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WR Josh Gordon, KC (1 Viewer)

Would a guy like Michael Irvin even make it into the Hall of Fame if he played today? Maybe I'm old and the NFL has really changed, but the reaction to Gordon is weird to me. Could be the amplified Twitter-web culture we live in, but Gordon's "transgressions" are kind of tame compared to stuff players were into in the decades prior. I mean, North Dallas Forty was based on true stories.

I have seen first hand the destruction that weed can do in not one life but thousands. Addicting or no it is a force that at the least equals alcohol and at it's apex can send many a human down a spiral staircase to mediocrity/bottom. Say what you want, legal or no, no good will come from it other than those using for legit medical reasons. This I think needs it's own thread....
I'm sure it's true but the same can be said of anything in the right person's hands or minds. You could have substituted the word 'food', or any number of normally harmless things, and it could still apply to thousands and in the same, or similar, context. When we're dealing with a population of 315 million in the US alone there are always going to be tens of thousands affected by something in a negative manner due to their inability to cope with it normally. That doesn't necessarily make whatever it is causing the damage evil.

What's the current over under for the next time he steps on the field in an NFL game? Week 5 2015?
I'm thinking it's even money that he ever steps foot on an NFL field again. He has to pass a whole lot of tests (that are now likely to include alcohol) before he can even apply for reinstatement. If the NFL policy changes, then it'll be time to reassess, but for now, I'm not sure how anyone could actually believe that it's likely he'll stay totally clean and out of trouble for a few months, much less years.

I pointed to Reefer Madness on YouTube and seriously doubt he watched it before responding. It is the greatest example of Federal government propaganda on this topic and a position that has not changed by the gov since the film was made in the 30s. I do not expect to change his mind, but the relentless anti-weed stance needs to be dropped. If a person does not like the green, no worries, just please stop posting ignorance on the topic in multiple threads day after day.

Two states down Ditka, many more to change their laws in the coming years. Your stance is dated and you are now in the minority.
I'm 100% in favor of legalizing marijuana (and all drugs for that matter) but I don't get the attitude of you guys who can't accept reality.
Stoners are like soccer fans. If you even hint that the object of their affection isn't 100% perfect in every way...hooo boy are you gonna hear about it!
I don't think that this is true. Just like the characterization of all stoners as living on a couch in their parents basement isn't true either. I know plenty of 30 and 40+ yr old people who consume marijuana in some way, shape, or form, and are perfectly functioning and successful people. I have enjoyed it myself off and on over the last 20 years, have always been employed, am plenty motivated, and while not I'm not among the 1% like most FBG's, I'm definitely not hurting financially. Over those 20 years, I have quit 4 different times, twice for employment opportunities, twice just because I decided I wanted a break. Never have I experienced any withdrawal symptoms, or had any difficulty quitting cold turkey. I understand that this is just anecdotal, but it does help me come down on the side of "not addictive". I will concede that I cannot speak for everyone, so perhaps some people do experience something different when quitting, but I've not met anyone like that in my travels. I do understand though, some do try to portray it as a magical substance that can cure everything, with no side effects... which is obviously not true. That doesn't mean all of us feel that way however. I believe it is like any substance, or chemical, that alters your state of mind... some people can handle it well, others cannot.
Absolute truth. It doesn't matter what label you put on it; call it "addiction" or "bad judgement" or "irresponsibility" or whatever you want. But weed absolutely is a problem for some people. In ten years in mental health / family court I saw plenty of people using weed to self-medicate for depression, anxiety, you name it. For a lot of those people, it definitely wasn't as simple as "just stop," even when far more serious consequences than Gordon is facing were in play.

For those who think he'll play in 2015 with 1 year suspension, can you show me a player who was reinstated in less than 16 months after a 1 year suspension?

People keep jumping on this "how dare you judge" bandwagon. Most of us are here to try to predict fantasy value of these players, that is it. You don't just read the tea leaves for numbers. guys like Gordon, Blackmon, and potentially Manziel, have to have thier off field behavior looked at as well. We are still trying to determine a value of these guys to our fantasy teams. I was beating the drum for Gordon and Blackmon last year as fantasy values due to deflated draft position relative to the upside. It wasn't because I was particularly find of either of them as people. This year, Blackmon is obviously useless, and Gordon's continued erratic behavior has almost certainly left him useless as well. This also has nothing to with them as people.

I honestly could care less if Gordon gets his #### together or not, I really don't feel the need to have some emotional tie to every player, or person for that matter. He is an adult, if he wants to throw a lucrative career away to get high, more power to him. I also don't care if the high and mighty among you feel like I am wrong for viewing him as just that... A potential fantasy asset. In viewing him as such, I will try to assess whether and when he will be playing again. Beyond that, Gordon means nothing to me.

