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The Russia Investigation: Trump Pardons Flynn (3 Viewers)

Trump-appointed judge upholds Mueller's indictment against Russian troll farm

(CNN)A federal judge on Thursday upheld a federal indictment against the Russian troll farm accused of meddling in the 2016 election, handing a victory to special counsel Robert Mueller.

In a 32-page opinion, Judge Dabney Friedrich rejected efforts by Concord Management and Consulting to dismiss the indictment, which accused the Russian company of conspiring to defraud the US government. Mueller's team says the company was involved in a well-funded "troll farm" that pumped out political propaganda to millions of Americans throughout the 2016 presidential campaign.

It was the second time that Friedrich, a Trump appointee, sided with Mueller and let the case proceed. Earlier this year, she rebuffed Concord's arguments that there were constitutional problems with Mueller's appointment and authority. Thursday's ruling centered more on the merits of the indictment.

Slapdash said:
From the Mike Flynn files:

NBC Politics‏Verified account @NBCPolitics 17m17 minutes ago

NEW: Exclusive: Trump admin. officials asked federal law enforcement agencies to examine legal ways of removing exiled Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen from US in attempt to persuade Turkish Pres. Erdogan to ease pressure on Saudi gov't, four sources say.
So Turkey can then execute the cleric...what an administration.  Turn a blind eye to the murder of a journalist and now looking to turn over a cleric so he can be murdered.

SaintsInDome2006 said:
Tellya one thing, if Whitaker does break the veil and give Trump inside info on the grand juries or investigation we’ll know it because El Jefe Naranja won’t be able to keep his big mouth shut about it, just like the hacked data.
A lot of people are saying....

Slapdash said:
From the Mike Flynn files:

NBC Politics‏Verified account @NBCPolitics 17m17 minutes ago

NEW: Exclusive: Trump admin. officials asked federal law enforcement agencies to examine legal ways of removing exiled Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen from US in attempt to persuade Turkish Pres. Erdogan to ease pressure on Saudi gov't, four sources say.
Ryan Goodman‏Verified account @rgoodlaw 4h4 hours ago

"At first there were eye rolls, but once they realized it was a serious request, the career guys were furious," said a senior U.S. official involved in the process.

Ryan Goodman‏Verified account @rgoodlaw 4h4 hours ago

"Justice Department officials responded to the White House's request saying the review of Turkey's case against Gulen two years ago showed NO BASIS for his extradition and that no new evidence to justify it has emerged..." (@carolelee @JuliaEAinsley @ckubeNBC reporting) [end]

Trump-appointed judge upholds Mueller's indictment against Russian troll farm

(CNN)A federal judge on Thursday upheld a federal indictment against the Russian troll farm accused of meddling in the 2016 election, handing a victory to special counsel Robert Mueller.

In a 32-page opinion, Judge Dabney Friedrich rejected efforts by Concord Management and Consulting to dismiss the indictment, which accused the Russian company of conspiring to defraud the US government. Mueller's team says the company was involved in a well-funded "troll farm" that pumped out political propaganda to millions of Americans throughout the 2016 presidential campaign.

It was the second time that Friedrich, a Trump appointee, sided with Mueller and let the case proceed. Earlier this year, she rebuffed Concord's arguments that there were constitutional problems with Mueller's appointment and authority. Thursday's ruling centered more on the merits of the indictment.
You gonna get laid off, comrade?

What in th'?  That was definitely a Politico story when I read it.

Whatevs.  That is the right story.  Thanks for cleaning up after me again Henry.  Do you do windows?
It may be on politico, but your link links back to footballguys.

And if you mean have I ever had sexual relations with a window, I would thank you to keep your questions to yourself and ask that in the future you refrain from speaking to my neighbor.

Is that the second such suit? I remember catching the tail end of a report about something similar yesterday, but I don’t recall the particulars of the case. It seems like a brilliant idea.
Yes the state of Maryland has made a motion seeking a declaration of the appropriateness of the appointment in an ongoing case. Potentially anything the DOJ does at Whitaker’s instruction could be illegal. It can arise in almost any situation.

Yes the state of Maryland has made a motion seeking a declaration of the appropriateness of the appointment in an ongoing case. Potentially anything the DOJ does at Whitaker’s instruction could be illegal. It can arise in almost any situation.
Right. Thanks. I think you’re dead on that we will see a lot of these filings.

Zoe Tillman‏Verified account @ZoeTillman

FollowingFollowing @ZoeTillman


Lawyers for Paul Manafort and Mueller's office filed a joint request tonight to extend the deadline to update the judge in DC about the status of things — report is currently due tomorrow. They've asked to file 11/26, saying they'll be able to give info "of greater assistance"
Mueller’s team typically does not disclose anything in these court findings until they are publicly known. A reasonable assumption would be that between tomorrow and 11/26 someone is going to get indicted based on the cooperation of Manafort. But that doesn’t really narrow it down because Manafort likely has info on Stone, Jr and just about anyone else.

For those not following that Trump is very likely on a road to serious repercussions.  There’s already an indictment where he’s named as an unindicted co-conspirator.  It confirms that he was willing to conspire to commit crimes, and did so in an insular way where he gave instructions verbally without records.  Do you really think this behavior was isolated and not systemic.  Now we have several witnesses who have flipped and will corroborate this MO and details of crimes.  And lest that circumstantial evidence be too little to nab the kingpin, there will be tax returns and other financial records and Cohen has tapes to prove the conduct and willingness to break laws.  So good luck if you think this is all just a brief passing shower.  
I’m afraid what you say is true, and it won’t matter.  

