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The Russia Investigation: Trump Pardons Flynn (12 Viewers)

After Trump's canning of the AG Sessions, the DOJ decided it would be a good idea to write a memo defending it. Here it is.

The precedent they cite is that in 1866 AG James Speed resigned and Assistant AG Hubley Ashton was appointed by AG Speed as "ad interim Attorney General" from July 17th to July 23rd, 1866. That's what they're going with.

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Btw Speed resigned because of the increasingly erratic policies of Andrew Johnson, who of course was ultimately impeached. So, yeah, maybe that is a nice precedent. 

Apparently the main point of contention was that Speed wanted to recognize the rights of blacks to vote and Johnson wasn't super-thrilled with that and it was causing him problems.

The appointed AG whom the DOJ is relying on, Ashton, does not even appear on the DOJ's list of Attorneys General.

I hate sound bites.

"I did not, and of course, I looked for it, looked for it hard," Woodward answered. "And so you know, there we are. We’re going to see what Mueller has, and Dowd may be right. He has something that Dowd and the president don’t know about, a secret witness or somebody who has changed their testimony. As you know, that often happens, and that can break open or turn a case."

Ok, seriously ... WTF is going on with the Twitter accounts?

Fox News, National Enquirer, Wikileaks, Drudge, Kim.com, Jill Stein, Rudy Giluiani, Brad Parscale have reportedly all ceased Tweeting.

Those aren't all about Tucker Carlson.  But they do all have something in common.

Mitch blocks Flake’s bill to protect Mueller. Flake says he won’t to advance any judicial nominees until it’s brought to the senate floor.

ill believe it when I see it.

Mitch blocks Flake’s bill to protect Mueller. Flake says he won’t to advance any judicial nominees until it’s brought to the senate floor.

ill believe it when I see it.
He is right though. He may do his usual jellyfish thing, but Congress needs to stand up for itself regardless of political affiliation. Senate advise and consent is one of its key powers.

Mike Levine‏Verified account @MLevineReports

.@DevlinBarrett asked DOJ official: "Doesn't that mean that in theory the president under your interpretation could fire anyone he wants &...just make anyone a cabinet official?" Official responded: “I don't want to address hypotheticals," but then suggested Devlin was “correct”

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Serious question, if Mueller's report comes down and there is not solid proof of collusion, but there is overwhelming, indisputable evidence of money laundering, tax evasion, illegal use of campaign funds, and obstruction of justice, what do you think should happen to Trump?
If there is no evidence of collusion, people should apologize for calling us traitors, Kremlin bots, and gaslighting us for not believing in a false conspiracy theory.  

In a normal world- where Bush’s war crimes mattered, Obama was prosecuted for his role in Yemen, Hillary for hers in Libya, and the law actually applied to people besides Trump’s campaign operatives- I would say yes, he should be impeached.  It’s hard to tell there’s even a line anymore.  But I’ve been where you all are at now for 15 years.  This frame of reference where Trump is an existential threat to our otherwise polite society has no basis in reality, at least for me.  The perception of Trump as an imminent threat to democratic institutions rather than the natural byproduct of a system in decay has been oversold by mass media.  It’s alarmist, divisive and counterproductive. Worst of all, it absolves the architects who really paved the road to Trump of everything.  

If I thought a Pence presidency would be an improvement rather than a nightmarish religious theocracy, I’d be more supportive of the idea.  To answer your question- yes, he deserves impeachment on a purely empirical/legal level.  Predominantly for war crimes and corruption we already know about.  But in practice, I think it would have more negative consequences than it’s worth.  

I honestly don’t care if Trump paid off a porn star or evaded taxes.  Trump not paying his fair share for cruise missiles over the years isn’t a top-1000 concern for me from a criminal justice / govt accountability standpoint.  

The inner workings of the Mueller investigation are a total mess. They have found no collusion and have gone absolutely nuts. They are screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the answers they want. They are a disgrace to our Nation and don’t care how many lives the ruin. These are Angry People, including the highly conflicted Bob Mueller, who worked for Obama for 8 years. They won’t even look at all of the bad acts and crimes on the other side. A TOTAL WITCH HUNT LIKE NO OTHER IN AMERICAN HISTORY!

