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Were You Home-Schooled? (2 Viewers)

Were You Home-Schooled?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • No

    Votes: 174 98.3%

  • Total voters
I do not want my children to pick up on “the way the world works” when they are still young and fragile. I do not want them to think there is something wrong with them because we make different choices in religion, food, medicine, and so on. They are fully well aware that we do make different choices — I am very honest with them that most other families vaccinate because they believe it is best for them, that they eat processed food because they don’t know it is not healthy, that their babies are born in hospitals, and so on. They know that what we do is not that common outside our circle of friends (where most are a lot like us).
I immediately stopped reading at this.
I hope this person dies of Whooping Cough.

Somewhere between average and above average I'd say. Certainly smarter than a few posters I could name. And way smarter than every person I ever met claiming they could teach their kids every subject through every grade and do it better than the public schools.
Amazing. I've met hundreds if home school families and not one claimed any of what you are saying. But of course every one you have met ( emphasis on the 'one') is the extreme outlier.
Yeah I've met more than one. Go ahead and pretend most of the home schoolers are not fundies who don't tech their children anything remotely like what they'll need to be productive.

Oh and when you decide to teach your child at home you are certainly saying I can teach every subject through every grade to my child.
Oh you're going to get made fun of. Clearly you're not aware of the vast home school network where advanced math and science is taught to a level that meets and exceeds those unqualified high school teachers. Home schooling is all about getting your child the best education you know.
That isn't even close to true.

Somewhere between average and above average I'd say. Certainly smarter than a few posters I could name. And way smarter than every person I ever met claiming they could teach their kids every subject through every grade and do it better than the public schools.
Amazing. I've met hundreds if home school families and not one claimed any of what you are saying. But of course every one you have met ( emphasis on the 'one') is the extreme outlier.
Yeah I've met more than one. Go ahead and pretend most of the home schoolers are not fundies who don't tech their children anything remotely like what they'll need to be productive.

Oh and when you decide to teach your child at home you are certainly saying I can teach every subject through every grade to my child.
Oh you're going to get made fun of. Clearly you're not aware of the vast home school network where advanced math and science is taught to a level that meets and exceeds those unqualified high school teachers. Home schooling is all about getting your child the best education you know.
That isn't even close to true.
How do you know this? Do you home school your kids?

The one thing you can say about home schooling is that the parents care about the education of their kids. Which is more than you can say about 30% of the total population.

The one thing you can say about home schooling is that the parents care about the education of their kids. Which is more than you can say about 30% of the total population.
Or like in the article above and a poster here, they care more about sheltering their kids from the real world than they do about educating them.

Interesting discussion. One thing that is being overlooked and needs to be accounted for is the sacrifice that the parents are making. Financially, professionally, emotionally, socially, etc.

Some of my relatives homeschool their kids. The mom dropped a relatively lucrative job in pharmaceutical marketing to stay at home and homeschool. She did so mostly for religious reasons. Her kids are extremely bright, though a bit different socially. And the standard of living for the family has declined dramatically. Traveling is now non-existent.

It's a BIG decision.

The one thing you can say about home schooling is that the parents care about the education of their kids. Which is more than you can say about 30% of the total population.
Or like in the article above and a poster here, they care more about sheltering their kids from the real world than they do about educating them.
That's pretty stupid just like a lot of posts in this thread.

Somewhere between average and above average I'd say. Certainly smarter than a few posters I could name. And way smarter than every person I ever met claiming they could teach their kids every subject through every grade and do it better than the public schools.
Yeah, one on one teaching really is a terrible thing.

We just started with our 7 year old FWIW. Current plan is to take the kids up through 8th grade and let them go back to public school starting in high school. We'd probably not be doing it if our local district was great, but it is what it is.

And roboto is right. Our kids are involved in all sorts of things. There are plenty of BETTER ways to learn social interaction than public school.
Home schooling is just a gateway to grey market mexican cosmetic dental surgery...

We do not yet have kids, but my wife and I were both homeschooled for periods of time as kids, and we plan on homeschooling.

Given the facts that:

1. We are smarter than the average schoolteacher

2. We will care more about our kids than any schoolteacher

3. We won't have to divide our attention 30 ways

4. We will get them for the whole day, rather than in short blocks for different subjects

I think it's painfully obvious that my kids will receive a better education at home from an intelligent, motivated, loving set of parents who make this choice for the betterment of their kids. Roboto posted studies that show the facts bear this out. So that's what I will do. There are massive amounts of fantastic resources available for homeschooling parents these days. There are coops and private schools that teach subjects the parents may not be well versed in. Let's not pretend that the only reason to do it is so you can shelter your kids from the real world and teach them that Jesus rode around on a dinosuar clubbing gay people. Practically speaking, many homeschool kids get a better education than those who go to the public school system. Things like reading, writing, and math.

Homeschooling is not for everybody. It's a lot of work. If the parents aren't committed to it, the kids are probably better off at public school. I think public schools are fantastic, because not every kid has two parents. Many kids don't have parents whose work schedules even make it possible. Many parents don't think they can do it. Many parents really, really want a babysitter for most of the afternoon, and public schools are a great babysitter.

Homeschooling requires a huge investment in time and some investment in money on top of your taxes funding the public school system, but some are willing to do it because they think they can do better by their kids than the public school system. Good for them.
Number 1 is rather naive and arrogant

Homeschooling is not for everybody. It's a lot of work. If the parents aren't committed to it, the kids are probably better off at public school.
I see this argument all the time and disagree with it.

If you have all that energy then send the kids to public school plus spend time yourself with them after school.

School + Parents > Parents

Homeschooling is not for everybody. It's a lot of work. If the parents aren't committed to it, the kids are probably better off at public school.
I see this argument all the time and disagree with it.

If you have all that energy then send the kids to public school plus spend time yourself with them after school.

School + Parents > Parents
I forgot about this thread, but that is a great point. We moved to Charlotte and moved to an area with great schools (my oldest is in his 3 year of middle school Chinese, pretty sure I couldn't teach him that) and we would never have the time for homeschooling and based on some of our teachers, we wouldn't have done as thorough of a job. I would add that I did go to a top 10 university, so I am actually smarter than most, but I would have to quit to actually teach all 3 of my boys who are all in much different levels (3 years between each). I think we are far better off with school and my wife and I having dual incomes and working from home. I coach/help out on all of my son's sports teams so we spend a ton of time with them after school, but we could never do everything else we do without school.


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