less time in class, Kelly says, giving them more opportunity to get out into the world and engage with adults and teens alike.

"The socialization thing is really a nonissue for most home schoolers," he says. "They're getting a lot of it."
Wikipedia - Support and Criticism


John Taylor later found, using the Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale, "while half of the conventionally schooled children scored at or below the 50th percentile (in self-concept), only 10.3% of the home-schooling children did so."[38] He further stated that "the self-concept of home-schooling children is significantly higher statistically than that of children attending conventional school. This has implications in the areas of academic achievement and socialization which have been found to parallel self-concept. Regarding socialization, Taylor's results would mean that very few home-schooling children are socially deprived. He states that critics who speak out against homeschooling on the basis of social deprivation are actually addressing an area which favors homeschoolers.[38]

In 2003, the National Home Education Research Institute conducted a survey of 7,300 U.S. adults who had been homeschooled (5,000 for more than seven years). Their findings included:

Homeschool graduates are active and involved in their communities. 71% participate in an ongoing community service activity, like coaching a sports team, volunteering at a school, or working with a church or neighborhood association, compared with 37% of U.S. adults of similar ages from a traditional education background.

Homeschool graduates are more involved in civic affairs and vote in much higher percentages than their peers. 76% of those surveyed between the ages of 18 and 24 voted within the last five years, compared with only 29% of the corresponding U.S. populace. The numbers are even greater in older age groups, with voting levels not falling below 95%, compared with a high of 53% for the corresponding U.S. populace.

58.9% report that they are "very happy" with life, compared with 27.6% for the general U.S. population. 73.2% find life "exciting", compared with 47.3%.[39]


People claim the studies that show that homeschooled students do better on standardized tests,[33][40] compare voluntary homeschool testing with mandatory public-school testing.

By contrast, SAT and ACT tests are self-selected by homeschooled and formally schooled students alike. Homeschoolers averaged higher scores on these college entrance tests in South Carolina.[41] Other scores (1999 data) showed mixed results, for example showing higher levels for homeschoolers in English (homeschooled 23.4 vs national average 20.5) and reading (homeschooled 24.4 vs national average 21.4) on the ACT, but mixed scores in math (homeschooled 20.4 vs national average 20.7 on the ACT as opposed homeschooled 535 vs national average 511 on the 1999 SAT math).[42]

Some advocates of homeschooling and educational choice counter with an input-output theory, pointing out that home educators expend only an average of $500$600 a year on each student, in comparison to $9,000-$10,000 for each public school student in the United States, which suggests home-educated students would be especially dominant on tests if afforded access to an equal commitment of tax-funded educational resources.[43]
Whatever. I'm not from the US and in our constitution the state is required to give you nine years of education. For free, And by the way it's a pretty decent quality.

The rest of the education (through university) is free too, So here, the only reason you would be home schooled is if your parent were religious nuts.

So, please, educate me on why it makes sense to keep your children inside your house for whatever education you as parents deem fit to give them.

A pro-homeschooling website, but citing a study of 11,000 kids using 15 independent testing agencies..


Drawing from 15 independent testing services, the Progress Report 2009: Homeschool Academic Achievement and Demographics included 11,739 homeschooled students from all 50 states who took three well-known testsCalifornia Achievement Test, Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, and Stanford Achievement Test for the 200708 academic year. The Progress Report is the most comprehensive homeschool academic study ever completed.

The Results

Overall the study showed significant advances in homeschool academic achievement as well as revealing that issues such as student gender, parents education level, and family income had little bearing on the results of homeschooled students.

National Average Percentile Scores

Subtest Homeschool Public School

Reading 89 50

Language84 50

Math 84 50

Science 86 50

Social Studies 84 50

Core a 88 50

Composite b 86 50

a. Core is a combination of Reading, Language, and Math.

b. Composite is a combination of all subtests that the student took on the test.

There was little difference between the results of homeschooled boys and girls on core scores.

Boys87th percentile

Girls88th percentile

Household income had little impact on the results of homeschooled students.

$34,999 or less85th percentile

$35,000$49,99986th percentile

$50,000$69,99986th percentile

$70,000 or more89th percentile

The education level of the parents made a noticeable difference, but the homeschooled children of non-college educated parents still scored in the 83rd percentile, which is well above the national average.

Neither parent has a college degree83rd percentile

One parent has a college degree86th percentile

Both parents have a college degree90th percentile

Whether either parent was a certified teacher did not matter.

Certified (i.e., either parent ever certified)87th percentile

Not certified (i.e., neither parent ever certified)88th percentile

Parental spending on home education made little difference.

Spent $600 or more on the student89th percentile

Spent under $600 on the student86th percentile

The extent of government regulation on homeschoolers did not affect the results.

