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GM's thread about nothing (5 Viewers)

I think the world would be a better place if everybody just threw their cards up and admitted they just want to get drunk and laid. Of course world domination is pretty intriguing.

I'm drunk but I truly believe that music can change the world. You don't feel an ounce of hate when a really good song is on. You don't even need to understand the lyrics. You just understand.

started the spring gardening today. absolutely gorgeous out!! got my daughter excited about doing a big project during her spring break. she loves to pick out the flowers and what not, and now that she's a little older, i can have her help! she actually raked things into a nice pile today! :D
:jealousfinger:Did the earthquake do any damage to you? You're in SoCal, right?
No damage. I'm about 40 miles south of the epicenter. It shook my parents pretty good in their 5 story building, built in 1912, 10 miles or less from the epicenter. But no damage.

I blame krista for all this shaking..........

started the spring gardening today. absolutely gorgeous out!! got my daughter excited about doing a big project during her spring break. she loves to pick out the flowers and what not, and now that she's a little older, i can have her help! she actually raked things into a nice pile today! :D
:jealousfinger:Did the earthquake do any damage to you? You're in SoCal, right?
I've not read up on it but that quake measured higher than I figured. It wasn't that big of a deal. I felt a couple of jolts in close succession which I took to be someone jiggling the dinner table I was seated at, and that was it. :shrug:
Glad you're ok, red. I just saw a tidbit on the news with some footage from a baseball game - looked pretty scary based on that but I'm an East Coaster.
Long slow rollers...felt like I was having a stroke or was dizzy for some reason and was about to go down. It's an odd feeling. The one a few Easters ago, felt the same way. That one was in Baja and was a 7.2
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I'm still working up the courage to have Taco Bell breakfast
I haven't had Taco Bell in 20 years. I had friends that worked at one when we were in HS. Deplorable standards. No thanks.
Oh, I drink a lot
Which is why I love you. :hifive:

I'm still working up the courage to have Taco Bell breakfast
I haven't had Taco Bell in 20 years. I had friends that worked at one when we were in HS. Deplorable standards. No thanks.
You have to come to California to get real, authentic Taco Bell. It's delicious.
We have plenty "real" Mexican joints around here. That's where I go when I need my fix.
You poor *******. You probably have "real" sushi joints in the center of the country too.....please come to SoCal for a dodger/cards series

I've had some gnarly farts lately. Hot boxed my truck today and my son made a face.
I have had the most awesome farts of my life over the last 6 months. Deep deep resonating farts, that seem to echo a bit. Giant expulsions of mostly scent free joy. Just yesterday, I made lady raiders giggle like a school girl at about 6am....I let one fly that shocked me out of a deep slumber. it was slightly violent, and i was amazed that I hadn't #### the bed. The other version are the horrible horrible, wet, sloppy, poisonous bombs, that somehow don't ruin my shorts, but do peel paint of the walls......ahhh, flatulence. :D

I'm drunk but I truly believe that music can change the world. You don't feel an ounce of hate when a really good song is on. You don't even need to understand the lyrics. You just understand.
Thanks for sending down that youtube Kennedy Center wormhole, Bob. I don't know whether to cuss you or slap it high. I'm on the Buddy Guy tribute now.

Whoa, a GB just called and said he has to come over to talk to me about something. I told him to wait until the basketball game is over and he said he was on his way and it's really important and I'm the only one he can talk to about this. I'm guessing he's gay or has cancer. He's married, so probably not gay, but his wife is less attractive than Tre, so maybe he's not into chicks? I hope he's gay and not dying.
Even money someone cheated. I've had that discussion.
Yep.He cheated on his wife. He stared crying as he told me. I told him I thought it was gonna be cancer or he was gay, then I said "wait, did you cheat with a chick or a dude?" He laughed and said chick. Then he got serious and said "that's the other thing I need to tell you, the chick was a girl you dated, I slept with Kelly." I laughed and told him I never dated her, but she did give me hand job at your brother's wedding. He was shocked and said he thought for sure I dated her. I said "no chance, AND I'm pretty sure she blew your cousin at the same wedding and 2 of our other buddies banged her in the last 6 months." He kinda laughed that his "affair" didn't seem very special now. I told him he's still an ###shole if that made him feel better.

He's not sure if he still loves his wife and he's leaving tomorrow for a business trip for the week so he'll have some time alone to think things over. I told him to keep his #### in his pants and to either go home or be quiet so I can watch Louis CK on SNL. Right now he's fixing my toilet and he's gonna crash on my couch for the night. Strangely I feel like this whole thing is a victory over cancer. Then again I've been drinking booze and nyquil tonight so I am a little loopy.
Sounds like everyone gets to #### Kelly!

We went to see a house yesterday previously owned by tennis champion Bobby Riggs. Tennis court in the yard and all. Awesome place. Wife wants it. Owners are older and looking to downsize and so I suggested a swap. Not totally inconceivable but unlikely we make it work.

Zooks, gal set up some sort of chat deal on FB. GB that came out as gay a month or so ago said he would come over to drink with me but he was stuck in Troy which is a small city west of here. I replied, you should have used more lube. None of these other broads knows he's gay. At least I think.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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That one is pretty damn good. Love the shots of the First Couple grooving out.

ETA: Why is Letterman sitting with Led Zep? :lmao:
I don't know but that's why it makes it so awesome.
Kennedy Center Honors in 2012. The full Kravitz cover the full 20 min tribute

ETA The Kravitz cover is the best by far.
Watched the whole thing last night. Great stuff. :thumbup:


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