I also think people have the right to judge anyone who drinks and drives as harshly as they wish. Many of us have lost family members or friends to drinking and driving, lives that cannot be repaired. I could give a damn about the poor sap who had his life financially upended because he chose to drink and drive. You knew the rules, you took that chance. The statistics bear out that the risk in doing so is immense, and is not confined to just affecting you. A lot of innocent people pay the price for the choices of drunk, or "buzzed" drivers. I think that gives the rest if us a right to judge them as harshly as we see fit.
It's a bit selfish is all... fantasy commodities or not, they're still people. It's tragic, yet we seem to just look right past the tragedy. I know this is a fantasy football board and it's fine to ask "what does this mean for my fantasy team!?" The thread has gone beyond that 70 pages ago and there's really no reason why we should be this far into this thread circle jerking about how rotten Gordon is and how much he f**ked up and how it hurts our chances to win money in fantasy football. He may never play another down of football or maybe he makes a turn around but we should be looking at what can be done to help these kids vs what are they going to do for ME now is all I'm saying. Until we have something definitive to know what it means for our fantasy teams, it would probably be more productive discussing something else.

This isn't me trying to be holier than thou, I just can't understand how someone could look past the real issues here.

This is beyond fantasy football and you're lying to yourself if you think it isn't. :shrug:
Between this thread and the Manziel thread, the amount of judgment going on in the SP is disgusting.

These threads have turned into circle jerks about how messed and hopeless these two are.

Talk about pissing in the pool...
Yeah, that will happen when young people are given an opportunity at success and massive enrichment and then fail to take advantage of it through the course of their own bad actions. Manziel is much more open for debate, but seriously, what did you expect in reaction to these two?
A bit more compassion and perhaps some empathy. Maybe even some well wishes and hope that they will somehow get help for the issues they're currectly facing.
You are making this all a little weird and for your own sanity, please do not ever go on Twitter or scroll to see the comments of your local news station, or any station for that matter. In fact, you may want to remove yourself from the internet completely.
I'm aware of the world I live in... it obviously deeply saddens me.
I think we sometimes forget that Fan stands for Fanatic. People are intrigued, pissed, bored, etc. it's all part of the sport and hobby.

For those who think he'll play in 2015 with 1 year suspension, can you show me a player who was reinstated in less than 16 months after a 1 year suspension?
A one year suspension being the entire 2014-2015 season, which hasn't even happened yet I might add.

Why wouldn't he be eligible for 2015/2016? I see no reason he can't

You guys are really putting too much significance to the latest .09 imo

For those who think he'll play in 2015 with 1 year suspension, can you show me a player who was reinstated in less than 16 months after a 1 year suspension?
don't ask for any precedence, it seems to really rile them up.
For those who think he'll play in 2015 with 1 year suspension, can you show me a player who was reinstated in less than 16 months after a 1 year suspension?
A one year suspension being the entire 2014-2015 season, which hasn't even happened yet I might add.

Why wouldn't he be eligible for 2015/2016? I see no reason he can't

You guys are really putting too much significance to the latest .09 imo
Has nothing to do with his DUI.

Here's what happens if he does get suspended for a year:

1. He can't apply for reinstatement until one year has passed.

2. The league doesn't start the process until it receives an application for reinstatement.

3. Other players like Tanard Jackson and Ricky Williams took 6-7 months (18/19 months total) after applying to be reinstated.

For those who think he'll play in 2015 with 1 year suspension, can you show me a player who was reinstated in less than 16 months after a 1 year suspension?
A one year suspension being the entire 2014-2015 season, which hasn't even happened yet I might add.

Why wouldn't he be eligible for 2015/2016? I see no reason he can't

You guys are really putting too much significance to the latest .09 imo
Has nothing to do with his DUI.

Here's what happens if he does get suspended for a year:

1. He can't apply for reinstatement until one year has passed.

2. The league doesn't start the process until it receives an application for reinstatement.

3. Other players like Tanard Jackson and Ricky Williams took 6-7 months (18/19 months total) after applying to be reinstated.
I'm not following..

If a player gets a 4 game suspension he will play week 5. There is no 6-7 month reinstatement process. Is the reinstatement process different for a 4 game suspension vs a season long suspension?

For those who think he'll play in 2015 with 1 year suspension, can you show me a player who was reinstated in less than 16 months after a 1 year suspension?
A one year suspension being the entire 2014-2015 season, which hasn't even happened yet I might add.

Why wouldn't he be eligible for 2015/2016? I see no reason he can't

You guys are really putting too much significance to the latest .09 imo
Has nothing to do with his DUI.

Here's what happens if he does get suspended for a year:

1. He can't apply for reinstatement until one year has passed.

2. The league doesn't start the process until it receives an application for reinstatement.

3. Other players like Tanard Jackson and Ricky Williams took 6-7 months (18/19 months total) after applying to be reinstated.
I'm not following..