I’m afraid what you say is true, and it won’t matter.  
Won’t matter in terms of Trump will not face removal from office as a result of all this, I 100% agree with you. 

Won’t matter in terms of this will continue to damage Trump’s reputation among everyone but his most rabid fans, making his re-election chances far more unlikely than they would be without this investigation, and very possibly placing a permanent historical stain on this Presidency if collusion and obstruction turn out to be true- I disagree with you. I think it will matter. 

A lot of buzz and trump is panicking...they can’t answer some of mueller written questions likely because it would be admitting to a crime...interesting times. 

A lot of buzz and trump is panicking...they can’t answer some of mueller written questions likely because it would be admitting to a crime...interesting times. 

A lot of buzz and trump is eating pancakes...they can’t answer some of mueller written questions likely because it would be admitting to a crime...interesting times. 

A lot of buzz and trump is eating pancakes...they can’t answer some of mueller written questions likely because it would be admitting to a crime...interesting times. 
Plus he just hates eating pancakes without syrup or a Big Mac.

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Mueller’s team typically does not disclose anything in these court findings until they are publicly known. A reasonable assumption would be that between tomorrow and 11/26 someone is going to get indicted based on the cooperation of Manafort. But that doesn’t really narrow it down because Manafort likely has info on Stone, Jr and just about anyone else.
Didn't Trump at one point reportedly state that only Manafort had the goods on him - back when Manafort wasn't cooperating?

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A lot of buzz and trump is eating pancakes...they can’t answer some of mueller written questions likely because it would be admitting to a crime...interesting times. 
I find that last part difficult to believe.  

I expect a lot of "I don't recall" in Trump's answers, which may be perjury, but difficult to prove, but its not admitting to a crime....

Slapdash said:
From the Mike Flynn files:

NBC Politics‏Verified account @NBCPolitics 17m17 minutes ago

NEW: Exclusive: Trump admin. officials asked federal law enforcement agencies to examine legal ways of removing exiled Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen from US in attempt to persuade Turkish Pres. Erdogan to ease pressure on Saudi gov't, four sources say.
These ####### guys.

The disclosure came in a filing in a case unrelated to Assange. Assistant U.S. Attorney Kellen S. Dwyer, urging a judge to keep the matter sealed, wrote that “due to the sophistication of the defendant and the publicity surrounding the case, no other procedure is likely to keep confidential the fact that Assange has been charged.” Later, Dwyer wrote the charges would “need to remain sealed until Assange is arrested.”

NYT on the accidental filing about Assange.

>>While the filing started out referencing Mr. Kokayi, federal prosecutors abruptly switched on its second page to discussing the fact that someone named “Assange” had been secretly indicted, and went on to make clear that this person was the subject of significant publicity, lived abroad and would need to be extradited — suggesting that prosecutors had inadvertently pasted text from a similar court filing into the wrong document and then filed it.<<

- Apparently the same lawyer was in 2 cases.

- It’s not clear if Assange has been charged, this could have been from a draft for Assange. Or maybe he just had ‘Assange’ on the brain and wrote that instead of the actual defendant’s name.

- Even if Assange has been indicted, it’s not clear for what - Manning, or the election, or Vault7/Schulte, or some or all of that.

- eta: >>People familiar with the matter said what Dwyer was disclosing was true, but unintentional.<< - WaPo

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Seems to be a lot of twitter speculation that something will drop today
Not unexpected given the number of unhinged Tweets Trump did yesterday concerning the Mueller investigation, as if he is expecting the other shoe to drop, or a closet full of them.

Trump is reportedly ready to submit his answers to some* of Mueller's written questions.

I wonder what the odds are that, even with his attorney's answering these questions for him  - he has still committed pejury?

*some = "only about the Russian interference"  no answers to any questions about obstruction of justice.
Trump was just asked about this.  He replied "My lawyers aren't working on that, I'M working on that, I write the answers, my lawyers don't write answers, I write answers. I was asked a series of questions, I answered them very easily, very easily. I'm sure they're tripped up because you know they like to catch people gee(?) with the weather sunny or was it rainy. He said it may have been a good day it was rainy therefore he told a lie! He perjured himself! Okay so, uh, you always have to be careful when you answer questions with people who probably have bad intentions. But uh,no it's ahh the questions were very routinely answered by me. "

:lmao: Way to paint yourself into a corner you buffoon. 

Trump is reportedly ready to submit his answers to some* of Mueller's written questions.

I wonder what the odds are that, even with his attorney's answering these questions for him  - he has still committed pejury?

*some = "only about the Russian interference"  no answers to any questions about obstruction of justice.
Pejury: the crime of lying under oath about Russian prostitutes.

Trump was just asked about this.  He replied "My lawyers aren't working on that, I'M working on that, I write the answers, my lawyers don't write answers, I write answers. I was asked a series of questions, I answered them very easily, very easily. I'm sure they're tripped up because you know they like to catch people gee(?) with the weather sunny or was it rainy. He said it may have been a good day it was rainy therefore he told a lie! He perjured himself! Okay so, uh, you always have to be careful when you answer questions with people who probably have bad intentions. But uh,no it's ahh the questions were very routinely answered by me. "

:lmao: Way to paint yourself into a corner you buffoon. 
Assuming that's a real quote... It's still shocking how often I read a Trump quote and think to myself "if I heard someone talking like that in my office, I'd think he's a moron." 


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