Low state regulation87th percentile

Medium state regulation88th percentile

High state regulation87th percentile

HSLDA defines the extent of government regulation this way:

States with low regulation: No state requirement for parents to initiate any contact or State requires parental notification only.

States with moderate regulation: State requires parents to send notification, test scores, and/or professional evaluation of student progress.

State with high regulation: State requires parents to send notification or achievement test scores and/or professional evaluation, plus other requirements (e.g. curriculum approval by the state, teacher qualification of parents, or home visits by state officials).

The question HSLDA regularly puts before state legislatures is, If government regulation does not improve the results of homeschoolers why is it necessary?

In short, the results found in the new study are consistent with 25 years of research, which show that as a group homeschoolers consistently perform above average academically. The Progress Report also shows that, even as the numbers and diversity of homeschoolers have grown tremendously over the past 10 years, homeschoolers have actually increased the already sizeable gap in academic achievement between themselves and their public school counterparts-moving from about 30 percentile points higher in the Rudner study (1998) to 37 percentile points higher in the Progress Report (2009).

As mentioned earlier, the achievement gaps that are well-documented in public school between boys and girls, parents with lower incomes, and parents with lower levels of education are not found among homeschoolers. While it is not possible to draw a definitive conclusion, it does appear from all the existing research that homeschooling equalizes every student upwards. Homeschoolers are actually achieving every day what the public schools claim are their goalsto narrow achievement gaps and to educate each child to a high level.

Of course, an education movement which consistently shows that children can be educated to a standard significantly above the average public school student at a fraction of the costthe average spent by participants in the Progress Report was about $500 per child per year as opposed to the public school average of nearly $10,000 per child per yearwill inevitably draw attention from the K-12 public education industry.
Whatever. I'm not from the US and in our constitution the state is required to give you nine years of education. For free, And by the way it's a pretty decent quality.

The rest of the education (through university) is free too, So here, the only reason you would be home schooled is if your parent were religious nuts.

So, please, educate me on why it makes sense to keep your children inside your house for whatever education you as parents deem fit to give them.
See the studies. Test scores, college attendance and graduation, community involvement all better among the homeschooled cohort. My daughter went to kindergarten this week. They are learning how to sound out letters. She reads small books, probably at a 1st or 2nd grade level. Because we actively taught her. Before 'school'. She's gonna be bored out of her mind academically. When someone needs to learn something important, or is struggling in a subject, individual tutoring is applied. Why? Because its more effective. So if a kid can progress at their rate, learn in a small group or individual format, advance as fast as they are able, they will learn faster than the preset grade advancement of public or private school.

Whatever. I'm not from the US and in our constitution the state is required to give you nine years of education. For free, And by the way it's a pretty decent quality.

The rest of the education (through university) is free too, So here, the only reason you would be home schooled is if your parent were religious nuts.

So, please, educate me on why it makes sense to keep your children inside your house for whatever education you as parents deem fit to give them.
Long story, short. Nobody knows their kids better than a parent. The curriculum can be standard across the board. But, why should my kid sit and wait for your kid to learn what 2+2 is? Or if my kid is struggling why should the school day determine that there is not enough time for each kid to fully understand when he/she is having trouble

Whatever. I'm not from the US and in our constitution the state is required to give you nine years of education. For free, And by the way it's a pretty decent quality.

The rest of the education (through university) is free too, So here, the only reason you would be home schooled is if your parent were religious nuts.

So, please, educate me on why it makes sense to keep your children inside your house for whatever education you as parents deem fit to give them.
We have three primary reasons that we decided to try it:

1. Public schools are amazingly inefficient. The kid gets on the bus at 7:30 in the morning and doesn't get home until 3:45. That's over eight hours a day for what amounts of 3-4 hours of actual learning. We can school the kids at home and give them a solid morning worth of schooling and get more in than they get at public school. For instance, we have started a Spanish curriculum with our 2nd grader (in addition to all the standard curriculums), which she would not get in public school, because half their time is wasted. In addition to her schooling in the morning she has the whole afternoon free to do extra curricular activities, social activities, field trips, etc.

2. The quality of the education in our district is not up to par. Not that testing scores mean everything, but they can be an indication of problems. And we have seen first hand over her first two years that she was being held back due to the size of the classes and progression of the curriculum's. If our daughter is ready to move on from 2nd grade reading/math/phonics/etc., we can move her forward. Yes, you can supplement them if they are in public school, but then you are adding another 1, 2, 3 hours on top of what they are already doing in regular school? No thanks, they deserve to be kids too.