If a player gets a 4 game suspension he will play week 5. There is no 6-7 month reinstatement process. Is the reinstatement process different for a 4 game suspension vs a season long suspension?
Players have to apply for reinstatement after a year suspension. They don't have to apply for reinstatement after a 4 game suspension.

The application takes time.

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weed is as addicting as caffeine
In this fantasy world where people make #### up, the word "addiction" has lost all meaning.
Well, part of the problem is the levels of addiction that can occur. We're talking the entire gamut from ridiculously low, like caffeine, to horrifyingly high, like heroin or alcohol. So here's the caffeine addict..."oh gee....it was awful. I felt like totally bad for 3 days" to the heroine addict or alcoholic "I had to go into forced rehab for 45 days and felt like I was going to die every single day, and I likely will never shake the urge to use it again"

weed is as addicting as caffeine
In this fantasy world where people make #### up, the word "addiction" has lost all meaning.
Well, part of the problem is the levels of addiction that can occur. We're talking the entire gamut from ridiculously low, like caffeine, to horrifyingly high, like heroin or alcohol. So here's the caffeine addict..."oh gee....it was awful. I felt like totally bad for 3 days" to the heroine addict or alcoholic "I had to go into forced rehab for 45 days and felt like I was going to die every single day, and I likely will never shake the urge to use it again"
From a physiological dependence perspective, caffeine is not ridiculously low at all. In fact, it's quite high (no pun intended). But, I do agree that the overuse of caffeine is likely less consequential than the overuse/abuse of other substances, including marijuana. I just take issue with the misuse of the term "addiction" in this context.

weed is as addicting as caffeine
In this fantasy world where people make #### up, the word "addiction" has lost all meaning.
Well, part of the problem is the levels of addiction that can occur. We're talking the entire gamut from ridiculously low, like caffeine, to horrifyingly high, like heroin or alcohol. So here's the caffeine addict..."oh gee....it was awful. I felt like totally bad for 3 days" to the heroine addict or alcoholic "I had to go into forced rehab for 45 days and felt like I was going to die every single day, and I likely will never shake the urge to use it again"
From a physiological dependence perspective, caffeine is not ridiculously low at all. In fact, it's quite high (no pun intended). But, I do agree that the overuse of caffeine is likely less consequential than the overuse/abuse of other substances, including marijuana. I just take issue with the misuse of the term "addiction" in this context.
And my intent was to agree with you despite the subsequent rant ;^ )

weed is as addicting as caffeine
In this fantasy world where people make #### up, the word "addiction" has lost all meaning.
Well, part of the problem is the levels of addiction that can occur. We're talking the entire gamut from ridiculously low, like caffeine, to horrifyingly high, like heroin or alcohol. So here's the caffeine addict..."oh gee....it was awful. I felt like totally bad for 3 days" to the heroine addict or alcoholic "I had to go into forced rehab for 45 days and felt like I was going to die every single day, and I likely will never shake the urge to use it again"
I miss cocaine and oxycodone more than weed, that's for sure.

Oh, I guess because you say it is so ...then yes you must be right...What have you got..I actually linked earlier in this thread http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/marijuana-addictive

I guess though I should blindly follow you because you say it is so.
Did that link come from a .gov? You are linking to a .gov on this topic? :clyde:
That's what gullible Americans do when they don't have first hand knowledge. They depend on the government for information.
And he thinks he's doing scientific research. :lmao:
Ha ha....yeah, as if the government doesn't have it's own agenda.
Yeah because getting it from a couple of stoners sitting around in their moms basement is much better. Go smoke a J kiddies. Come back when you are grown up men and not children.
Well that was certainly a mature statement. I'll look forward to what I can aspire to. But seriously, if you have more credence in an agency with their own agenda then more power to you. Certainly a person with over 35 yrs of first-hand experience, a college education, and who is now 61 and able to look back objectively, hasn't learned a thing. But I'm sure you'll have another snide remark about stoners. And BTW, I've been out of mom's house for 41 yrs...probably longer than you've been alive 'kiddie'. :nerd:
From one of your own professor....sound familar


Oh, I guess because you say it is so ...then yes you must be right...What have you got..I actually linked earlier in this thread http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/marijuana-addictive