A few of you take note...this is what is called a link, its what people do to show the source of quoted material or supporting information.

How many lies can you count in one (well, its really two) tweets?  Also funny that these came right after proclaiming how smoothly the White House is running and anything saying otherwise is fake news.

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A few of you take note...this is what is called a link, its what people do to show the source of quoted material or supporting information.

How many lies can you count in one (well, its really two) tweets?  Also funny that these came right after proclaiming how smoothly the White House is running and anything saying otherwise is fake news.
Psst - Donnie - there’s no reason to have the Special Counsel look into bad acts “on the other side”.  The election was two years ago.  You won.  The “other side” can be investigated by the plain ‘ol FBI. 

Tellya one thing, if Whitaker does break the veil and give Trump inside info on the grand juries or investigation we’ll know it because El Jefe Naranja won’t be able to keep his big mouth shut about it, just like the hacked data.

If there is no evidence of collusion, people should apologize for calling us traitors, Kremlin bots, and gaslighting us for not believing in a false conspiracy theory.  

In a normal world- where Bush’s war crimes mattered, Obama was prosecuted for his role in Yemen, Hillary for hers in Libya, and the law actually applied to people besides Trump’s campaign operatives- I would say yes, he should be impeached.  It’s hard to tell there’s even a line anymore.  But I’ve been where you all are at now for 15 years.  This frame of reference where Trump is an existential threat to our otherwise polite society has no basis in reality, at least for me.  The perception of Trump as an imminent threat to democratic institutions rather than the natural byproduct of a system in decay has been oversold by mass media.  It’s alarmist, divisive and counterproductive. Worst of all, it absolves the architects who really paved the road to Trump of everything.  

If I thought a Pence presidency would be an improvement rather than a nightmarish religious theocracy, I’d be more supportive of the idea.  To answer your question- yes, he deserves impeachment on a purely empirical/legal level.  Predominantly for war crimes and corruption we already know about.  But in practice, I think it would have more negative consequences than it’s worth.  

I honestly don’t care if Trump paid off a porn star or evaded taxes.  Trump not paying his fair share for cruise missiles over the years isn’t a top-1000 concern for me from a criminal justice / govt accountability standpoint.  
So you think tax evasion, campaign fund violations, and obstruction of justice should be taken out of law books and made legal?  Or you just don't care if Trump did those things?

From the Mike Flynn files:

NBC Politics‏Verified account @NBCPolitics 17m17 minutes ago

NEW: Exclusive: Trump admin. officials asked federal law enforcement agencies to examine legal ways of removing exiled Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen from US in attempt to persuade Turkish Pres. Erdogan to ease pressure on Saudi gov't, four sources say.

From the Mike Flynn files:

NBC Politics‏Verified account @NBCPolitics 17m17 minutes ago

NEW: Exclusive: Trump admin. officials asked federal law enforcement agencies to examine legal ways of removing exiled Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen from US in attempt to persuade Turkish Pres. Erdogan to ease pressure on Saudi gov't, four sources say.
We keep saying there's never a bottom, but sacrificing an innocent man to take the pressure off a cold-blooded murderer has got to be pretty close.

Trump-appointed judge upholds Mueller's indictment against Russian troll farm

(CNN)A federal judge on Thursday upheld a federal indictment against the Russian troll farm accused of meddling in the 2016 election, handing a victory to special counsel Robert Mueller.

In a 32-page opinion, Judge Dabney Friedrich rejected efforts by Concord Management and Consulting to dismiss the indictment, which accused the Russian company of conspiring to defraud the US government. Mueller's team says the company was involved in a well-funded "troll farm" that pumped out political propaganda to millions of Americans throughout the 2016 presidential campaign.

It was the second time that Friedrich, a Trump appointee, sided with Mueller and let the case proceed. Earlier this year, she rebuffed Concord's arguments that there were constitutional problems with Mueller's appointment and authority. Thursday's ruling centered more on the merits of the indictment.


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