3. The quality of the kids in her school is not great. And that could be a partial result of cramming 25 kids into a one teacher class, but it's there.

Whatever. I'm not from the US and in our constitution the state is required to give you nine years of education. For free, And by the way it's a pretty decent quality.

The rest of the education (through university) is free too, So here, the only reason you would be home schooled is if your parent were religious nuts.

So, please, educate me on why it makes sense to keep your children inside your house for whatever education you as parents deem fit to give them.
See the studies. Test scores, college attendance and graduation, community involvement all better among the homeschooled cohort. My daughter went to kindergarten this week. They are learning how to sound out letters. She reads small books, probably at a 1st or 2nd grade level. Because we actively taught her. Before 'school'. She's gonna be bored out of her mind academically.When someone needs to learn something important, or is struggling in a subject, individual tutoring is applied. Why? Because its more effective. So if a kid can progress at their rate, learn in a small group or individual format, advance as fast as they are able, they will learn faster than the preset grade advancement of public or private school.
so your public education system sucks? Do you have standards and consequences when not met?

Whatever. I'm not from the US and in our constitution the state is required to give you nine years of education. For free, And by the way it's a pretty decent quality.

The rest of the education (through university) is free too, So here, the only reason you would be home schooled is if your parent were religious nuts.

So, please, educate me on why it makes sense to keep your children inside your house for whatever education you as parents deem fit to give them.
See the studies. Test scores, college attendance and graduation, community involvement all better among the homeschooled cohort. My daughter went to kindergarten this week. They are learning how to sound out letters. She reads small books, probably at a 1st or 2nd grade level. Because we actively taught her. Before 'school'. She's gonna be bored out of her mind academically.When someone needs to learn something important, or is struggling in a subject, individual tutoring is applied. Why? Because its more effective. So if a kid can progress at their rate, learn in a small group or individual format, advance as fast as they are able, they will learn faster than the preset grade advancement of public or private school.
so your public education system sucks? Do you have standards and consequences when not met?
It doesn't suck, but many people think it could be better. It's very dependent on where you live. We live in an affluent area and our schools are very good. Yes, there are standards and consequences. But again, large format learning, for most subjects is far less effective and efficient.

Whatever. I'm not from the US and in our constitution the state is required to give you nine years of education. For free, And by the way it's a pretty decent quality.

The rest of the education (through university) is free too, So here, the only reason you would be home schooled is if your parent were religious nuts.

So, please, educate me on why it makes sense to keep your children inside your house for whatever education you as parents deem fit to give them.
First of all it's not free, you're paying for it through your taxes. Just as I'm paying in NJ for the 3rd highest per student spending in the nation... $15,968 per kid per year. I have 3 kids, I spent about $1200 on curriculum this year. I don't know if my kids are going to be Rhodes scholars but they're all learning either on pace or at an advanced pace compared to their public school curriculum. We have weekly testing and grading and my kids are doing great so far. I don't anticipate them having any trouble going back to school in 9th grade. My daughter went to school last year after a year of home schooling and she ended up learning absolutely nothing in match we hadn't already covered the year before. I think it will be more work to keep up with the diversity and expertise of the education my kids can get in an above average high school, but until then I don't think there is anything form K-8 that my wife or I am not capable of teaching them as well or better than school. I don't have any experience yet at the high school level but the available material is excellent and I know a lot of really great kids doing fantastic in college who were home schooled their entire lives.

It's not like we're making this stuff up, we buy professional curriculum made specifically for our children's education level. It's not like I'm sitting at the table trying to think of what to teach them today. So a comparable or better education at less than a tenth of the price seems like a good deal to me.

I also don't have to worry about counteracting an ever increasing liberal viewpoint in my children's everyday education. Not just from a religious viewpoint but also from a secular one when it comes to U.S. history and civics. It's no secret that I live in a dyed in blue state that has a strong, liberal teachers union that advocates curriculum and social engineering that doesn't agree with both my spiritual and my civic beliefs.

None of this is why we home school. We began home schooling so we could travel around and give my kids the adventure of a lifetime. We spent a year on the road and just started our second year out in July, it's been amazing. This was our reason for home schooling. All of these other benefits were just gravy. I came to it reluctantly, after doing it I would recommend it to anyone who has the time and inclination to do it.

I went to public school k-12 then university. We home school all 9 of ours. 2 are in high school and do most core courses online. The oldest is actually a sophomore in our community college, set to get her aa next April. The second does English, history, French online, I teach math (Pre algebra) and she has a private tutor for art. 3-7 are in a classical styled co-op. I teach the science experiments and guide them through their lessons brought the week at home and all math. The toddlers just hang around.

We love it. The kids are great, their friends are great. I wouldn't change anything.


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