I guess though I should blindly follow you because you say it is so.
Did that link come from a .gov? You are linking to a .gov on this topic? :clyde:
That's what gullible Americans do when they don't have first hand knowledge. They depend on the government for information.
And he thinks he's doing scientific research. :lmao:
Ha ha....yeah, as if the government doesn't have it's own agenda.
Yeah because getting it from a couple of stoners sitting around in their moms basement is much better. Go smoke a J kiddies. Come back when you are grown up men and not children.
Well that was certainly a mature statement. I'll look forward to what I can aspire to. But seriously, if you have more credence in an agency with their own agenda then more power to you. Certainly a person with over 35 yrs of first-hand experience, a college education, and who is now 61 and able to look back objectively, hasn't learned a thing. But I'm sure you'll have another snide remark about stoners. And BTW, I've been out of mom's house for 41 yrs...probably longer than you've been alive 'kiddie'. :nerd:
From one of your own professor....sound familarhttp://www.relativityonline.com/home/marijuana-it%E2%80%99s-not-addictive-you-just-happen-to-smoke-it-constantly-2/
Guy lost all credibility with me when he said the movie True Romance sucked. That movie is a classic, so the author cannot be trusted.
weed is as addicting as caffeine
In this fantasy world where people make #### up, the word "addiction" has lost all meaning.
Well, part of the problem is the levels of addiction that can occur. We're talking the entire gamut from ridiculously low, like caffeine, to horrifyingly high, like heroin or alcohol. So here's the caffeine addict..."oh gee....it was awful. I felt like totally bad for 3 days" to the heroine addict or alcoholic "I had to go into forced rehab for 45 days and felt like I was going to die every single day, and I likely will never shake the urge to use it again"
I miss cocaine and oxycodone more than weed, that's for sure.
Yup, most would. Those are highly addictive agents, in the truest sense of the term.

weed is as addicting as caffeine
In this fantasy world where people make #### up, the word "addiction" has lost all meaning.
Well, part of the problem is the levels of addiction that can occur. We're talking the entire gamut from ridiculously low, like caffeine, to horrifyingly high, like heroin or alcohol. So here's the caffeine addict..."oh gee....it was awful. I felt like totally bad for 3 days" to the heroine addict or alcoholic "I had to go into forced rehab for 45 days and felt like I was going to die every single day, and I likely will never shake the urge to use it again"
I miss cocaine and oxycodone more than weed, that's for sure.
See....there you are

I remember the good ol' days when this thread was actually about Josh Gordon.
I think folks are still deliberating about whether Gordon is an addict or stupid or both right now. Hang tight, the punch line is near. I think he's probably just stupid, but am leaving the door creaked open for the addiction folks to chime in again.

weed is as addicting as caffeine
In this fantasy world where people make #### up, the word "addiction" has lost all meaning.
An addiction is still an addiction. You may want to differentiate between 'harmful addictions' and 'less harmful addictions'.
That's a useful distinction in some circumstances. I have yet to be compelled by the argument that Gordon is an addict to marijuana based on what I know about the properties of marijuana its neurophysiological cascade of effects that in most instances are incongruent with the true meaning of addiction.

Anyone else enjoying this thread now that Soulfly is not littering it with his ridiculous out of touch with reality bias posts, I would like to describe his posting with much harsher words, but I already got a warning point when I did that pages ago with his uneducated comments.

He was only provoking everyone with his comments because they were full of outlandish remarks while they would get others worked up that some (myself) got a warning point for putting him in his place and all he was doing was trying to provoke people to type things that would upset mods. He has now run scared from facing the music of a situation that his mouth put him in, I hope the mods allow others to show how wrong he was with leeway since he brought this on himself and since he was demanding apologies and starting other threads to show how right he was.

Soulflys reputation and ability to post has been destroyed and that is a great joy for me, but whats bring me great joy is how scared he is to even come back to this site as Soulfly (We know he has been here as another alias) and others have used the word that describes that type of person.

Anyone else enjoying this thread now that Soulfly is not littering it with his ridiculous out of touch with reality bias posts, I would like to describe his posting with much harsher words, but I already got a warning point when I did that pages ago with his uneducated comments.

He was only provoking everyone with his comments because they were full of outlandish remarks while they would get others worked up that some (myself) got a warning point for putting him in his place and all he was doing was trying to provoke people to type things that would upset mods. He has now run scared from facing the music of a situation that his mouth put him in, I hope the mods allow others to show how wrong he was with leeway since he brought this on himself and since he was demanding apologies and starting other threads to show how right he was.

Soulflys reputation and ability to post has been destroyed and that is a great joy for me, but whats bring me great joy is how scared he is to even come back to this site as Soulfly (We know he has been here as another alias) and others have used the word that describes that type of person.
:no: really? take your beef with the guy offline. while this thread is already off track, your need to monitor SF3's every move (or non-move) is ridiculous.

Anyone else enjoying this thread now that Soulfly is not littering it with his ridiculous out of touch with reality bias posts, I would like to describe his posting with much harsher words, but I already got a warning point when I did that pages ago with his uneducated comments.

He was only provoking everyone with his comments because they were full of outlandish remarks while they would get others worked up that some (myself) got a warning point for putting him in his place and all he was doing was trying to provoke people to type things that would upset mods. He has now run scared from facing the music of a situation that his mouth put him in, I hope the mods allow others to show how wrong he was with leeway since he brought this on himself and since he was demanding apologies and starting other threads to show how right he was.

