Captain Cranks
I think this will be a runaway but let's see...
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I do not think he'd be in my top 20.I'll vote a listed choice - Jamie.
But I was tempted to go with other - Jaqen H'gar.
Your favorite character. Best written is either Cersei or Tyrion.Characters we like the most (Bronn, Tyrion, Lyanna Mormont) or best written (Varys or Baelish)?
He's too busy impregnating the #####I would have at least considered Sansa if she were an option. But she didn't make it while the likes of Joffrey and Baelish did.
I threw my vote to Brienne since I figured my other favorites would get votes without me (though I see Bronn hasn't yet).
Pretty tough one, could change. I'm going Lyanna Mormont quality over quantity.Your favorite character. Best written is either Cersei or Tyrion.
He is a survivor, self-deprecation and hos scenes wit Princess Mireen were very touchingDavos Seaworth, aye he is
Interesting. I think she is one of the duller characters in the story.Tyrion is my second fav. But I approached it with the mindset of: if I took this character out of this story, would I still have liked it as much? Daenerys Targaryen, Stormborn, The Unburnt, Breaker of Chains, Mother of Dragons, Khaleesi, Getter of my Vote
A principled man, and true. A knight worth his salt.He is a survivor, self-deprecation and hos scenes wit Princess Mireen were very touching
I agree with all this. Especially the part about Dany being dull.Interesting. I think she is one of the duller characters in the story.
I thought it would be Tyrion, but I think Jaime has taken his place in the last 1/3 of the story. I think a mistake was made putting Tyrion with Dany.
Tormund. Love him. His crush on Brienne kills me., Wildling with Red Beard,
Captain Cranks said:I agree with all this. Especially the part about Dany being dull.
Just a tour de force each time he is on the screen. An all time great villain, anti-hero, or whatever. Normal story terms for characters do not apply on this series.falguy said:Doesn't feel right picking just one but I picked Tywin. Expertly played by Dance.
Indeed. I was upset when he died. Pure entertainment.Love me some Joffrey. Kid was awesome.
Davos followed by Arya for me. Sansa and Bran my least favorite.hagmania said:Davos Seaworth, aye he is
Sansa isn't that far off, but I think I could name about 50 characters I would rather follow than Dany, Bran, or Ramsay.Sansa and Bran my least favorite.
Lol avatarDavos followed by Arya for me. Sansa and Bran my least favorite.
Great list.Tyrion
Ser Pounce
Yeah, Brienne makes the poll but not Tormund?? Poll fail.krista4 said:Tormund. Love him. His crush on Brienne kills me.
Can’t really argue with this. Just re-watched his trial episode (4.6) and he crushes it.Serious answer
Tyrion is one of the greatest TV characters in recent history.
I would put him up there with the likes of
Omar Little
Roger Sterling
Paulie Walnuts
Saul Goodman (in BB)
Maybe not the lead all the time but they steal the scene everytime.