Soulflys reputation and ability to post has been destroyed and that is a great joy for me, but whats bring me great joy is how scared he is to even come back to this site as Soulfly (We know he has been here as another alias) and others have used the word that describes that type of person.
I've been reading this thread and a few others with great interest. I don't think Soulfly was too far off base and I'm actually surprised he's taken a little vacation from this thread.

The C Carter take kind of irked me in this way. I wonder if the eagles would have cut Carter if he had just had 1600+ yds in 14 games.

The truth is, he just wasn't that good at the time and it wasn't a hard decision to remove him from the roster.

This situation is not even close to his.

It cost the Browns nothing to keep him and see how it plays out.

They are building a running team to diminish the loss of Gordon.

Anyone else enjoying this thread now that Soulfly is not littering it with his ridiculous out of touch with reality bias posts, I would like to describe his posting with much harsher words, but I already got a warning point when I did that pages ago with his uneducated comments.

He was only provoking everyone with his comments because they were full of outlandish remarks while they would get others worked up that some (myself) got a warning point for putting him in his place and all he was doing was trying to provoke people to type things that would upset mods. He has now run scared from facing the music of a situation that his mouth put him in, I hope the mods allow others to show how wrong he was with leeway since he brought this on himself and since he was demanding apologies and starting other threads to show how right he was.

Soulflys reputation and ability to post has been destroyed and that is a great joy for me, but whats bring me great joy is how scared he is to even come back to this site as Soulfly (We know he has been here as another alias) and others have used the word that describes that type of person.
:no: really? take your beef with the guy offline. while this thread is already off track, your need to monitor SF3's every move (or non-move) is ridiculous.
Only on this forum would a guy who completely screwed a thread, page after page, and create friction with so many regular posters with his bias remarks so out of touch get defended. So who is going to hold him accountable, or anyone accountable for that matter, if they do not get ridicule when they make so many bad comments or projections. Just like people in the media, no accountability for the comments they make, they just want to say them.

Anyone else enjoying this thread now that Soulfly is not littering it with his ridiculous out of touch with reality bias posts, I would like to describe his posting with much harsher words, but I already got a warning point when I did that pages ago with his uneducated comments.

He was only provoking everyone with his comments because they were full of outlandish remarks while they would get others worked up that some (myself) got a warning point for putting him in his place and all he was doing was trying to provoke people to type things that would upset mods. He has now run scared from facing the music of a situation that his mouth put him in, I hope the mods allow others to show how wrong he was with leeway since he brought this on himself and since he was demanding apologies and starting other threads to show how right he was.

Soulflys reputation and ability to post has been destroyed and that is a great joy for me, but whats bring me great joy is how scared he is to even come back to this site as Soulfly (We know he has been here as another alias) and others have used the word that describes that type of person.
I've been reading this thread and a few others with great interest. I don't think Soulfly was too far off base and I'm actually surprised he's taken a little vacation from this thread.

The C Carter take kind of irked me in this way. I wonder if the eagles would have cut Carter if he had just had 1600+ yds in 14 games.

The truth is, he just wasn't that good at the time and it wasn't a hard decision to remove him from the roster.

This situation is not even close to his.

It cost the Browns nothing to keep him and see how it plays out.

They are building a running team to diminish the loss of Gordon.
This is your first post you have made and it is defending Soulfly with a username created 2 days ago? Just sayin'.

But lets entertain that.... Not to far off base? He was only defending everything said about Gordon as if Gordon was a saint. But after his latest arrest and being bailed out by a known felon while waiting for his appeal of a suspension for having an illegal substance which would be one of the many he has had in his short life. You are right I suppose, he was not off base defending him when the majority saw this as only a matter of time.

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Anyone else enjoying this thread now that Soulfly is not littering it with his ridiculous out of touch with reality bias posts, I would like to describe his posting with much harsher words, but I already got a warning point when I did that pages ago with his uneducated comments.

He was only provoking everyone with his comments because they were full of outlandish remarks while they would get others worked up that some (myself) got a warning point for putting him in his place and all he was doing was trying to provoke people to type things that would upset mods. He has now run scared from facing the music of a situation that his mouth put him in, I hope the mods allow others to show how wrong he was with leeway since he brought this on himself and since he was demanding apologies and starting other threads to show how right he was.

Soulflys reputation and ability to post has been destroyed and that is a great joy for me, but whats bring me great joy is how scared he is to even come back to this site as Soulfly (We know he has been here as another alias) and others have used the word that describes that type of person.
I've been reading this thread and a few others with great interest. I don't think Soulfly was too far off base and I'm actually surprised he's taken a little vacation from this thread.

The C Carter take kind of irked me in this way. I wonder if the eagles would have cut Carter if he had just had 1600+ yds in 14 games.

The truth is, he just wasn't that good at the time and it wasn't a hard decision to remove him from the roster.

This situation is not even close to his.

It cost the Browns nothing to keep him and see how it plays out.

They are building a running team to diminish the loss of Gordon.
Carter wasn't talking about Gordon from a football or business standpoint (as far as I could tell). He was saying the Browns should cut him, b/c it would be best for him. He said that his experience of getting cut was what opened his eyes and made him change his life.

Obviously, from a football and business perspective, the Browns shouldn't cut him. He's not making a huge salary, and (IIRC) if he gets suspended for a season, the Browns retain his rights for an additional year. If he can straighten himself out, the Browns will have a super WR returning to them for little cost.

Anyone else enjoying this thread now that Soulfly is not littering it with his ridiculous out of touch with reality bias posts, I would like to describe his posting with much harsher words, but I already got a warning point when I did that pages ago with his uneducated comments.

He was only provoking everyone with his comments because they were full of outlandish remarks while they would get others worked up that some (myself) got a warning point for putting him in his place and all he was doing was trying to provoke people to type things that would upset mods. He has now run scared from facing the music of a situation that his mouth put him in, I hope the mods allow others to show how wrong he was with leeway since he brought this on himself and since he was demanding apologies and starting other threads to show how right he was.

Soulflys reputation and ability to post has been destroyed and that is a great joy for me, but whats bring me great joy is how scared he is to even come back to this site as Soulfly (We know he has been here as another alias) and others have used the word that describes that type of person.
:no: really? take your beef with the guy offline. while this thread is already off track, your need to monitor SF3's every move (or non-move) is ridiculous.
Only on this forum would a guy who completely screwed a thread, page after page, and create friction with so many regular posters with his bias remarks so out of touch get defended. So who is going to hold him accountable, or anyone accountable for that matter, if they do not get ridicule when they make so many bad comments or projections. Just like people in the media, no accountability for the comments they make, they just want to say them.
Pointing out the lame stalking of a poster, isn't the same as defending that poster.

Can you understand the difference? Even with your 'bias' opinion?

Anyone else enjoying this thread now that Soulfly is not littering it with his ridiculous out of touch with reality bias posts, I would like to describe his posting with much harsher words, but I already got a warning point when I did that pages ago with his uneducated comments.

He was only provoking everyone with his comments because they were full of outlandish remarks while they would get others worked up that some (myself) got a warning point for putting him in his place and all he was doing was trying to provoke people to type things that would upset mods. He has now run scared from facing the music of a situation that his mouth put him in, I hope the mods allow others to show how wrong he was with leeway since he brought this on himself and since he was demanding apologies and starting other threads to show how right he was.

Soulflys reputation and ability to post has been destroyed and that is a great joy for me, but whats bring me great joy is how scared he is to even come back to this site as Soulfly (We know he has been here as another alias) and others have used the word that describes that type of person.
I've been reading this thread and a few others with great interest. I don't think Soulfly was too far off base and I'm actually surprised he's taken a little vacation from this thread.The C Carter take kind of irked me in this way. I wonder if the eagles would have cut Carter if he had just had 1600+ yds in 14 games.

The truth is, he just wasn't that good at the time and it wasn't a hard decision to remove him from the roster.

This situation is not even close to his.

It cost the Browns nothing to keep him and see how it plays out.

They are building a running team to diminish the loss of Gordon.
Carter wasn't talking about Gordon from a football or business standpoint (as far as I could tell). He was saying the Browns should cut him, b/c it would be best for him. He said that his experience of getting cut was what opened his eyes and made him change his life.Obviously, from a football and business perspective, the Browns shouldn't cut him. He's not making a huge salary, and (IIRC) if he gets suspended for a season, the Browns retain his rights for an additional year. If he can straighten himself out, the Browns will have a super WR returning to them for little cost.
How will they know if he had straightened himself out? Because he didn't get arrested for a year?

Should they then make plans for him to be their #1 WR? Can they trust him to be that? Ever?

People are talking about how the Browns are going to run the ball, to compensate. That kind of sucks, that they have to do that. What happens if he gets reinstated, next year? Can the Browns just count on him being there? No, they can't.

Anyone else enjoying this thread now that Soulfly is not littering it with his ridiculous out of touch with reality bias posts, I would like to describe his posting with much harsher words, but I already got a warning point when I did that pages ago with his uneducated comments.

He was only provoking everyone with his comments because they were full of outlandish remarks while they would get others worked up that some (myself) got a warning point for putting him in his place and all he was doing was trying to provoke people to type things that would upset mods. He has now run scared from facing the music of a situation that his mouth put him in, I hope the mods allow others to show how wrong he was with leeway since he brought this on himself and since he was demanding apologies and starting other threads to show how right he was.

Soulflys reputation and ability to post has been destroyed and that is a great joy for me, but whats bring me great joy is how scared he is to even come back to this site as Soulfly (We know he has been here as another alias) and others have used the word that describes that type of person.
How about a little less discussion of settling scores and schaudenfreude and a little more discussion of fantasy football. For all the talk about how much Soulfly has ruined this thread, it seems to be just as bad when he's not posting as it was when he was.

Anyone else enjoying this thread now that Soulfly is not littering it with his ridiculous out of touch with reality bias posts, I would like to describe his posting with much harsher words, but I already got a warning point when I did that pages ago with his uneducated comments.

He was only provoking everyone with his comments because they were full of outlandish remarks while they would get others worked up that some (myself) got a warning point for putting him in his place and all he was doing was trying to provoke people to type things that would upset mods. He has now run scared from facing the music of a situation that his mouth put him in, I hope the mods allow others to show how wrong he was with leeway since he brought this on himself and since he was demanding apologies and starting other threads to show how right he was.

Soulflys reputation and ability to post has been destroyed and that is a great joy for me, but whats bring me great joy is how scared he is to even come back to this site as Soulfly (We know he has been here as another alias) and others have used the word that describes that type of person.
I've been reading this thread and a few others with great interest. I don't think Soulfly was too far off base and I'm actually surprised he's taken a little vacation from this thread.The C Carter take kind of irked me in this way. I wonder if the eagles would have cut Carter if he had just had 1600+ yds in 14 games.

The truth is, he just wasn't that good at the time and it wasn't a hard decision to remove him from the roster.

This situation is not even close to his.

It cost the Browns nothing to keep him and see how it plays out.

They are building a running team to diminish the loss of Gordon.
Carter wasn't talking about Gordon from a football or business standpoint (as far as I could tell). He was saying the Browns should cut him, b/c it would be best for him. He said that his experience of getting cut was what opened his eyes and made him change his life.Obviously, from a football and business perspective, the Browns shouldn't cut him. He's not making a huge salary, and (IIRC) if he gets suspended for a season, the Browns retain his rights for an additional year. If he can straighten himself out, the Browns will have a super WR returning to them for little cost.
How will they know if he had straightened himself out? Because he didn't get arrested for a year?

Should they then make plans for him to be their #1 WR? Can they trust him to be that? Ever?

People are talking about how the Browns are going to run the ball, to compensate. That kind of sucks, that they have to do that. What happens if he gets reinstated, next year? Can the Browns just count on him being there? No, they can't.
If you are asking that many questions, I'm just guessing you don't know the answers yourself. Since all your sentences were virtually questions, I will answer for you.

They dont.

For this kid not getting arrested/in trouble for a year is a big step.



If he gets his stuff together

They will throw a lot to him.

You got this one right, nope, they cant.

Anyone else enjoying this thread now that Soulfly is not littering it with his ridiculous out of touch with reality bias posts, I would like to describe his posting with much harsher words, but I already got a warning point when I did that pages ago with his uneducated comments.

He was only provoking everyone with his comments because they were full of outlandish remarks while they would get others worked up that some (myself) got a warning point for putting him in his place and all he was doing was trying to provoke people to type things that would upset mods. He has now run scared from facing the music of a situation that his mouth put him in, I hope the mods allow others to show how wrong he was with leeway since he brought this on himself and since he was demanding apologies and starting other threads to show how right he was.

Soulflys reputation and ability to post has been destroyed and that is a great joy for me, but whats bring me great joy is how scared he is to even come back to this site as Soulfly (We know he has been here as another alias) and others have used the word that describes that type of person.
Really? With all due respect, you need to get a life. Maybe go do some charity work or help an old lady.

People can finger point at other people in this thread, but in the end, we all lose because Gordon is a special talent. He couldn't keep his head on straight and we probably won't see him play for awhile. Football is supposed to be entertainment and when you lose one of the more entertaining players, it stinks. Let's try not to forget that amongst all of the chest pounding about who is right and wrong...

Last edited by a moderator:
Anyone else enjoying this thread now that Soulfly is not littering it with his ridiculous out of touch with reality bias posts, I would like to describe his posting with much harsher words, but I already got a warning point when I did that pages ago with his uneducated comments.

He was only provoking everyone with his comments because they were full of outlandish remarks while they would get others worked up that some (myself) got a warning point for putting him in his place and all he was doing was trying to provoke people to type things that would upset mods. He has now run scared from facing the music of a situation that his mouth put him in, I hope the mods allow others to show how wrong he was with leeway since he brought this on himself and since he was demanding apologies and starting other threads to show how right he was.

Soulflys reputation and ability to post has been destroyed and that is a great joy for me, but whats bring me great joy is how scared he is to even come back to this site as Soulfly (We know he has been here as another alias) and others have used the word that describes that type of person.
I've been reading this thread and a few others with great interest. I don't think Soulfly was too far off base and I'm actually surprised he's taken a little vacation from this thread.The C Carter take kind of irked me in this way. I wonder if the eagles would have cut Carter if he had just had 1600+ yds in 14 games.

The truth is, he just wasn't that good at the time and it wasn't a hard decision to remove him from the roster.

This situation is not even close to his.

It cost the Browns nothing to keep him and see how it plays out.

They are building a running team to diminish the loss of Gordon.
Carter wasn't talking about Gordon from a football or business standpoint (as far as I could tell). He was saying the Browns should cut him, b/c it would be best for him. He said that his experience of getting cut was what opened his eyes and made him change his life.Obviously, from a football and business perspective, the Browns shouldn't cut him. He's not making a huge salary, and (IIRC) if he gets suspended for a season, the Browns retain his rights for an additional year. If he can straighten himself out, the Browns will have a super WR returning to them for little cost.
How will they know if he had straightened himself out? Because he didn't get arrested for a year?

Should they then make plans for him to be their #1 WR? Can they trust him to be that? Ever?

People are talking about how the Browns are going to run the ball, to compensate. That kind of sucks, that they have to do that. What happens if he gets reinstated, next year? Can the Browns just count on him being there? No, they can't.
They won't, only time will tell. However, they don't have a lot invested in him. He's under contract for 2014 for under $900K, and for 2015 for under $1.1M. If he is suspended for a year, I believe that his contract rolls over.

So, the Browns don't have anything to lose by keeping him. If he gets suspended, they have the extra roster spot to sign someone. It's not like they are going to get a #1WR for this season at this point.

Prior to next season, they shoudl try to fill the #1 WR spot (draft, FA, an in-house WR who steps up, etc), and if/when Gordon returns & has (hopefully) straightened his life out, they have a cheap stud WR to add to their WR corps.

Anyone else enjoying this thread now that Soulfly is not littering it with his ridiculous out of touch with reality bias posts, I would like to describe his posting with much harsher words, but I already got a warning point when I did that pages ago with his uneducated comments.

He was only provoking everyone with his comments because they were full of outlandish remarks while they would get others worked up that some (myself) got a warning point for putting him in his place and all he was doing was trying to provoke people to type things that would upset mods. He has now run scared from facing the music of a situation that his mouth put him in, I hope the mods allow others to show how wrong he was with leeway since he brought this on himself and since he was demanding apologies and starting other threads to show how right he was.

Soulflys reputation and ability to post has been destroyed and that is a great joy for me, but whats bring me great joy is how scared he is to even come back to this site as Soulfly (We know he has been here as another alias) and others have used the word that describes that type of person.
:no: really? take your beef with the guy offline. while this thread is already off track, your need to monitor SF3's every move (or non-move) is ridiculous.
Only on this forum would a guy who completely screwed a thread, page after page, and create friction with so many regular posters with his bias remarks so out of touch get defended. So who is going to hold him accountable, or anyone accountable for that matter, if they do not get ridicule when they make so many bad comments or projections. Just like people in the media, no accountability for the comments they make, they just want to say them.
I'm not sure what about this forum's purpose or goals leaves any place for ridicule. "The Shark Pool is reserved for sharing NFL talk and fantasy football strategy discussion." Mocking someone hardly seems to contribute to either.

i find the discussion on posting decorum to be slightly more interesting than arguing the semantics of addictive behavior/substances.

if there isn't some sort of accountability of the way people post/act, this forum will continue to suffer.

i've long found it odd that people can, let's put it nicely, needle other posters for quite some time and then just switch to another alias and continue on their way with no repercussions.

Anyone else enjoying this thread now that Soulfly is not littering it with his ridiculous out of touch with reality bias posts, I would like to describe his posting with much harsher words, but I already got a warning point when I did that pages ago with his uneducated comments.

He was only provoking everyone with his comments because they were full of outlandish remarks while they would get others worked up that some (myself) got a warning point for putting him in his place and all he was doing was trying to provoke people to type things that would upset mods. He has now run scared from facing the music of a situation that his mouth put him in, I hope the mods allow others to show how wrong he was with leeway since he brought this on himself and since he was demanding apologies and starting other threads to show how right he was.

Soulflys reputation and ability to post has been destroyed and that is a great joy for me, but whats bring me great joy is how scared he is to even come back to this site as Soulfly (We know he has been here as another alias) and others have used the word that describes that type of person.
:no: really? take your beef with the guy offline. while this thread is already off track, your need to monitor SF3's every move (or non-move) is ridiculous.
Only on this forum would a guy who completely screwed a thread, page after page, and create friction with so many regular posters with his bias remarks so out of touch get defended. So who is going to hold him accountable, or anyone accountable for that matter, if they do not get ridicule when they make so many bad comments or projections. Just like people in the media, no accountability for the comments they make, they just want to say them.
I'm not sure what about this forum's purpose or goals leaves any place for ridicule. "The Shark Pool is reserved for sharing NFL talk and fantasy football strategy discussion." Mocking someone hardly seems to contribute to either.
ridicule is probably a bit much. but there are posters who like to stir the pot a bit too much, and it seems unfair to posters who don't switch their names every few months.


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